Chapter 120

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 During dinner: Meng Fanze, who had not come out since he entered the room to take care of things, finally came out, he put on a hat, thinking of his burnt hair: Xie Jing Xing wanted to laugh again: Why is his lover so damaged: With such a head of hair, no matter how good the appearance is, it will be greatly reduced.

Xie Jing Xing clearly felt that Meng Fanze looked at him like poison and hated him even more: He didn't find it strange, the protagonists of the worlds he had experienced were always incompetent and furious, and the best thing was to express anger and resentment Don't be hot. What made him strange was that Meng Fanze looked at Xiao Xiangheng with a love-hate relationship: very complicated. After the meal, Meng Fanze said, "Brother Xiao: I want to go out for a walk alone." In general, every household in the countryside will have food reserves. He intends to find these and store them in the space. Now only the supplies can make him feel at ease, he deliberately said. A person, just don't want people to follow. When entering the village, Xiao Xiangheng had already had a general inspection, and there were no zombies in the village: he was not worried about any danger. Xiao Xiangheng looked at the sky outside and wanted to refuse: But seeing Meng Fanze's face was a little ugly: He was obviously in a bad mood, after all, he just lost such a big face, it's understandable to want to go out to relax: He nodded: "It's getting late. Now, be careful and don't go too far." "Okay." Meng Fanze replied casually, not caring what Xiao Xiangheng said at all. Xie Jing Xing only felt that Meng Fanze's three years in the apocalypse were not in vain. Not only did this village not have a single zombie, not even a single livestock or poultry was seen. There was obviously a problem. Xiao Xiangheng and the others just entered the apocalypse and didn't find any problems. , Meng Fanze, a man who has lived in the end of the world for three years, has no sense of danger at all, so he went out for supplies at night, and he was really well protected in his previous life. Xie Jing Xing did not say anything to stop him, not to mention the hatred of the original owner, even if he reminded him, maybe Meng Fanze thought he was robbing him for supplies. He directly took Qin Shuo back to his room to practice. This world is too dangerous, and only getting stronger is king. Tonight was destined to be an unsettled night, Xie Jing Xing only absorbed a few crystal cores, a scream of "ah" broke the tranquility of the night.

Xie Jing Xing took the crystal core into the space unhurriedly, and said to Qin Shuo, "It is a mutated creeper, it can escape the detection of my mental ability, it is at least level three." No wonder he saw the traces of creeper on the outer wall, I always feel a little discordant. It is summer now, when the ivy grows lush, but when they entered the village, they didn't even see a leaf of the ivy. Now it seems that the ivy has mutated and deliberately mixed its vines with the ivy. The leaves are put away, and I want to make a sneak attack.

Downstairs, Xiao Xiangheng and others also heard Meng Fanze's screams. He hurriedly brought someone over to rescue him, and before leaving, he did not forget to order someone to invite Qin Shuo.

When Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo arrived, Meng Fanze was entangled by the ivy vines, his face and body were full of wounds, while Xiao Xiangheng was taking three bodyguards to resist the ivy tiger.

The vines and leaves of the mutant creeper are three times thicker than before the end of the world. The edges of the leaves are sharp serrations. The wounds on Meng Fanze's face and body should be caused by these serrations. The three bodyguards are Gold, Wind, Earth, and Xiao Xiangheng's Thunder. Four different abilities can come out, which looks very splendid, but at this time it is not very useful to deal with creeping tigers. While avoiding the vines thrown by the mutant creeper, the four attacked with supernatural powers, occasionally being scratched by the sawtooth that was also on top. The most desperate thing is that they break a vine, and after a while, a new vine will grow, endless, but their abilities are gradually exhausted. Xie Jing Xing stood beside him and could see clearly, the mutant creeper could easily deal with the four of them, but he was playing with the four of them like a naughty child, and every now and then a vine was drawn towards Meng Fanze, and every time Meng Fanze screamed, The leaves of the mutant creeper will shake, as if laughing. It was mentioned in the original plot that whether it is a zombie, a mutant animal, or a mutant plant, as the level increases, it will produce intelligence. Now it seems that this is the case with this mutant creeper. This can be regarded as Meng Fanze's luck. If this mutant creeper hadn't developed intelligence and had a playful temperament like a child, I'm afraid he would have died before they dared to come. "Brother Qin, attack with fire, plants are afraid of fire."

Qin Shuo heard the words and sent a fireball at the mutant creeping tiger. The fireball spread out like fireworks when approaching it, and turned into countless small fireballs that hit the mutant creeping tiger. The vines and leaves were burning everywhere, and they were waving. The vines froze for a while, and then, as if provoked, they all slashed at Qin Shuo. While dodging, Qin Shuo sent out a fireball to attack the creeping tiger.

The mutant creeping tiger was attracted by Qin Shuo, and the pressure on Xiao Xiangheng and the others was greatly reduced, and they did not stop attacking. From time to time, an ability attack was thrown at the mutant creeping tiger, attracting its hatred and reducing Qin Shuo's pressure.

