Chapter 39

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The next day: Father Ji took out a household registration book and handed it to Ji Xin in front of the whole family: "I have moved your household registration out: Today you will leave Ji's house: I have already transferred the house near your school. In your name: You can take everything that belongs to you in the family: you can do it yourself in the future."

Ji's mother was very at a loss: How could her daughter be kicked out when she woke up: "Husband, what's going on, why do you want to Chase Xin'er away?"

Father Ji looked at his wife and sighed: He took out the stack of documents: He knew his wife's feelings for Ji Xin: If she didn't tell her the truth, she probably wouldn't give up.

Ji's mother quickly looked at the information, although she couldn't believe it, she knew that what the information said must be true, but she still couldn't bear Ji Xin, and begged: "Husband: Xiner is still young, it must be those bastards who teach bad things. If you kill her, you give her one more chance: she will definitely change."

Ji's father's face was cold: "Change, I think she is broken from the root, those girls, just because she is not pleasing to the eye: she can destroy others without hesitation, even her own brother she can pay back Do not hesitate to start, so vicious, I really can't believe her, and she is so harmful to Coco, how can I dare to let her and Coco live under the same roof?"

Ji Mu blurted out: "Isn't it okay for Coco?"

Ji's father looked at Ji's mother in disbelief, as if he had never known her: "how can you say such a thing? Is it right that she is okay with Keke? I found that you never worried about Keke from beginning to end, Did you take Coco as your daughter?"

Ji's mother was surprised by the disappointment in his eyes, and quickly said: "No, husband, I..."

"Forget it, stop talking." Ji's father put it down wearily. He waved his hand and said, "I have already decided that Ji Xin must leave the Ji family today, and will no longer be part of the Ji family. Don't even think about helping her secretly in private. I will restrict your card." Looking at his wife Looking at him with your ruthless and ruthless eyes, it was the first time he discovered that his wife was such an incomprehensible person.

Cheng Keke was listening all the time, probably guessing that Ji Xin was discovered by Ji's father because he had done a lot of bad things and was about to be kicked out of Ji's house.

"What did you do to your brother?" She asked Ji Xin angrily, she just heard that Ji Xin wanted to harm her brother.

Ji Huan twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, like Xie Jing Xing always did to Cheng Keke, he gently rubbed her hair for the first time. Cheng Keke's immediate concern was not how Ji Xin harmed her, but Xie Jing Xing, her elder brother. It could be seen that she put Xie Jing Xing's elder brother's position in front of her, as expected, Xie Jing Xing did not hurt her in vain. At this moment, Ji Huan completely recognized this sister in his heart.

Ji's father was also very relieved when he heard the words. His exhausted heart, which was made by Ji Xin and Ji's mother, finally got some relief. The son said it well, and Cheng Keke's daughter is a good one. She handed the stack of information to Cheng Keke. He felt that Keke, as a party, had the right to know about these things. Besides, Keke was not too small. Excessive protection was not good for her. She might encounter various calculations in the future. Let her realize that people's hearts are sinister early, and let her learn to protect herself.

After Cheng Keke read the information, she raised her hand and slapped Ji Xin's face, her eyes were full of anger, and she said word by word, "You-really-disgusting-heart!" She did not expect Ji Xin to be so vicious The method of harming her and her brother, if she is really successful, then she and her brother... She can't even think about it.

Everyone in the hall was stunned. Coco's character was a little soft. No one expected her to act. Although Ji's father and Ji Huan were surprised, they didn't think Cheng Keke was wrong. She and the brother she cared about were almost killed. Well, it's normal for her to be angry.

Ji's mother is very distressed. Xiner has been spoiled by her since she was a child. When was she beaten: "Xiner, how are you? Let mother see your face, how can you beat someone?" He looked at Cheng Keke reproachfully.

Cheng Keke looked at her indifferently, and there was no trace of empathy for his mother in his eyes. The indifference was three-fold similar to Ji Huan.

Ji's mother panicked when she saw her eyes, and always felt that she had lost something important.

Ji Xin covered her face and lowered her head to hide the hatred in her eyes. She hated Ji's father and Ji Huan's ruthlessness, and Cheng Keke took everything that belonged to her. She even hated Ji's mother and hated her mouth. She said that she loves herself the most, but she can't help at all at critical times, but she dare not show her hatred. She knows that she can't stay at Ji's house any more today, so she doesn't plan to ask for mercy, but at this moment she She didn't dare to anger Ji Fu, because she was afraid that he would take those things back. Even at this time, she still did not forget to plan for herself.

She originally planned to expose the matter between Ji Huan and Xie Jing Xing to Father Ji, but she has changed her mind now, if Father Ji knew now, although he would be angry, he would definitely suppress this matter. Now she wants to let the whole world know that Ji Huan and Xie Jing Xing are gay and make Ji family lose face.

On the same day, Ji Xin left Ji's house. After Ji Xin left Ji's house, she went directly to the house that Ji's father gave her without returning home.

