Chapter 132

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 Gu's father suddenly said: Yan Xun's whole body was full of killing intent and could no longer sustain it. Everyone only felt that the body suddenly loosened, and the pressure in the air disappeared: The originally cold air also became soft and light, and there was no need for Yan Xun to speak. Gu family can also feel his mood.

Seeing the corners of Yan Xun's upturned mouth that could not be restrained: and the undisguised joy in his eyes, Father Gu, who was still a little uncomfortable, was suddenly relieved: His Royal Highness really likes the younger son: It seems that one more person spoils the younger son. Not bad.

Infected by Yan Xun's emotions, the Gu family's mood also improved. The anger just because of the murder of their youngest son eased a lot, but this did not mean that they would let Qiao Zhiyan go because of this.

Father Gu asked, "Then what is your Highness going to do with Qiao Zhiyan?" This time he was not at all worried that Yan Xun would cover up Qiao Zhiyan because of Yan Lai: Based on his reaction just now: If Qiao Zhiyan fell into Yan Xun's hands, I'm afraid that even if I don't die, I will be disabled. How can His Royal Highness, who can make the Zerg fear be a good stubborn.

Before Yan Xun could speak, Xie Jing Xing spoke first, "Dad: Brother Xun, I want to handle this matter myself." He had prepared several gifts for Qiao Zhiyan and Yan Lai carefully, and was waiting for the right time. Send it out, if these two kill Qiao Zhiyan as soon as they shoot, then his gift will be in vain: More importantly: Just let Qiao Zhiyan think about it: Isn't it too cheap for him.

Gu's father and Yan Xunwei wanted to refuse subconsciously when they heard the words. After all, in their minds, the youngest son/little omega was pure and fragile: How can they deal with a vicious person like Qiao Zhiyan, but what if they hurt themselves.

Why did Xie Jing Xing not know the worries and concerns of the two: "I just found out that my mental strength and physique seem to have become stronger, and I don't know if it is a mutation caused by drugs."

Xie Jing Xing originally wanted to tell them that he has become stronger now. Now, I am not afraid of Qiao Zhiyan at all, but I didn't think that Yan Xun and Gu's family did not show any joy when they heard the words, but looked worried: "What? Why didn't you say it earlier, then do you feel any discomfort in your body now? Or let the medical robot check you first."

This is the person who is caring about you, not whether you are good or not, but only about your well-being. Xie Jing Xing felt a warm current in his heart, although he knew that there was nothing wrong with his body, he still obediently cooperated with the medical robot to do some series of examinations, and finally confirmed that his body not only had no problems, but had improved a lot, everyone was relieved down.

The relieved people finally started to care about Xie Jing Xing's physique and mental power variation, they thought that Xie Jing Xing's so-called improvement was just from f to e or d, topping the sky is c, this is already a good qualification in omega .

Xie Jing Xing saw what everyone was thinking and raised the corners of his mouth, a sly look in his eyes, just caught by Yan Xun who was always paying attention to him, he raised his eyebrows, it seems that the little omega will give everyone a surprise this time.

The testing process is very fast, and the test results are clearly displayed on the screen: physique: a (potential: 3s), mental strength: 3s.

This result was so unbelievable that for a while, the Gu family were so shocked that they couldn't recover. Rao is mentally prepared, Yan Xun was also surprised for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth rose, his eyes were full of pride, worthy of being his omega, he really gave him a big surprise.

Father Gu rubbed his eyes and looked at the screen again, but the result remained the same. He stared at the screen for a while, his expression gradually changed from disbelief to surprise, and finally he couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahaha... ..." He excitedly patted Xie Jing Xing on the shoulder, his face full of pride: "As expected of my son!" The original owner was not in good health before, and Father Gu would never do this kind of action, he was afraid of slapping people, it can be seen that he How happy is this.

"You said that if Qiao Zhiyan knew that he could not harm the younger brother, but instead made the younger brother's qualifications double 3s, would he be so angry that he vomited blood." Second brother Gu said with some schadenfreude.

When everyone heard the words, they made up the scene and couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hahahaha~"

After laughing, Xie Jing Xing returned to the subject: "Then now you can rest assured and leave Qiao Zhiyan to me to deal with?"

The sky-defying improvement in Xie Jing Xing's aptitude really made everyone no longer worry, and with Xie Jing Xing's aptitude now, he will definitely be extraordinary in the future, they can't protect him forever in the ivory tower as before, it is better to start with this matter and let him Learn to deal with it yourself, they're watching and it won't hurt him no matter what.

