Chapter 156

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It took a lot of time to transplant every kind of spiritual plant in the medicine field into the space: Xu Baijing finally remembered the Zhu Guo who had earned the space before, and he also understood the importance of strength, so he planned to enter the space and take a boosting cultivation base: But unexpectedly, he found that he could not enter the space.

Xu Baijing panicked for a moment: He quickly used his divine sense to penetrate into the space, he found that the space was foggy at the moment, and there was a message in his mind: It turned out to be because he received a lot of spiritual springs and a lot of spiritual plants, a lot of aura and creatures The increase in types: caused the space to evolve, and at this time the space was being upgraded, and in the process of space upgrading, he could only put things in the space: but he could not enter the space, nor could he take anything out of the space.

Xu Baijing accepted the information that appeared out of thin air in his mind without the slightest suspicion. The original panic disappeared, replaced by anticipation and excitement.

Space can't enter: Xu Baijing doesn't dare to walk around in the secret realm like before: His strength is not strong: Before, it was also because there was a space where he could avoid at any time in a critical moment: He had no fear. Seeing that Yaotian is still safe here, Xu Baijing decided to stay here to practice temporarily, and then go out after the space upgrade is over.

Half a month later: The space is still being upgraded, but Xu Baijing had to leave the medicine field. Since he has the space, he has never used the Qiankun bag again, and all his things are kept in the space: after all, in his opinion, the space is much safer than the Qiankun bag, but now he is very annoyed by his actions. . At this time, he didn't even have a bigu pill on his body. One bigu pill can only last for half a month. He just took one before entering the secret realm. Now that half a month has passed, the feeling of hunger is really uncomfortable. , And although there are many rare spiritual plants in the medicine field, he can't eat his stomach. He has to stay in the secret realm for half a month, and he can't be so hungry all the time, so he has to go out to find food.

Xu Baijing was sitting on the ground panting. At this time, his hair was messy, his head was sweating profusely, and his face and clothes were stained with stains. It was left by him rolling on the ground to avoid the attack. He was extremely embarrassed. Seeing him like this looked like a battle he had experienced, which was true for Xu Baijing, but his opponent was just a fire-eared rabbit in the Qi training period.

Soon after Xu Baijing came out of the medicine field, he was lucky enough to meet a fire-eared rabbit in the Qi refining period. Fire-eared rabbits have the attribute of fire, and their ears are red like flames, hence the name Fire-eared rabbits. All monsters in the world of self-cultivation are aggressive, and the Fire-Eared Rabbit is no exception. He is three times the size of an ordinary rabbit, with a fire-breathing mouth and sharp teeth. It is docile, easy to hunt, and the meat of the fire-eared rabbit is tender and delicious, and the taste is excellent. Many restaurants in the world of self-cultivation have delicacies made of the meat of the fire-eared rabbit. It is reasonable to say that Xu Baijing's cultivation base in the middle stage of the foundation is to hunt one. The Fire-eared Rabbit in the Qi-refining period can be said to be easily captured. However, Xu Baijing's cultivation has grown through double cultivation, and he is neglected in daily practice. His water spells and wood spells do not even have the most basic skills. If it wasn't for his cultivation base being too much higher than that of the Fire-Eared Rabbit, and he was exhausted, I am afraid that it is not the Fire-Eared Rabbit's corpse lying on the ground now, but his. Even so, he was also very embarrassed, and was almost injured by the flames spewed by the Fire-Eared Rabbit several times. Fortunately, he was the only one here, otherwise, if someone knew that a cultivator in the foundation-building stage was so embarrassed by a fire-eared rabbit in the qi-refining stage, he would probably die of laughter.

After recovering a little, Xu Baijing started cooking the fire-eared rabbit. First, he peeled off the internal organs. He had never done this before. It was very unfamiliar. He wanted to throw it away every time, but the hunger in his stomach forced him to continue. After that, he cleaned, lit the fire, and roasted the meat. He finally cooked the meat, but the rabbit meat without any seasoning, even if the meat was tender and delicious No matter how good it is, it doesn't go anywhere.

Xu Baijing chewed the tasteless rabbit meat in his mouth, and somehow remembered that Fu Linyuan was worried that Xie Jing Xing would not be able to eat or sleep well, so he specially prepared food and tents in the Qiankun bag for him. Thinking that he was so embarrassed for one bite here, but Xie Jing Xing was delicious, he felt even more uncomfortable and hated Xie Jing Xing even more, he always felt that without Xie Jing Xing, he would definitely not suffer these kinds of hardships.

