Chapter 66

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At this time, the place where Xie Jingxing and Sheng Changyi are located is a hotel in the center of Xiamen: To go to Gulangyu: The two have to take a car to the ferry terminal: Then take a ferry to Gulangyu: The fifty dollars given by the program team is definitely not enough: It seems that they can only Make money first.

Xie Jing Xing stood at the door of the hotel and looked around: When he saw an internet cafe not far away, his eyes lit up and he naturally took Sheng Changyi's hand: "Go: let's go there." Sheng Changyi looked at the two people holding hands. Hand: A smile crossed his eyes: He didn't remind him that there was a photographer behind him. The two walked into the Internet cafe: This Internet cafe is located in the city center, the environment is very good, there is no smoky atmosphere of some Internet cafes, the two are dressed in punk, with long legs and outstanding looks: Xie Jing Xing still has smoky makeup on his face, and the corners of his eyes are smoky. The blue butterfly was even more eye-catching, causing many people to look up at the two of them curiously. Xie Jing Xing glanced around: After a while, he raised his feet and walked to a corner, where sat a young man in his twenties, he was wearing earphones and typing on the keyboard: he looked anxious. Xie Jingxing walked behind him, just in time to hear him scolding in a low voice: "Fuck! Lost again!" Xie Jingxing patted his shoulder, the young man raised his head impatiently, saw Xie Jingxing and Sheng Changyi behind him, stunned for a moment, Compared to the two of them, the photographer behind them was not so conspicuous. When he was stunned, the impatience on his face eased a little: "What's the matter?" Xie Jing Xing said, "Dude! I'll help you fight. , how about 20 yuan for each person killed?" The young man looked at him up and down and asked, "What should I do if I lose?" Xie Jing Xing evoked a confident and arrogant smile, "I It 's impossible to lose!" "Okay, I'll trust you once." The young man said and stood up from his seat. Xie Jing Xing sat down, put on his earphones, put one hand on the keyboard and held the mouse in the other hand, he saw his hands on the keyboard flying with five fingers, tapping so fast that he could almost see the afterimage, the cameraman behind him stepped forward to give him up a close-up of his hand.

Sheng Changyi stood behind Xie Jing Xing and looked at him intently, like a tall patron saint guarding his treasures.

The young man behind him was startled by the speed of Xie Jing Xing's hand, when he raised his head to look at the screen, only four or five seconds had passed, at this time Xie Jing Xing had already killed the other party.

The young man looked at the screen in shock, following Xie Jing Xing's actions, he could not help shouting excitedly: "Double Kill!"

"triple kill!"

"quadra kill!"

"pa kill!"


"Ah~~ buddy Son! You are too good, you will destroy them in three minutes!" He looked at Xie Jing Xing with admiration on his face, if it wasn't for Sheng Changyi blocking him, he might have moved forward and hugged Xie Jing Xing excitedly. Two days ago, he had a conflict with one of the group of people in the game. Who knows that every time he played the game after that, this group of people came to surround him. He has been killed by these people in the past two days. It's been several levels. He spent a lot of money on this account, and naturally he doesn't want to give up. Just now Xie Jing Xing said that he wanted to help him fight, he saw that he was so confident and had the mentality of giving it a try. He didn't expect to meet the Great God, he was so lucky, he didn't know which professional team this Great God belonged to, he had never seen him before. .

On the screen, the opponent attacked again after being resurrected, and the young man quickly said: "Great God! Please take action to destroy them again!" He spoke politely, without the previous impatience. When Xie Jing Xing heard the words, he kept his hands, and three minutes later, the other party vanished again. This time, the other party did not dare to provoke again after resurrection, but sent an apology message asking for reconciliation. Seeing this, Xie Jing Xing stood up and said to the young man, "You can take care of the rest yourself." "Okay, thank God!" The young man quickly took out his wallet and took out four hundred dollars and handed it to Xie Jing Xing. Xie Jing Xing took the money, shook the money in his hand towards Sheng Changyi, raised his chin slightly and looked a little proud.

Sheng Changyi rubbed his head naturally, with a doting look on his face, he loved his lover's energetic and high-spirited appearance.

After making a small profit, the toll for their trip to Gulangyu was enough. It took less than ten minutes to drive from the city center to the ferry terminal, so the two of them took a taxi directly and spent 12 yuan.

On the way, the photographer couldn't help but ask Xie Jingxing, "Gu Jiu, how can you be sure that the young man just now is willing to pay you to help him play games?"

