Chapter 61

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"Since Mr. Sheng is here to inspect the work: then you can talk to Director Li: I'm going to change my clothes." Xie Jing Xing restrained the smile on the corner of his mouth and said deliberately with a straight face: Then he ignored the man's expression of hesitating to speak. : Turn around and go to the changing room.

Sheng Changyi looked at Xie Jing Xing's back: Somewhat annoyed, did he make his sweetheart angry?

Because Director Li often cooperates with Shengshi Entertainment, he has been in and out of Shengshi Entertainment more often: I have seen Sheng Changyi: He quickly stood up: With a respectful attitude: "Mr. Sheng: Why are you here?"

"I heard that Gu Jiu today For the first official play, I came to visit the class on purpose." Sheng Changyi had no scruples about what Xie Jing Xing could not say, and with Director Li. He just wanted to let everyone know that he attached great importance to Xie Jing Xing, so that someone would have scruples if they wanted to use their crooked minds. Director Li hurriedly praised: "Gu Jiu is very good, eager to learn and hardworking: he also has aura in acting, and he is a good seedling, and Mr. Sheng has a vision." Seeing that Sheng Changyi's face softened, he continued: "Gu Jiu is humble and polite. I like him very much." Sheng Changyi nodded and said, "I have Director Li to take care of it." Director Li was a little flattered when he heard this, and quickly waved his hand: "Where is it." Sheng Changyi knew that he was here, and Director Li might not be able to shoot with peace of mind: he asked: "Director Li, I wonder if Gu Jiu's scene is over today?" "It's over." Just then Xie Jing Xing changed his clothes and came out, Director Li hurriedly said, "Xiao Gu, your scene for today is over, you don't need to stay any longer. It's on the set." Xie Jingxing nodded, "I see, Director Li." Then he turned his head to Sheng Changyi and said, "Mr. Sheng, then you continue to inspect the work, I'll go first, I haven't gone out for a walk since I came to the Studio City. Well, I just have time today." "I'm going with you, I've never visited, and I'm very interested in the film and television city." Sheng Changyi said quickly, for fear that Xie Jing Xing would just turn around and leave. Xie Jing Xing frowned slightly, his face was a little tangled, and he finally nodded, "Alright then."

Liang Rui frowned as he looked at the backs of the two leaving. He knew from the beginning that Mr. Sheng attached great importance to Gu Jiu, but Mr. Sheng always kept himself clean, not close to women, and of course not to men. In that respect, President Sheng appeared here today for Gu Jiu's sake. Although he was extremely restrained, how could he not be able to see President Sheng's thoughts towards Gu Jiu after being in this circle for so long.

Although he has only been with him for a few days, he still has some understanding of Gu Jiu. He has a high emotional intelligence. In just a few days, Director Li and Gao Hongyu can sincerely take him as their junior and teach him without hesitation. He did not praise him, except for a few narrow-minded and shameful, he almost conquered the entire crew in a short period of time. Gu Jiu is a person with strong executive power. Whatever he wants to do, no matter how hard he puts in, he will achieve it. For example, in acting, he is smart and talented. The scary thing is that he works harder than anyone else. In the past few days, in addition to eating and sleeping, he is watching other people's acting seriously all the time, and then quickly learns and absorbs them. He has sharpened his acting skills, and his progress is so fast that he can't even keep up with the best actor and actress he has brought before. With these two points, Gu Jiu's rise to the top of the entertainment industry is only a matter of time. The only thing he worries about is that Gu Jiu died halfway through other reasons, such as offending someone like Mr. Sheng who can't be offended. Gu Jiu was young after all, so he was arrogant and arrogant. Thinking of Gu Jiu's reluctant appearance just now, he was worried that after Mr. Sheng revealed his thoughts, Gu Jiu would resist and thus offend Mr. Sheng. Liang Rui didn't realize that Xie Jing Xing conquered not only the crew but also him, obviously Sheng Changyi was his boss, but he thought more about Xie Jing Xing. The two were walking on the road to the film and television city, Xie Jing Xing looked east and west, but did not look at the man beside him. Sheng Changyi felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of Xie Jing Xing's reluctant appearance just now, he seemed to be hated by his sweetheart. Xie Jing Xing originally wanted to tease him, but now seeing him drooping his head in despair, like a big dog abandoned by his master, it was somewhat amusing and a little distressing: "President Sheng, actually I don't really want to be with you... ..."
Sheng Changyi felt a pain in his heart when he heard the words, did he hate him so much that he couldn't bear to stay with him?

His eyes were dim, he pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty, he wanted to say something, his hand was taken by Xie Jing Xing and pressed against his chest, he felt Xie Jing Xing's rapid heartbeat, in his doubtful and shocked eyes, Xie Jing Xing raised his head, in his eyes It was the love that made him ecstatic: "Since the first time I saw Mr. Sheng, my heartbeat has been abnormally fast. I seem to fall in love with Mr. Sheng at first sight. If I stay with Mr. Sheng, I am afraid that I will I can't control my liking for Mr. Sheng, and I will fall deeper and deeper. This feeling comes too fast, even I can't believe it myself, won't Mr. Sheng think that I like you because of your identity?"

Sheng Changyi couldn't believe that he actually heard the confession of his sweetheart, his current mood was like riding a roller coaster, he said eagerly, "I believe, I believe whatever you say." He grabbed Xie Jing Xing's hand and pressed it. On his chest, let him feel the same rapid heartbeat: "Look, I'm the same as you, I'm in love with you at first sight, I wanted to kiss you the first time I met, you don't have to control your liking for me, because I have already fallen into it, even if you like me because of my status, it doesn't matter, I am very happy that my status can make you like it and help you."

