Chapter 19

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"Well, press it, let's go to sleep." Xie Jing Xing said with a stern face, and after he finished speaking, he pulled the quilt aside to cover Shen Zhan's important parts.

Xie Jing Xing didn't really get angry, he was also a man, he naturally knew that a man's body couldn't stand provocation, he deliberately kept his face straight because he knew that as long as he showed a little soft-heartedness, this man would be able to gain an inch, and he would still have to work every day in the future. Give Shen Zhan a massage, you can't give him a massage every day.

Seeing Shen Zhan's nervous expression, Xie Jing Xing was obviously afraid that he would get angry, so he still explained: "Your body is not fit right now, wait until your legs are healed..."

Shen Zhan's originally nervous expression changed because of Xie Jing Xing's words. Overjoyed, he grabbed his hand and did not dare to believe: "Xiao Yuan, are you really willing?"

Xie Jing Xing helplessly sighed, with rare patience and tenderness: "Since I accept you, it is natural that I am sincere. I sincerely regard you as my lover. Although I may not like you as deeply as you do to me now, I am sure that I like you a little bit, so people who like each other will do what they want to do and what they love to do. , I am willing to do it."

Shen Zhan gently took the rare sight that made his love deeper into his arms, and said firmly: "I will try my best to turn your little liking into a very like or even deep love."

Sweet days always It passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day when Shen Zhan went to He Lao to treat his leg, and the day that Xie Jing Xing and Zhong Aimin agreed on happened on the second day after Shen Zhan had his leg treated, Xie Jing Xing just remembered to tell Shen Zhan about it, Only then did Shen Zhan know that the young man was risking money to make money when he didn't know it. He felt a little distressed, and wondered why he didn't get to know the young man early because of the rumors. The young man had suffered a lot when he didn't know it. At the same time, Shen Zhan is very proud. The more he gets along, the more he understands the talent and ability of the young man. The young man is a dusty pearl, and now only he knows how dazzling this pearl is.

That day, the ox cart in the village did not go to the county seat. Shen Zhan was reluctant to walk Xie Jing to the county seat for more than two hours. Shen Zhan decided that the two would stay with Mr. He for one night. When the boy went to repair the radio, he went to Feng Weimin to investigate. For a moment, Zhong Aimin, although he will not interfere with what the teenager does, he wants to ensure the safety of the teenager.

When Elder He saw Shen Zhan and Xie Jing Xing again, he was pleased to find that the two were much closer than last time, and Shen Zhan seemed to be smiling a lot in front of Xie Jing Xing.

After Shen Zhan's leg treatment was over today, he saw that the boy was concentrating on studying with Mr. He, so he didn't bother, and went to the Public Security Bureau to ask Feng Weimin to ask him to investigate Zhong Aimin. When I came back, I passed by the supply and marketing agency, and when I thought of the young man's washed white clothes, I pushed the wheelchair into the supply and marketing agency.

Shen Zhan came to the counter that sold clothes. He was wearing a military uniform today. The salesman knew at a glance that it was different from the imitation military uniform sold by their supply and marketing agency. This man was wearing a military uniform issued by the real army. In a wheelchair, the salesperson did not dare to neglect.

"Comrade, what do you want to sell?"

Shen Zhan wears military uniforms in the army, and has no idea about the style of the clothes. He carefully looked at the clothes behind the salesman, and finally chose two white shirts, one black Trousers, a pair of blue trousers, and an imitation military uniform.

He has seen the male educated youth in the village. When they are not working, most of them wear white clothes and black trousers. They are simple and generous with a bookish air. The teenagers usually don't need to go to the ground and are not afraid of getting dirty. They should like it. As for military uniforms, people of this era both love.

After buying clothes, Shen Zhan remembered that teenagers often don't know the time, so he went to the watch counter to choose a watch.

The thought of the teenager wearing the clothes he bought and the watch he bought made Shen Zhan feel very happy. He never knew that buying things for his beloved was such a joyful thing that Shen Zhan went back immediately. Went to Xie Jing Xing and saw him identifying herbs in the yard by himself. He went forward and took out the watch and put it on Xie Jing Xing's wrist: "I see that you are often inaccurate about the time, so I bought you a watch, um, it's very beautiful." The strap was black, it was really nice to wear on Xie Jing Xing's fair and slender wrist, the black and white were distinct.

Shen Zhan took out another set of white clothes and black trousers for the young man to put on: "I think the male educated youths in the village wear them like this, you will definitely look better when you wear them."

Xie Jing Xing could not bear to shake his mind when he saw him presenting a treasure, so he obeyed him meaning.

The young man in white clothes and black trousers, with clear eyes and elegant eyes, looks like a noble son who came out of a book, Shen Zhan was stunned for a while.

Xie Jing Xing woke him up with a cough and asked, "Does it look good?"

Shen Zhan nodded, his expression still a little stunned, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's very beautiful."

Looking at such a young man, Shen Zhan always had a feeling, Teenagers should not live the life they are now, but should live in a beautiful house and enjoy delicious food. He must make a lot of money in the future, and then he wants to hold the best in the world in front of his teenager.

