Chapter 114

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 Xiao Xiangheng's appearance and strength are good: Many men and women in the team have thoughts about him. Ye Mian, as a non-aggressive water-type power user, has been rescued by Xiao Xiangheng many times: He is also moved by Xiao Xiangheng: But he restrained This heartbeat: He rationally knows that his appearance is ruined, his abilities are ordinary, and he has no competitiveness among Xiao Xiangheng's admirers: And this heartbeat was completely cut off by him after he learned that his friend and Meng Fanze were together Now, his three views are correct, and he can't do such a thing as coveting a friend or a lover.

Meng Fanze didn't think so. He had already seen that Ye Mian liked Xiao Xiangheng: After being with Xiao Xiangheng, his favorite thing to do was to pull Xiao Xiangheng to show his affection in front of Ye Mian: Brain-buying Ye Mian pretended to be nothing on the surface, secretly I still don't know how to feel sad and sad, and I feel envious, jealous and hateful towards him, and then I feel that the jealousy and unwillingness of my previous life have been relieved. In the next mission, the entire team was attacked by mutant beasts. Xiao Xiangheng was unable to protect Meng Fanze at all times. Meng Fanze grabbed Ye Mian beside him at a critical moment and blocked a fatal blow for him. Ye Mian died under the attack of mutant beasts: In the last days, in order to prevent the dead from turning into zombies: All the corpses will be burned to ashes: After Ye Mian's body was burned to ashes, it revealed what he had been on his neck. Jade pendant. Meng Fanze put away the jade pendant as Ye Mian's relic with a sad face. He originally wanted to put it in the space: It turned out that he couldn't put it in, and he instantly had a guess that this jade pendant was probably the same as a wooden bracelet. Space Treasure. He quietly put away the jade pendant, thinking about waiting for the blood to recognize the Lord when he was alone. Sure enough, this jade pendant was also a space after he confessed to the Lord by dripping blood, it was the size of a football field, and the jade pendant also turned into a drop-shaped mark on his collarbone after he confessed to the Lord by dripping blood.

After getting the wooden bracelet, Meng Fanze has always had two concerns. First, the space of the space power user will increase with the improvement of the power, and the space of his bracelet is not a power, and it cannot be upgraded in the future. In order to disguise as a space ability user, he deliberately said the size of the space to be small at first, and usually pretended to absorb the upgrade of the crystal nucleus, but no matter how he pretended, his space of 200 square meters was the limit, which was nothing compared to the third-order space ability. The space is about the same size, and there's nothing he can do after that. It's okay now, but if the space of other space power users is getting bigger and bigger in the future, but his space has not been upgraded for a long time, there will be people who will be dissatisfied or suspicious. Second, he was always worried that the wooden bracelet as a space carrier would be lost or robbed. Now that the jade pendant space appeared, his two concerns were all resolved.

After that, Meng Fanze transferred the materials in the wooden bracelet to the jade pendant space, and accidentally put the wooden bracelet into the jade pendant space. As a result, the two spaces merged, and the wooden bracelet seemed to be swallowed by the jade pendant. It disappeared, and the space of the jade pendant expanded a little, but compared to his original size, it was almost negligible.

Meng Fanze sighed that Ye Mian was lucky, any item was a space treasure, but now that he was reborn, Ye Mian was dead, the treasure became him, and Xiao Xiangheng was his, so he was relieved.

After that, a series of protagonists fight monsters and upgrade to show their affection, and occasionally a rival in love appears to add to the love between the two.

The original owner was the cannon fodder that the protagonist was envied and envied in his previous life, and who contributed golden fingers to the protagonist in this life - Ye Mian.

Ye Mian, a sophomore, and the original owner's parents both died in a car accident a year ago. Because of the accidental death of his parents, Ye Mian was very sad during that time, and the whole person became very depressed. It was Meng Fanze, a friend who had been comforting him and encouraging him, and let him get out of the most difficult time.

The original owner had always regarded Meng Fanze as his best friend, but Xie Jing Xing could see from the original owner's memory that Meng Fanze had been secretly jealous of Ye Mian from the first day he met Ye Mian.

Meng Fanze is an illegitimate child, and he and his mother have been kept outside. Even his surname is the same as his mother's. Therefore, on his first day in college, he saw his parents love him in his dormitory. I feel very dazzling.

After the accidental death of the original owner's parents, Meng Fanze comforted and encouraged the original owner on the surface, but in his heart he felt gloating and a sense of superiority. Even if he was an illegitimate child, he was better than the now fatherless and motherless Ye Reluctance.

After the end of the world, the original owner took care of Meng Fanze, and he always kept a copy of the supplies he got, but he didn't know that Meng Fanze was not only not grateful, but felt that it was Ye Mian's charity to him, but he never thought about the end of the world. How many people want such handouts.

As an ordinary person, Meng Fanze really didn't suffer much in his previous life. On the way to the base, Xiao Xiangheng attacked as the protagonist. There were indeed many crises and opportunities along the way, but Xiao Xiangheng's team was indeed very strong, and there were not many real life and death crises. Every time he encountered a crisis, Meng Fanze followed the original owner closely. Following the light of the original owner, he was well protected, and with the supplies provided by the original owner, he never went hungry. After arriving at the base, he was a Ordinary people don't have to go out to face zombie mutant beasts, and they have the supply of the original owner, and they stay at the base safely. Although they are not as good as the days before the end of the world, compared to those ordinary people who are struggling to survive in the end of the world, his days are unknown. How enviable.

