Chapter 28

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As soon as Ji Huan went back, he asked people to check Xie Jing Xing's information. Cheng Nuo, eighteen years old, is a freshman in the Computer Science Department of S University. His parents are both teachers and he has a younger sister. But fortunately, apart from a photo of Xie Jing Xing attached by the person who checked the information, everything else was a text description, which did not allow Cheng Keke's life experience to be exposed in advance.

Ji Huan looked at the information in his hand, with admiration in his eyes, the young man was better than he imagined. Since meeting the youth, Ji Huan has found that he has become a little strange. If his driver usually hits someone, his treatment should be to send the person to the hospital, pay the medical bill, and then leave the contact information. It is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to hug the person, accompany the person considerately throughout the process, and finally send the person away. go home. He seems to want to get close to the young people very much. This feeling is inexplicable. It stands to reason that he should reject it, but he can't raise any resistance in his heart.

When Ji's father came home from the company, he found that his son was at home. He was a little surprised: "Didn't he say he was going abroad this morning, why did he come back?"

Ji Huan said, "I plan to stay in China during this time.

" What should I do?" This son of his has been outstanding since he was a child. He founded his own investment company when he was studying in college. He even earned the initial capital of the business by investing in stocks himself, and he didn't ask him for a penny. Over the past few years, his son has invested in a lot of good projects with his unique vision. Many cutting-edge foreign companies have his shares. He is definitely the leader among a group of young people from a similar family background, which makes him very proud.

"I've already explained the matter to the assistant." What Ji Huan didn't say is that the company has already been on track, and he doesn't need to do everything himself. He didn't come back before, but he didn't want to.

Father Ji nodded. His son has always had a plan, so he doesn't need to worry about it: "How long are you going to stay in the country this time?"

"It depends on the situation. It's not decided yet." What kind of result he wanted, he didn't even think about how to do it. After all, this was the first time he wanted to get close to someone since he was a child, and he had no experience at all.

"In that case, do you want to go to work at Ji's when you have nothing to do?" Ji's father asked.

"Yes." The young man seemed to be very busy, and he couldn't always go to him, always looking for something to do.

"You have to take over Ji's business sooner or later. Why don't you use this time to get familiar with the company's business... Hey, you agree?" No wonder Father Ji was so surprised. Ever since he knew his son's business talent, he asked his son to go to Ji's every time. , was rejected by him, and it would not be too late for him to take over when he was sixty years old. This son has always had the right idea since he was a child, and the decision will never change. He just asked casually without any hope, but he did not expect that this time he would agree so bluntly.

Ji's father looked up and down at Ji Huan suspiciously: "Is there something wrong with you? You changed your mind twice in one day, but it doesn't look like you at all.

" Feeling that this is nothing to make a fuss about, he shook his head and said, "It's fine."

Ji's father didn't ask, he believed that even if there was something wrong, his son could solve it: "How about you go to the company with me tomorrow and be the general manager directly?" He will settle the matter now, so that his son will not regret it later. He is not a person who loves power. After his son gets started with the company's affairs, he will hand over the company to his son. I believe that Ji will develop better in his son's hands. .

"Okay." Ji Huan didn't even think about going to the bottom. He has done all those things in the early days of his business, so there is no need to repeat them. As for whether Ji's employees will question his ability, he will meet him after a period of time. Find out.

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