Chapter 6

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After Xie Jing Xing returned home, he took out the contents of the cloth bag, washed the new underwear, and then washed his hands before taking out the five medical books from the wooden box.

As the second young master of the Xie family in his previous life, he didn't need to run around for life. With his elder brother, he didn't have the pressure of inheriting the family business, so he was very free to learn whatever he wanted. Not a lot. After he came into this world, he naturally thought about what he would do in the future. Although he thought about starting a business at first because he had to provide food and clothing, he didn't really care about money.

Now these few medical books have provided him with an idea. He can study medicine. In his era, Chinese medicine has long since declined, and he has never been in contact with it. Now that he has come to this era and is in a completely different world, why not Try knowledge that you have never been exposed to before.

After the Shen family finished eating here, Shen Jianguo said to Wang Guihua: "Mother, you find a matchmaker tomorrow to marry An An, and she agreed to marry me."

Wang Guihua was immediately unhappy: "I don't agree! Then Xia An'an Jiaodidi, at first glance, it is not material for work, and the thin one is definitely not easy to raise, and she was hugged by the bastard, and her innocence is gone, how can our family marry such a wife."

"Mother, you say What, isn't it impossible for An An to fall into the river, and today she has bought the bastard's life-saving grace for him with 200 yuan, and the two will have nothing to do in the future. Don't talk about her and the bastard. It's not good for An An's reputation."

When Shen Jianguo said this, he originally wanted to clear the relationship between Xia An'an and the bastard, but Wang Guihua was even more blown up when he heard it: "What! Two hundred yuan is given to you like this, this Xia An'an is really a prodigal girl. Seeing

that Wang Guihua's attention was all on money, Shen Jianguo felt a little unhappy, and said impatiently, "Mother, money belongs to An'an, you care how she spends it."

Wang Guihua doesn't think this money has anything to do with her. He objected, but he also knew that his son would never lose money by marrying Xia Anan, an educated youth in the city. The allowances her parents sent from the city every month should be quite a lot. She was so picky about Xia Anan just wanting to give less betrothal gifts. . Since Xia An'an is going to marry his son sooner or later, then Xia An'an's money is naturally theirs. Now that he is 200 yuan less, how can she not hurt.

"This bastard is going too far. He's going to cheat someone for 200 yuan to save someone. It's too unkind. No, I have to go to him and ask him to spit out the money." Wang Guihua said and was about to go out.

Shen Zhan, who had been sitting next to him, suddenly said: "Xia Zhiqing hasn't married yet, what position do you use to ask him for money, and this money was promised by Xia Zhiqing in front of a carload of people, if you really take this money When we come back, the villagers may say that Xia Zhiqing is ungrateful and reneges on his promises." He knew that even if Wang Guihua went to Xie Jingxing, he might not be able to please him, but somehow he did not want Wang Guihua to go to trouble that young man, and in this family, who could say To stop Wang Guihua, only Shen Jianguo, Wang Guihua's favorite young son. He knew that Shen Jianguo was obsessed with Xia An'an, and would never allow Xia An'an's reputation to be ruined because of two hundred yuan.

Sure enough, when he heard this, Shen Jianguo hurriedly said: "Mother, don't go, it will ruin An An's reputation."

"What kind of reputation is not good, she Xia Anan is long gone." Wang Guihua still didn't give up, but it was two hundred yuan. Ah.

"Mother!" Shen Jianguo was so anxious that his eyes were red. Others were tall and tall, and they looked very pitiful with such red eyes.

Seeing him like this, Wang Guihua, the mother, couldn't take it anymore, and quickly said, "Okay, I won't go." Although she agreed, but because of Shen Jianguo's attention to Xia An'an, she was not happy with Xia An'an in her heart.

Shen Zhan was not at all surprised by Wang Guihua's easy compromise. In Wang Guihua's heart, Shen Jianguo was her heart and soul. When the two faced each other, it was always Wang Guihua who compromised. It's just that every time I see such a scene and think of Wang Guihua's indifference towards him, who is also a mother, Shen Zhan's heart becomes even colder.

Shen Zhan was brought up by his grandmother since he was a child. Grandma Shen Zhan didn't like Wang Guihua's character. After Wang Guihua gave birth to Shen Zhan for the first time, she was afraid that he would teach Shen Zhan badly. Father Shen raised it himself. When Shen Zhan was four years old, Wang Guihua gave birth to Shen Jianguo. This time, Wang Guihua would not let her mother-in-law take the child away. The two old people were old at the time and didn't have the energy to bring another child. Also the default.

