Chapter 43

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Xie Jing Xing fell into deep thought, but he didn't know that in the attic not far away: a man's deep eyes were looking at him for a moment.

The young man has a beautiful face: Skin is as white as jade: Dressed in red, standing in front of the gorgeously blooming peony: Slender and jade-white fingers caressing the petals: The corner of his mouth is smiling, this picture is so beautiful that it makes people palpitate.

The man only felt that his heart was beating so fast, and his eyes shone with terrifying brilliance: A voice in his heart told him: It's him: This is the love he's been looking for.

"Go and check: Who is he?"

After he finished speaking, the man with a sullen face standing respectfully behind him did not respond. Suddenly a person appeared in the open space beside the man's feet, kneeling on one knee and respectfully saying, "Yes." Immediately afterwards The figure disappeared in a flash.

The man didn't even look back, and looked at the young man in the flowers with burning eyes. He often had a dream, in which he was lingering with a man: he sometimes called him Xiaoyuan, sometimes called him Nuonuo, and most often called him baby. Every time he wakes up from a dream: he can't wait to find his lover, but he doesn't know where to start, the lover's appearance is not fixed, the name is not fixed: he can only use the most stupid method - luck. When he was unable to leave the palace as a child, he searched the entire palace but could not find his lover. When he grew up, he went out of the palace whenever he was free. His father and mother thought that he was frail and worried that he would not live long, so he wanted to see more of the world outside the palace, so he felt more pity for him. In fact, his body is not as bad as rumored by the outside world, and he has been insisting on recuperating over the years. How can he leave before he finds a lover? After finding his lover, he still has to accompany his lover till he grows old, so why is he willing to leave? Unless it is certain that the lover is not in this world, it doesn't matter how his body is. However, being sick is a good excuse, and it can save him a lot of trouble, such as women. Back then, when the emperor wanted to choose a concubine for him, he deliberately fell ill and asked the imperial doctor to make a diagnosis that he was not suitable for intercourse, and the matter of choosing a concubine was over. Now, as the emperor, he refused the three palaces and six courtyards that the ministers wanted to give him for the same reason.

The lover he had been looking for for many years was now in front of him. The man that Emperor Jingxuan had used all his life's self-control to prevent him from rushing out to hug him immediately. He was afraid that he would be too enthusiastic to scare his boy. He was thinking about how to approach the boy, and the dark guard who had gone out to investigate knelt at his feet: "Master, he is Lu Ziyan, the second son of the Marquis of Zhenguo. It was sprinkled on Young Master Lu's clothes, Young Master Lu is going to change." When Emperor Jingxuan heard the words, his face became cold, and he said coldly, "You don't need to go through here to change clothes, go and check again, check carefully, the person beside him is If there is something wrong with the maid, take it to interrogation." "Yes, master." The dark guard left again. "Fuquan, go and invite Master Lu here to change clothes." Emperor Jingxuan ordered. "Yes, Your Majesty." Hearing the footsteps, Xie Jing Xing raised his head and saw a man with no white beard who looked like a eunuch walking towards him, the man stopped one meter away from him and gave him a respectful salute, "Young Master Lu , little man Fuquan, my master invites you to change over there." He pointed to the attic not far away. Xie Jing Xing looked at the attic which was taller than all the buildings in the Princess Mansion, and then looked at Fu Quan, and had a guess about the master he was talking about. Although I don't know how that person knew that he needed to change clothes, and how could he invite him over there. After all, there was no such thing in the original plot, but he was worried that he would not have the opportunity to approach that person. will refuse. "Then many thanks to your master." Xie Jing Xing gave Fuquan a little salute, but was avoided by Fuquan. He has been with the master since the time he was still the prince. He knows how indifferent the master is to people. The master's instructions to the dark guard just now were obviously worried that Young Master Lu was being tricked, and he took the initiative to ask Young Master Lu to go to his place to change clothes. , for a master with a strong territorial awareness, it has never been seen before. As a winking close servant, he can naturally see the difference between the master and this son of Lu, how could he dare to accept the courtesy of Master Lu.

Seeing that Xie Jing Xing was about to leave, the maid who had been waiting quietly by the side hurriedly said, "Young Master Lu?" She collected money to lead Young Master Lu to the pond. She didn't know what she was doing at the pond, but Young Master Lu had a great appearance. It's good-looking. I think it must be the young lady who admires Young Master Lu and wants to have a private meeting. Although it took some time for Young Master Lu to appreciate the scenery, the young lady should have not left. After all, she wanted to see her sweetheart, so she would definitely be willing to wait a little longer. Xie Jing Xing hadn't spoken yet, Fu Quan turned sharply towards Xie Jing Xing's still smiling face: "Bold! Young Master Lu's whereabouts are not something you can talk about as a servant girl, go down, Young Master Lu doesn't need you to serve." Xie Jing Xing listened to Fu Quan and replied The maid's reprimand did not plead for her, whether intentionally or unintentionally, her greed for money indirectly harmed the original owner's family. The maid is not uninformed in the palace of the eldest princess, and it can be seen that the person in front of him should be the father-in-law from the palace. Then his master is either the prince or the emperor, and she is definitely not something that a maid can afford, so I dare not say anything. , hurriedly bowed and hurried away. As soon as she turned the corner and left Xie Jing Xing's line of sight, the figure in front of her flashed and she fainted, and the figure quickly carried her away. The spring breeze blows, and it seems that nothing has happened here, and there is no trace. Xie Jing Xing followed Fu Quan into the attic, and when he entered the main hall, he saw a man standing tall. The man's three-dimensional facial features were as handsome as a knife, and his angular face was unusually handsome. He was wearing a black brocade robe with a gold-trimmed belt of the same color around his waist. , Rumo's black hair is tied with a simple white jade hairpin to set off him, the whole person is handsome and full of innate nobility, and those dark, deep and cold eyes make people feel unattainable. , as if the gods descended to the earth. In the last world, Ji Huan's appearance was unparalleled, and the man in front of him was even more prosperous. The original owner had seen Emperor Jingxuan, but Xie Jingxing was mentally prepared and was stunned by the handsome appearance of the man. It was only for a moment that Xie Jing Xing reacted and hurriedly lowered his head and bowed in salute, facing the holy face in ancient times was disrespectful: "Lu Ziyan has seen the emperor." He bowed his head and did not see a trace of heat and restraint in the depths of the man's eyes.

