Chapter 116

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"Xiao...mian." Seeing Xie Jing Xing coming out: Qin Shuo almost blurted out his nickname, but fortunately he reflected it in time and changed his name, cats are very sensitive creatures: it would be bad if they were scared away.

Xie Jing Xing didn't notice the man's strange pause: he didn't even know that the man raised him as a cat: "Do you have any family or friends to rescue?" The

original owner's parents were orphans, and after his parents passed away, he was alone : Now there are no relatives or friends who need him to save. He intends to follow Meng Fanze, on the one hand to find an opportunity to avenge the original owner, on the other hand, the first base in city b where the protagonist is going is also his destination: But if the lover has relatives or If a friend needs to be rescued, he naturally wants to be with him: revenge can be postponed, anyway, Meng Fanze will always go to the first base in City B, and he is not afraid of finding someone.

The first base in City B was established by the military from the very beginning. It adopts semi-military management. The discipline of the base is very strict. The weapons and base offensive and defensive capabilities are extremely high. With the evolution of zombies after the end of the world: The emergence of intelligent zombies: Almost all bases have encountered large and small waves of zombies, but the first base has been defended every time. The senior management of the first base did not blindly fight for power and profit like other bases, whether it was the role of the zombie crystal core or the later cultivation method, they were all selflessly disclosed to the public, which made Xie Jing Xing very fond of it.

Qin Shuo shook his head: "I grew up in an orphanage, I have no relatives, but some friends, but they are all capable of protecting themselves and don't need me to save them. We have made an appointment to meet in City B." He said he was a friend, but he was actually a teammate of his mercenary regiment, and he was the regiment leader. There were five people in this regiment including him. They would go on vacation after each mission. The next vacation actually encountered an apocalyptic outbreak. He was a little fortunate that he chose to go back to City C, where his orphanage was located, on a whim. Otherwise, how could he have met his kitten.

Afraid of scaring the kitten, Qin Shuo didn't talk much about himself, but instead asked, "Where is your home, I'll accompany you back." For teammates or something, let them wait first. Before he could sort out his feelings, Qin Shuo first mastered the skill of emphasizing sex over friends.

"My parents died in an accident last year in a car accident, and there is no one back home."

Xie Jingxing just finished rubbing his head with a big hand, and a man's soothing low voice said, "Don't be sad." Qin Shuo wanted to say that if you wanted, I would be your family in the future, but he knew that he was still a stranger to the kitten, and he was afraid that this would arouse the kitten's vigilance.

Xie Jing Xing raised his head, there was nothing he could do, the original owner's height of about 1.75 meters was still considered petite in front of a man, seeing the distress in the man's eyes was a little helpless, he really just simply stated the facts: "I'm not sad, I'm actually glad they didn't Living to the end of the world, if they become zombies, whether it is for them or for me, it will be more uncomfortable than death." The original owner really thought so.

Seeing that there was really no sadness in Kitty's eyes, Qin Shuo was relieved and took the opportunity to abduct Kitten: "If that's the case, why don't you go to City B with me, it's the capital, and a base will definitely be established. I'm pretty good at it. I have also awakened the fire element, I will protect you along the way, I will definitely not put you in danger, nor will you starve."

Xie Jing Xing listened to the man's chattering self-recommendation, facing the man he met for the first time. People say that they want to protect him. If he doesn't know that this is his lover, he will definitely doubt the other party's intentions.

There was a hint of slyness in the cat's pupil, Xie Jing Xing's face was full of doubts: "We just met, why are you being so nice to me, isn't there any intention?" When he said the last sentence, his voice was already crying. And trembling, eyes became wet.

Even crying like a cat, it really is a kitten! The kitten looked so pitiful and cute, Qin Shuo wanted to coax him not to cry, but also wanted to bully him again and let him continue to cry to him with a cat-like little milky voice, although that was not at all. Bully. Two contradictory thoughts flooded his mind, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

Xie Jing Xing was a little amused when he looked at his helpless appearance, as expected, he could not get tired of seeing his lover's clumsy appearance no matter how many lifetimes he had. He didn't know that men also had the same bad taste in his heart, and he didn't know if Xie Jing Xing had taught him badly.

In the end, still worried that the kitten was frightened, Qin Shuo lowered his voice and coaxed with a bit of indulgence: "Don't cry, I have absolutely no bad intentions for you." I just want to raise you, he said this sentence Smart did not say it.

Qin Shuo had never coaxed anyone before. He felt that his words were not convincing, and he was afraid that even children would not believe them, but after hearing what he said, the suspicion on Kitten's face disappeared, and the fear in his eyes disappeared. I believed him like this: "Since you said that, I believe you. Anyway, I am alone, and it is the same wherever I go, so I will go to City B with you."

Qin Shuo didn't know that Xie Jing Xing was just teasing him, he just felt that the kitten was too simple and easy to coax, and he even made up his mind to watch the kitten all the time in the future to prevent him from being deceived. Maybe it was Xie Jing Xing who left him with a deep-rooted impression of being innocent and deceitful this time. Even after knowing that Xie Jing Xing's martial strength was good, Qin Shuo was still worried and insisted on keeping him by his side all the time, even if he was called clingy. Not changing in the slightest made Xie Jing Xing very helpless, but of course he could only swallow this sweet fruit because of the reason he planted.

