Chapter 144

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"Hahaha: Good boy, it's too much for the Master!" After accepting the plot and the original owner's memory, Xie Jing Xing's body was almost recovered: He was about to leave and return to his residence when a loving and proud voice stopped him his footsteps.

Xie Jing Xing looked at the sound, and the person came with white hair: his face was very young, and the eyes looking at Xie Jing Xing carried a kindness that was very different from his young face. At this time, his face was flushed with pride: the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to the roots of his ears. Anyone could see how happy he was at this time.

The person who came was the original master's master, Master Yunhe, a monk in the spirit-transforming period. The personality of Master Yunhe is the same as his Taoist name: compared to Buddhism, it is said that he was stuck in the Golden Core Stage for a long time, but he has yet to break through when the deadline is approaching. He has a good relationship, and many people in the sect are anxious for him, and even find a lot of elixir for him, but he himself is not anxious at all: He is still cheerful all day long: It almost corresponds to the saying that the emperor is not anxious for eunuchs urgent. Who would have guessed that one day he would have a breakthrough in the thunder tribulation after a good night's sleep. I don't know what to say about this situation: but the results are always gratifying.

A cultivator can reshape his body as long as he cultivates to the Nascent Soul stage: Therefore, monks with a cultivation level above Nascent Soul in the realm of cultivation are rarely old in appearance: Therefore, the real Yunhe looks young, but in fact he is over a thousand years old. As for the white hair : It should be his personal hobby.

When the original owner entered the Qingyun Sect, because his spiritual root was a single-line mutant ice root, except for the Linyuan real person who had not come out of the retreat all the year round, all the peak masters present competed for it. Who would not want such a good seedling. Maybe it was because of the fate of the eyes, or because the two should have the fate of master and apprentice.

Master Yunhe, a person who accepts apprentices, values ​​his eyesight and temperament more than his aptitude. Therefore, he has never accepted an apprentice because he has always met someone who has the right eye. He loved the original owner very much, and gave all kinds of spiritual stone pills and other resources to the original owner without hesitation.

Influenced by the spiritual roots, the original owner was a little cold, but he was very gentle when facing the master who cared for him very much. Every time he went out to practice, he did not forget to bring gifts to the master. It's a typical example of a cold face and a hot heart.

The original owner died in the secret realm, and the real person Yunhe was extremely sad. He used the identity jade card left by the original owner in Qingyunzong to retrace the scene at the last moment before the original owner died, and found the demon cultivators who besieged the original owner. After searching for the soul, he killed a few people. Death, and he also speculated that someone deliberately brought the original owner to death in the memory of several demon cultivators.

The original owner had saved Xu Baijing's life before, and then took care of him. He didn't want to be called ungrateful. Xu Baijing was very sad about the death of the original owner, but he was just an ordinary otaku in his previous life, and his acting skills were average. Men have filters for him, so it's natural to see him well, but Yunhe has lived for thousands of years and has rich life experience. Naturally, it can be seen that the sadness he shows is very false, which arouses his suspicion.

Since there is doubt, Master Yunhe will naturally not relax his observation of Xu Baijing, but Xu Baijing is not cautious because he has the aura of the protagonist. Since he has obtained a lot of treasures from the secret realm, it is impossible not to use them. Seeing these treasures, What else does Master Yunhe not understand, Xu Baijing is the one who brings disaster to the east.

In order to avenge his apprentice, Master Yunhe changed his previous Buddhist system and joined Xu Baijing, which can be said to be incompatible. However, Xu Baijing is very lucky, and there are always a group of small attackers around him, and he can hide in space when in danger. , Although he caused Xu Baijing a lot of trouble, he let him escape every time.

Of course, Xu Baijing knew that Master Yunhe wanted to avenge the original owner, but how could he admit that the external explanation was that Master Yunhe coveted the treasure on his body and wanted to snatch it. to trouble him. He said this, and the small attackers around him believed it, and there was no doubt or thought to verify it.

Although Master Yunhe was convinced that the original owner was killed by Xu Baijing, he had no solid evidence. He did not refute Xu Baijing's reversal of black and white. Instead, the news that Xu Baijing was carrying an immortal weapon attracted more people to chase and kill Xu Baijing. , During that time, Xu Baijing was extremely embarrassed.

However, the protagonist is the protagonist after all, and he can also attract high-quality small attacks while fleeing. It is Gong Mo, the most powerful demon in his later small attacks, who was a demon cultivator in the divine transformation stage. In the end, the real Yunhe died in the hands of Gong Mo. .

When Xie Jing Xing saw Master Yunhe, his eyes softened, "It's the master who taught him well." This is the person who loved the original owner the most in this world, and even sacrificed his life for the original owner, Xie Jing Xing was very fond of him. The original owner was very cold to the outside world, but he would also joke a little in front of Master Yunhe, with a bit of intimacy, so he wouldn't arouse suspicion at this time.

Yun He patted Xie Jing Xing on the shoulder: "You brat has learned to flatter yourself." Even though he said that, it could be seen from his smiling voice that he was very useful to Xie Jing Xing.

When the two saw each other, the crowd of onlookers stepped forward to congratulate them one by one, Xie Jing Xing exchanged a few simple words, then said goodbye to everyone on the grounds of consolidating his cultivation, and returned to Biyun Peak with Master Yunhe.

