Chapter 83

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 It is not advisable for too many people to enter the mountain: otherwise, they will not be able to take care of them at that time: instead, accidents are likely to occur. In the end, Yan Feng chose five able-bodied men to follow: plus Xie Jingxing, Yan Feng's husband: and Meng Ah, who had to follow him: There were eight people in total.

When Luo Yu heard that he didn't need to go into the mountain, he breathed a sigh of relief. Many villagers saw his expression and shook their heads in their hearts. Meng Amei also saw his expression: His dissatisfaction with him reached its peak in an instant: If he hadn't rushed up the mountain to save people at this time: No matter whether Luo Yu's father is the county magistrate: He will definitely give him a hard lesson .

For Xie Jing Xing to follow into the mountain, several men did not agree at the beginning, one elder brother had to be protected when he entered the mountain, wasn't it a burden? Meng Ah, forget it, why is Xie Jing Xing going to join in the fun? Yan Feng swept over with a cold look, and they didn't dare to say anything else: People don't worry about being a husband, so don't worry about it blindly.

When the group entered the mountain, several men were quickly slapped in the face: Xie Jingxing was dexterous in the mountain, as if walking on the ground, and with his excellent archery skills, they did not need protection at all: Compared to Xie Jingxing, how many of them were they? A man is more like a burden.

Several men gave a thumbs up to Xie Jing Xing and envied Yan Feng being able to marry a husband like Xie Jing Xing. The eyes they looked at Meng Amo were a little subtle, but Luo Yu's performance just now was in their eyes, but when her husband was in danger, he only cared about himself, so selfish, and they didn't know if the Meng family's eyes were blurred. Shit, Xie Jing Xing doesn't want such a good brother, but he wants to marry Luo Yu, as expected, Luo Yu's identity is the most important thing.

How could Meng Amo not be able to understand the eyes of a few men, looking at Xie Jing Xing's performance along the way, he was also very regretful, he didn't know that Xie Jing Xing was so good, and that such a good brother was actually divorced by them.

Yan Feng often walks in the deep mountains, and he can see at a glance which places have changed. With these traces, he quickly found the traces of the three. He and Xie Jing walked in front, the five men followed behind, and Meng Amo was guarded in the middle. After walking along the trail for a while, several people heard the sound of beasts hitting the trees, and several people quickened their pace, and just heard the sound of tree trunks breaking when they arrived.

I saw two wild boars howling around a tree, banging their heads against the trunk from time to time, while Meng Yuan was on the tree, holding the trunk tightly with both arms, his face was pale, and his expression was panic and fear.

Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng walked at the front, they first saw Meng Yuan on the tree, and looked at the tree trunk that was about to break. Yan Feng made a gesture to signal the people behind him to stop, while he and Xie Jing Xing took a few steps forward cautiously before taking out bows and arrows to aim at the wild boar.

With a "whoosh" sound, the two arrows shot almost simultaneously, one hit the back of the wild boar, the other hit the butt of the wild boar, both of which were not fatal, but the injured wild boar went mad, like crazy He kept hitting the big tree, causing the cracked trunk to break completely.

With the break of the tree trunk, Meng Yuan also fell from the tree, with a "click" followed by Meng Yuan's shrill scream, Xie Jing Xing hooked his lips without a trace, and exchanged a quick look with Yan Feng. .

Meng Yuan fell heavily from the tree, looking at the wild boar that hit him, he wanted to run, but the severe pain in his leg made him unable to move, this scene was different from when Xie Jing Xing first wore it. resemblance.

Meng Yuan subconsciously looked towards the direction of the arrows before and wanted to seek help, but just in time to see Xie Jingxing and Yan Feng who were drawing bows and shooting arrows, two arrows came out of the air again, this time both arrows hit the neck of the wild boar , pierced through the throat, and instantly killed two wild boars.

