Chapter 106

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After the kiss: The foreheads of the two of them were pressed together, their breaths intertwined, Huo Yu looked at Xie Jing Xing with red cheeks with burning eyes: He couldn't help but pecked his lips a few more times: His voice was hoarse: "Baby: You He also fell in love with me at first sight." The affirmative tone carried a sigh of satisfaction and joy, he thought it was his own greed, but he didn't want it to become a reality now: teach him how not to be ecstatic.

Xie Jing Xing nodded, looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile, and joked, "You touch porcelain so uniquely, you have successfully caught my attention."

Xie Jing Xing said this: Huo Yu remembered how stupid he was before, and thought he was He acted well himself: It turned out to be seen through a long time ago, and yes, his lover is so smart, his little tricks are really not good.

Huo Yu felt embarrassed in his heart, but he pretended to be calm and said, "I'm very happy that I can attract the attention of my baby." At this time, he was glad that his facial management practice was in place, but he didn't know that his red ears had leaked it long ago. He was incredibly shy.

His appearance was very different from the awe-inspiring "Master Huo" when he was in the club just now: but it made Xie Jing Xing's heart soften and he couldn't help kissing his face several times: "Why are you so cute!"

Huo Yu felt "cute" This word did not fit him at all: He wanted to correct Xie Jing Xing very much: but looking at the corners of his upturned mouth and the love in his eyes, his heart was sweet, forget it: since he thinks it is cute, then it is cute, as long as he likes it .

After expressing their intentions, the two of them had a sweet meal. After the meal, Huo Yu proposed to send Xie Jing Xing back to Qi's house, naturally Xie Jing Xing would not refuse.

In the car, the driver looked at the two people who were glued together in the rearview mirror, surrounded by pink bubbles, they were shocked and at the same time suddenly realized, I was sad that the shrewd boss on weekdays would be stupid, it turned out to be falling in love, and sure enough Love can make people IQ drop. No wonder the boss was so ruthless towards Qi Yue, it turned out that it was Lanyan who was angry at Chongguan. The boss seems to be in a good mood, so he shouldn't be held accountable for his stupid appearance.

After the car arrived at Qi's house, Huo Yu did not leave, but got out of the car with Xie Jingxing and accompanied him into Qi's house. He just wanted to let the Qi family know that he valued Xie Jing Xing so that they would not dare to neglect Xie Jing Xing.

When Father Qi saw Huo Yu who walked in side by side with Xie Jing Xing, his eyes flickered, Huo Yu seemed to value Xie Jing Xing more than he thought.

Qi Ze went home before the two of them. At this time, in the living room of Qi's family, except for Qi Yue, who was hiding in the room and was sulking, the Qi family was all there.

Father Qi welcomed Huo Yu into the door and said with a smile, "Mr. Huo, I didn't expect you and my family Xiaoyou to know each other."

Huo Yu took Xie Jingxing and sat down very naturally, glanced at Qi Ze who was sitting next to Father Qi and said, "Say If I hadn't asked Youyou to go to the clubhouse, I wouldn't have been picked up by Youyou who was waiting at the door of the clubhouse when I fainted."

When Qi Yue came back and complained before, he avoided the key points. Qi's father only knew that Huo Yu was blacklisted by Huo Yu because Qi Yue scolded Qi You as a country bumpkin. Later, the competition with Qi Ze was only a peaceful solution negotiated by both parties. I don't know what Huo Yu said to Qi Ze. Similar competitions are not uncommon in this circle. In his opinion, if you lose the competition, you will lose, and it is not ashamed to lose to Huo Yu. Young people don't know each other if they don't fight. If Qi Ze and Huo Yu can become good friends in the future. Friends are better. So Father Qi didn't hear anything wrong with this, and sighed, "This is fate."

Only Qi Ze's face froze. He thought that Qi You's life-saving grace to Huo Yu was before returning to Qi's house, but he didn't want it to be today. In this way, in order to humiliate Qi You, he deliberately didn't pick him up and delayed. When it was late, making Qi You wait outside the clubhouse gave him a chance to get to know Huo Yu, thus giving him a strong backer. Is there anything more embarrassing than this in this world?

Xie Jing Xing looked at the suffocation in Qi Ze's eyes and gave Huo Yu a "good job" look, Huo Yu rubbed Xie Jing Xing's head affectionately, and said meaningfully, "Youyou and I are indeed destined.

" Intimacy, but the Qi family didn't think about that. After all, as famous as Huo Yu's ability, he was not close to women or men, and he was so clean that some people even suspected him.

Father Qi showed a gratified smile, and then continued with self-blame: "Speaking of which, I am very incompetent as a father. Some time ago, because of the company's affairs, Qi You has been ignored. He may be a little uncomfortable when he just arrived in a strange environment. I have been locked in my room these days, I was worried at first, but I don't know how to communicate with the child, now that he has you as a friend, I am much more relieved." Then he turned his head to look at Xie Jing Xing lovingly, and said earnestly and earnestly. : "Xiaoyou, go out more in the future, make more friends, don't lock yourself in the room, it's not good for your body and mind."

Xie Jing Xing quietly watched Father Qi's performance and sighed that Oscar owed him an actor .

