Chapter 7

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Xie Jing Xing smiled good-naturedly and said, "No, I said that you will definitely lend it to you. Aunt Li, don't worry, just listen to me first." .

"Uncle Zhao, Aunt Li, I'm afraid you are not just borrowing money from my family. You should not be able to pay in a while. I thought that if you want, you can use grain instead."

Zhao Mancang listened . When he said this, he naturally wanted it. Their family had a lot of labor, and there was no shortage of food. The other families he borrowed money from were not short of food. Now they can't do business, and they can only get the money at the end of the year. The work is completed, and there are more than 20 yuan a month, which is also a sum of income, but if the bastard can use the money to pay for the money, the pressure on their family to repay the money will be less.

Zhao Mancang: "But we can't take out that much grain at once."

Xie Jing Xing: "Don't worry about it, I am alone, you can just give me fifty catties of grain every month, and the rest will wait until the autumn harvest. I will give it later, as for the price of food, it can be calculated at the price of the black market."

"How can it be, you are like us, how can I take advantage of you, it is calculated at the price of the purchasing station." Zhao Mancang looked at Xie Jing Xing's His eyes were very loving. He had received a lot of scorn for borrowing money during this time. The two of them were ready to give up when they saw that the money could not be collected. Unexpectedly, at this time, the situation turned and the two came to Xie Jing Xing to borrow money. What hope is there, after all, the former bastard was indeed a little muddy and could not support the wall, but he did not expect Xie Jing Xing to agree so easily.

Zhao Mancang and his wife were satisfied, Xie Jing Xing was also satisfied, the food problem was solved like this.

Zhao Mancang made the IOU, the husband and wife got the money and went home, and soon they brought Xie Jingxing 50 catties of food. Someone asked on the way, Zhao Mancang did not hide the loan, but he did not say what the loan was for. , and praised the bastard as a good boy. Although he was a bit lazy, he had a kind heart and an honest person, which made the villagers confused. Is the bastard you mentioned really the same person we know?

In this way, everyone in the village knew that the bastard had no money again, and those who were staring at the money naturally stopped. However, because of the village head, some people thought that the bastard was an idiot even though he didn't say it, and he finally had some money, so he didn't think about getting a wife for himself, but instead he lent the money out.

When Wang Guihua heard the news when she was at work, she complained about it during lunch. She is a person who only has money in her own hands, so she naturally feels stupid.

Shen Zhan pieced together the whole thing from Wang Guihua's mouth, with a glimmer of admiration in his eyes, that young man was smarter and more transparent than he thought.

Two days later, Wang Guihua finally couldn't turn Shen Jianguo back, so she found a matchmaker to go to the educated youth point to propose a marriage to Xia An'an. After some process, their marriage was finally set after the autumn harvest.

Xie Jing Xing also hadn't eaten meat for several days, even though he had enjoyed all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas in his previous life, he was a little greedy, so he carried the basket and walked towards the back mountain, but unexpectedly met Shen Zhan at the foot of the mountain.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair, his expression was cold, his eyes were dark, and his whole body exuded low air pressure, and even the surrounding air seemed to be three-thirds colder.

Xie Jing Xing didn't know why Shen Zhan was here, but this person was in a bad mood when he saw it, and he didn't come forward to care, after all, the two of them were not familiar with each other except for their friendship last time.

Xie Jing Xing bypassed Shen Zhan and planned to continue going up, but heard Shen Zhan's cold voice: "Wang Zhiyuan."

Xie Jing Xing turned his head hesitantly to look at Shen Zhan, the village always called him a bastard, the name "Wang Zhiyuan" made him He was so unfamiliar that he almost didn't respond. However, this person actually knew the original owner's name, and he didn't call him a bastard like the villagers, but he respected people.

Seeing the young man turn his head and look at him suspiciously, Shen Zhan didn't know what to say for a while, he just subconsciously stopped the person, but the embarrassment was only a moment, Shen Zhan reacted very quickly and said: "You are going Hunting."

Xie Jing Xing nodded, "Yes."

"I will go with you." After he finished speaking, he remembered that he was in a wheelchair and could not go up the mountain at all, his face stiffened.

Xie Jing Xing answered without the slightest hesitation: "Okay!" Then squatted in front of him with his back to him: "Come up."

Of course, he could see that Shen Zhan's expression was stiff for a moment, and he also understood why. He felt that if he refused or hesitated at this time, Shen Zhan, who was in a bad mood, might fall into a more negative mood. He didn't know why Shen Zhan was in a bad mood at first, but he couldn't bear such a soldier who defended his home and the country to hate himself because of his leg injury. In his opinion, Shen Zhan's injured leg was not a shame, but a merit. .

Shen Zhan looked at the thin back of the young man, his heart warmed, his arms propped up his body and fell on Xie Jing Xing's back, at this time the negative emotions on his body had subsided, as if the appearance just now was just an illusion that Xie Jing Xing saw.

Xie Jing Xing put Shen Zhan's wheelchair in the grass, this thing is not used by ordinary people, and he is not afraid that people will take it away, and then carry Shen Zhan up the mountain. Since he put it on, he has been exercising, plus he eats every day. I'm full, my body is much better than before, and I don't feel exhausted carrying Shen Zhan on my back.

Shen Zhan used to hunt in the mountains, and he was more familiar with this back mountain than Xie Jing Xing, and he had more experience than Xie Jing Xing where there would be prey. Under Shen Zhan's signal, Xie Jing Xing stopped, placed Shen Zhan on a large rock and sat down, Shen Zhan grabbed a few stones from his steps and sat on the rock to observe the surrounding situation calmly.