"That's fine, but if you have something or you can't handle it yourself, you must tell Dad." The old father warned worriedly.

"You can do whatever you want. Qiao Zhiyan can rely on me, but you rely on me." Yan Xun said this very arrogantly, and he did have the arrogant capital.

Xie Jing Xing leaned in and whispered to Yan Xun, "Brother Xun, you have to prepare the dowry gift and our wedding well, I also want to marry you sooner!" Yan Lai was his lover's younger brother after all, he didn't want him to let him Intervening in this matter, although he knew that his lover must be on his side in the end, he didn't want to embarrass him.

When his beloved was urging marriage, Yan Xun had nothing else to think about, he just wanted to hurry back and prepare, he restrained and kissed Xie Jing Xing on the lips and left with a single touch, leaving a "wait for me" and strode away The Gu family even forgot to say goodbye to the Gu family, which shows how anxious they are.

On the other hand, Qiao Zhiyan, who accompanied Yan Lai to change clothes, would definitely not let such a good opportunity to develop feelings for each other. During this process, he teased Yan Lai from time to time, and the two quickly kissed each other. This is a very normal thing for couples in love, but Qiao Zhiyan didn't like Yan Lai in the past, and he kept looking for various excuses not to let him touch him, not to mention that the two were fiances who had an engagement contract.

Although Yan Lai was excited, he didn't plan to continue, but Qiao Zhiyan changed his previous restraint. As if he was in estrus, he kept rubbing against him, and rich pheromones emanated from Qiao Zhiyan's body. The dual stimulation of the body and pheromone, Yan Lai is not a person with very strong willpower, and the other party is still his fiancé, and sooner or later he will be his person, so he completely put aside his concerns and indulged himself.

After the first wave of love, Qiao Zhiyan sobered up from the sex and didn't understand why he and Yan Lai did this. Although he must marry Yan Lai in this life, he never planned to hand himself over to him so early, because he knows a man's inferiority, and he won't cherish it if he gets it. His original plan was to develop a relationship with Yan Lai first. Although Yan Lai likes him now, it is not enough. What he wants is that Yan Lai loves him so much that he cannot extricate himself from it. He knows Yan Lai and is very confident about it.

In the original plot, as Qiao Zhiyan planned, his relationship with Yan Lai gradually progressed. Yan Lai's love for him changed from a shallow love to a deep love that was absolutely necessary for him. Face, kneeling on one knee to propose to him, romantic and affectionate, envious of the omega of the whole empire, it can be said to be extremely beautiful.

Since both of them longed to be with each other, it took so long and tedious as the original plot, Xie Jing Xing couldn't bear it, so he kindly helped them and gave the two of them the first time. A gift - mental hypnosis. The hypnotized Qiao Zhiyan would think that he was in estrus, and uncontrollably begged Yan Lai for love, which could be regarded as a retaliation for giving medicine to the original owner, but this was much milder than medicine, and would not cause any harm to the body at all.

Because omegas are so rare, the laws of the empire favor omega protection. Once the alpha and omega have a relationship, it is equivalent to permanently marking the omega, so the laws of the empire stipulate that in this case, marriage or not is completely subject to the omega's wishes, and the alpha cannot force or refuse. An omega can only be marked by one alpha in a lifetime, so under normal circumstances, in such a situation, unless it is an undead enemy, an omega will not refuse, that is to say, an alpha must marry an omega even if he does not want to. This is also the reason why Yan Lai married the original owner in the previous life.

Unlike omegas, alphas can mark multiple omegas in their lifetime. In order to maintain the status of omegas in marriage, the law of the empire stipulates that if alphas mark other omegas during the marriage, whether temporarily or permanently, depending on the degree, they will be punished. Imprisonment ranging from 50 to 100 years, and the demotion of mental power is imposed on him, which is an extremely serious sentence. So in the empire, cheating in marriage is not only a moral issue, but also a legal issue. Otherwise, with Qiao Zhiyan's moral bottom line falling below the horizon, how could he not induce Yan Lai to cheat in his previous life.

Qiao Zhiyan was born again, Yan Lai, the future emperor, was his goal, Xie Jing Xing believed that he would not give up no matter what, but Yan Lai was not necessarily, Xie Jing Xing never underestimated something like the butterfly effect. Just in case, he specially gave this gift to the two of them, to ensure that the two of them will be bound together for a lifetime and not to harm others, so that the second gift he carefully prepared for the two of them will be effective.

Qiao Zhiyan hadn't figured it out yet, but the second wave of love came surging, and soon he was caught in the midst of sex, and he had no time to think about other things.

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