The two wild boars fell to the ground with a bang, but Meng Yuan, who was rescued, could not take his eyes off Xie Jing Xing no matter what. Such a Zhou Jin was something he had never seen before. His eyes were sharp, his brows were murderous, his face was stern, extremely dangerous but also extremely stunning. The sharp arrow seemed to be shot in his heart, making his heart It seemed to stop beating in an instant, and every beat of the recovered heart was given to him by Zhou Jin. Zhou Jin rescued him from the wild boar's hooves at the critical moment. From then on, Zhou Jin's archery appearance was deeply engraved in his heart, and the originally shallow heartbeat instantly turned into a complete fall.

"A Yuan, how are you? How about your father and brother Qing?" Seeing that the wild boar was killed, Meng Amo hurried to Meng Yuan's side to help him up.

"They're a trap not far away... Ah! My leg!" Meng Yuan wanted to get up while answering Meng A's words, but the sharp pain in his leg again made him cry out in pain.

"What's wrong with your leg?" Meng Amo asked anxiously.

"My leg seems to be broken and I can't move." Meng Yuan said, his face twisted a little because of the pain.

Meng Amei's face panicked when he heard the words, he looked at the crowd at a loss, a few men didn't know medical skills, how dare they touch Meng Yuan casually.

Of course Xie Jing Xing knew how to deal with the least damage to Meng Yuan's legs at such a time, but why should he tell Meng Yuan? The original owner was killed by Meng Yuan, and now as long as he compensates with one leg, it is a bargain for him.

Xie Jing Xing said, "We should rescue Aunt Meng and Meng Qing first, and then quickly go down the mountain to find a doctor to treat him."

Xie Jing Xing just didn't want to continue wasting time on the mountain, but Meng Yuan heard these words, but it was Xie Jing Xing was worried about his leg injury and hoped that he could get treatment sooner, now he looked at Xie Jing Xing like a very thick filter, everything was good.

"Thank you, Brother Jin." Meng Yuan looked at Xie Jing Xing with affection, but his face was a little distorted because of the pain, he thought he was affectionate, but others only saw him squeezed together because of pain Eye.

When Xie Jing Xing heard his thanks, the corner of his mouth curled slightly, with his and his lover's archery skills, when they found Meng Yuan, they could kill the wild boar with one arrow and then save Meng Yuan unscathed. If Meng Yuan knew that he and his lover not only delayed the time on purpose, but also deliberately missed the first arrow, just to stimulate the wild boar to go mad and knock him off the tree, causing him to break his leg, I wonder if he would thank him.

It is such a great feeling to have cheated on the enemy, but the enemy is grateful to you in return, Xie Jing Xing held Yan Feng's hand in a very good mood: "Let's go, we will go to Daddy Meng and Meng Qing."

"Okay." Yan Feng looked at his prank success, and his eyes were full of doting.

Yes, in Yan Feng's opinion, Xie Jing Xing's approach to Meng Yuan was still too gentle, but it was only a prank. When he first met Xie Jing Xing in the mountains, he was covered in blood, suffered from foot injuries, and faced the wild boar with an axe, a cold light flashed across his eyes. If you break your leg, it will be broken forever! Lifelong disability and hopeless future should be the best punishment for Meng Yuan, who is arrogant and arrogant.

Meng Yuan was quite happy when he saw Xie Jing Xing smiling at him at first, but after seeing him holding Yan Feng's hand intimately and walking away, he didn't look at him again, and there was a touch of bitterness in his heart. But he couldn't blame Zhou Jin, because he was the one who broke the marriage contract between the two first, which was equivalent to personally pushing him to another man. Now he regrets it and wants to save it, but finds that Zhou Jin has completely let go of his feelings for him.

Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng quickly rescued Daddy Meng and Meng Qing, they were a little frightened, but luckily they were not injured. The group went down the mountain, Meng Qing was so frightened that he didn't mention the pepper he was thinking about.

After going down the mountain, several men sent the Meng family home, Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng went back to their home, Meng Yuan looked at the back of Xie Jing Xing leaving without leaving a word, his eyes dimmed.

