Chapter 34

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That day: Ji Huan left early: The two walked out of the office side by side: The secretary had a smile on his face when he saw Mr. Ji, who was always cold-faced: I don't know why: He always felt that the smile was a little rippling.

He saw Mr. Ji turned his head and said something in the youth's ear: The young man glanced at Mr. Ji, but Mr. Ji didn't think he was embarrassed, but smiled even more: there was still doting in his eyes.

Two men with equally good looks: one is indifferent and noble: the other is gentle and elegant: the secretary actually gave birth to a sigh that these two are really compatible. The secretary hurriedly shook his head, thinking that he might not have been shaken by Mr. Ji's rare smile and his brain was broken.

The two of them drove back to the high-rise apartment that Xie Jing Xing had purchased half a year ago. In the car, both of them could feel each other's emotions. Occasionally, a simple look at each other, the burning passion in their eyes made the temperature of the small space in the car continue to rise.

As soon as they entered the house, the two of them couldn't wait to hug each other and kiss: Urgently and intensely, the two went to the bedroom while kissing passionately: Ji Huan pressed Xie Jing Xing on the big bed in the bedroom, lingering to death.

In the early morning, Ji Huan slowly opened his eyes and felt the warmth in his arms: He subconsciously hugged him tighter, he lowered his head and saw the young man's slightly tired sleeping face, a little distressed, yesterday was because he was too excited , I really couldn't hold back, and pestered the young man several times, which really made people tired.

He lovingly kissed the young man's forehead, perhaps feeling itchy, the sleeping young man waved his hand impatiently, then rubbed his arms and found a comfortable place to sleep.

Ji Huan was rubbed softly by him, a doting smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he placed his hand on the young man's waist to massage him. This action he will be extremely skilled in the days to come.

It was noon when Xie Jing Xing woke up, he got up in a daze, followed the smell of the food and came to the kitchen, he saw a man wearing an apron, stirring in a pot with a spoon in one hand, the noon sun came in from the window, giving The cold and hard facial features of the man were covered with a soft light, making him look extra gentle, and with that handsome face, Xie Jing Xing was unknowingly fascinated.

Ji Huan turned his head to see his lover standing at the door in a daze, and raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Does it look good?"

Xie Jing Xing did not feel embarrassed when he came back to his senses, and even looked at him in a fair manner, then nodded solemnly and said, "It looks good. "

Ji Huan let out a low laugh, scratched his nose dotingly, hugged him and laughed, "Eat first, the whole person is yours, you can watch it whenever you want, preferably on the bed."

Xie Jing Xing Glancing at the man, thinking about what a pure and clumsy man he was, he actually learned to talk nonsense as soon as he opened up.

Ji Huan still wanted to make fun of him, but his cell phone suddenly rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that the caller ID was Father Ji, and he connected the phone: "Hello?"

Father Ji said, "Your sister just had a car accident, and now she's in a car accident. In the hospital."

"Is it serious?" Ji Huan didn't hear much worry from Ji's father's voice, guessing that Ji Xin's injury should not be serious.

Sure enough, Father Ji said on the other end of the phone, "It's not serious, just a slight scratch, but..." Father Ji hesitated.

Ji Huan asked, "Is there something else?"

Ji's father hesitated for a while, but finally said, "I just read the test report, and Xin'er's blood type is B." There was a hint of blood in his voice. Unbelievable and angry.

Ji Huan immediately understood the meaning of Ji's father's words. Ji's father and Ji's mother are both blood type A, and it is impossible to give birth to a child with type B blood. Ji Huan himself is also type A. Ji's father's anger is probably the suspicion of Ji's mother's derailment, which is also the first reaction of ordinary people.

Ji Huan reassured: "Dad, don't worry, Mom will never do anything wrong to you. I suspect that Ji Xin was not born to her mother. I'm afraid she was wrong when she gave birth." Ji's father and Ji's mother have always been in love. Yes, and in Ji Huan's view, Ji's mother is a dodder-like woman who clings to Ji's father to live, and she never dares to do things that are sorry to Ji's father.

Ji's father also thought of this possibility as soon as he heard it. He actually didn't believe that Ji's mother would betray him: "You are right, I will do a DNA test right away." He hurriedly hung up the phone.

"Has something happened to your sister?" Although Xie Jing Xing only heard Ji Huan's words, he could probably guess that something happened to Ji Xin, and then Ji's father found out that there was something wrong with his life experience, then the Ji family would find Cheng Ke sooner or later. matter.

"Well, she was in a car accident. It was just a minor scratch. My dad said it wasn't serious, but it's very likely that she's not my sister." Ji Huan's tone was very cold, as if he wasn't talking about his sister who had been with him for many years. , but an irrelevant stranger.

After he finished speaking, he put the prepared meal on the table, and took Xie Jing Xing's hand to the table to eat, he didn't rush to the hospital to see Ji Xin at all, it could be seen from his speech and behavior that he didn't care about Ji Xin.