Xie Jingxing said, "I stood at the door and glanced around, and the girls didn't play games. There are many, and the two of us were suspected of approaching a conversation in the past, so I just skipped it, so I focused on the boys. What they are doing can basically be seen from the movements of their hands. Those who are typing with both hands are usually chatting. , those who have free hands are generally watching videos, and those who play games are using a keyboard and a mouse

. , but only the young man in the corner looked the most anxious, and I guessed that he was not playing the game well. When I walked into him, I specially looked at the game characters on his screen, all of which were excellent equipment, many of which were If you want to spend money to buy it, it means that the other party is a krypton gold player and is very willing to spend money on the game. In addition, although the clothes on him are not of a big brand, they cost at least a thousand yuan a piece, and a few hundred yuan is for him. It shouldn't be a problem." As they spoke, they went to the ferry terminal, and a round-trip ferry ticket to Gulangyu cost 35 yuan. After buying the tickets, the two boarded the ferry and finally arrived at Gulangyu after half an hour. After arriving at Gulangyu Island, Xie Jingxing spent 15 yuan to buy a stamped book from a hawker at the dock and handed it to Sheng Changyi. Sheng Changyi took the stamped book and opened it, quickly glanced at the store name and map, and looked at the distribution map above. He pointed to one of them and said, "We start from Longtou Road, and most of the stores are concentrated on this road." Zhang is the characteristic of Gulangyu Island, and every store here has a chapter. Generally, coffee shops and snack bars will set up a small round table directly at the door, and use a small blackboard or a small wooden sign to remind tourists. In this case, two people can stamp it directly outside the store, which is very convenient.

Most of the small shops that sell accessories and souvenirs, in order to attract tourists to visit the shop, the stamps are placed on the small table or bar in the shop. In this case, the two of them will enter the shop to stamp. If they see interesting souvenirs, Xie Jingxing will also Will sell one or two.

Some stores have stamps requiring tourists to pay attention to the store's WeChat. In this case, Xie Jing Xing took out the elderly mobile phone of the show team and spread his hands helplessly to the store owner. Some of the shop owners saw that the two of them were dressed in cool clothes, with good looks, and there were cameras behind them. Although they did not recognize Xie Jing Xing, they also guessed that the two were recording a program, so they stamped them generously. When they were collecting seals, many tourists were also collecting seals. Xie Jing Xing would choose some young and cheerful tourists to talk to them. Punk-style outfits always aroused the curiosity of young people. It is easy to make people feel good. Xie Jing Xing is also very talkative, he has rich experience and can always talk about topics that others are interested in, which makes people feel that talking with him is very pleasant. After Xie Jing Xing had a conversation, he naturally asked for a group photo, the other party would basically agree readily, and some tourists even offered to take a photo with them. Sheng Changyi was taciturn and he couldn't help at this time, so he just stood by quietly, holding a bottle of mineral water in his hand and handing it to Xie Jing Xing from time to time to prevent him from getting thirsty. He is tall and handsome, even if he doesn't speak, his presence is not low. Tourists don't know his identity and only sigh that he is considerate, but the cameraman knows his identity, and the president of 100 billion is silently doing the work of serving people. , looks normal, moves naturally, as if he has done this kind of thing thousands of times, Gu Jiu's expression is normal every time he takes the water, not to mention flattered, not even polite thanks, what does this mean, it shows the relationship between the two Good enough to no longer need such polite courtesy. Along the way, Xie Jing Xing did not treat himself badly, he would buy a pair of snacks that looked good, such as fried oysters, fish balls, sand tea noodles, eat a bite by himself, and feed it to Sheng Changyi's mouth without even changing his chopsticks. , Chuan Yi naturally lowered his head to hold his chopsticks.

When Sheng Changyi raised his head and looked at him with a smile, Xie Jing Xing realized that he was filming a show, and he usually did these things so smoothly that he ignored the occasion, but the two originally planned to use this show to make their relationship public, so he stopped Tangled, how the two usually get along with each other, and how they still get along now, except be careful not to make too intimate actions.

Xie Jing Xing was not used to the taste of sand tea noodles, so after tasting it, he gave it to Sheng Changyi, Sheng Changyi looked at his frown slightly and knew that he didn't like it, he took the bowl and ate the rest without disdain. Finish.

The photographer is now shocked to the point of numbness, and he is very calm watching this scene. He can see that the relationship between the two is not just as simple as friends, but since the two have no intention to hide it, he is naturally willing to faithfully report these The picture is recorded, this is a breaking point, and the ratings of this reality show will definitely not be low.

After three hours, the two finally completed their task. They set off from the city center at about nine o'clock, and now they are close to one point. He calculated the money he had, the program team gave 50 yuan, he earned 400 yuan playing games, a total of 450 yuan, 12 yuan for taxis, 70 yuan for two round-trip ferry tickets, and 90 yuan for some souvenirs, 15 pieces of fried oysters, 18 pieces of fish balls, 10 pieces of sand tea noodles, 5 pieces of a bottle of water, and now there are 230 pieces left.

Xie Jing Xing glanced at the seafood stalls that had customers coming from the side and looked a little regretful. When he was chatting with some tourists, they all strongly recommended this seafood stall, saying that it was very distinctive and tasted good. Since he came here, he didn't want to. miss.

Sheng Changyi couldn't see his thoughts, he took his hand and came to them under a century-old tree, where there was an archery booth. Xie Jing Xing had a somewhat puzzled look when he saw the small blackboard standing on the booth suddenly lit up.

