Chapter 49

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 In the carriage: As soon as Emperor Jingxuan got into the carriage, he hugged Xie Jing Xing tightly into his arms: His burning eyes showed a trace of anxiety: "Baby: Do you know that?" Now calm down: He naturally knows his mind Already revealed: Now that it has been discovered: He doesn't want to hide anymore.

Xie Jing Xing was a little confused now, he turned his head to avoid the man's burning gaze: "Fourth brother, I'm tired: I want to go back to the Hou residence." He felt that he needed a person to think about it quietly.

Now that we have reached this stage: Emperor Jingxuan can't let him escape: He lowered his head and kissed his lips involuntarily: Then he quickly stuck out his tongue, pried open his teeth, and stirred his big tongue back and forth in his mouth.

He kissed hard and deeply, Xie Jing Xing was breathless after a while, he pushed the man's chest, and the man let him go.

Emperor Jingxuan's fingers rubbed gently on the boy's red lips: He stared at him with deep eyes, his voice was hoarse: "Darling, don't reject me."

"I don't... um. " Xie Jing Xing just said the word "no": he was kissed again by the man, while the two were breathing, he was about to speak when the man's lips caught up again: After repeating this five or six times, Xie Jing Xing felt that his mouth was uploading The pain came, and he finally couldn't help but bite the man's lips fiercely. He didn't save any effort in this mouthful, he bit the man's lip, and blood spilled. Emperor Jingxuan did not let him go because of this, but kissed him even deeper, his mouth was full of blood, Xie Jing Xing actually felt a hint of determination from the man, he looked at the man and touched the despair in his eyes, and could not help but feel a pain in his heart , finally softened, and took the initiative to stick out his tongue to hook the man's tongue, licked it comfortably, and then gave him a gentle response.

Feeling his soothing movements, the man who was kissing fiercely just now finally stopped, with ecstasy in his eyes, and his tone affirmed: "Baby, you also have feelings for me." This man treated him for him. To relieve his worries, he never believed that he had no feelings for him at all, since he did not admit it, then he would go to him to admit it, thinking about it like this also revealed the same meaning in his eyes, Xie Jing Xing hurriedly raised his hand to cover it for fear that he would come out just now. Stopping his mouth, he said: "I admit that both your kiss and your embrace make me feel comfortable, and I have been very happy to be with you for the past six months, but you are the emperor, maybe you like me now, if you are in the future If you empathize or want your heir to inherit the throne, do you want me and a group of women to compete for you? I can't do it, it's better not to be together at the beginning, it's better than the original love eventually turned into resentment. " Xie Jing Xing knew from the original owner's memory that Da Jingchao did not reject masculinity, because the founding queen was a male queen, then there were emperors who accepted male concubines, and there were men who formed bonds among the people, but no man with a little status would guard one Men live a lifetime, because men cannot have children. It is said that the founding emperor Jing Gaozu and the male queen were very much in love with each other, and the Jing Dynasty's Jiangshan was fought side by side. Even so, Jing Gaozu still accepted many concubines and concubines in the harem for the sake of his heirs. He did not know what the male queen thought at the time. But he would never share his lover with anyone. If there is such a day, even if he loves each other again, he will definitely kill each other with his own hands. Emperor Jingxuan held Xie Jingxing's hand covering his mouth, put it on his lips and kissed it, and said with ecstasy, "I originally liked? My baby really likes me?" His eyes were surprisingly bright, as if Xie Jingxing liked it. For him, it was the most important thing in the world, Xie Jing Xing was finally reluctant to let his eyes stain even a little bit of gloom, so he nodded and said, "I like it."

When Emperor Jingxuan heard the words, the corner of his mouth raised a big arc, and his smile was bright, like ice and snow melting. He hugged Xie Jing Xing even tighter: "Why don't you have more confidence in me, baby, before I met baby, I have never been tempted by anyone, and there are no men or women around, it shows that I am not someone who is easily tempted. People. With you, baby, how could I still look at other people? I will never be able to have empathy for you one day. As for the heirs, I could not have them in the past, and naturally I can in the future. If I really need the royal blood to inherit the throne, At that time, I will adopt one from my younger brothers." He dispelled Xie Jing Xing's concerns one by one, seeing that there was still hesitation on his face, he said pitifully, "Baby, look at my body like that. Weak, if you reject me, I will definitely feel uncomfortable, and if I suffer, my health will be worse, maybe I will die of depression, young..." He knew that his lover valued his body the most. Xie Jing Xing hurriedly covered his mouth to prevent him from continuing to speak, only he knew that this man had indeed died young in the original plot, even now that the man's body had been conditioned, he could not be completely at ease, he could not listen to what a man said This kind of words, I am afraid that the next moment will come true. He glared at the man fiercely: "Don't say such things again in the future," Emperor Jingxuan couldn't see the softening of his attitude, he was overjoyed, and quickly flattered: "Okay, don't say anything, just listen to the baby. " Xie Jing Xing felt his heart softened when he saw an emperor pretending to be pitiful and trying to please him, and finally raised his hand to hug the man's waist. When Emperor Jingxuan noticed his response, he was overjoyed and lowered his head to kiss his lips. Emperor Jingxuan went to the morning court in a happy mood the next day, with a rare smile on his face. Seeing that the emperor was so happy, the civil and military officials were even more curious about what rare treasures the emperor got in the suburbs yesterday. When Emperor Jingxuan announced about the potatoes, everyone suddenly realized that the crop yielded thousands of catties per mu! No wonder the emperor was so happy. Only Fuquan on the side knew that the emperor was more happy because of the person who planted potatoes. Of course, Emperor Jingxuan would not hide the credit of his lover. Hearing that Lu Ziyan was the one who had grown crops with a yield of over 1,000 catties per mu, the officials of the Manchu Dynasty were all shocked.