Xie Jing Xing took the man's hand to the corner and pushed the man to the corner. On the wall, Sheng Changyi looked at him suspiciously, he felt that he couldn't keep up with the thoughts of his sweetheart at all.

Xie Jing Xing raised his arms around the man's neck, pressed his head down, raised his eyes with a hint of provocation, "Didn't you say you wanted to kiss me the first time we met? Just think about it?" He pressed his lips to his lips.

The sweetheart's bold and frank appearance made Sheng Changyi pleasantly surprised and loved, a chuckle overflowed from his lips, he raised his hand and clasped the back of Xie Jing Xing's head, held Xie Jing Xing's lips and sucked it, and then stuck his tongue into the young man's slightly open mouth. In his mouth, he danced with the youth's tongue hooked. The two tongues touched, and both of them felt the tremors in their souls, and they couldn't help but let out a comfortable moan and moan. This moan and moan was like a switch, which completely ignited the two of them, and the two were even more enthusiastic and ecstatic. Kissing passionately, the lips and tongues entangled constantly changing angles, until the two were breathless and reluctant to part.

As soon as they separated, they looked at each other with a simple look, looking at the burning affection in each other's eyes, their lips pressed together again like suction, and then another passionate kiss.

After repeating this several times, Xie Jing Xing gradually became at a disadvantage, he was kissed softly by the man, leaned on the man's arms, tilted his head slightly to endure the man's passionate kiss, the body fluid that was too late to exchange overflowed from the corners of his mouth and ran down his chin. Dirty.

Sheng Changyi wrapped his arms around his flexible waist and hugged him tightly, as if he was going to clasp him into his own flesh and blood. He looked at the lover in his arms with burning eyes, admiring the charming style that he had never been exposed to. Xie Jing Xing's lips were red and swollen at this time, his handsome face was flushed, his eyes were blurred, especially the mole on the corner of his eyes, which was very charming and charming at this time. Looking at such a lover, Sheng Changyi exhausted all the self-control in his life to not rectify his lover on the spot. He reluctantly and restrained pecked his lips a few times. The two held each other quietly for a long time, until the body's desire gradually subsided. When Sheng Changyi sent Xie Jingxing back to the hotel, Liang Rui was waiting in the lobby. When he saw the two of them coming back, he looked Xie Jingxing up and down without a trace and found that Xie Jingxing's lips were slightly swollen, he had also been in love, how could he not know this how is it caused. Looking at the atmosphere full of pink bubbles between him and Mr. Sheng, and the sour smell of love that can be smelled from far away, what else he doesn't understand. It seems that Mr. Sheng made a move, and it was successful. It's the same, regardless of Mr. Sheng's identity, Mr. Sheng himself is very attractive, with good looks, good figure, strong ability, and cleanliness. If he really wants someone, Gu is only twenty years old. How can you resist it for a long time. Gu Jiu didn't offend President Sheng, Liang Rui breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but worry that President Sheng's interest in Gu Jiu would not last long, which would affect Gu Jiu's star path, and he was worried that Gu Jiu himself was too deep. In the end it was you who got hurt. For the sake of Xie Jing Xing, he could be considered heartbroken, and it was Xie Jing Xing's charisma that he could make people consider him sincerely in such a short period of time.

Liang Rui watched the two reluctantly say goodbye at the door, and after Xie Jing Xing returned to his room, he finally couldn't help but bear Sheng Changyi's stern eyes and said, "President Sheng, Gu Jiu is young, if he has a place in the future I've made you unhappy, please bear with me and don't have the same knowledge as him."

Sheng Changyi took a deep look at Liang Rui when he heard the words, just when Liang Rui thought that Mr. Sheng would not be worried because of his slightly out-of-order remarks, Sheng Changyi said: " You are very good."

"Don't worry, I can never hurt him." Because Liang Rui really cares about his lover, Sheng Changyi doesn't mind giving him a promise to make him feel at ease.

Liang Rui was really relieved to hear that, he was just a small broker among the many companies under Sheng Changyi, there was absolutely no need for a man like Sheng Changyi to give him any guarantees, but he did it, all because of his feelings for Gu Jiu value.

The next day, when Liang Rui saw Xie Jing Xing, he couldn't help but ask, "You and Mr. Sheng?"

"We are lovers now." Xie Jing Xing did not hide that Liang Rui was his manager and would know sooner or later. relationship between the two.

Xie Jing Xing did not know that his lover had given Liang Rui the assurance, he thought he was worried about himself, after all, from the point of view of his identity, he was much weaker than his lover: "Brother Liang, don't worry, he will never hurt me."

These two talents After knowing each other for a few days, there was such a tacit understanding that they even spoke the same words, so he couldn't help but complain, "You and Mr. Sheng have only known each other for a few days, so you trust him so much that you don't even know if you are betrayed."

Xie Jing Xing heard this. The joke in Liang Rui's tone made him proud, "He can't bear it."

Liang Rui was caught off guard and was fed a pack of dog food. Just as he was about to complain again, Xie Jing Xing's phone rang and it was Sheng Changyi's video call. Xie Jing Xing was connected, a man's low and magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone: "Baby, I miss you so much."

Liang Rui looked at the man who had always been stern in the video and his eyes were so gentle that he seemed to be dripping water, he was the first His reaction turned out to be that he might be forced to eat dog food more often in the future, thinking of this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly and he exited Xie Jing Xing's room.

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