Chapter 127

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Qi Zhan: "Your teammates are still as lively as always: their temperament is not the same as yours."

"Admiral Qi has a lot more expressive expressions." Qin Shuo pointedly glanced at Jiang Cheng in his arms. , with ridicule.

"Each each other."

Seeing that the two were so familiar, Jiang Cheng curiously said, "Uncle Qi: You and Qin Shuo know each other."

"Well, we knew each other when we were on a mission." Qi Zhan nodded, but his eyes were on Xie Jing Xing. , that is, knowing that the child said it casually: He is still haunted by what the child said before.

Reconcile with the one you like: Jiang Cheng had long forgotten what he said a few minutes ago and knew nothing about Qi Zhan's jealousy, seeing him looking at Xie Jing Xing, he quickly introduced, "Uncle Qi: This is Ye Mian: He is my savior." Then he briefly talked about what happened in False Creek Village.

After hearing this, Qi Zhan only felt scared, if Xie Jing Xing and the others hadn't happened to pass through Fuxi Village on that day, he knew that with the violence of a child, he would definitely destroy his appearance: This might protect his innocence; How much pain to eat, fortunately.

Qi Zhan looked at Xie Jing Xing with sincere gratitude: "Mr. Ye, thank you for saving Xiao Cheng."

Xie Jing Xing waved his hand: "It's just an effort, don't take it to heart." In such a situation: as long as you remain a human being The basic bottom line: it's impossible to sit idly by.

Qi Zhan kept this kindness in his heart: when it came to his children, nothing was a trivial matter, and he always had a feeling that if the child hadn't happened to be rescued by Xie Jing Xing, the child would definitely eat a lot this time Sadly, their relationship will not be so smooth.

Xiao Xiangheng looked at the people who were talking in front of him and didn't come forward, and he didn't feel bad because of Jiang Cheng's ignorance. Although he also participated in the matter of Fuxi Village, he did not think he had any credit for saving Jiang Cheng.

If it was him in the past, he would definitely take the opportunity to make friends with the base chief, but after experiencing Xie Jing Xing's powerful coercion and clearly aware of the gap in strength, what he wants to improve most now is his own strength, and his pursuit of power is not that much. Urgent, the original ambitions that were bred because of the arrival of the end times also faded.

If Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo were willing, he would not even mind being their subordinates and would be willing to surrender, but neither of them had the ambition to dominate the end times.

Even with Qi Zhan there, for the safety of the base, a three-hour quarantine is indispensable. When three hours came, Qi Zhan couldn't wait to carry Jiang Cheng away.

Xiao Xiangheng led the others to Xie Jingxing and Qin Shuo: "Mr. Ye, Mr. Qin, thank you both for your care along the way. If you need help in the future, you can always come to me. I will define you."

Xie Jing Xing was actually a little apologetic to Xiao Xiangheng's group, because he absorbed the space of the wooden bracelet, and even the materials inside were collected by him, but most of these materials were collected by Xiao Xiangheng and the others. This kind of possession made him a little deliberately not going, and he could only find an opportunity to compensate for these materials in the future.

Xie Jing Xing: "If you need our help, you can also come to us."

This sentence is equivalent to Xie Jing Xing's promise, which is much more precious than materials. Of course, the premise is that his principles cannot be violated. Although he did not say this sentence, but after getting along for more than a month, everyone also has an understanding of his behavior.

Everyone got Xie Jing Xing's words and left happily.

The morning sun is gentle and warm, pouring in from the window. Feeling the light, Xie Jing Xing's curled and thick eyelashes trembled, but he did not open his eyes, the sun shone on his body warmly and was very comfortable, he didn't want to get up. Feeling the warmth around him, he rubbed it subconsciously, dazedly recalled it with his not very clear mind, made sure there was nothing important today, and went back to sleep.

His small face with a little baby fat was pressed against the pillow, his lips were slightly pouty, and he even snored, and his sleeping face was as cute and cute as a baby.

"Heh." Qin Shuo, who had woken up early, was so cute that his heart trembled, a low smile overflowed from his throat, and a gentle smile appeared in his eyes. a loving kiss.

Disturbed by the itch on his face, Xie Jing Xing frowned slightly, raised his hand and waved, as if he felt that this was not enough, he put his hand into a fist and put it on the side of his face to cover it, making his originally slightly pouted lips pout. More powerful, like a kiss.

In the eyes of Qin Shuo who was full of love for him, Xie Jing Xing's appearance was simply a temptation. He stretched out his hand to wrap Xie Jing Xing's little boxer on the side of his face into his hand, gently moved it away, then took his lips and sucked it, the touch was soft and smooth, it taught people to stop and want more .

Following his will, Qin Shuo stretched out the tip of his tongue and poked it in through the gap between his lips. He moved the tip of his tongue gently, again and again, very patiently.

The familiar aura made Xie Jing Xing respond subconsciously, Qin Shuo paused and then deepened the kiss.

Being provoked like this, Xie Jing Xing's sleepiness gradually receded, he fluttered his eyelashes a few times and slowly opened his eyes, revealing his amber cat pupils, at this time there was water vapor inside and he looked extremely pitiful.

This appearance made people want to be bullied even more, Qin Shuo's eyes were dim, but thinking that the two had been fighting all night last night, and finally the worries about Xie Jing Xing's body prevailed, he let go of his lips with difficulty, and then Peck and kiss to calm the desire of the body.

Xie Jing Xing saw his unhappy appearance and uttered two words gloating over the misfortune: "Deserving it." He knew that it was himself who was suffering in the end, yet he still took pleasure in doing this every morning.

