Chapter 26

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Ji Xin quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Wei Ge's number. As soon as the phone was connected, she began to sob softly without saying anything, but it could be heard clearly on the other side of the phone.

"Xin'er, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you again?" Wei Ge's anxious voice came from the phone.

"Woooooo, Brother Wei, I-I'm so scared, woohoo~" Ji Xin said while crying.

When Brother Wei heard her cry so pitifully, he felt distressed, and quickly comforted him: "Xin'er, don't be afraid, tell Brother Wei what happened, don't worry, no matter what, Brother Wei can help you."

Wei Ge really likes Ji Xin. When he was injured, Ji Xin rescued him, but he didn't ask for anything in return. He believed that Ji Xin was kind-hearted. Xin is beautiful and gentle. She is obviously the daughter of a wealthy family. She doesn't dislike him as a little bastard. She is willing to be friends with him, and she likes her even more in her heart. He knew that his status as a gangster was not worthy of a daughter like Ji Xin, so he kept his liking in his heart and did not dare to let Ji Xin find out, for fear that he would not even be a friend in the end.

Wei Ge thought he concealed his feelings well, but he didn't know that Ji Xin had seen through his mind long ago and used it. If he stood in front of Ji Xin at this time, he would find the pitiful crying on the phone. Not a single tear in his eyes.

"I was playing on the computer just now, and found that my computer suddenly went black with a line of text on it: I've been looking at you~, Wei Ge, am I being watched by a stalker or something? I'm so scared." Ji Xin's voice was obviously trembling, half of it was fake, and half of it was her true reflection, and she naturally wouldn't tell Wei Ge stupidly about the previous sentence left by the hacker.

"Then have you told your family?" Wei Ge thought of Ji Xin's family background. If Ji's family made a move, it would be easier to investigate.

"As soon as something happened, I thought of you, brother Wei. Before I had time to tell my parents, Brother Wei, you are so good, you can definitely help me solve it, right? I don't want my parents to worry." Her tone was full of little girls' trust. and worship.

When Wei Ge heard that Ji Xin was in an accident, he thought of him, which showed that Ji Xin was very dependent on him, and Ji Xin's compliments made Wei Ge's heart fluttered, and quickly assured: "Xin'er, don't worry, I am here. Go find someone to find that person."

"Great, thank you, Brother Wei, you are such a good person." Ji Xin sent a good person card to Brother Wei in a gentle tone, then hung up the phone.

As a gangster, Wei Ge still has some connections, and he really made him find a person who knows a little bit about hacking technology. Under his coercion and lure, the other party agreed to help him, but in the end they were disappointed, and they left a trace. None were found.

Hearing Wei Ge's apologetic voice on the phone, Ji Xin's smile froze, her eyes were filled with anger, her face was full of disgust, but her mouth was gently comforting. After dealing with Brother Wei, Ji Xin was at a loss, and finally had to deal with the computer. He didn't dare to do bad things in a short time.

Xie Jing Xing found out about Wei Ge through Ji Xin, and found that he was just an ordinary gangster who was idle, but because he was relatively good at fighting, he had a few younger brothers under him. In addition to helping Ji Xin take pictures for girls, he also brought As the younger brothers targeted some students and did some robbery and extortion activities, these students had no background at home, and they did not dare to say anything if they were robbed.

Xie Jing Xing thought for a while, he could indeed call the police, but these people might be released within a few days, and they would not serve the purpose of punishment at all, so he finally decided to take action by himself.

After Xie Jing Xing figured out their whereabouts, he found the time to put sacks on them respectively. He is very good at himself. Shen Zhan taught him a lot of practical moves in the previous world. Succeeded by him.

Xie Jing Xing didn't show any mercy, he directly broke their legs, he had already discovered that although he didn't have the feelings of the previous world, he remembered all the skills he had learned very clearly, like it was engraved in his soul. Very proficient, even with a lot of memory, basically can do unforgettable. He has been studying medicine all his life in the last world, and he knows the structure of the human body very well. Naturally, he knows how to make their legs unable to stand up again.

It's not that he is cruel, those students who were injured by them, especially the girls who were beaten by them, they never offended them, but they still can do it without hesitation, don't they think that this will destroy others For a lifetime? Not to mention that they were used by Ji Xin, they are all adults, don't they even have the ability to distinguish right from wrong? So stupid and poisonous, always paying the price for what he did.

Xie Jing Xing was not afraid of them going to the police, he dared to do so, he could guarantee that he would not be traced at all, and besides these people had a record at the police station, the police might not believe what they said, and when they saw they were injured, they might still feel that they were injured. Heartwarming.

After breaking Brother Wei's leg, Xie Jing Xing deliberately changed his voice and left a sentence in his ear: "Miss Ji is the daughter of the Ji family, it's not something you can think of as a bastard, next time if you dare to hit Miss Ji again It's not as simple as breaking a leg." It would be better if he and Ji Xingou could bite the dog.