Maybe it's because life is too good, so Meng Fanze has the mind to struggle with love and love. After his rebirth, he never thought about exercising to make himself stronger, but just thinking about how to use the space to get close to Xiao Xiangheng. no.

What Xie Jing Xing despised most about Meng Fanze was that this person never thought of going home to save his mother after the outbreak of the end of the world, regardless of this person's past or present. After being reborn, he knew exactly when the apocalypse would come. Even if he was going to meet Xiao Xiangheng, he could have placed his mother in a safe place in advance, but he didn't even have a reminder or even supplies. His mother was preparing, from rebirth to preparing supplies to the end of the world, and seemed to have completely forgotten that his mother was still alive. Although Meng Fanze's mother is indeed disgusting as a junior, but from the memory of the original owner, it can be seen that Meng Fanze's mother is very kind to Meng Fanze. Could it be that he can be placed with his biological mother because he did not give him a good background Live or die?

In Xie Jing Xing's opinion, the words "stupid and poisonous" mean Meng Fanze. For such a person, Xie Jing Xing believed that even if he did not deal with him, Meng Fanze would not end well.

As for Xiao Xiangheng, he was the most eye-catching man in the supermarket. Xie Jingxing observed through his mental abilities that he was a shrewd and ambitious person. Such a person would really like Meng Fanze. He had to doubt the reason why Xiao Xiangheng was in the original plot. Being with Meng Fanze, it is very likely that he discovered the secret of his space and used this method to paralyze him and wait for the opportunity to seize the treasure. As for whether Xiao Xiangheng in his previous life had feelings for the original owner or whether he used it, it is unknown.

After receiving the original owner's memory and plot, Xie Jing Xing started to study his own abilities, he already knew that his abilities that could detect the surrounding situation in all directions like a 360-degree high-definition camera were mental abilities.

In the original plot, psychic powers were only used for detection at the beginning, but as the power level increased, psychic powers developed more and more functions, such as confusion, camouflage, hallucination, hypnosis, Control, psychic abilities are considered to be the most treacherous and most feared abilities.

Xie Jing Xing discovered that according to the division of power levels in the original plot, his current mental power level should be at the third rank, and it would be the third rank upon awakening.

In the original plot, there are two ways for the ability user to improve his ability, one is to absorb the energy in the crystal core in the zombie's brain, and the other is a cultivation method developed by the first base of city b in the later stage. In the previous life, Meng Fanze lived for three years in the last days. At that time, this cultivation method had been made public. After his rebirth, he relied on this cultivation method to gain a lot of goodwill in front of Xiao Xiangheng.

Xie Jing Xing who had received the plot also knew this method, Xie Jing Xing used this method to operate his abilities, and indeed the abilities he just consumed recovered some. At the same time, he discovered that in addition to the white energy representing spiritual abilities, there was also a very weak blue energy in his body, Xie Jing Xing thought of the original owner's water element in the original plot, his heart moved, and a small stream of water appeared from his fingertips. .

Xie Jing Xing would not think water system abilities are useless like Meng Fanze did. In his opinion, there are no useless abilities, only those who do not know how to use them. One must know that 70% of the human body is water. Moreover, with this ability, it can be clean even in the last days, so he is very satisfied with the original master's ability.

"Ye Mian, do you have supernatural abilities?!" Xie Jing Xing's thinking was interrupted by a surprised male voice, perhaps because he was too surprised, the jealousy in his voice was not concealed, it was difficult for Xie Jing Xing to ignore it, so that he didn't have to look up. Knowing and guessing who the owner of this voice is.

Xie Jing Xing raised his head, it really was Meng Fanze, Meng Fanze's mother could be a junior and let that man raise their mother and son for 20 years, her appearance was definitely not bad, and Meng Fanze who was born by such a woman would naturally not look bad either. Where to go, Meng Fanze has bright facial features and a beautiful face, and he has a feeling of being a boy or a girl. He can be described with a beautiful word, but he is narrow-minded, small-minded, jealous in his eyes, and has many aggressive features. The two-point meanness gives people a feeling of being very difficult to get along with.

Xie Jing Xing had no intention of concealing it, since he was discovered, he nodded calmly: "It should have been almost caught by zombies just now, and he had awakened his supernatural abilities at a critical moment."

"Congratulations, Ye Mian." Meng Fanze tugged stiffly. At the corner of his mouth, Ye Mian's luck was so good. Without space, he was able to awaken his abilities. Fortunately, it was the useless water system.

Xie Jing Xing didn't seem to realize the unnaturalness in his smile: "Thank you." Then he comforted: "Even if I can awaken supernatural powers, Aze will definitely have supernormal powers soon." He said this very sincerely, but For Meng Fanze, who had no awakening ability in the past and present, his words just poked his heart.

Xie Jing Xing also knew this, in the original plot, Meng Fanze and Xiao Xiangheng said that they had never faced a crisis, but Meng Fanze had not awakened his abilities, he was satisfied with the benefits that space brought him, he was used to being protected, and subconsciously he Never thought of relying on your own strength.

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