Although it was out of jealousy towards Xie Jing Xing, it has to be said that Xu Baijing hit the truth unintentionally. Xie Jing Xing is not a person who pays attention to things outside his body, no matter how many treasures he has, he doesn't pay attention to it, but who makes Xu Baijing his enemy, he naturally has to worry about it. Since those treasures have entered his space, how could he let Xu Baijing use it at will. As the real owner of the space, it was easy for Xu Baijing to create the illusion of a space upgrade, but he should also thank those space novels he had read before, otherwise he might not have come up with this idea.

In the next ten or so days, Xu Baijing had to fight wits and courage with some low-level monsters in order to satisfy his stomach. Although it was hard work, it was still beneficial. At least Xu Baijing was more accurate when he cast his spells. I have to say that his Luckily, he has never encountered a monster higher than his cultivation level, otherwise he may not be able to live until now.

Seeing that there is still one day left, the one-month secret realm experience will end. Xu Baijing is relieved at the same time with some regrets. He is relieved because he is out of the secret realm. As long as he meets with Wei Yichen Chu Zhan, he does not have to worry about himself being in danger. Not to mention struggling to fill your stomach. It's a pity that the space is being upgraded. During this period, he didn't dare to walk around, and I don't know how many treasures he missed.

When Xu Baijing came to the exit, a lot of cultivators had gathered here, waiting for the secret realm to open and leave the secret realm. If you missed the opportunity to leave, you could only stay in the secret realm and wait for the secret realm to open again in five hundred years before leaving.

Xu Baijing saw Wei Yichen and Chu Zhan in the crowd, his eyes lit up, and he ran over happily. Although the two of them despised Xu Baijing in their hearts, Wei Yichen always showed a gentle and elegant image to the outside world, and naturally he would not let his image collapse when he treated Xu Baijing. Chu Zhan has always been arrogant to the outside world, even if he shows impatience with Xu Baijing, it will only make people think that it is because of his arrogant temperament. In short, the relationship between the three is good to outsiders.

Xu Baijing was about to ask about the situation of the two in the secret realm. Suddenly, his brows moved, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes. The space was finally upgraded successfully. At the same time, a strong spiritual energy overflowed from him, although it was only for a moment, But let everyone present feel it.

Such a rich spiritual energy is at least a treasure at the level of an immortal weapon. In an instant, everyone's eyes are focused on Xu Baijing. Most of the eyes are jealous and greedy, and some even have killing intent. These malicious eyes make Xu Bai's camera lens. Skin tingling and fear.

No one acted rashly in front of everyone's eyes, but there was an inexplicable sense of tension in the air, which made everyone tense their nerves unconsciously.

After a long time, someone finally couldn't help but say: "Friend, I don't know what treasure you got in the secret realm, can you take it out and open our eyes?"

This person's words made the stagnant air flow, and the crowd came one after another. 's echoing voice: "Yeah, let's open our eyes." Seemingly polite is actually persecuting.

Xu Baijing knew that no one would believe the denial at this time. He was thinking of taking out a few Zhuguo from the space to pass through the border. It happened at this time that the secret realm opened, which distracted everyone's attention for a moment. In front of him, he took him and quickly left the secret realm.

It happened in an instant, and when everyone chased out of the secret realm, Mo Xiu and Xu Baijing could no longer be seen. I thought they had used some magic weapon to move their positions.

Having lost Xu Baijing, everyone had no choice but to leave the Cangyun Secret Realm one after another, but the temptation of the immortal artifact was huge, Xie Jing Xing saw the greedy eyes of these people and knew that they would never stop there.

Xie Jing Xing deliberately and kindly gave Xu Baijing the right to enter and leave the space at will, so that he would not be caught so easily, I believe he will make good use of the space to escape from the magic cultivator this time, but after that, what he faces will be endless. escape.

In the original plot, Xu Baijing brought disaster to the east and let the original owner be chased and killed by a demon cultivator, and finally died at the hands of the demon cultivator. Now Xie Jingxing has used his own way to heal his body, and Xu Baijing has also tasted the taste of being chased and killed.

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