After the school started, in order to avoid trouble, Xie Jing Xing controlled his grades to increase steadily, from the top 100 in the whole grade to the top 50, the top 30, then the top ten, the top five, and finally the first, and then every It ranks first in terms of times close to full marks. For Xie Jing Xing, the dark horse that suddenly appeared, the teachers were both surprised and delighted, this is a proper seedling of the champion.

Similarly, Cheng Keke's performance has been steadily rising, and finally maintained in the top three.

"Coco, why have you made such great progress recently?" Cheng Keke's deskmate Liu Lu asked. She and Cheng Keke are good friends. This question is purely out of curiosity.

Cheng Keke said: "My brother has been helping me with tutoring recently, and he has specially made a study plan for me, which is very strict." She seemed to be complaining, but her face was full of smiles. Her relationship with her brother has always been good. , but she finds that her brother has been better to her recently.

"Isn't your brother going to take the college entrance examination this year, and he even took time to tutor you. Your brother is so kind to you." Liu Lu looked envious.

Cheng Keke's face was full of pride: "My brother is amazing. He is now the first in senior high school, and he has scored close to full marks in several exams." Her tone was very cute with a little girl's show off and her brother's admiration.

Liu Lu sighed and sighed: "Hey, why don't I have such a good and powerful brother?"

"I have a lot of my brothers who have highlighted the key points for me, and they should also be useful to you. Do you want to watch?" Cheng Keke is not stingy with his best friend.

Upon hearing this, Liu Lu nodded quickly and said, "I want it! Coco, you are so kind to me!" Then she made an exaggerated moving expression, and the two laughed together.

In the classroom with bright windows and clean windows, the girls are carefree and slapstick, their smiles are bright, there is no haze, and everyone who sees them can't help but smile.

In the college entrance examination a few months later, Xie Jingxing was not surprised that he won the provincial first prize in science with two points less than the perfect score. In order to stay in S City to take care of his younger sister, he rejected the invitation of Huaqing University and applied for the Computer Science Department of S University. , but S University is also one of the top ten universities in the country. As an enlightened parent, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother have no objection.

In the middle school entrance examination a month later, Cheng Keke performed normally and was successfully admitted to the key experimental class of No. 1 Middle School.

In the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, Xie Jingxing enrolled Cheng Keke in a taekwondo and etiquette class. Cheng Keke now admired and convinced his brother very much, knowing that his brother must be for her good, so he gritted his teeth and persevered.

After arranging Cheng Keke, Xie Jing Xing started his business. He married all the money from the stock market, rented a small office, assembled a batch of high-performance equipment by himself, and then registered the company. He directly used the name of the Shen Zhan company in the previous world, and named it Shengyuan Technology.

Once there is a place to work, the next step is the employees. As the provincial champion, he visited several professors of computer science at S University, and from them he got a group of outstanding students in the Department of Computer Science. Then, with his superb computer technology, he convinced them and agreed to join his company.

With these people joining in, Xie Jing Xing started his own game. Xie Jingxing planned to launch a 3D online game first. He did market research in the early stage and found that there were also some 3D online games on the market. When the server was first launched, a large number of players poured in, but later because of the rough graphics, the server performance could not keep up, and the game was always played. There is a stuck phenomenon, the user experience is particularly poor, and various problems are quickly abandoned by players, and finally submerged in many games. If there is a 3D game with beautiful and realistic pictures, smooth speed and attractive story at this time, it will be very popular.

Because it was the first game, Xie Jingxing valued it very much. Apart from some simple functions, Xie Jingxing did a lot of work, even the design of scenes and characters, animation, special effects, marketing planning, etc. During that time, he lived in the company every day. , when tired, just lean on and squint for a few minutes at will, sleep no more than three hours a day, after a month, Xie Jing Xing lost weight.

After seeing his almightiness, the entire company's employees were completely smitten by him. Even if a company offered higher salaries to poach corners later, they never left, and they have been accompanying Sheng Yuan from a small game company to a game company that made everyone happy. Shengyuan Group, who dare not underestimate.

This summer, a 3D online game called "Battle of the Gods" is extremely popular, with all kinds of epic scenes, beautiful natural scenery, exquisite character design, smooth game experience, realistic after wearing 3D eyes The visual impact and the ingenious plot design are all players who love this game.

This summer, the way young people say hello is no longer "Have you eaten yet?", but "Have you played "Clash of the Gods" today."

Shengyuan Technology, which developed this game, has also entered people's attention However, Cheng Nuo, the president of Shengyuan Technology, refused all kinds of interview invitations and entered S University with a schoolbag in a low-key manner, becoming a freshman.

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