Chapter 91

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 In the room: Chi Xiao took Xie Jing Xing's chubby hand and said expectantly, "Of course, will you also call me brother in the future?" After hearing Xie Jing Xing calling Lin Yu'an brother at noon, he became envious: He also Wanting to make Little Cutie call his brother sweetly: But he also knew that the two of them just met each other, and he endured and endured and finally did not bring it up, but what happened just now made him realize that Xie Jing Xing seemed to have an extraordinary connivance towards him: he endured Keep moving: want more.

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: Brother? Love brother? However, seeing Chi Xiao's pure eyes: there is no ambiguous meaning, he really treats him as a younger brother as he said, it seems that the lover at this time has not yet enlightened.

It was rare for a lover to be so young, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but wanted to tease him in a wicked way: "You really want to be my brother, don't regret it?"

"Of course it's true, never regret it!" For fear that Xie Jing Xing would not believe: Chi Xiao said quickly.

When Xie Jing Xing saw his answer so strong, he couldn't help but want to see him slap himself in the face in the future, since he wanted to be a big brother so much: then he will satisfy him, and he must not regret it in the future~~

So he deliberately lowered his voice and used The young man called out with a hoarse voice: "Chi-xiao-brother-brother-" The four words he called were extremely charming and ambiguous. Chi Xiao was called by him like this: He just felt that there was electricity running through his body, and his heartbeat involuntarily accelerated a little. This brother sound was as sweet as he thought. When Xiao Kawai called him like this, he felt a little fluttering. However, this brother seems to be a little different from Lin Yu'an, and Chi Xiao, who has zero love experience, can't tell the difference. Xie Jing Xing was a little amused when he saw him thinking, the lover in this world is really young, he didn't even notice his deliberate seduction, if it was in the past, he would have already held him in his arms and kissed: "Brother Chi Xiao, I call you like that. Is it alright?" Of course Xiao Kawai called him Chi Xiao like that, but if Xie Jing Xing called someone like that, just thinking about it, he felt very uncomfortable, although he didn't get enlightened, his possessiveness towards Xie Jing Xing did not diminish in the slightest. .

So he pulled Xie Jing Xing's hand and said solemnly, "Of course, I can't use such a voice to call others in the future, and neither can Lin Yu'an, you know?"

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows again after hearing this, did he get enlightened so quickly, his face But he pretended to be innocent and asked, "Why?"

Chi Xiao frowned, and he couldn't understand why, but he expressed his feelings very frankly: "It's uncomfortable, when I think of you calling someone like that, I feel I don't feel comfortable."

"Is it okay to call you?" Xie Jing Xing asked knowingly.

"Of course you can call me!" Chi Xiao said without thinking.

"Then why call you okay, you can't call someone else! Besides, my brother is not someone else!" Of course Xie Jing Xing would not use such a voice to call others, including Lin Yu'an, but he couldn't help but want to tease Chi Xiao.

Xie Jing Xing did not directly return to his question when he asked and asked, Chi Xiao thought that he did not want to agree and was anxious, but he had nothing to do with Xie Jing Xing, if it was someone else, he had many ways to make them soft, but the other party was Xie Jing Xing, he He was reluctant to give up, so his brain became hot and he reached out to scratch Xie Jing Xing's itch. "Hahahaha~~ Don't, don't scratch~" Xie Jing Xing did not expect that this body is so thick, yet it is so ticklish, he kept twisting his body, trying to escape Chi Xiao's claws, but this body Huge and cumbersome, how could it escape Chi Xiao's nimble hands. Chi Xiao did not expect that the action he made in a flash was so effective, so he was even more reluctant to let Xie Jing Xing go, scratching all over his body, seeing Xie Jing Xing laughing back and forth, he couldn't help recalling corners of the mouth. Because of his parents, he was forced to grow up early. When children of the same age were playing carefree, he was deliberately collecting evidence of his biological father's crime. Compared with his peers, he was much more mature, and he also I didn't expect that one day I would do such a childish thing, but it seemed like a good feeling. He continued to scratch Xie Jing Xing and asked, "Then do you agree?"

"Hahahaha~~ Answer, promise... You, you let me go~~" Xie Jing Xing was so breathless with laughter that he had to compromise.

Only then did Chi Xiao let him go. Seeing that he was laughing so hard, and feeling a little distressed, he patted his back to give him comfort, and he didn't forget to confirm again: "You can promise me, but you can't. Go back and regret."