It reads: "Firing an arrow is 5 yuan, hitting a red heart will reward you 10 yuan, and hitting 10 consecutive hits will reward you 500 yuan."

Xie Jing Xing and Sheng Changyi looked at each other. Before that, neither of them knew whether the other would shoot arrows or not. But at this moment, you don't need to ask to know that the opponent's archery skills are definitely not low.

Xie Jing walked to the booth and asked, "Boss, do you count on the blackboard?"

The boss said: "Of course it counts. I have been doing business here for more than ten years." 5 yuan is not expensive, and tourists who come to travel are not less than 5 yuan. Generally, they are willing to try, but how can archery be so easy? Test arm strength and test eyesight and accuracy. If the girl is not strong enough, the arrow will fall to the ground before it hits the target. Boys are better, but it's not that easy to hit a heart. People who haven't practiced generally can't do it. Even if they are lucky enough to hit a heart, it's just one shot. Tourists can usually shoot more than once, and in the end, he earns it. Of course, there are some who have practiced, but generally, if ten shots can hit three, it is considered a master. He has set up a booth here for so long, and he has never seen five shots in a row, let alone ten.

Xie Jing Xing took out 100 yuan and handed it to the boss: "Then here are 20, ten for the two of us."

"Okay!" The boss took the money with a smile and handed Xie Jing Xing two quivers and a bow: "Each There are exactly ten quivers."

Xie Jing Xing picked up the bow and weighed a little, then pulled the bowstring again, and then stood on the starting line. He holds a bow in his left hand, his left shoulder is facing the target, his feet are shoulder-width apart, the weight of his body falls evenly on his feet, his body slightly leans forward, and his right hand picks up an arrow from the quiver and presses it on the string Go up, pull it hard, and pull it full, the arrow "swoops" away from the string, and the speed is extremely fast. There is a sound of breaking the air in the air, "Bang!", and the center of the red heart.

As soon as he flipped through the movements, he was an expert at first glance. In the last world, Emperor Jingxuan often took him to hunt, and his archery was developed at that time.

Xie Jing Xing did not stop, he took out an arrow from the quiver again, pulled the bow to shoot the arrow, and hit the red heart again. After five consecutive arrows hit the red heart, Xie Jing Xing had to stop and look at the boss who was still in shock: "Boss, don't you take down the arrows on the target?" The red heart is not big, it can hold five at most Arrows, he can continue to shoot, but it will damage the arrows, which is not what the boss wants to see.

"Oh, I'll take it down." The boss came back to his senses and took down the arrow nailed to the bullseye. Because no one has ever shot five arrows in a row, he has never encountered this problem before.

After the boss took down the arrow, Xie Jing Xing continued to shoot the arrow with the bow, "Bang" hit the red heart again!

"Okay!" Xie Jing Xing even hit the five arrows before, causing many tourists to stop and watch in amazement, at this time they all let out a sigh of admiration.

Xie Jing Xing's mentality was completely unaffected, arrow after arrow, his movements did not stop at all, and the remaining five arrows were all shot on the red heart.

"Okay! It's amazing!" the tourists exclaimed.

Xie Jing Xing handed the bow to Sheng Changyi: "The rest is left to you."

"Okay!" Sheng Changyi took the bow and weighed it like Xie Jing Xing.

When the boss saw Sheng Changyi's actions, his eyes dizzy, he couldn't be a master again, he lost a lot today, he wanted to cry,

woohoo~~ Sheng Changyi stood still, pulled the bow and shot arrows, centering the red heart, in one go. His expression was stern, his eyes were sharp, and his aura was extremely high. If Xie Jing Xing was shooting arrows like a noble son with superb archery skills, then he was like a general who was marching and fighting in ancient times, and every arrow seemed to carry an aura of killing.

The only luck left in the boss's heart is gone, too! Sure enough, he is a master.

Soon Sheng Changyi also finished shooting ten arrows, the boss took out a thousand yuan and handed it to Xie Jing Xing with a sad face: "Here! This is your reward, there are many interesting things on Gulangyu Island, there are... and there are ..." He introduced the two enthusiastically, fearing that the two would stay and continue to challenge.

Xie Jing Xing said with a funny smile, "Don't worry, Boss, we will leave now." He pointed to the tourists who were eager to try, "We are considered to have attracted business for the Boss." After speaking, he dragged Sheng Changyi and left.

The boss breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two walking away, and said to the surrounding tourists: "Everyone just saw it, just now those two hit ten arrows in a row and won a thousand yuan reward, everyone come and challenge, maybe the next one The reward is you."

"Boss, give me ten!"

"Boss, give me five!"

"Boss, give me three!"

The two people shooting arrows just now were so handsome that they made a lot of Tourists are eager to try, as few as three, as many as ten.

"Good!" The boss quickly collected the money and sent arrows. Looking at the long queue, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. It seemed that he would not lose money today.

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