Chapter 129

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The setting of this world is even more bizarre than the brother world he has been to: Human gender has evolved into three types on the basis of male and female: alpha, ba, omega: So there are a total of six genders in this world.

The level of physical fitness and mental power in this world is divided into F, E: D, C: B: A, S, SS, SSS: Physical fitness can be enhanced through acquired training: But the level of mental power is generally from birth It was decided that most people's spiritual power cannot be changed in their entire life unless they encounter special circumstances that cause the mental power to mutate.

Alphas are very strong in both physical and mental strength: generally at A or above: They are mainly responsible for the work of leaders and soldiers, which are the masters of the world.

ba is generally below B or below in terms of physical fitness and mental strength. The intelligence is also average, the ability in all aspects is mediocre, but it is the largest proportion of the population, and it is the backbone of the world: they can have children: but the fertility is average.

The omega's body is very delicate: most of the physiques are between E and F, but the individual differences in spiritual power are huge, and some omega's spiritual power is extremely high: it can even reach S. Due to physical reasons, omegas can hardly undertake any work, and should be reduced to the bottom of the society, but they have one of the biggest advantages, that is, they can give birth, and the children born can inherit the excellent genes from their fathers to the greatest extent. Children born with higher omegas generally have higher mental strength.

In order to continue the excellent genes and give birth to the same excellent offspring, alphas generally choose to combine with omegas, and omegas with high spiritual power are sought after by aristocratic families, but the number of omegas is very rare, and the spiritual power is high. There are very few of them, so such omegas are especially precious.

The protagonist of this world, Shou Qiao Zhiyan, is a rare omega with a mental strength of S. Such an excellent omega has attracted the attention of the royal family and aristocratic families since birth. Through genetic matching, it was found that his match with the second prince was as high as 90%. So when he was still a baby, he already had a marriage contract with the second prince, who was only four years old at the time.

The second prince, Yan Lai, is an alpha of physique and spiritual power. Such aptitude is definitely the best among alphas. If other omegas can have such a fiancé who is top-notch in both family background and aptitude, they will definitely be very satisfied and give up on him. , but Qiao Zhiyan completely despised the second prince.

He has been sought after since he was a child, and he has developed a temper that his eyes are higher than the top. He feels that such an excellent omega must be matched with the strongest alpha in the world, and this person is the prince of the empire, Yan Lai's eldest brother - Yan Xun, the only alpha in the empire that has reached 3s in both physical and mental power.

Qiao Zhiyan is not stupid. Over the years, the Qiao family's children have not been very promising. Although they still retain the title, they are very poor inside. It was because of the engagement with the second prince. If he takes the initiative to break off the marriage, he will certainly offend the royal family, not to mention marrying the prince, I am afraid that even the usual scenery cannot be maintained.

Qiao Zhiyan didn't want to bear the consequences of breaking off the marriage, so he added a drug to make the omega enter the estrus period early in the drink of the original client Gu Ziyu at a banquet, and also designed to lock him and the second prince in a room, so that the two There was a relationship, and then he broke it with someone. Not only did he get out of the marriage smoothly, but he also received the guilt of the second prince and the compensation from the royal family.

Omega's cherished resources cannot be wasted. If they reach a certain age and are not married, the Empire will match their genes with the alphas of the whole country.

Although Qiao Zhiyan had already been married once when he was born, because his marriage contract with the second prince was gone, he could only do it again. He secretly did some tricks and changed the match between himself and Yan Xun to 80%. It's not that he didn't want to change it higher, but the genetic match finally showed the pair with the highest match, while the match between him and the second prince was originally. The degree is only 90%. If he changes too much, it will lead to suspicion.

Although the 80% match is not too high, it has already surprised the emperor very much, because Yan Xun's mental power is too high, and the average omega can't stand even if he is in the same space as him, and the match is even 50%. nothing. Yan Xun is his pride, but his son has never been able to find a suitable omega. He has been worried that his son's excellent genes will not be able to continue, and he is very worried about this. Now that he got this result, he wanted to marry the two without saying a word. At this time, Yan Xun, who was fighting the Zerg on the battlefield, suddenly had a fiancé to himself, and the other party was his brother's ex-fiancé. known.