After the two of them spoke, they returned to the crowd, Xie Jing Xing found Meng Fanze standing beside Xiao Xiangheng, it seemed that he had exposed his spatial ability and joined Xiao Xiangheng's team smoothly, and he moved quite quickly.

"My friend is over there, I will go over and tell him." Xie Jing Xing said and walked towards Meng Fanze.

Qin Shuo naturally followed behind him. He glanced at Meng Fanze, frowned, but didn't say anything, but his aura was no longer restrained. Now that he has a kitten, he naturally wants to show some strength.

Xiao Xiangheng immediately noticed Qin Shuo, this person is very strong! He changed his somewhat careless appearance before, his expression became serious, and he asked Meng Fanze beside him: "Ozawa, is this your friend?"

What Xiao Xiangheng really wanted to ask was Qin Shuo, but Meng Fanze thought he was concerned about Xie Jingxing, thinking that Xiao Xiangheng fell in love with Ye Mian at first sight in his previous life, is this the same in this life?

He glanced at Xie Jing Xing's face and lowered his eyes to hide the ruthlessness in his eyes: "Yes, Brother Xiao, this is my good friend Ye Mian, he has also awakened his supernatural ability, it is the water element." When he said the water element, his tone Some disagreed, he knew that there were already two water elements in Xiao Xiangheng's team, and Ye Mian's ability would not be taken too seriously.

Xiao Xiangheng looked at Qin Shuo and asked, "Then who is this?"

Meng Fanze was very happy to see that Xiao Xiangheng no longer paid attention to Xie Jing Xing, but he didn't know who Qin Shuo was.

Xiao Xiangheng understood that he didn't know him, and he no longer expected him to introduce him. He took the initiative to extend his hand and said gently and politely: "Hello, I'm Xiao Xiangheng, a thunderbolt."

Qin Shuo extended his hand without hitting the smiling face. Take action: "Qin Shuo, a fire-type power user."

"We plan to go to City B, what are Mr. Qin's plans?"

"We are also going to City B."

"Then you might as well go with us, there are more people and more power. "

Qin Shuo did not answer, but looked at Xie Jing Xing, saw Xie Jing Xing nodded, and then returned: "Okay."

Xiao Xiangheng raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, he could feel that Qin Shuo was a very strong person just like him. He didn't expect to ask other people's opinions, and then he looked at Xie Jing Xing seriously, his appearance was good, but unfortunately he was only a water element.

Seeing Xiao Xiangheng looking at Xie Jingxing, Meng Fanze became nervous again and quickly said, "Ye Mian, I just found out that I have also awakened a supernatural power, which is a space superpower." There was a bit of show in his tone, but he did not notice the inconsistency in Xiao Xiangheng's eyes. Patience, he didn't want Meng Fanze's spatial abilities to be exposed to too many people.

"Then congratulations, I will say that you will definitely be able to awaken the supernatural powers, the spatial superpowers may be more practical than my water element." Xie Jing Xing looked envious, "Then how big is your space, can you enter? Is there a spiritual spring? , can it be planted?" He stared at Meng Fanze with shining eyes, his eyes full of pure curiosity.

The corner of Meng Fanze's proudly upturned mouth froze: "It's only 30 square meters, so people can't enter it, and there's no spiritual spring, and it can't be planted." How could he feel that his space was so weak.

"Ah~" Xie Jing Xing was a little disappointed when he heard the words: "I thought it was the kind of portable space written in the novel. However, it is also true that the portable space is all treasures that identify their masters with blood. Yours is a supernatural power, it must be different."

Qin Shuo rubbed Xie Jing Xing's head in a funny way, how could the kitten be so cute that he actually took the novel seriously.

The words "recognize the master by a drop of blood" made Meng Fanze's brows twitch, and he subconsciously touched the wooden bracelet on his wrist, his eyes fixed on Xie Jing Xing, not letting go of his expression, confirming that he was really just casually speaking. Said, and then heaved a sigh of relief, but did not find that Xiao Xiangheng took his expressions and actions into his eyes.

Now that zombies have all the abilities, even if there is a treasure that recognizes the master with blood, it seems not impossible. Xiao Xiangheng shook his head in his heart, and felt that he was stunned, and he would believe the things in the novel, but after all, the seeds of doubt were planted in his heart, only to take root in the future.

Xie Jing Xing observed Xiao Xiangheng's reaction, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, Xiao Xiangheng was the president of a tens of billions group before the end of the world, he must be very suspicious, he didn't need to do too much, just let Xiao Xiangheng notice Meng Fanze's abnormality, and a little doubt was enough .

Xie Jing Xing was also not worried that these two people would contact the treasures of blood and confession after they knew that he had space in the future. If ordinary people really had such treasures, they would definitely hide them very well, just like Meng Fanze, they would not dare to mention them, like him He said it generously, but others couldn't suspect him.

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