It was always a joy to receive a gift prepared by a lover, Xie Jing Xing did not reject it pretentiously, but he thought in his heart that he would buy something for Shen Zhan when he and Zhong Aimin worked together to make money.

After seeing the patient, Elder He went to the yard and saw Xie Jing Xing who was dressed in a new way. He also felt that his apprentice had an extraordinary temperament. He usually wore rags, but he didn't feel like a countryman at all.

The next day Xie Jing Xing went to find Zhong Aimin, Zhong Aimin was relieved to see him coming as promised, and then brought Xie Jing Xing to a remote courtyard. He took out the ten radios he brought back this time and the tools and spare parts that Xie Jing Xing had specially mentioned last time, since it was the first time to cooperate, he was not sure and did not dare to bring too many.

"I brought back ten units this time. The purchase price is twenty-one units. The tools and parts cost a total of 60 units, and a total of 260 units. Let's see if you can repair them first." Zhong Aimin was a little nervous. It was he who was betting on Xie Jing Xing's character and ability.

"Okay." Seemingly seeing his nervousness, Xie Jing Xing took out a radio and started repairing it.

When the first radio sounded, Zhong Aemin was overjoyed, holding the radio and looking left and right.

Zhong Aemin was overjoyed when the second radio sounded, and the last trace of nervousness completely dissipated. He saw that Xie Jing Xing repaired it and made a calculation for him. The radio of the supply and marketing agency sold for 120, and they wanted a ticket, but they didn't want a ticket. If you bought a 160, someone would definitely want it, so as long as he repaired two, he would be able to do it this time. It's not a loss, and every time you repair one more after that, you will make money.

When the tenth radio finally made a sound, Zhong Aimin had completely calmed down and praised Xie Jing Xing, "Zhiyuan, you are really amazing, we will depend on you for this in the future."

Xie Jing Xing smiled politely and said, "Big Brother Zhong, don't say that, you have worked harder than me, it is not easy to find all those parts." Xie Jing Xing told the truth, these things are not difficult for him, as long as he has the tools and It is not a problem to make a new one from scratch, but in this era of severe shortage of materials, those parts are hard to find.

Zhong Aimin said: "It's not hard at all, I happen to have the knowledge that people can get these."

Xie Jing Xing said, "That's what Big Brother Zhong is also capable of."

Xie Jing Xing's words made Zhong Aimin feel very useful, as he said, they are this The business wouldn't be possible without someone like Xie Jing Xing who could repair radios, but he had to do a lot of things and he also took great risks. In his eyes and in his heart, he was naturally happy.

Shen Zhan went to Feng Weimin's place shortly after Xie Jing Xing left.

Feng Weimin said, "You can't leave in such a hurry today, do I have anything else to ask you?" It

was estimated that Xie Jing Xing would take a while to return to Mr. He, thinking about going back and rushing back to see his boy, Shen Zhandao "I'm not in a hurry today."

Feng Weimin was happy when he heard it, and asked curiously, "What were you in a hurry to do yesterday? Our brothers finally met. You left the name and just said let me investigate that person's character. I just left, and it made me very confused, you know?"

Shen Zhan said, "I have something to do." He hurried back to see his young man.

Seeing him like this, Feng Weimin knew that he couldn't ask: "Well, let's not ask about this, then tell me why you want to investigate Zhong Aimin." Then he took out a notebook from the drawer and handed it to Shen Zhan: "The time is limited. , We got to know him from the side of his colleagues and neighbors, and his character should be okay."

Shen Zhan turned over the opinions of his colleagues and neighbors in the book. They basically said that he was filial, enthusiastic, and reliable. He was a little relieved, but Xiaoyuan's vision has always been excellent. , he closed the book and gave it back to Feng Weimin: "Zhong Aimin can get a broken radio, and it happens that Xiaoyuan can repair it. The two of them will work together to make money. You take care of it when you need it, and don't hurt Xiaoyuan." This is also what he told The reason for Feng Weimin.

Feng Weimin nodded: "Don't worry, but I can't see that Xiaoyuan can repair radios, which is very good."

Shen Zhan felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that Feng Weimin was also called young Xiaoyuan, that was his exclusive title, he wrinkled He raised his brows and said, "What's Xiaoyuan's name? Are you familiar with him? Xiaowang or Zhiyuan, you choose one."

"Didn't I follow your name?" Feng Weimin felt that Shen Zhan was really inexplicable. Staring at him with a frown and a serious expression, he knew that there was no need to discuss this matter: "Okay, Xiao Wang, let's do it, it's just a title, I don't know what you're thinking about." I complained that this brother was getting more and more domineering.

Shen Zhan nodded with satisfaction, and continued the topic just now: "One of the people in our village was a professor from Beijing University, and Xiaoyuan learned from him."

Feng Weimin nodded clearly and said, "No wonder I saw you last time. When he was young, he felt like a scholar in his temperament."

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