Just as he was leaning over, Emperor Jingxuan helped him up, stopped him from bending over, and said gently, "Ziyan doesn't need to be too polite." There were many etiquettes in

ancient times, which made Xie Jingxing, a modern person, a little impatient, but since he did not overthrow him The idea of ​​imperial power can only abide by the rules. Now that the emperor took the initiative to help him up, Xie Jing Xing was naturally willing and straightened up: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Emperor Jingxuan frowned slightly, because of Xie Jingxing's estranged attitude and title, they should be the closest people in the world. In the end, he couldn't help but say, "I met Ziyan at first sight. When there are no outsiders around, Ziyan might as well call me fourth brother." He ranked fourth, Xie Jing Xing was younger than him, so there was nothing wrong with calling him fourth brother. Xie Jing Xing glanced at the man in surprise after hearing the words, he always felt that the Emperor Jing Xuan in front of him was somewhat different from the ruthless and iron-blooded emperor in the plot, could it be that he was also worn by others, but he did not feel malice from the man, and he wanted to Treating a man's illness naturally requires a good relationship, so he no longer struggles, and calls out "Fourth Brother" in a kindhearted manner. His voice was between a teenager and a young man. It was crisp and slightly hoarse, and there was a seduction in his innocence. When Emperor Jingxuan was called by him, those charming dreams could not help but emerge in his mind. He also called himself that on the bed. Thinking of this, the man's crotch couldn't help but react. Emperor Jingxuan himself was stunned for a moment, because of his health, he had always had little desire, but now Xie Jing Xing made him like this with just one title, which shows his influence on him, the person in front of him was indeed his lover. Fortunately, there was a wide robe covering it, otherwise he would definitely make a fool of himself in front of Xie Jing Xing, and the young man didn't know how he would look at him. "Ziyan, you go inside to change first, we'll talk later." After he finished speaking, he turned around and instructed Fuquan, his voice was indifferent, not showing the tenderness towards Xie Jingxing at all: "Fuquan, bring Young Master Lu into the changing." His voice did not reveal the slightest hint. , neither of them found him unusual.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Young Master Lu, please." Facing Xie Jing Xing, Fu Quan's attitude was even more respectful, the Emperor valued Young Master Lu more than he originally thought. You must know that even the younger brothers of the emperors such as King Cheng, King An, and King Qian are just called the emperor's brother, and the fourth brother has never been called so intimately. Besides, the emperor's gentle tone towards Young Master Lu has never been seen in the face of the eldest princess, the direct sister.

Emperor Jingxuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xie Jingxing go in, then sat down to calm down his body's desire.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Emperor Jingxuan turned his head and saw Xie Jingxing walking in wearing a moon-white brocade robe. If the boy in red is said to be as enthusiastic as the sun, then the boy in white is out of the world like a bright moon.

Emperor Jingxuan couldn't help staring blankly, with obsession hidden deep in his eyes, he stood up, waved Fuquan to step down, then personally led Xie Jingxing to the seat beside him, and asked softly, "What does Ziyan usually like to do? ?"

Xie Jing Xing was not from ancient times and had no reverence for the emperor, seeing that the man didn't put on the emperor's air in front of him, Xie Jing Xing also relaxed and his tone was much more casual: "I'm not afraid of fourth brother's jokes, I don't have any ambitions. , I like to eat, drink and have fun, my father often scolds me for not seeking to make progress." In

this world, as long as he cures the man in front of him, with the man's trust in Zhen Guohou, he should be able to sit back and relax, so he does not plan to take any inspirational route. The original owner does not seek to be motivated. It is very good. Thinking of this, he looked at the pale face of the man, and always felt that the man's illness did not seem as serious as the rumors had suggested, but thinking of the man's early death in the original plot, he rejected this idea, and it seemed that he could only find a chance to give it to him. Only by taking the pulse can a man get a more accurate diagnosis.

If it was someone else who said this, Emperor Jingxuan would definitely dislike it, but it was the young man in front of him who said this. He only thought that the young man was cute and frank, and Xie Jing Xing's casual attitude made him feel good and couldn't help it. He rubbed Xie Jing Xing's head affectionately, and blurted out his true thoughts: "How can the fourth brother laugh at you, you are good like this, the fourth brother will like it if you are not motivated or not."

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-07 00:00:00~2020-06-08 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mines Little Angel: Heng, Pulian, you are too noisy at night; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Qing Jue, 10 bottles of evil spirits; Yanyan, 1 bottle of the forest under the stars; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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