Seeing this, Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows and asked, "You don't like your sister?"

"I don't." Ji Huan added vegetables to Xie Jing Xing, "Eat first, you didn't eat breakfast, I should be hungry long ago." In his heart, the safety of Ji Xin, a stranger-like sister, was more important than that of his lover's hunger.

Xie Jing Xing ate the dish in the bowl and asked, "Why?" The two have been together for so long, Xie Jing Xing still has some understanding of Ji Huan, this man is very indifferent to most people, this kind of indifference is because he doesn't care, both I don't like it or hate it, but I respect my family members, such as Ji's father and Ji's mother, although they are a little taciturn. It stands to reason that Ji Xin should also be in the ranks of the family, even if he is not close, he should not belong to the ranks of strangers, and he can hear that Ji Huan's so-called dislike just now has a hint of disgust, and he does not know what Ji Xin has done. Things make him so.

"Ji Xin had a cat when she was four years old. It was very cute and she liked it very much. Once her hand was scratched by the cat, and the family was very nervous, but she comforted her parents very sensible, and she was very sensible. The cat was still fine, but within a few days, the cat was found drowned in the swimming pool by the servants. Everyone thought it was an accident. Ji Xin was crying very sadly, but because of the angle , I happened to see the corners of her mouth upturned, clearly laughing. I thought it was very strange. At that time, when I was very curious, I took the cat's corpse to check it, and found that the cat's blood contained The ingredients of sleeping pills. She was only four years old when she was able to do this kind of thing, she didn't look like a child at all."

Isn't it not a child, Xie Jing Xing thought.

"I have a sister, you know."

"I know." Ji Huan said this with a bit of sourness, but he knew that his lover was a sister-in-law, and he was too good to say anything to his sister.

Xie Jing Xing looked at him amusingly and said, "He is actually your sister."

It took a while for Ji Huan to realize what he meant and confirmed, "You mean that your sister Cheng Keke is actually my sister, and Ji Xin is Your own sister."

Xie Jing Xing nodded after listening to his tongue twister-like words.

Ji Huan did not speak for a long time, just when Xie Jing Xing thought he was angry because of his concealment, he asked, "That's why you were guarding against me in the first place?"

Xie Jing Xing did not expect that his first reaction would be this, Some were dumbfounded and nodded.

"So in your heart, Cheng Keke is more important than me?" There was obvious jealousy and grievance in his words.

"Didn't we not know each other at that time?" Xie Jing Xing reassured.

"I already hugged you at that time, how can I not know you... uh." Ji Huan who was a bit rambunctious, Xie Jing Xing had no choice but to lean over to cover his mouth and give him a lingering hug. Kiss, but did not see the fleeting success in the man's eyes.

After the kiss was over, Xie Jing Xing coaxed softly, "Don't be jealous, you are more important than anyone else, let me tell you a secret, in fact I fell in love with you at first sight."

Ji Huan's eyes lit up, he hugged the young man on his lap, His dark eyes seemed to be filled with thousands of stars. He just took the opportunity to tease the youth. He enjoyed the youth's pampering, but he didn't expect such a surprise. He kissed his beloved's eyes, his eyes were extremely gentle, without a trace of lust.

Xie Jing Xing did not expect that just one sentence would make him so happy, isn't he afraid that he just said it to coax him, such a coaxing and easily satisfied lover made Xie Jing Xing's heart so soft.

The two embraced each other quietly for a while before Ji Huan asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Xie Jing Xing said, "Since your dad already knows, they must recognize Coco, if Coco goes back to Ji's house, Ji's family must publicly admit Coco's identity, so as not to be mistaken for her to be an illegitimate daughter or something. Ji Xin is also reluctant to go back to Cheng's house. You should take care of Coco more at that time, and don't let him be tricked by Ji Xin, and The servants in your family are also well managed. Don't perfunctory her just because she came back halfway. And your aunt, you should prefer Ji Xin who has been by her side for more than ten years. This is also human nature, but at least don't be too cold Wait for Coco to make her sad, as well as uncle, please remind me more, don't neglect Coco because of work." He counted them one by one, and his heart was broken.

He thought for Cheng Keke every word and sentence. The only time he mentioned Ji Xin was that she was worried about her calculating Cheng Keke. It was obvious that he had no brother-sister relationship with Ji Xin, which was extremely biased, but Ji Huan was not surprised at all. Since her lover had long known that Ji Xin was the daughter of the Cheng family but had never recognized her, I'm afraid she had already investigated it. Her lover is so smart, she must have found out Ji Xin's true face long ago. As for Cheng Keke, even though she knew she was not her own sister, her lover still loved her so much, she should be a good sister.

Ji Huan said: "Don't worry, with me here, I won't let her be wronged."

Cheng Keke didn't know yet, and he hadn't met yet. Because of his love for Wu Jiwu, his own brother loved him a little more. With the support of her two older brothers, not only will the tragedy of her previous life not happen, she will also live in a honeypot in this life.

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