Qiao Zhiyan, who had achieved his goal, was not happy for long when news of Yan Xun's death came on the battlefield. It turned out that Yan Xun and the others met the Zerg Queen this time. The Zerg Queen's mental power is also 3s, and the reproductive ability is extremely strong. The most difficult thing is that it can quietly live in the human body, allowing the Zerg to mix with the human. , is overwhelming. Yan Xun didn't want his soldiers to make fearless sacrifices, and immediately ordered everyone to retreat. He stayed alone to deal with the Zerg Queen, and finally perished with the Zerg Queen.

Yan Xun died like this and became a hero for all mankind. The power of the Zerg who lost the queen was greatly weakened and entered the stage of recuperation. Humanity ushered in peace that lasted for decades, and these were brought by Yan Xun.

Without Yan Xun, Yan Lai, as the only prince of the royal family, finally became the emperor, and the original owner also became the queen. The two also gave birth to two alphas whose physique and mental strength were s.

Qiao Zhiyan's agency was in vain in the end, and then once again married an alpha with good family background and aptitude through genetic matching. The alpha was very good to him, but he was very unwilling. Originally, he should be the queen. The position where Gu Ziyu was sitting should belong to him.

The omega's body is inherently delicate, and Qiao Zhiyan has been devoured by unwillingness and jealousy for a long time. The life expectancy of an interstellar man is usually two hundred years, and he died before he was seventy.

Qiao Zhiyan didn't expect that he would be reborn. When he opened his eyes, he found that he happened to be reborn at the banquet he designed for Gu Ziyu and Yan Lai. At this time, Gu Ziyu had already drank the spiced drink, while Yan Lai's His clothes were soiled by the wine glass he knocked over on purpose, and he was going to change his clothes.

In the previous life, Yan Lai was taken to Gu Ziyu's room by the person arranged by Qiao Zhiyan. Gu Ziyu's estrus period was earlier due to drugs. As soon as Yan Lai went in, he lost his mind when he smelled the strong pheromone in omega's estrus period, and went uncontrollably with Gu Ziyu. relationship occurred.

In this life, of course Qiao Zhiyan would not let Yan Lai go to that room again. He personally took Yan Lai to another room to change his clothes. As for Gu Ziyu who was in estrus, this person stole everything that belonged to him in his previous life. He doesn't care what happens to him.

The original owner was a premature baby. When Gu's mother was pregnant with Gu Ziyu, she happened to encounter a Zerg invasion. As a soldier, Gu's father had to leave his pregnant wife. When Gu's mother was eight months pregnant, she received the news of Gu's father's sacrifice on the front line. As soon as Gu's mother was in a hurry, she gave birth prematurely. The original owner was born very weak, and was raised in a special nutrition warehouse for three years before slowly recovering to health, and his physique and mental strength were only f.

Using drugs to advance the estrus period is already very harmful to the body, and after the estrus, it can't be relieved for a long time. In addition, the original owner's body is already weaker than the average omega. After all this, how could the original owner survive , When the Gu family looked for the original owner everywhere, they found his body.

The death of the original owner only made Qiao Zhiyan sigh: He didn't have time to avenge the revenge of the previous life, and he didn't expect people to die.

In this life, Qiao Zhiyan made up his mind to be with Yan Lai, and he was more warm and considerate to him than in his previous life. Yan Lai liked him from the beginning, and felt his changes, and was naturally sweet in his heart. The two married sweetly all the way. Later, Yan Xun died with the Zerg queen like the previous life. Yan Lai was named the prince, and later became the emperor. The children born by Gu Ziyu in the previous life are better qualified.

To sum up, the original plot is probably the sweet love story of Slag Shou rebirth and repentance, and then sprinkles sugar with the loyal dog all the way, and the original owner who was forcibly dragged into between him and Yan Lai by Qiao Zhiyan is very innocent in both past and present lives.

Needless to say in this life, the original owner lost his life inexplicably.

As for the previous life, Qiao Zhiyan only knew that the original owner eventually became the queen, but he didn't know that after Yan Lai had a relationship with the original owner, although the two got married, Yan Lai always misunderstood that the original owner had designed it, and was very fond of him. Disgusted, the two respected each other like ice for a lifetime, and the original owner was not happy. Because of his guilt towards Qiao Zhiyan, Qiao Zhiyan became Yan Lai's white moonlight. If it wasn't for the fact that the empire's law was monogamous and preferred to protect omega's, Yan Lai would have divorced the original owner and married Qiao Zhi. Word.

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