Chapter 99(Arc 7: Everyone Thinks I'm a Hillbilly)

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When Xie Jing Xing regained consciousness: he found himself sitting in a moving car, next to him sat a middle-aged man in his forties, the man was wearing a suit that was tailored and tailored by hand: One could tell that his identity was not low. He lowered his head and glanced at his dirty work clothes, and rubbed his hands without a trace, which were full of calluses. The original owner and the man beside him were obviously not from the same class: somehow they were sitting in the same car.

Xie Jing Xing saw that the man was closing his eyes and meditating: He didn't want to pay attention to him, so he looked out the window and began to receive the story of this world and the memory of the original owner.

This is a world where men and women can marry. The protagonist is Qi Ze, the eldest young master of the Qi family of the imperial capital. Qi Ze is infatuated with Ji Mohan, the eldest master of the Ji family: He has been chasing Ji Mohan since he was studying: If there are any men and women who are similar to rivals in Ji Mohan's side, Qi Ze will use all means to take them out as soon as possible. Clear: Ji Mohan was very tired of Qi Ze like this: He never accepted him from beginning to end.

I don't know if God is helping Qi Ze. Later, Ji's group was in crisis: Qi Ze took the opportunity to propose to Ji Mohan that as long as Ji Mohan was willing to marry him: He would inject funds to help Ji's tide over the difficulties, and Ji Mohan agreed .

Qi Ze got his wish and married Ji Mohan: He also invested a lot of money into the Ji family as promised to help the Ji family get through the difficulties: And Ji Mohan seemed to be moved by Qi Ze, and he changed his indifference towards him. , very gentle and considerate.

Just when Qi Ze was immersed in the sweet happiness of love and marriage, he didn't know that Ji Mohan had been secretly annexing the Qi family: Qi Ze was unprepared for him, and Qi Ze agreed to sign without hesitation, no matter what kind of cooperation. After professional evaluation. It was not until the Qi family was completely taken over by Ji Mohan and the Qi family changed hands that Qi Ze woke up from a sweet dream.

He went to question Ji Mohan why he did this. Ji Mohan told him coldly: "If it wasn't for the Ji family, how could I have married you! I thought it would be more difficult and longer to annex the Qi family, but who knew you would be so stupid!"

Qi Ze couldn't believe it . Looking at Ji Mohan, he didn't believe that the person who was extremely cold and hurtful was the lover who spoke softly to him yesterday: "I don't believe it, haven't we been fine before? You love me, right?"

Ji Mohan looked at him mockingly: "Love? How could I love you, you don't know how much I hate you! It was just to get rid of you that I annexed the Qi family, and now you can still be without capital. What are you using to coerce me?" Seemingly feeling that the stimulation to him was not enough, he continued: "May I tell you, the person I really like is your younger brother Qi You, if the original marriage partner was replaced by your younger brother, maybe today I I'll spare the Qi family, he's much cuter than you."

This is of course a lie, Ji Mohan has no idea about Qi You, because of Qi Ze's relationship, he doesn't like the Qi family. If he really likes Qi You, how could the Qi family go bankrupt? Anyone with a brain can think of it, but Qi Ze believes it. As long as it is about Ji Mohan, Qi Ze is a love brain, and Ji Mohan is exactly the same. Knowing this, he would say this. The family went bankrupt, the brothers turned against each other, the marriage broke down, and the love dream was broken. This was his revenge for Qi Ze who had coerced him.

Believing it to be true, Qi Ze thought it was because of Qi You's existence that Ji Mohan's heart was not on him. The love brain is really a love brain, that is, at this time, he doesn't think about how to save his own business, and the more tangled thing is why Ji Mohan doesn't love him. He completely forgot his original intention of looking for Ji Mohan, slammed the door and planned to question Qi You, but he was in a car accident because he was too eager, and then he was reborn, when he was ten years old, at this time He and Ji Mohan are elementary school classmates. He always likes to be by Ji Mohan's side. Although he has not yet developed a relationship because of his young age, the possessiveness of children has made him start to expel the people around Ji Mohan.

The newly reborn Qi Ze was full of hatred. He looked at his four-year-old carefree brother, Yu Xue, who was cute and like a little angel. Anyone who saw it would like it, but Qi Ze felt that it was extremely annoying. He remembered what Ji Mohan said before his death, and a vicious thought suddenly popped up in his heart, without Qi You, would Ji Mohan fall in love with him? As soon as the idea of ​​whether everything in the previous life will happen, it can't be suppressed, so Qi Ze began to seriously plan how to disappear Qi You.

Qi Ze still didn't dare to kill him, he could only find a way to throw Qi You away. So from this day on, he kept playing hide-and-seek games with Qi You, ranging from the room to the villa to the garden, every time before Qi You hides, Qi Ze will remind him: "You must hide far away, In this way, brother will not be able to find you, and the adults tell you not to agree, they are all helpers of brother, you will lose as soon as you agree." After repeating it, Qi You remembered this sentence.