Xie Jing Xing carefully used the sword according to the memory of the original owner, and observed the Qingyun Sect without any trace, the mountains were lush, the peaks were staggered, the light gauze was entwined, the sea of ​​clouds was misty, dense, like a dream, full of immortal energy, Rao has never seen it before. Xie Jing Xing, who had little beauty, was attracted by the scenery in front of him, it was indeed a fairyland.

There are seven peaks in Qingyunzong, namely Linyuan Peak, Xuanyun Peak, Cangyun Peak, Biyun Peak, Zhu Yunfeng, Refining Medicine Peak and Refining Tool Peak. In addition to Refining Medicine Peak and Refining Item Peak, the other five peaks are named after their colors. Linyuan Peak was originally called Ziyun Peak. Later, when Master Linyuan became the peak owner, he thought the name Ziyun Peak was unpleasant, so he named it after his own name. , change it to Linyuan Peak. Xuanyun Peak is the place where the past sect masters of Qingyun Sect lived, and the current sect master is in the integration stage. The master of Cangyun Peak is Chu Haotian, a monk in the spiritual transformation period. In the original plot, Xu Baijing was accepted as his apprentice, and later he became the cold master of Xu Baijing's many small attacks. The master of Biyun Peak is Master Yunhe. Zhu Yunfeng's peak master is Leng Yueyao, the only female peak master of Qingyun Sect, and she is also a monk in the spirit transformation period. Leng Yueyao has always been affectionate to Chu Haotian, but Chu Haotian is cold and never responds to him. Later, when Xu Baijing appeared, he was like an iceberg. It's melting. If he just didn't like women, she wouldn't be so hard to accept, but she didn't expect Chu Haotian to be so humble enough to share Xu Baijing with many men. How could Leng Yueyao accept it? For this reason, she did not less trouble to find Xu Baijing. Ended up with a dead end. The peak masters of Refining Medicine Peak and Refining Item Peak are all focused on refining medicine and refining tools, and their cultivation bases are in the Nascent Soul stage, but with the ability of the two of them to refine medicine and refine tools, no one will be because the two have a lot of cultivation bases. Peak masters with the lowest cultivation base despise them.

"The most important thing for you now is to consolidate your cultivation base and lay a solid foundation. Don't be too hasty. If you have any questions, you can come and be your teacher." Reality Yunhe is happy with his apprentice's quick completion, but he did not forget to remind him. he.

"The disciple knows."

After saying goodbye to Master Yunhe, Xie Jing Xing returned to the cave house where the original master practiced. The cave house was very simple, there was only a stone table and a stone bed, and the bed was covered with a layer of white fur. Looking at this environment, you can see that the original owner's mind is cultivating, and he doesn't care about external things. He can reach the Golden Core Stage so quickly, talent, character, and hard work are indispensable.

When the original owner went out to practice, he was at the peak of the foundation building, just to seek a breakthrough, but he did not expect to save Xu Baijing on the way back. After returning to the sect, the original owner retreated and practiced. This retreat lasted for half a year. Just about to leave. It is precisely because of this that the original owner brought Xu Baijing back to the sect and placed him in the outer gate. He never went to see him, but he did not expect that this would lead to the resentment of the protagonist.

Calculate the time, at this time, the protagonist should have been wearing Xu Baijing for about half a month, and he is living a life of being bullied. In the original plot, the original owner used it for three days to consolidate his cultivation, and then when he left Biyun Peak, he encountered Xu Baijing being bullied, and then rescued him. After that, the original owner sent spirit stones to send resources, plus the shock of the original owner, the outer door The disciples no longer dared to bully Xu Baijing, and then Xu Baijing's life improved.

Now that Xie Jing Xing came through, how could he rescue Xu Baijing, and it was even more impossible to send spirit stones to send resources. For Xie Jing Xing now, the most important thing is to be familiar with the cultivation methods in this world and flexibly grasp the use of spiritual power. The world of self-cultivation respects the strong, and only strong strength can make one gain an invincible position.

Xie Jing Xing set a prohibition on the cave house according to the original owner's memory so as not to be disturbed by others, so he started to meditate with his knees crossed. As for the black stone, he was not worried about being bought by the protagonist. No matter how inconspicuous the black stone is, it still needs a spirit stone to buy. In the original plot, there was a spirit stone presented by the original owner, and Xu Baijing could naturally buy it easily, but at this time Xu Baijing can be said to be penniless, how can there be a spirit stone to buy stones.

At the same time, in the cave mansion on the top of Linyuan Peak, the man sleeping on the stone bed opened his eyes, his eyes were full of ecstasy, he quickly jumped out, Yu Jian flew to the outside of Xie Jing Xing's cave mansion, wanted to enter, but was When he was about to touch the prohibition, he withdrew his footsteps, he just stood outside Xie Jing Xing's cave, his eyes locked tightly in the cave, his eyes never looked away, as if the people inside would run away if he moved away.

His lips moved, but he didn't make any sound, but if you understood lip language, you would find that what he said was "you are finally here".

The author has something to say: The new article is pre-received, please little cuties to collect a lot, love you~~

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