Several men sent the Meng family home. At this time, Luo Yu was anxiously waiting at home. Seeing that Meng Yuan was being carried on his back by a man, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern: "Husband is injured?

" He just thought of his previous expression, and he didn't have a good face for him: "A Yuan broke his leg, why don't you go and ask the doctor to come and have a look."

Luo Yu didn't dare to resist at this time, and hurried out to ask the doctor in the village . After the men left, Meng Amo told Meng Yuan about Luo Yu's reaction when he heard that he didn't need to go up the mountain, and finally added: "Brother Jin heard that you were in danger on the mountain, and didn't even hesitate. I promise to go up to save you, Luo Yu is completely incomparable to him, I knew earlier that I should not have retired Brother Jin."

Meng Yuan heard that, he was angry and disappointed with Luo Yu, but he regretted Zhou Jin in his heart. At the same time, he couldn't help but give birth to a glimmer of hope, and his originally gloomy eyes also lit up a little. Does Zhou Jin still have feelings for him? Otherwise, how could he have agreed to go up to save him without even the slightest hesitation when he heard that he was in danger on the mountain?

At this moment, Luo Yu's voice came from outside the door: "Ah, the doctor is here." Meng A

-mei hurriedly went out to welcome the doctor in: "Doctor, please help Ah Yuan to see, he fell from a tree and fell. The leg is broken, do you see if it is serious?" The

doctor carefully checked and shook his head and said, "This is a bone injury, and I can't cure it as a country doctor. You should take him to the doctor in the county town tomorrow."

"Is it serious?" Meng Amo asked anxiously.

The doctor said: "Although the bone is injured, as long as it is treated properly, it can still be cured. You don't have to worry, but his leg can't be injured again until he heals. Otherwise, even if he is cured, it may be difficult to walk like a normal person."

A few people in the room let out a sigh of relief when they heard the words. A-Daddy Meng and A-Mei sent the doctor out, and Meng Qing also returned to his room, leaving only Luo Yu and Meng Yuan in the room.

Luo Yu couldn't help complaining: "If I say it's Zhou Jin's fault, if he promised Qing Ge'er to accompany him into the mountain, you don't have to enter the mountain, and this kind of thing won't happen."

Meng Yuan listened to Luo Yu's complaint, He couldn't help asking, "Why?"

"Ah? What did you say, husband?" Luo Yu looked at Meng Yuan suspiciously, not understanding what he was asking.

"Why do I say, Brother Jin and Brother Qing are not related, so what is the obligation to accompany him into the mountains?"

Luo Yu said: "But don't he and Yan Feng often go hunting in the mountains? For them, it's just a little effort, and the villagers are unwilling to help with such a small task, it's too impersonal."

Meng Yuan looked at Luo Yu's natural appearance, and it was the first time that he felt that his face was so condescending. people hate. Yes, Luo Yu has always been like this, because he was pampered and raised from a young age, in this small county, because of his father's relationship, everyone has to hold him. Doing anything is a matter of course.

When he saw Luo Yu for the first time, he was fascinated by his chin slightly raised, his arrogant and noble appearance, and a desire to conquer in his heart, but now that he thinks about it, he was blinded by what in the first place, and then he felt that Luo Yuyi's commanding appearance is charming.

He thought again of Zhou Jin's appearance when he was shooting arrows, so awe-inspiring and noble. Compared with Zhou Jin who rescued him when he was in danger, Luo Yu was his husband, but he was not even willing to go up the mountain to find him. What do Luo Yu and Zhou Jin compare to? Why did he throw away Zhou Jin's pearl for rubble like Luo Yu in the first place?

Thinking of this, Meng Yuan ignored Luo Yu, closed his eyes, but thought about how to get back the treasure he lost after his legs were healed.

Meng Yuan hated Luo Yu in his heart, but he never thought that he and Luo Yu were actually the same. Why didn't Zhou Jin show his heart and lungs to him back then, and why did he ever have a trace of gratitude.

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