The two waited quietly, no one said a word, but they had a tacit understanding.

The surroundings became quiet, and both of them heard a slight noise in the grass two meters away, and the frequency of the grass there was also higher than that in other places.

Xie Jing Xing was about to approach quietly when a stone was thrown from Shen Zhan's hand and smashed firmly into the grass. Xie Jing Xing came to the edge of the grass and picked up the prey with his body, it turned out to be a rabbit, the rabbit was dying, it could be seen that Shen Zhan's stone was powerful.

Xie Jing Xing felt that Shen Zhan's hand was so handsome, he stared at Shen Zhan with bright eyes, coveting his hunting skills of throwing stones with bare hands. Before he came in, he was just a teenager who just turned 18. Although he looked like an elite to the outside world, he still had a playful and playful nature in his bones, so he would have nothing to do in the wild to survive, ride a car or something. of.

At the same time, Xie Jing Xing had a deep understanding of the strength of this man, not just a few words from the book, as expected, a strong person is still strong even in a wheelchair. Xie Jing Xing had some admiration for Shen Zhan, if he had inconvenience in his legs and feet, he might not be able to be as calm as Shen Zhan.

Being stared at by the bright eyes of the young man, Shen Zhan's heart seemed to be hit hard by something. It was the first time that the young man looked at him so seriously. Full of admiration and adoration, and a touch of covetousness. Not only is this coveting not objectionable, it is unexpectedly cute.

"Cough, what's the matter?" Shen Zhan pressed his fist to his lips, restraining the chuckle on his lips, and asked knowingly.

"Your skill just now is so powerful, can you teach me?" Xie Jing Xing asked bluntly.

Shen Zhan nodded, "Yes, but this depends on arm strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to practice it for a while."

Xie Jing Xing looked at his thin arm, and then at the strong muscles on Shen Zhan's arm, slightly disappointed, although he has been When exercising, I also believe that sooner or later I can train the original owner's soft flesh into muscles, but it may be difficult to train like Shen Zhan.

Seeing that the boy was a little disappointed, Shen Zhan said quickly: "But I can teach you some tricks first. You should practice the accuracy of throwing stones first. If your arm strength is really not enough, you can use tools instead."

"Okay, thank you." In fact, Xie Jing Xing was only disappointed for a moment, he always put in 12 points of effort in what he wanted to achieve, and of course he would not back down easily. He could hear that Shen Zhan was comforting him, and also felt Shen Zhan's kindness towards him.

Afterwards, the two of them met one by one, and the time passed very quickly. After an afternoon of practice, Xie Jing Xing had mastered throwing skills that could almost hit a hundred shots, but because of his lack of arm strength, he could not knock down his prey with a single blow like Shen Zhan did. , at this time Shen Zhan will add a stone next to it, and the two of them have gained a lot.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xie Jing Xing carried Shen Zhan down the mountain and placed him in a wheelchair properly. Looking at the three hares and four pheasants in the basket, Xie Jing Xing gave all the prey to Shen Zhan together with the basket.

Seeing Shen Zhan's doubtful eyes, Xie Jing Xing said as a matter of course, "You fought most of these, they were originally yours, and the rest should be my tuition fees today."

Shen Zhan looked at the prey in his hands, his thoughts tumbling for a while, He actually came out to breathe today.

After lunch today, Wang Guihua confidently asked him to give him money, saying that he wanted to prepare a dowry gift for Shen Jianguo. He has been in the army for eight years. Except for the ten dollars that he sends back every month, he keeps the rest of his salary and bonuses by himself, which Wang Guihua doesn't know about. This time, his leg was injured, and the army issued a compensation of 800 yuan. In fact, it was for his leg. Wang Guihua knew the money. He knew that Wang Guihua had been thinking about the money, but he had never seen her mention it before. He naively thought that Wang Guihua still had some maternal love for him, but he didn't want to wait for him here.

He refused on the spot, saying that he wanted to keep the money for his legs, but Wang Guihua said, "If you are lame, let it be lame, what is there to cure?" The one who cried, made trouble, and hanged himself wanted Shen Zhan to take the money. Even his father looked at him with the eyes of an unfilial son. He felt suffocated, so he came out to breathe, and unconsciously reached the foot of the mountain.

Even though she was disappointed with Wang Guihua, what she did today made Shen Zhan completely cold. Even though he was his relative, he didn't care about his life and only wanted to oppress him, but Xie Jing Xing, a person with no relatives and no reason, never thought to take advantage of him even if the opportunity was presented to him. Intellectually, he certainly knew that a few prey could not be compared with eight hundred dollars, but the appearance of the boy still made his cold heart flow into a warm current.

Shen Zhan returned the basket back to Xie Jing Xing's hands, seeing that he was about to refuse to pick him up, "I can't eat these even if I take them back, why don't you take them back and I'll eat at your house."

Xie Jing Xing thought about it and didn't ask him Why can't you eat it when you take it back, nodded and said, "Okay, when I'm ready, I'll call you, do you need me to push you back?"

Shen Zhan waved his hand: "No, I can do it myself."

Xie Jing Xing saw that he didn't Reluctantly, he turned around and walked towards the home.

Shen Zhan looked at Xie Jing Xing's back, his eyes were soft, until he couldn't see anyone at all, he pushed the wheelchair towards the direction of Shen's house.

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