Chapter 69

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 Two people play happily: The other guests are not as leisurely as the two.

Zhou Yunshen's group only has 3 yuan left now: The lunch money is definitely not enough: I have to find a way to make money. As Zhou Yunshen's lyricist: Shi Lei has also shown his face in public before: In order to avoid being recognized: He has to dress up. In order to match Zhou Yunshen's palace maid, Shi Lei finally dressed up as a eunuch.

The two planned to charge some fees while taking photos with tourists in the Studio City: but after the actual operation, it was found that it was not so easy. People in costumes can be seen everywhere in the film and television city: It is not uncommon for palace maids and eunuchs to dress up: If it weren't for Zhou Yunshen's palace maid's appearance, there would still be some features: Let some passers-by guess that Zhou Yunshen is a cross-section, and they are happy to see hunting hearts. Can't make a penny.

Fang Liang's group and He Zhengqing's group had 21 yuan and 74 yuan left, respectively. Both groups decided to save a little bit, relying on the money to survive until 6 pm, to make money or something: They don't want to experience it anymore. In order to avoid being recognized, Nie Meng and He Zhengqing, who were not dressed up, also dressed up.

The consumption of the film and television city in the film and television city is higher than that of the outside world. Fang Liang and his wife only bought a bottle of water: they ate a box lunch together at noon, and the money was gone. He Zhengqing's group is a little more comfortable, but they only have enough water to eat, it is impossible to play as freely as Xie Jingxing and Sheng Changyi: Besides, it depends on the companions for such a play. He Zhengqing doesn't like Lin Yan, How to be in the mood.

Time passed while Xie Jing Xing and Sheng Changyi were having fun, and soon it was six o'clock. The two came to the entrance of the film and television city. The program crew was already waiting here, and the other guests came back one after another.

"Congratulations to the guests for completing their tasks. Our reality show will end soon. In order to reward all the guests, the show team has prepared a rich seafood feast for everyone. Don't worry, the guests do not need to do it themselves this time."

"That's great!"

At the seafood dinner at night, everyone finally saw how Sheng Changyi took care of Xie Jing Xing, and Xie Jing was not allowed to take action during the whole process. They suspected that if it wasn't for their group of light bulbs, Mr. Sheng would have fed them directly. Putting it into Xie Jing Xing's mouth, Xie Jing Xing didn't even need to move his chopsticks. Everyone sighed in their hearts that President Sheng was really fond of Xie Jing Xing, but Lin Yan was the only one who was full of jealousy, but he did not dare to speak as he did last night, for fear that he would end up with a shame.

After dinner, the reality show ended. That night, the show crew left Xiamen with a group of people.

Half a month later, during the broadcast time of "Traveling with Friends", many viewers stayed in front of the screen. When they saw Xie Jingxing, netizens were very excited.

"Wow~ I have invited Jiujiu to this show, and the show team did a good job!"

"Jiujiu looks good in sports clothes, and it feels like sunshine sports."

"I wonder who Jiujiu will bring?"

"Will it be a video ? Emperor Gao Hongyu, the two often interact on Weibo, and you can see that they have a good relationship."

"I hope it is Sun Xin, although I know that the two are not a couple, but I still look at the relationship between the two in reality and make up for me. The tears shed for them in "The Legend of Concubine Xi"."

Netizens were excited to guess, when Xie Jingxing said Sheng Changyi's name, there was a moment of silence on the Internet, the netizens' reactions at this time were in sync with the reactions of everyone on the show , followed by a complete boil on the Internet.

"Sheng Changyi? President of Shengshi Group? Is it really not the same name and surname?"

"Jiujiu signed a contract with Shengshi Entertainment. He said that he only knew one Sheng Changyi. He couldn't even know the name of his big boss, right?"

"So it's really Sheng Changyi, the president of Shengshi Group, and Jiujiu is too face. He actually invited Mr. Sheng to accompany him on the reality show."

"I can finally see what Mr. Sheng looks like. He has always only heard of his name and never seen him. It's too mysterious."

"It has been said for a long time that Sheng is always his friend. , Sure enough, powerful people play with powerful people."

"Mr. Sheng came out, ah~~~ so handsome~~~"

"Mr. Sheng is explaining what it means to be tall, rich and handsome."

"Sure enough, a good-looking person They all play with good-looking people."

"It's okay to be handsome, and it's okay to have money, it's okay to have money, and ability, Mr. Sheng is the son of God, no, I want it. He has become a lemon essence."

"President Sheng is not married yet, is it too late for me to recommend myself?"

When Sheng Changyi said that he believed in Xie Jing Xing, many netizens still thought that the two were good friends, only some rotten girls were keen to find out. Sheng Changyi's words and eyes were ambiguous.