In Father Qi's impression, Xie Jingxing was always taciturn and he didn't get a response. Father Qi didn't care, and then said to Huo Yu, "There will be a banquet in the Qi family three days later, I want to introduce Xiaoyou to everyone at the banquet. If you are free, please also show your respect, Xiaoyou should be very happy if you can come." He said as if he had been preparing for the banquet and had never neglected Xie Jing Xing.


Seeing that Huo Yu didn't hesitate, Father Qi agreed without hesitation, and was more certain that he attached great importance to Xie Jing Xing, knowing that Huo Yu almost never attended such banquets in the past.

"I'm tired." Xie Jing Xing said, he really had no interest in watching Father Qi's performance here.

"You child, is Mr. Huo still here?" Qi's mother reprimanded, but her tone was not harsh at all, and she also carried a bit of connivance and intimacy. I don't know how good the relationship between mother and son is. This couple are both Acting god.

"It's okay, I'll take you up to rest." Huo Yu stood up and walked upstairs with Xie Jing Xing in his arms.

Huo Yu originally wanted to send Xie Jing Xing upstairs to rest, and took the opportunity to ask for a kiss, but as soon as he entered Xie Jing Xing's room, he was full of anger in his heart. He won't treat him badly in material terms, but this hotel-like room tells him that he still thinks of the Qi family too well.

He glanced around, and looked at the obviously old laptop on the desk and the wardrobe with few sets of clothes in his eyes, feeling more and more distressed.

Xie Jing Xing could see his thoughts at a glance, to be honest, although the Qi family has no intentions, it is a wealthy family after all, this room is more spacious and brighter than the average well-off family room, and the facilities are complete, but it is not warm enough, so he comforted: " It doesn't matter, I don't plan to stay at Qi's house for too long."

Huo Yu was not comforted, he took Xie Jingxing into his arms and put a kiss on his forehead: "Baby, tomorrow I will have someone bring you something. Come on, don't refuse." He wished he would pack his lover to the Huo family right now, but the two had just met, and when they proposed to live together or something, he was worried that his lover would be abrupt.

Xie Jing Xing wanted to say no, after all he would not stay in Qi's house for too long, but looking at his lover's frown, his refusal turned into a "good" word.

Only then did Huo Yu stretch his brows, and the two were tired of crooked for a while before Huo Yu reluctantly left.

The next day, Huo Yu went to Huo's in the morning to quickly arrange work, and then he brought his assistant, nutritionist and designer to Qi's house.

After the assistant briefly asked Xie Jing Xing what style he liked in his room, he started to make a phone call, and soon a batch of furniture and decorations were delivered to Qi's house, and a few workers quickly refreshed the room.

During this process, the nutritionist briefly checked Xie Jing Xing's body and formulated a nutritious and delicious diet chart for him. Huo Yu was relieved when he learned from the nutritionist that his lover's body was indeed as healthy as he said.

Afterwards, the designer took Xie Jing Xing's measurements, and then a batch of clothes was put into the new wardrobe in his room. Huo Yu also told him that these were just for him to wear temporarily, and when the designer made the tailor-made clothes for him, he would not have to settle for it.

Usually Huo Yu is not such a high-profile person. This time, he deliberately engaged in such a big battle. First, it is a kind of beating for the Qi family, including the servants in this villa. Second, he loves the suffering that his lover has endured before. I want to bring the best of everything to him.

Xie Jing Xing accepted everything that his lover gave him with peace of mind, and he was very calm and calm throughout the whole process.

Qi's father and Qi's mother are very embarrassed. These things have to be prepared by an outsider. Doesn't this mean that they are incompetent parents. They only acted as parents who cared about their children in front of Huo Yu yesterday. They didn't expect to be beaten in the face today, just who It could be imagined that Huo Yu, a CEO who was in charge of everything, would notice these trivial things.

Father Qi's reaction was very quick and directly pushed the matter onto Huang Ma. They had already told them that it was Huang Mayang Fengyin who neglected Xie Jingxing, and they did not know how the two coerced and lured Huang Ma. The Qi family was fired.

Xie Jing Xing and Huo Yu understood the truth very well, but they had no sympathy for Huang Ma Xie Jing Xing.

After everything was over, the assistant and the others left consciously. Huo Yu looked at the warm and comfortable room and nodded with satisfaction: "Darling, do you like it?

" How would not like it.

"I have another gift for you." After speaking, he took out a gift box from the drawer of the new desk, not knowing when he put it in.

Huo Yu gave so many things today, but this one was so special, it made Xie Jing Xing a little curious: "What is it?"

"Take it apart and see."

Xie Jingxing opened the gift box, and inside was a silver-gray laptop, Huo Yu explained, "This is the latest computer from Moore Technology, it has not yet been sold in the market, and its performance is better than what is on the market today. Computer, I think you should like it." He thought of giving this gift when he saw the old computer yesterday, inexplicably he knew that this gift would definitely make a lover change his mind.

Sure enough, the corners of Xie Jing Xing's mouth turned up a little bit bigger, "mua~" kissed Huo Yu's face and made a clear and loud voice: "I like it very much." This gift really suits his heart, but it makes him even more happy. When the lover has no specific memory, he still remembers his preferences.

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