Chapter 24(Arc 2: The Fake Daughter's Cannon Fodder Brother)

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When he regained consciousness again, Xie Jing Xing found himself lying on a soft bed, he got up slowly, only to find that this body moved very easily, not like his dying body at all, he looked around and found that he was A room of about 20 square meters, the layout of the room is very warm, it should be the room of this body.

Xie Jing Xing came to the mirror in the wardrobe, as expected, the person in the mirror had a completely different appearance, he passed through again. He only remembered that he was still too sad for Shen Zhan's death a moment ago, fell into darkness, and regained consciousness again in this body.

Previously dressed as Wang Zhiyuan, Xie Jing Xing always thought that it was a chance encounter after a car accident, after a lifetime he would die like everyone else, but he did not expect that he would cross again, then can he think that he will continue to cross like this in the future , in a sense immortal.

Xie Jing Xing went back to think about everything related to Shen Zhan, he found that he was like watching a movie as a bystander, he was familiar with everything, but he didn't have the unforgettable emotion that he had. He didn't know what was going on. Although he was a little disappointed in his heart, he knew intellectually that this was the best for him. Otherwise, if he kept the feelings of the previous life, it would be difficult for him to integrate into the new life, and it would be difficult for him to stay young. , Over time, his whole person may collapse.

Xie Jing Xing calmed down a little and no longer tangled, and began to check the memories and plots in his mind. This is definitely not that he is ruthless, after all, to Xie Jing Xing today, the last life is like a movie, no one can be depressed for too long just because of a movie.

This is a bloody true and false story. The heroine Ji Xin was an orphan in her previous life. She grew up in an orphanage. The resources of the orphanage are limited. In order to make her life better, Ji Xin has learned a She also knows that crying children have milk, and her ability to pretend to be pitiful is also top-notch. When she grew up, relying on her good looks and this set of skills, she hooked a rich second generation to her, and she had to. Seeing that the rich second generation had fought against the family's parents and wanted to marry her, she went out. A car accident, crossing into a newborn baby.

The newborn baby couldn't open her eyes, but Ji Xin knew from the conversations around her that her parents were an ordinary pair of teachers, and the baby was lethargic. When she woke up again, she found that she had changed to a ward, and she His parents also became a wealthy couple. She had read similar novels before and guessed that she was being held wrong.

After being discharged from the hospital with her new parents, Ji Xin found out that the family was very rich, even richer than the rich second-generation family she seduced in her previous life. Thinking that she is now the daughter of this rich family, Ji Xin secretly rejoiced. She had long forgotten the biological parents of this body.

With the soul of an adult, Ji Xin is usually courteous in front of her parents, and the Ji family's husband and wife, who have always loved her, like her more, especially Ji's mother, who even exceeds Ji Xin's eldest son Ji Huan as the heir.

Ji Xin grew up in this way, and the only regret is that her brother Ji Huan has a cold personality. She acted coquettishly and cute in front of Ji Huan countless times, trying to cultivate Ji Huan into a sister-in-law, but in the end she failed. But thinking that Ji Huan's character has been like this since she was a child, even if she is not very enthusiastic about Ji's parents and Ji's mother, she is relieved.

Such days made Ji Xin almost forget that she was not a child of Ji's family, until she met Cheng Keke in high school, she recognized Cheng Keke's daughter at a glance, just because Cheng Keke and Ji's mother looked too much . So she investigated Cheng Keke privately, and sure enough, her parents were teachers, and then she secretly used Cheng Keke's hair and Ji's mother's hair for DNA identification, and it turned out that Cheng Keke was the daughter of Ji's family.

The Cheng family is also a well-off family. It is much better than the life in the orphanage in her previous life, but compared with a wealthy family like the Ji family, it is a world away. After seeing the wealth of the Ji family, how can Ji Xin be willing to return to the Cheng family. . So she found a gangster and wanted to ruin Cheng Keke's appearance. As long as she didn't have that face, who would know that Cheng Keke was the child of Ji's family. Unexpectedly, this scene happened to be caught by Cheng Keke's brother Cheng Nuo. To bully, Cheng Nuo rushed up without hesitation. In the end, Cheng Keke was fine, but Cheng Nuo had a knife wound on his face.

Cheng Keke blamed himself for his brother's disfigurement. On the way to school, he was in a trance and had a car accident. More coincidentally, the person sitting in the car turned out to be Ji Huan. When Ji Huan saw Cheng Ke's face, he had doubts in his heart, so he took Cheng Keke's hair when he went to the hospital. child.

Ji Huan told the truth to his parents. Ji's father paid attention to blood, and naturally he wanted to recognize his biological daughter, but Ji's mother was reluctant to bear Ji Xin, a daughter who had raised a deep relationship for more than ten years, so in the end Ji Xin and Cheng Ke both lived in Ji. Family.

Cheng's father and Cheng's mother did not agree at first, but Ji's father persuaded them that Ji's family was in good condition and could give the two children a better education. Although the two children lived in Ji's house, they could still go back to Cheng's house to see them, and it was still theirs Daughter, they can come to see her if they want her. After some persuasion, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother reluctantly agreed, mainly because they saw that their biological daughter Ji Xin had no feelings for them and did not want to go back to Cheng's house. daughter, they are not qualified to stay.