Xie Jing Xing took the opportunity to see that the spiritual power penetrated into the ground, and plants also have crystal nuclei, which is also its weakness, the vine leaves of the creeping tiger can regenerate, and the crystal nuclei must be at the root.

found it! Xie Jing Xing turned his mental power into a sharp knife and stabbed the mutated creeper's crystal core, the vines that were attacking Qin Shuo softened as if they were gone, and there was a feeling of grievance and begging in his mind, and there was a humming The sound of crying, like a child doing something wrong and acting like a spoiled child, stopped Xie Jing Xing who had planned to make another mental attack.

As if seeing his soft heart, the mutant creeping tiger stretched out a vine towards him, Qin Shuo's eyes widened when he saw this, he quickly blocked in front of Xie Jing Xing and was just about to attack again.

Xie Jing Xing hurriedly held his raised hand: "Brother Qin! Wait!" He stopped his movements.

The vine swayed from side to side a few times, as if to show that he had no malicious intentions, seeing that Xie Jing Xing had no intention of attacking it, the vine slowly stretched out to Xie Jing Xing's cheek and rubbed tentatively, fearing that Xie Jing Xing would be hurt, the leaves were already taken away When he got up, Xie Jing Xing also had his pleasing emotions in his mind.

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows, this mutant creeping tiger was quite clever, knowing that he couldn't beat him, he pleaded for mercy and pretended to be pitiful. Thinking that in the original plot, the wood-type ability user seemed to be able to subdue the mutant plants, Xie Jing Xing said, "You may not kill you, but in the future you have to follow me and listen to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the vines swayed up and down a few times. , as if nodding.

With the feeling of surrender in his mind, Xie Jing Xing raised the corners of his mouth with satisfaction: "Since it is a creeping tiger, then you can call it Xiaohu." Then he pointed at Meng Fanze and said, "Xiaohu, put him down."

Xiaohu felt that his master was treating Meng Fanze . Unhappy, he directly retracted the vines wrapped around Meng Fanze's body. With a "bang", Meng Fanze was smashed to the ground just like that. The sound was painful, not to mention that Meng Fanze was injured and fainted.

Looking at Meng Fanze who had passed out, Xie Jing Xing touched the vines of the little tiger with admiration, this little guy did things quite to his liking.

Feeling the master's appreciation, Xiaohu rubbed against Xie Jingxing's face again, but the next moment he was pulled away by a big hand: "Be smaller, otherwise I won't take you." Qin Shuo was very upset, he was so disgusted with the kitten's face Never kissed, but was snatched by a plant.

Feeling Qin Shuo's dangerous aura, Xiao Hu did not dare to resist, he quickly shortened his entire body into a small cane and wrapped it around Xie Jing Xing's wrist, at first glance it looked like a green bracelet.

Qin Shuo was satisfied now, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help laughing when he saw his lover's childish behavior, this person actually got jealous with a plant.

It took only a few minutes from Qin Shuo's action to Xie Jing Xing's subduing of the mutant creeping tiger. Although Xiao Xiangheng and the others did not know how Xie Jing Xing did it, they could subdue the mutant creeping tiger that they were helpless, and Xie Jing Xing's strength was beyond doubt.

Xiao Xiangheng said gratefully: "Thank you for your help. If the two of you need my help from Xiao Xiangheng in the future, Xiao will do my best." He said this very sincerely. Although he is good at calculating, he is not an ungrateful person. The two talents had a disagreement with Meng Fanze, and it was understandable to stand by and watch. Now that they can help each other, it can be seen that they are broad-minded, and such a person is worth making friends.

Xie Jing Xing didn't know that the protagonist Gong had such a high opinion of him, he was not a generous person, he would save Meng Fanze just because he didn't want him to die so easily, in the end times, dying is easier than living.

Isn't Meng Fanze always dissatisfied with the days of his previous life, he let him have a deep understanding of what ordinary people live in the last days, and he doesn't know if Meng Fanze will regret his rebirth at that time.

Taking the unconscious Meng Fanze back to the residence, the anxiously waiting people heard that they had encountered mutated plants, and their hearts were very heavy. Since plants can mutate, animals must also mutate. It is not easy to survive in this world.

Xiao Xiangheng put away his arrogance and strengthened his determination to become stronger. He has always been the favored son of heaven since he was a child. At the beginning of the apocalypse, he awakened the powerful thunder-type ability. He has always been proud, but today he is powerless to fight back with just a mutant plant. However, Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo subdued him lightly, the disparity in strength was huge, and finally made him realize that there are people outside people, and there are mountains outside the mountains. He was not one to admit defeat easily, this not only would not make him decadent, but instead made him have high fighting spirit, he was a little fortunate that he asked Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo to go on the road together, not only saved his life, but also realized his own inadequacies.

Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo went back to their room as soon as they came back, and went straight to sleep after a simple clean up. It was quite a tiring day. With Xiaohu around, the two slept very sweetly. They didn't know that Xiao Xiangheng had changed his mentality because of the strength they showed. After that, he lost a lot of calculations and focused more on improving himself.

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