"Small conscience!" Qin Shuo bit his nose ferociously, but he gave up his strength when he bit him, and didn't even leave a tooth mark.

"Brother Ye, help!" The sudden cry for help from outside the door wiped out the charming atmosphere in the room.

The two of them who heard this voice were not in a hurry, they dressed and washed in an orderly manner, and then went downstairs slowly.

In the living room, Jiang Cheng was sitting on the sofa, his head turned to one side, and he didn't look at Qi Zhan with a stern face. He was obviously sulking, and when he turned his head, the dense hickey on his neck was exposed.

When Qi Zhan saw this, a smile crossed his eyes, but his mouth admitted his mistake very simply: "Baby, I was wrong."

"But next time I dare!" The group of four who were watching the play said in unison.

Qin Shuo led Xie Jing Xing to sit at the dining table, put the prepared porridge in front of him, and accompanied him to watch the play while drinking porridge, without any intention of coming forward to persuade him.

A year ago, on the day Jiang Cheng came of age, Qi Zhan, who had been deflated for two years, finally couldn't help eating people. Maybe he held back for too long, and he did it a little bit cruelly. Afterwards, Jiang Cheng lay in bed for three days. After he was able to get out of bed, the first thing Jiang Cheng did was to run away from home and hide with Xie Jing Xing and the others, and finally Qi Zhan found this place after a lot of coaxing and coaxing him to bring them back.

After that, the two of them had to stage the drama of "the domineering base leader's runaway little sweetheart" every once in a while, Xie Jing Xing felt that this should be the love between the two, as for the group of four, Xie Jing Xing just wanted to give a thumbs up, An incisive compliment!

Qi Zhan's face has been very thick-skinned over the past year. He was ridiculed like this, and his face was no different, but Jiang Cheng blushed embarrassedly and glared at Qi Zhan.

Qi Zhan took Jiang Cheng into his arms and whispered in his ear: "Baby, I heard your words last night and only did it once, no more, I am a normal man, facing the person I love. How can you bear it, you also feel bad for me." The last sentence was so pitiful and pitiful. The usually strong man suddenly acted like this. Although he knew he was

doing it on purpose, Jiang Cheng's heart softened. He blushed and said in a negotiating tone, "Then don't take so long next time."

Qi Zhan was proud of the best compliment to a man, but he agreed smoothly: "Okay." But in his heart, he thought that the four of Huobao were right, and he would dare next time.

Gee! Just being coaxed like this, it's too good to be coaxed, and it's not a good show to watch.

In this room, all except Jiang Cheng are high-level ability users. Even if their voices are small, the conversation between the two can be heard clearly, but everyone tacitly pretended not to hear, otherwise Jiang Cheng would be afraid It is to be angry, but to shut them up, Qi Zhan must bleed a little.

"Hey, I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time, spicy butter pot, tomato mushroom pot, I'm drooling just thinking about it."

"I want to eat fat beef, hairy belly, duck intestines."

"I want to eat shrimp slippery, yellow throat, Basa fish."

"I want to eat enoki mushrooms, winter melon, and bean curd." After the

four of them finished speaking, they looked at Qi Zhan with expressions of "I won't shut up if you don't bribe me."

Qi Zhan gritted his teeth and said, "Eat, I'll eat tonight."

Jiang Cheng hurriedly said, "Then I want to eat Sanxian Mushroom Pot." He didn't understand the undercurrent between Qi Zhan and Huobao at all.

"Pfft!" Xie Jing Xing couldn't help laughing out loud, Qi Zhan was not easy for such a silly and sweet person.

Originally, after Xie Jing Xing observed Qi Zhan for a while, after confirming that he was indeed credible, and with the important relationship of Jiang Cheng's life-saving benefactor, Xie Jing Xing did not hide himself as originally planned, but presented the materials in the jade pendant space to his face. , the secret of the crystal nucleus, and the cultivation method were handed over to Qi Zhan.

Qi Zhan did not disappoint him, he did not investigate why Xie Jing Xing's space was larger than that of other space power users, nor did he ask him how he knew the crystal nucleus and cultivation method.

Now that three years have passed, the first base has become the largest and strongest base in the apocalypse. It has the most abundant supplies, the best cultivation methods, and the strongest defense. Here, the powers and ordinary people perform their duties, and ordinary people do not It will be discriminated against or oppressed, and it has become a holy place for all survivors of the last days.

People like Qi Zhan who care for the country and the people have to worry about such important matters as human survival, but Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo lived very leisurely in this world. From time to time, the two would go out to the two-person world to see the characteristic scenery of the apocalypse, and bring back the materials along the way.

The two of them are too low-key, and they can't find their names on the list of superpowers, but only the high-level officials of the first base know that their base's strongest defense is the city wall that is sturdy from time to time, and it is not a huge number of aliens. The capable ones were Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo who were not known to the outside world with eleventh-order abilities, and they were two orders higher than the Zombie King. Especially Xie Jing Xing, if he wanted to, he could control the Zombie King through his spiritual powers and order all the zombies, but such a strong man was willing to be indifferent and chose to live his small life silently, which was puzzling and admirable.

This incident was written in a diary by a high-level executive of the first base, and later discovered by later generations, who made various analyses of the two's psychology, and was also set up as a research topic by historians.

Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo, who were the parties, had a very simple idea, whether it was vigorous or plain, as long as the two were together, both of them could accept it calmly, but only the strong had the right to choose, so the two of them cultivated Never slack.

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