"President Sheng and Jiu Jiu's couple's outfit~~ I have to say, the two really match each other, I am a fan of this couple."

"Why do I feel that Mr. Sheng's sentence "I believe him" seems to be implying There are countless ambiguities, and the eyes he looks at for a long time are also full of love."

"You look at Renji with rotten eyes."

Soon a group of CP fans of the two appeared on the Internet, and CP fans even named them. For long-term cp.

After that, as soon as Xie Jing Xing appeared in punk style, fans screamed.

"Jiujiu is so cool~~"

"Jiujiu still has abdominal muscles, I really want to lick it~~"

"I really want to be that butterfly and kiss Jiujiu's teary mole."

"I don't recognize this outfit anyway, I'm a die-hard fan for a long time."

"Mr. Sheng is so cool~~"

"Mr. Sheng's outfit is quite normal, but I can't help but think of his outfit in my mind. The scene of sitting in the conference room, and the reaction of Sheng Shi's employees when they saw Mr. Sheng's

outfit, they were stunned. They comforted themselves.

"This should be just an accident, Jiu Jiu should be just too anxious to hold the hand of President Sheng."

"It's okay to hold hands between friends."

Only cp fans are excited by the sugar nibbling on the side.

"Jiu Jiu, this is more like a subconscious behavior."

"Did you notice? Mr. Sheng lowered his head and glanced at the hands they were shaking, but he not only didn't shake them off, but also laughed. The two of them are definitely tricky!"

"I feel What's wrong with being a little sweet?"

When Xie Jing Xing was playing games,

"This hand speed is not inferior to that of a professional e-sports player!"

"It's only 20 years old for a long time, even if I'm single, it's not too long, how did this hand speed develop? "

I suspect that the car is driving upstairs."

"I am a professional e-sports player, Gu Jiu's hand speed and manipulation are better than mine."

"Gu Jiu, an e-sports genius who was delayed by the entertainment industry."

Xie Jing Xing finished playing In the game, Sheng Changyi raised his chin proudly when he got the money.

"Jiu Jiu's proud little appearance φ( ̄ ̄o) is too cute, like a arrogant cat, I really want to scratch his chin."

"Ah~~ Mr. Sheng touches his head and kills~~ his eyes are so spoiled~~ "

I made 400 yuan in less than ten minutes. It turns out that playing games is so profitable."

"The premise is that you have long-term skills."

All the way after that, netizens watched Sheng Changyi take care of Xie Jing Xing, which made CP fans exclaimed so sweetly.

"I found that every time I photograph Mr. Sheng, his eyes are always on Jiu Jiu. If I contact Mr. Sheng, he can always find Jiujiu's needs at the first time. Does this mean that Mr. Sheng's eyes have never left Jiujiu.

" Even though you don't talk much, you are really fond of Jiujiu." There

was not enough money, Xie Jing Xing didn't eat seafood, his face was full of regret, Sheng Changyi led him away without saying a word. The sunspots seemed to have finally found Xie Jing Xing's black spot.

"Gu Jiu is too pretentious. I still think about eating seafood at this time, and I can't stand the pain at all."

"I also said that Mr. Sheng favored Gu Jiu a lot, and that CP fans just like to cheer on themselves, and Mr. Sheng might be particularly annoying to Gu Jiu. Those might just be for the effect of the show, and now I'm impatient to leave."

Sheng Changyi took Xie Jingxing to the archery booth, and when both of them hit the bullseye with ten arrows, they earned 1,000 yuan in a blink of an eye, and the CP fans regrouped again. .

"Jiu Jiu is so handsome~~ President Sheng is so handsome~~"

"Jiu Jiu is too powerful, I doubt there is anything he can't do?"

"What's wrong with eating seafood, our Jiu Jiu's ability is just a piece of cake."

"I don't have enough money, so Mr. Sheng will make money immediately. Isn't this a pet?"

"Mr. Sheng has peeled shrimp for Jiujiu~Ψ( ̄ ̄)Ψ, this is also for the effect of the show?" In the

afternoon, the two of them were on Gulangyu Island. While playing, Xie Jing Xing's shoelaces were loose. When he found out, Sheng Changyi had already crouched down to tie it for him. Xie Jing was tired from walking. Sheng Changyi rubbed his feet without disdain. At this point, the sunspots completely shut up.

"The effect of the show? Heizi can really imagine! With Mr. Sheng's net worth, who has such a big face, everything he does comes from three words: he-will-will!"

"I think I'm afraid I've hit a pair of real CPs." "I feel the


There are also pictures of guests from other groups interspersed.

"He Yingdi is so good, I don't feel like I've changed clothes much, but I just can't recognize it. This acting skills are enough."