With Shen Jianguo, Wang Guihua poured all her love for her children on Shen Jianguo. When grandma Shen Zhan was there, Wang Guihua didn't dare to treat Shen Zhan badly, but she didn't get close to him. When Shen Zhan was fourteen years old, after his grandmother died, Wang Guihua's dissatisfaction with his grandmother exploded directly to Shen Zhan. First, he blew pillow air to Father Shen, saying that there was not enough labor at home, so Shen Zhan dropped out of school and went home. At that time, a fourteen-year-old boy in Shen Zhan went to the field and worked as much as an adult. He had the same work points as an adult. When he returned home, Wang Guihua did not give him enough food. He was so hungry that he had to go hunting in the mountains. Lives are lost. After two years like this, the army came to the village to recruit soldiers. He took the prey to the village chief's house and asked him to change his age by two years before joining the army. He stayed in the army for eight years, and because he had no memory of this family, he never came back once in eight years.

Shen Zhan saw that Shen Jianguo had persuaded Wang Guihua to stay, and what happened to him here, he pushed the wheelchair back to the room. As for Shen Jianguo and Xia An'an's marriage, he doesn't care at all.

Overnight, the gossip that the bastard took two hundred yuan from Xia An'an overwhelmed the bastard and saved Xia An'an.

Xie Jing Xing continued to study medicine after breakfast, and after a while he heard a knock on the door, Xie Jing Xing could not think of anyone who would come to him, opened the door and saw that it was a middle-aged man and a woman, from the memory of the original owner, Xie Jing Xing knew this The two were the village chief Zhao Mancang and the village chief's daughter-in-law Li Cuihua. Seeing that they had gifts in their hands, it was obvious that they had something to ask for. Thinking that he got a sum of money yesterday, I am afraid it has been spread all over the village. I think that these two people came to the door to borrow money.

"Uncle Zhao, Aunt Li, why are you here?" Xie Jing Xing asked while seeing the two of them welcome into the main room and poured two bowls of boiled water for them. He didn't want to be so shabby either, but this family had neither brown sugar nor tea, so he had to use boiled water instead.

Zhao Mancang looked at Xie Jing Xing hesitantly, and finally picked up the bowl and took a sip.

Li Cuihua glared at Zhao Mancang in disgust, with anxiety and urging in her eyes.

Zhao Mancang took a deep breath and said, "You bastard, uncle heard that Xia Zhiqing gave you two hundred yuan to buy out your life-saving grace, is it true?"

Xie Jingxing nodded and said, "It's true."

Zhao Mancang: "In that case, my uncle will not betray you. Today, your aunt and I are here to borrow two hundred yuan from you. If you don't need it urgently, you are willing to lend it to us. Your aunt and I will be grateful to you for the rest of your life. If you are in a hurry or don't want to, just pretend that I didn't say anything, of course you can rest assured that I will never embarrass you in the future."

Xie Jing Xing believed in these words, whether it was in the original owner's memory or in the plot, the village chief Zhao Mancang They are all very upright people, and it is precisely because of this that the heroine of the previous life could carry it to the college entrance examination and return to the city under such rumors.

Xie Jing Xing: "Uncle Zhao, may I ask you what you are borrowing this money for?"

Zhao Mancang: "You also know that our third child, Xiangdong, is a premature baby and has always been in poor health. He can't do farm work. The two of us thought that he could find a job in the city after reading more books. The job here is so easy to find. He has not been able to find it for two years after graduating. Now his brother-in-law has a job sorting information in the factory. It used to be an old lady in her 60s. Now the old lady has passed away. Their family wanted to transfer this job, but it cost 600 yuan. They kept it for a few more days for my son-in-law's sake. The old couple of us managed to put together 400 yuan. You have two hundred yuan, so you have the cheek to borrow it."

Xie Jing Xing did not see this matter in the original plot, but the original plot revolved around the heroine Xia An'an, so it was normal not to mention it.

Now that a job in a city is very sought after, it is no wonder that the two of them are so anxious. Moreover, Zhao Xiangdong is in poor health and does not work at home all the year round. His parents have no opinion, and the two sisters-in-law may have a lot of opinions.

Xie Jing Xing did not dislike lending money to the village chief, he would stay in the village for at least two years, it was necessary to have a good relationship with the village chief, the character of the village chief was trustworthy, and everyone in the village knew that he had the money , now it is a good thing for him to lend it out, so as not to cause trouble because of the money.

Xie Jing Xing: "Uncle Zhao, I'll lend you this money."

"Really, that's great, bastard, don't worry, we will definitely pay this money back, let's go, I'll make an IOU for you." Zhao Mancang heard this. Xie Jing Xing was willing to borrow it and was delighted.

Xie Jing Xing: "Uncle Zhao, don't be in a hurry."

As soon as he said that, Li Cuihua was in a hurry and said hurriedly, "You bastard, you won't regret it."

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