The reason why Ji Xin left Cheng's house, Xie Jingxing did not hide Cheng's father and Cheng's mother, he directly stated his attitude, he did not recognize this vicious little sister and was almost calculated by others, Xie Jingxing's attitude was not against peace, let Cheng Mom and Dad temporarily took a break from picking up Ji Xin to meet Cheng's family.

But after all, it is their own daughter, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother cannot be completely ignored, they called Ji Xin to persuade her to change, and came back to apologize to Xie Jingxing and Cheng Keke, as long as she changed her mind, Xie Jingxing and Keke would definitely forgive her. her.

Ji Xin received a call from Cheng's father and Cheng's mother, but she was very disgusted, and apologized? If it weren't for the existence of Cheng Keke, she is still the eldest miss of Ji's family. Cheng Keke stole everything from her, and it is impossible for her to bow her head to admit her mistake! Xie Jing Xing was obviously his real brother, but he didn't help her, instead he took care of Cheng Keke's fake sister, Xie Jing Xing didn't want to recognize her sister, she didn't want to recognize his brother!

Although she has left Ji's house now, she has more money than Cheng's father and mother, who is a teacher. What are you going to do when she goes back to recruit a group of vampires for herself? Besides, she would soon make Xie Jingxing and Ji Huan's homosexual scandal known to the entire internet, how could she go back at such a time and be scolded by netizens with them?

The unrepentance in her daughter's words, the dislike of them, and even the suspicion that they were coveting the money in her hands, made Cheng's father and Cheng's mother heartbroken. If you never make a phone call, it will be treated as if you have never given birth to this daughter.

Xie Jing Xing had known for a long time that this would be the result, Ji Xin always only wanted interests in his eyes, talking about family relationship with her was like playing a piano to a cow.

A few days later, news broke on the Internet that the heir of Ji's group was suspected of being gay. In the report, the tall and handsome man put his arms around the slender and warm waist of the young man, turned his head and kissed the corner of the young man's upturned mouth.

Ji Huan looked at the photo with satisfaction. This was the photo he took with his lover yesterday, to replace the photo in Ji Xin's hand. Although the photos were not as cool as those, it was the same to see the relationship between the two.

Ji Xin also looked at the report at this time. Although she was a little curious about how the photos were different from what she provided, the content of the report was exactly as she broke the news, so she was no longer confused. She looked at the comments below, looking forward to netizens. insults to them.

yy4906: Homosexuality, disgusting!

hex1900: Nasty +1!

Soaring pigeons: What is the age, homosexuality is not illegal, and people love each other without hindering anyone.

Handsome guys have privileges: Am I the only one who finds these two men handsome?

Aunt Picking Feet: No, you are not alone! Just because of this appearance, I decided to support them in their foundation.

Rotten girl: Ah~~ Gentle petting attack x Wenrun belly and black feeling, φ( ̄ ̄o) is too cute~~

Rotten eyes look at Renji: Inside information, Ji is actually a cold and abstinent type.

Rotten world: high cold abstinence attack x warm belly black suffering~~, indifferent to the whole world, only gentle to you alone, so touching.

xyz404: The rotten girl retreats!

I'm a third-year high school student: I just said how the other protagonist in the photo looks familiar, isn't this the legendary student god in our one! ? Cheng Nuo, who scored 748 points in the college entrance examination two years ago, is the champion of science.

The homework is not finished: I rely on it! It's really him, and his picture is still on the bulletin board of No. 1 Middle School.

Learning scum scum scum: The champion is also a base, can it be a base to improve learning~~ Do I want to try it~~

Eagle strikes 30,000 miles in the sky: Excellent men go to base!

iogsxlj: What about the champion, he is not unknown now, maybe he is being taken care of by President Ji now, saying that he is in love, and putting money on his face.

I have nothing to do to watch the play: Upstairs is selectively blind. In the photo, Mr. Ji's eyes are so spoiled, but he is not pretending. Besides, does a person like Mr. Ji need to act?

The world of freedom is not human: some people are filthy, and they must be supported when they are with rich people? People are very good themselves, right? It's because other people are low-key, you go to S University to inquire, who doesn't know Cheng Nuo's name, which professor said that he didn't give him a thumbs up, his face full of admiration.

The overall comments on the Internet were mostly towards the two, and occasionally some malicious remarks were eventually suppressed by the powerful rotten girl.

"Wow!" Ji Xin angrily swept all the things on the table to the ground. She didn't understand, how could there be so many people who support it because she is obviously a disgusting homosexual. She hurriedly went online to find the water army and vowed to make Ji Huan and Xie Jing Xing's reputation stinky.

What Ji Xin didn't know was that Xie Jing Xing had been accusing and criticizing behind his back, and with him, a hacker who was beyond the technological level of this world, Ji Xin could not achieve the results she wanted no matter how much money she spent. Moreover, this world is a world of face-seeing after all. If two ugly and wretched men are together, netizens will never be so forgiving.

Ji's father also saw the news. His first reaction was not to believe it. He thought it was a competitor who wanted to use this kind of news to attack Ji, but when he saw Ji Huan's gentle eyes in the photo, he thought that his son had never had sex before. Girlfriend, Ji's father was surprised, his son wouldn't really like men, would he?

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