Feeling that the time was right, Qi Ze took Qi You out. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan, the bodyguards must not follow, so he told Qi You that his brother would play hide-and-seek with him later, so too many people could not follow him. Otherwise, these people became the helpers of the elder brother, so they went out under Qi You's sloppiness, only with a nanny and a bodyguard.

Qi Ze first took the nanny out on the grounds that he wanted to eat, and then fell down on purpose, breaking his knee. While the bodyguard was treating his wound, he gave Qi You a gesture, which was two For Qi You, the gesture he would make every time he started a game of hide-and-seek was the code to start the game, so Qi You ran away excitedly and hid.

When the nanny came back from shopping, he saw that the bodyguard was treating the eldest young master's wounds, but the young master was gone, so they hurriedly asked, and the two realized that the young master had been lost. Qi Ze's face was also anxious, everyone thought Qi You had lost himself, and no one suspected Qi Ze. After all, who would have thought that a ten-year-old child would ruthlessly lose his own younger brother?

In the end, Qi You still didn't find him. Qi Ze was extremely remorseful and relieved. The great enemy in his life finally disappeared.

For Ji Mohan, Qi Ze had both love and hate in his heart. He stopped chasing Ji Mohan and was very indifferent to Ji Mohan.

The person who was chasing him suddenly ignored him, Ji Mohan was very puzzled, but he became interested in Qi Ze. It is a series of scenes of chasing the wife and the crematorium. The identities of the pursuer and the pursued are completely reversed from the previous life. Because of the hatred in the previous life, Qi Ze has never accepted Ji Mohan, and has been in such a sadistic relationship for more than ten years.

For more than ten years, Qi Ze also gradually realized that what happened in his previous life was not Ji Mohan's fault alone, and began to slowly let go of his hatred in his previous life, letting go of Ji Mohan and himself at the same time. He persuaded himself like this, So he forgave Ji Mohan, and finally accepted Ji Mohan. He finally got his sweetheart. Ji Mohan cherished it very much. After the two got married, Ji Mohan also loved Qi Ze as always, and was very happy. The enviable model husband.

The original owner is the protagonist Shou Qi Ze's younger brother Qi You. The four-year-old original owner received the code for the start of his brother's game and ran away to find a place to hide. Later, he also heard the voice of his nanny and bodyguard brother calling him, But he always remembered his brother's words. These people were his helpers. As soon as he agreed, he lost, so he never answered. He thought that this time, like every hide-and-seek, his brother would admit defeat if he couldn't find him for a long time, but he waited and waited, and he didn't wait for his brother to admit defeat until he was far away. I don't know how long he waited, but he just felt very hungry. He came out to look for his brother, but he couldn't find it. He was too young to remember the way home, so he had to wander around until a middle-aged man. Found him, asked him to eat, and took him home.

The original owner was lucky. The middle-aged man who found him was not a trafficker, but an ordinary migrant worker. Because the man had no children, he and his wife had never had children. Now that he saw the original owner who was lost, he only felt that it was God's mercy that he gave him a child.

At first glance, the original owner's clothes showed that he was from a wealthy family, and the man did not dare to stay in the city for a long time. He returned to the village overnight with his delighted wife and the original owner who had changed into ordinary clothes. The two hadn't returned to the village for several years, and now they brought back a four-year-old child. The villagers just regarded it as their son and had no doubts. two sons.

The couple consciously did something wrong. In addition to the fact that the original owner looks so cute, Yuxue looks like it. The two are very good to the original owner. The child is sensitive and feels the kindness of the two. Apart from crying and fussing at the beginning, the two who accepted it quickly gradually forgot what happened before.

Since then, the couple has not gone out to work anymore, and stayed in the countryside to farm for a living. The family of three lived a peaceful life, although not rich, but the couple never took the original owner to play in the city, for fear of being caught by the original owner's family. Find, in addition, as long as it is any request of the original owner, the couple will do their best to meet it. The original owner is not without doubts, but when he asks this question, the woman will cry. After several times, he was only a mother when he was in the city before, and he didn't dare to mention it again.

When the original owner was in high school, the woman was diagnosed with cancer. In order to treat his wife's illness, the man went out to work again, but he didn't want to work too hard to cause his body to be too exhausted. He fell from a height on the construction site and died on the spot .

After receiving the news of her husband's death, the woman only felt that she had killed her husband. She blamed herself and grieved excessively, and her condition became more serious.

When his father died and his mother became seriously ill, the original owner's life changed dramatically. He had to drop out of school to take care of his sick mother while earning money to support his family. Although he lost 100,000 yuan on the construction site, he knew that this amount of money would not be enough to cure his mother's illness.

She killed her husband, and now she has to drag her son down again. The woman blames herself even more. She knows that her illness cannot be cured. He begged his mother to let her not give up. In this world, he only had his mother as a relative. Seeing her son like this, the woman finally told the original owner everything.

Suddenly knowing that he was not the biological child of his parents, the original owner was completely stunned, his mind was blank, and he didn't know how to react at all. After locking himself in the room for a whole day, the original owner recovered.