"I see." Xie Jing Xing rolled his eyes and saw that Chi Xiao was focused on his answer, he pushed him down on the bed while he was not prepared: "I asked you to scratch me, now it's my turn to take revenge!" He stretched out his hand to scratch his itch, but Xie Jing Xing did not forget the weight of this body, when pressing down, he supported the bed with one hand, no one was pressing on Chi Xiao, even so, Chi Xiao wanted to lift it up It's not that easy for him either. Not to be outdone, Chi Xiao rubbed Xie Jing Xing's chubby body with this posture, and the two of them became more playful, you came and I went back and forth, and they just played on the bed like this. After a long while, the two of them were lying on the bed panting, they looked at each other and laughed at the thought of their childish self. The setting sun poured in from the window, the two teenagers in the room were laughing wildly, in the living room, Lin's father and Lin's mother heard the laughter from Xie Jing Xing's house and looked at each other with a hint of joy in their eyes, they had been for a long time. Not hearing the laughter of the younger son, I couldn't help but love Chi Xiao even more. After laughing, Chi Xiao did not forget what he said about tutoring Xie Jingxing before: "Of course, I will give you tutoring." He said this with some caution, he had inquired about Xie Jingxing from Gao Chengpeng before, Knowing that he is the tail of a crane every time he takes an exam, I am afraid that it will hurt his self-esteem. "Okay." Xie Jing Xing nodded, he just took advantage of this opportunity to increase his grades quickly, with the help of the god of learning, even if the progress is faster, neither the classmates in the school nor the Lin family should be suspicious. Chi Xiao saw Xie Jing Xing agree so readily, without the slightest displeasure on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then which subject should we start from?" Xie Jing Xing thought about the original owner's worst mathematics, so he said, "Mathematics Bar."

Chi Xiao took Xie Jing Xing's math textbook for the first year of high school and asked, "Of course, why don't you understand?"

Chi Xiao asked Xie Jing Xing to a halt, as Xie Jing Xing, who was also a student god, was read by someone with a book. Three times in high school mathematics, he asked him what he didn't understand, but he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing him stunned, Chi Xiao thought he didn't understand too much, so he was embarrassed to say it, so he rubbed his head and said softly: "It's okay, I'll tell you from the beginning, if you don't understand something later. Yes, tell me right away."

Xie Jing Xing knew that Chi Xiao had misunderstood, but he didn't explain it, he nodded politely and said, "Okay."

So Chi Xiao gave Xie Jing Xing tutoring seriously, and then he realized that Xie Jing Xing was extremely smart, no matter what. As long as he talked about Xie Jing Xing on any topic, he would know it immediately, and he was very proud of being able to draw inferences from one case and use it flexibly. As for why Xie Jing Xing was the tail of the crane before, it must be because the teacher and Little Cutie did not have a tacit understanding, did you understand without seeing him talk about Little Cutie? Sure enough, he and Xie Jing Xing had the most tacit understanding.

If those teachers knew what Chi Xiao was thinking, there would definitely be three big question marks on their heads? Is it true that learning is about tacit understanding? Unheard of!

Chi Xiao felt very happy, he became more and more motivated to tutor Xie Jing Xing, Xie Jing Xing looked at him like this, somewhat amused and moved, but in the end he did not have the heart to tell him, in fact he knew all this.

Xie Jing Xing still only ate one apple for dinner, Chi Xiao frowned again when he saw this, but today he also saw Xie Jing Xing's strength and determination to lose weight. Although he was distressed, he didn't say anything this time, he just wanted to go back. Check the information related to weight loss, weight loss is no problem, but you must not hurt your body. "Chi Xiao, come and eat more. Xiao Ran is losing weight recently, and no one eats the food I cook. From now on, if you come every day, my aunt will cook you delicious food every day." Said that with Chi Xiao around, the younger son was obviously a lot more cheerful, so Mother Lin said this very sincerely. "Thank you auntie, then I will often disturb you in the future." Chi Xiao couldn't ask for it, how could he refuse.

Mother Lin waved her hand, "Don't disturb."

After eating, Chi Xiao accompanied Xie Jing Xing for two hours before heading home in the dark.

That night, Chi Xiao had a dream.

In the dream, he and Xie Jing Xing were fighting on the bed, in the dream he only felt that the chubby Xie Jing Xing looked like a big white bun, very tasty, he couldn't help but nibble on his face, it was as fragrant as he thought It was soft, so he couldn't help taking bite after bite.

Gradually, the place where he was biting moved from Xie Jing Xing's face to his lips, and the bite changed its taste and turned into kissing and licking, but he didn't mean to stop at all, instead he felt that from soul to body and mind It was very comfortable, he greedily kissed Xie Jing Xing, as if he wanted to eat him, until Xie Jing Xing in his dream called in a charming voice in his ear, "Brother Chi Xiao!" Just woke up.

Chi Xiao looked at the white liquid on his underwear, and the dream scene kept coming up in his mind. He quickly reacted again, and there was a trace of enlightenment in his eyes.

He remembered what Xie Jing Xing asked in the daytime: "Why is it okay to call you, but not someone else?" At that time, he was eager to get Xie Jing Xing to agree to him, but he didn't go into it, but now that he thinks about it, it turns out that he is in love with Cutie, and he didn't realize it yet. Before he arrived, his possessiveness made him take the lead in taking action.

Of course he knew that Xie Jing Xing's appearance was not cute in the public's aesthetic, and could even be called ugly, but when he saw him at first glance, he felt that he was extremely cute, Xie Jing Xing's brother to Lin Yu'an could make him feel in his heart. Pantothenic acid, he couldn't bear to see him being bullied, he couldn't bear to starve, and he felt distressed even when he was out of breath while running.

With so many differences, if it wasn't for this dream, he probably wouldn't realize it now, it's really dull enough. Xie Jing Xing definitely didn't think about him, his nasty voice "Brother Chi Xiao" really opened Chi Xiao's mind.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-21 00:00:00~2020-07-22 00:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 meowme;

thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 meow;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 17 bottles;

thank you very much for your support to me ,I will continue to work hard!

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