Lu Ziyan, as the second son of the Marquis of Zhenguo, although he never relied on the prestige of the Marquis of Zhenguo to be arrogant and domineering outside the country, everyone knows that he is not successful in writing, does not seek to make progress, and only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. Classifying him as a dandy, now this little dandy has quietly done such a big thing that benefits the country and the people.

Emperor Jingxuan named Xie Jing as the Marquis of Jin Xi on the spot. Jin means splendid and gorgeous. After going down to court, the ministers all held a few potatoes that the emperor specially gave them to taste, and they congratulated the Duke of Zhenguo. They thought that the second child of the Lu family was worthless. With the title of nobility, now the Lu family is a pair of nobles, which is really enviable. Marquis Zhenguo didn't expect that his younger son would be a blockbuster even if he didn't speak, he was proud in his heart, and he didn't hide it on his face. Two months later, the sweet potatoes on Zhuangzi also matured, once again shocked the government and the public on the yield per mu, and completely shut up those who had previously criticized Xie Jing Xing Fenghou. Emperor Jingxuan acted resolutely and quickly sent the harvested potatoes and sweet potatoes to various places, and the servants who participated in the planting of Xie Jingxing's Zhuangzi became the first batch of professionals sent out to teach farmers how to grow these two crops. Although he was not granted an official position, the officials of the state capitals did not dare to neglect him because of the emperor's will. The peasants learned that they had brought them thousands of jins per mu and respected them very much. When did these servants receive such treatment, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, and they taught the farmers to be more attentive. They followed Jinxi Hou to plant a thousand jins per mu, and they could be regarded as honoring their ancestors. When they got old, they would brag to their grandchildren. capital. To the common people, potatoes and sweet potatoes are mystical objects, and Xie Jingxing, who brought this sacred object, has a very high reputation among the people. After learning that potatoes are also called potatoes, the people honored him as the "King of Potatoes". When Xie Jing Xing heard this title, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. An Wangfu.

Two months ago, Jiang Yuwan heard the news that Lu Ziyan had been named the Marquis of Jinxi. The great changes in her past and present made her panic, and she gave birth to a premature birth. In the end, she gave birth to a boy as she wished. Wang's eldest son, but because of premature birth, the child's body is a little weak. After seeing it, the imperial doctor said that the child may have to be hanged on medication.

Xie Jingxing smiled sarcastically when he found out, Jiang Yuwan was reborn to marry Queen An, and she was afraid that she was looking forward to Emperor Jingxuan's early death as in her previous life, so that King An could be relocated, but now she herself has given birth to a child like Emperor Jingxuan. The weak son, I don't know if it is retribution.

Jiang Yuwan wanted to cause Jiang Yuyao to have a miscarriage many times before, but Jiang Yuyao was very cautious and guarded against Jiang Yuwan. It didn't take long, but Jiang Yuwan still bit her silver teeth in anger when she looked at her sick son.

Now that she heard the name "Potato King" from the maid, Jiang Yuwan felt a sense of unreality in her heart again. Why is there such a big difference between Lu Ziyan's past life and this life, which made her doubt that Lu Ziyan was also reborn.

Yes, at the eldest princess's flower viewing banquet, Lu Ziyan didn't pass by the pond like in his previous life. Was he reborn at that time? After Lu Ziyan was reborn, she didn't even want to marry her. Jiang Yuwan felt a little uncomfortable because she had never taken a concubine in her previous life.

If Lu Ziyan was really reborn, would she also suspect that she was reborn? The only difference between her and her previous life is that she was never calculated by Jiang Yuyao in this life, but Lu Ziyan was not there at the time, so she should not doubt him. Still not completely at ease, she felt that she should find a chance to test to see if Lu Ziyan was really reborn, and how much she knew.

This opportunity will come soon. Emperor Jingxuan will be on his 30th birthday. In the past, he had no interest in this because of his poor health, and never made a big deal. This year, with his lover by his side, his body has recovered. With the appearance of sweet potatoes, Emperor Jingxuan was very happy with his dragon heart, and he became interested, so he decided to hold a big banquet in the palace, and the monarch and his ministers would have fun together.

Jiang Yuwan entered the palace with King An to attend the palace banquet, along with Jiang Yuyao, the side concubine. The side concubine was also on the royal jade, and was recognized by the royal family. Unless there were special circumstances, such important occasions were usually attended.

King An was the emperor's younger brother, and his position was arranged next to the emperor. King An brought the two to the seat. At this time, the emperor had not come, Jiang Yuwan looked around, but did not find Lu Ziyan's figure, but did. The Marquis of Zhenguo, Mrs. Zhenguohou and Lu Zihe, the son of the Marquis of Zhenguo.

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