Although it was really wrong that the two of them didn't take him to the police after they found him, the original owner couldn't hate them. Over the years, the two have really treated him as their own son, thinking of him first when everything is good. When he has a headache, the two of them are in a hurry. Except that they did not provide him with a richer life, the two of them did No worse than biological parents. Besides, if he hadn't been picked up by his father at that time, he might have been picked up by traffickers, so how could he grow up so safely?

The woman didn't expect that her son didn't blame her, and she was willing to call her mother. Since then, she has never said anything about not treating her illness, and she can recuperate with peace of mind.

In the days that followed, the original owner worked to earn money while taking care of her mother, but the woman's illness was not cured after all, and she went away after two years.

After the grief, the original organizer organized the funeral of his mother, and went to the imperial capital alone with his luggage and only a few hundred dollars. The mother said that his father found him in the imperial capital, so his biological parents should live there.

The original owner was also curious about his biological parents, but his mother only knew that his parents were in the imperial capital. Judging from the clothes he was wearing when he picked him up, his original family should be in good condition, so he should have been lost, not abandoned by his family. I don't know how his biological parents have been for so many years, will he be very sad because of his disappearance? It's just that the imperial capital is so big and there are so many people, how can he find them?

The original owner, a countryman with no education, is not easy to live in the imperial capital. There are not many jobs for him to choose. He has worked as a dishwasher, delivered couriers, moved bricks, and lived in the imperial capital for two years. Until he was seen by Father Qi who came to inspect the work at the construction site.

Now they are on their way back. The man sitting next to him is Father Qi. Father Qi is almost 60 years old. Because he is well maintained, he looks only in his forties. Father Qi has taken the original owner to test his DNA before. It was confirmed that the original owner was indeed the lost son of the Qi family for many years.

The original owner was very happy to find his biological parents. After being brought back to Qi's house, the scene where his mother saw him crying and hugging him in his fantasy did not happen, but asked the servant to prepare him a new set of clothes for him to change. , the younger sister Qi Yue made no secret of her dislike for him, and even harbored inexplicable hostility towards him. She never called him big brother from beginning to end, but the eldest brother Qi Ze was very gentle to him.

The original owner, who grew up in the countryside, was incompatible with the Qi family. In order to let him integrate into the life of the upper class, Qi Ze "kindly" took him to various banquets. laughing stock. Not only did Qi Ze not blame him, but he comforted him very gently, and introduced his friends to him, so that the original owner trusted and appreciated Qi Ze more and more.

The original owner didn't know that the friend that Qi Ze introduced to him looked gentle and elegant, and he looked like a man, but he was a scum with x-abuse habits. .

How could the reborn Qi Ze not know this, although he and Ji Mohan were already together at this time and their relationship was stable, but the appearance of the original owner made him feel scared. "The person I really like is your younger brother, he is much cuter than you", he can feel at ease only when the original owner is completely mired in the quagmire. He believes that the unfortunate marriage in his previous life is all because of the original owner, and the original owner naturally also has to experience an unfortunate marriage. , he didn't think he was doing anything wrong at all.

The man is experienced, gentle and patient with the original owner, and he picks up people in every way. How can the simple original owner resist, not to mention that after returning to Qi's house, the man is the only one other than Qi Ze who dislikes him. Man, it's not surprising that the original owner likes him.

After the two communicated with each other, the man soon proposed to the original owner. The original owner was immersed in happiness, but he did not know that life after marriage would be a nightmare. After being abused by a man x, the original owner once asked Qi Ze for help, but he didn't know the man Qi Ze told when he turned around. After that, the man locked him on the bed, took away all his communication equipment, and prevented him from having the opportunity to communicate with the outside world, and tortured him even more. The original owner was tortured to death by the man on the bed.

After the original owner died, the man gave some benefits to the Qi family. Qi's father and Qi mother felt that the original owner's death method was very shameful and didn't want to publicize it, so the two sides reached a consensus and claimed that the original owner died of illness, so they covered up the past.

After accepting the plot, Xie Jing Xing was so well trained that he couldn't help but speak foul language. Depend on! wtf? The tragedy of Qi Ze's previous life, to put it bluntly, is that he and Ji Mohan are both cheap and scumbags. As a result, the person who harmed him in the previous life, Qi Ze just ignored him after his rebirth, and never thought of taking revenge on Ji Mohan, and finally forgave him. He, happily with Ji Mohan, said to let off Ji Mohan, but also let go of himself, fuck! This is a fucking bastard!

On the contrary, the innocent Qi You endured all the hatred of Qi Ze because of Ji Mohan's words. He didn't believe his own younger brother, but he believed in the casual words of the scumbag who lied to him. Qi Ze could no longer believe it. To describe it as a love brain, this is a fucking brain-damaged!

Qi's family is also the best. Isn't it better for him that his son, who was finally found, should feel sorry for the hardships he has endured these years? Since he hated it so much, why did he find it back in the first place, just for marriage?

Xie Jing Xing has traveled through many worlds and the family members he has met are all excellent, he has never met such a superb family, and now he only has one thought in his heart, that is to torture them to death!

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