"Actually, I always thought that He Yingdi and Lin Yan would dress up as monks. After all, they are going to Nanputuo Temple, and monks should There are a lot of them, and it is not easy to be recognized."

"How do monks make money and give people a palm reading? Hahahaha~"

"Shen Shen sold miserably, and the big stones were all laughing. "

Fang Liang and the others were not recognized!"

"The main reason is that most people don't associate a passer-by with a celebrity, at most they feel familiar."

"Looking at the group of Gu Jiu and Sheng Changyi, I only think other The guests in the group are so miserable, especially Fang Liang and Nie Meng, they only made 120 yuan after washing dishes and dishes for three hours, which is not enough for Gu Jiu and them to eat seafood."

"Although I think they are a bit miserable, I still endure it. I can't stop laughing at the misfortune, I'm so unkind."

All the guests gathered at the Tongan Film and Television City, and everyone entered the villa and needed to cook by themselves.

"Haha, after a miserable afternoon, Fang Liang finally raised his eyebrows! All the guests' dinners are in his hands."

"It's too early to be happy that Mr. Sheng can cook?"

"Finally, I know what Jiujiu can't do. , can't cook."

"With Mr. Sheng here, I won't have to meet for a long time."

"I wanted to hug Jiujiu deeply and was warned by Mr. Sheng. If the two were not lovers, I would eat the keyboard live! In the

kitchen, Sheng Changyi's words "baby" made the whole internet explode.

"Ah, ah ~~~ Real hammer!

"This was made public directly in the show?!"

"In my lifetime, the cp I've been drinking has come true!"

"President Sheng's "baby" is so good~~"

There are naturally also Heizi Hei Gu Jiu who was taken care of by Sheng Changyi. , but before they could form a climate, Sheng Changyi posted on Weibo: My love. @Gu Jiu Xie Jing Xing also posted on Weibo at the same time: My lover. @shengchangyishengshi Group's official Weibo posted a Weibo later: Hello, Madam Boss! @GU Jiu "This is the official announcement?!"

"This is the most resolute pair of CPs I've ever fanned!"

"I like the magnanimity of the two of them about their relationship, and passers-by turn fans."

The director of "Take Friends With You" Looking at the ratings that continue to break new highs, I can't stop laughing.

The part of Lin Yan during dinner has been subtracted by the program team, netizens shouted that Xie Jing Xing was so cute when he woke up in the morning, the toothbrush with the toothpaste squeezed in advance flashed by It was also discovered by netizens with good eyes.

"Good pet~ Mr. Sheng really took good care of Jiujiu."

"As a mother's fan, I feel relieved."

When the photographer's close-up Xie Jingxing appeared in the camera with a flawless face, "I thought I'm watching the facial cleanser commercial."

"This skin, if there are skin care products out for a long time, I will definitely buy it."

When the guests' character cards were turned over, netizens burst into laughter.

"Hahaha~~ I really want to watch it~~~"

"Fang Liang is too proud, and he has been pitted by the guests."

"I want to watch Jiu Jiu and President Sheng as dancers, but the program group is still not good enough. Let all the guests come back together."

"Upstairs is even more ruthless than the show crew."

"I couldn't help but imagine the appearance of Mr. Sheng dressed as a dancer~~ hahaha~~~ pat the table o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓"

"The upstairs is poisonous, and now I have a picture in my mind unconsciously."

"Don't say it, I can't help laughing."

When Zhou Yunshen and Fang Liang came out dressed as women, netizens clapped the table.

"Hahaha~~~ pat the table o(*╮▽╭)ツ┏━┓"

When Xie Jingxing came out, the netizens, like the guests at the scene, breathed a suffocation.

"It's so beautiful!"

"I'm going to be smashed by Jiujiu!"

"Lick the screen!"

"My family is so beautiful, Mr. Sheng is cheap."

"I envy Mr. Sheng!"

When Xie Jing Xing fell into Sheng Changyi's arms,

"This look in Jiujiu's eyes, I think I was seduced."

"It's not just you, looking at Mr. Sheng's eyes, I feel like I'm going to eat it for a long time."

"Instantly fill in the three thousand-word little yellow text."

"Upstairs, please link~"

Xie Jing Xing and The scenes before and after Sheng Changyi kissing in the alley were naturally not cut in. After that, the two played in the film and television city. Netizens only felt that they were fed packs of dog food by the two of them. More sweet interactions.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-29 00:00:00~2020-06-30 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mines Little angel: 1 bean curd brain, 1 radish head;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Hualiu Zhaojun every month; 8 bottles of wolf ghosts; 2 bottles of Nini; 1 bottle of apple picking under the bayberry tree; thank you very much For your support, I will continue to work hard!

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