Cheng Keke was unhappy after returning to Ji's house, because Ji Xin always cried in front of Ji's mother, looking insecure, which made Ji's mother very distressed and very cold to Cheng Keke. Cheng Keke is not like Ji Xin who grew up in Ji's family, and has never learned the etiquette of rich and powerful families. When they compare the two, Ji's mother's heart is always biased, and she doesn't go into the reasons. She just feels that she can't be on the stage, and she is even more disrespectful to her. Hi, but the servants of Ji's family naturally perfunctory to her when they saw the wife's attitude.

Ji Huan was going to go abroad on the day of the car accident, because Cheng Keke's affairs were delayed for a few days. After the two families recognized their relatives, he went abroad non-stop, and Ji's father was usually busy with company affairs and was not so careful about family affairs. , The good for her is more manifested in the material aspect, but the emotional aspect is very negligent.

Taking into account Ji Xin's mood, Ji's mother strongly opposed when Ji Huan proposed to disclose Cheng Keke's identity. In the end, the Ji family did not disclose Cheng Keke's identity. In the school, under Ji Xin's ambiguous hint, everyone regarded Cheng Keke as the illegitimate daughter of Ji's family and made things difficult for her.

The cold treatment of Ji's mother, the neglect of Ji's father, the perfunctory servants, the bullying of classmates, and Ji Xin's calculated calculations, Cheng Keke's grades are getting worse and worse in such an environment, and her originally cheerful personality has become introverted. self-abasement.

When she was bullied once, the male protagonist happened to pass by and said a word to her, which made Ji Xin, who regarded the male protagonist as her possessions, even more annoyed. He asked the gangster to take pictures of a bunch of sex for her, and put them on the school on the notice board.

All kinds of contempt, ridicule, and wretched eyes in the school made Ji Xin dare not go to school again. Ji's parents and Ji's mother knew that this matter disliked her, did not love herself, and ignored her more and more. She left Ji's house and wanted to return to Cheng's house. But he was in a trance and died in a car accident on the road.

The original owner of this body is Cheng Keke's brother Cheng Nuo. After his face was injured, he became very decadent and disappeared. He refused to see people in the house where he was all day long. Cheng's father and mother were worried about their son.

At first, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother would also visit Ji's family to see their daughter, but after a few times, both of them found that they were incompatible with Ji's family, and Ji's mother did not particularly welcome them, so they no longer came to complain.

Cheng Keke would also come back to see them at first, but because the original owner was a little angry with Cheng Keke after his face was injured, every time she returned to Cheng's house, the original owner lost his temper, and over time, Cheng Keke did not dare to come back. However, she would call Cheng's father and Cheng's mother every once in a while, caring about their bodies and the original owner's condition, and even paid the original owner to have plastic surgery to remove the scars. When asked about the situation at Ji's house, Cheng Keke always Both reported the good news and not the bad news, and the two thought that she should have a good life at Ji's house.

As for Ji Xin, the couple often called her at the beginning and invited her to play at home. They wanted to get along with her more and make up for the blank relationship for more than ten years, but Ji Xin was very impatient every time, and never I didn't take the initiative to call the couple, let alone come to see them. Many times, the couple are not fools in teaching and educating people for decades. It is natural to see that Ji Xin is reluctant to come back not only because they are unfamiliar with them, but more likely to covet the wealth of Ji's family.

Ji's biological daughter was developed into a greedy and vain temperament by the Ji family. The husband and wife were so angry that they wanted to correct their daughter's temperament, but they couldn't even see her daughter's face. It could be said that they were helpless. , but then all the energy was put on the depressed son, and it was nothing.

No one thought that when they heard the news of Cheng Keke again, it was the news of her death in a car accident. Cheng's father and Cheng's mother went to Ji's house to inquire about the situation, but Ji's mother threw a bunch of her daughter's sex, and scolded them for not teaching Cheng Keke well, which made her lose face of the Ji family.

How could the daughter she raised herself not know that Cheng Keke is by no means the kind of girl who hangs out with men and doesn't love herself. After some investigation, the couple found out that Cheng Keke had been treated coldly since returning to Ji's house, and was considered to be a girl at school. The illegitimate daughter also suffered school bullying.

They went to Ji's house to question but were kicked out by servants. The couple blamed themselves very much. If they didn't care enough about their daughter, how could they not even know that her daughter's life was not good, how could they not have noticed the change in her daughter's character? To those things, die young.

The original owner is also very self-blame. In his memory, his sister Cheng Keke has always been lively, cheerful, kind and lovely. He feels that if he is not too weak, he has been immersed in his own world, and even angered his sister, her sister would not I dare not come back and tell my parents if I have grievances. I endure the hardship alone and end up like that.

Cheng's father and Cheng's mother became much older because of Cheng Keke's death. Because of self-blame and guilt for their daughter, their health became worse and worse, and they died within a few years.

The original owner was also burdened with guilt towards his sister and strong self-blame and remorse, and he lived his life in a hurry.

Cheng Keke, who was a real daughter, died, but Ji Xin, the female protagonist, fell in love with the male protagonist of an extraordinary family in the identity of Ji's daughter, and finally got married. She loved her all her life and lived as all women wanted.

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