Chapter 98

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 One month later: Lin Yuan received the admission letter from the university, and he was admitted to the university of his choice as he wished, and Yin Hao was also admitted to the same university: He did not go to the police academy as in the original plot.

Seeing the high-spirited appearance of the two holding the university notice, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but feel happy for the two. In the original plot, Lin Yuan died in a car accident before the college entrance examination, and left this world in the best years: And Yin Hao since Lin Yuan's death: Depressed, becoming a policeman is not because he wants to put himself in his own hands In danger, he eventually lost his life at a young age. Now, they can enjoy a good college life: talk about a love that will never break up: work hard for their dreams, and life is bright. Xie Jing Xing directly applied for a grade jump after finishing his first year of high school: he became the same table with Chi Xiao, who is now a third year in high school. A year later, the two took the college entrance examination: both became the champion of science. This year, the rate of one grade in the No. 3 middle school was also much higher than in previous years: especially the first grade of the third grade where Xie Jing Xing and Chi Xiao belonged, they all passed the first grade: the leaders and teachers of No. mouth. At the party after the college entrance examination, the squad leader came to the two with wine glasses: "Chi Xiao and Lin Yuran both won the first prize in science: Do you think we should toast them both as a sign of congratulations?" "Yes!" The crowd roared. Xie Jing Xing and Chi Xiao stood up with a smile and drank all the wine in the glass. Seeing that the two had finished drinking, the monitor continued: "Students, we can do so well in the college entrance examination, thanks to Lin Yuran's generous sharing of learning methods: donating learning materials, and of course, the credit of Chi Xiao is also indispensable. , After all, the husband sings and the husband follows, everyone said, should we toast the two of them?" "Yes!" The crowd roared again. The two drank the wine from the glass again. The monitor said again: "Students, this year we have all worked hard to prepare for the college entrance examination, but the two of them fell in love easily. We were overwhelmed by a pile of test papers every day, and we were forced to eat them. Dog food, it made us all become lemon juice, everyone said, should we be fined a cup?" "Yes!" The crowd continued to shout.

They used to be afraid of Chi Xiao, but after this year, everyone knew that as long as Lin Yuran was around, Chi Xiao's temper was surprisingly good, not scary at all, so they dared to bully the two of them at this time. At once.

Xie Jing Xing and Chi Xiao looked at each other and both saw helplessness in each other's eyes, they both could see that this group of people were determined to drink their wine today. At such a happy moment, of course, the two of them would not disappoint, and once again drank the wine in the glass.

"Okay!" Seeing that the two of them drank the wine without hesitation, they all made good friends.

The squad leader took out his mobile phone and looked at the two of them maliciously: "As we are recognized as the sweetest couple in the third middle school, we are very curious about your love process. I have collected a few questions here. It doesn't matter if you don't want to answer them. Question Three glasses of wine or a one-minute deep French kiss, what do you think?"

"Okay! The squad leader is mighty~~" everyone roared.

Xie Jingxing said: "Didn't you say that you were forced to eat dog food for a year, why? You haven't eaten enough?" The

monitor said, "I ate the dog food from both of you for a year. Now that you have graduated, we will go our separate ways. Things, when I think that I will never be able to eat your dog food again, I am not used to it, do you feel this way?"


"So today we are going to eat the dog food all at once, and everyone said ok or not. "Okay?"

"Okay!" Xie Jingxing

said, "Squad leader, I think there is a career that suits you."

"What occupation?"

"Wedding emcee."

When you get married, I will come to be the master of ceremonies for you."

"Okay." Xie Jing Xing nodded without hesitation.

Chi Xiao's eyes softened on the side, and his lover did not hesitate, which showed that in his heart, the marriage of the two was a natural and a matter of course, there was no need to think about it, no need to tangle, and there was no doubt about their relationship. Chi Xiao's heart was sweet and soft, he couldn't help but grab Xie Jing Xing and lightly pecked on his lips.

"Wow~~ You promised so quickly, Lin Yuran, didn't you think about marrying Brother Chi for a long time? Brother Chi, we all know that you are happy, but if you take your eyes off of us, we will all be condemned. It's baked. Lin Yuran, even if you pretend to be reserved at this time."

Xie Jing Xing also gave Chi Xiao a light peck on the lips as his answer.

"I haven't started yet, so you guys started spreading dog food. You can't wait to start, so I'll start asking questions now." The squad leader said, "When did you two like each other? Brother Chi, you should talk first.

" Love at first sight."

Everyone twitched the corners of their mouths when they heard the words, even the squad leader, Xie Jing Xing watched happily, dozens of people twitched the corners of their mouths together, in a sense it was spectacular.

All teachers and students in the school knew that when Chi Xiao and Lin Yuran were together, Lin Yuran was still a big fat man, so everyone also believed that Chi Xiao and Lin Yuran were true love beyond the outside world, but they always thought that this relationship was at least two After getting along with people for a while, Chi Xiao got a glimpse of Lin Yuran's interesting soul from his huge body. Unexpectedly, Chi Xiao told them today that it was love at first sight. Isn't this kind of love at first sight the patent of high-value people?

"Brother Chi, I really want to know how you discovered Lin Yuran's interesting soul at first glance?"

Chi Xiao looked at Xie Jing Xing with bright eyes and said in a low voice, "Cute, I want to eat."

"Oh~~ Brother Chi, I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence." The

squad leader said, "Lin Yuran, how about you? When did you fall in love with Brother Chi?"

Xie Jing Xing looked at Chi Xiao tenderly, "He fell in love at first sight, so I should have fallen in love at second sight. He said that I was cute when he looked at my huge size without changing his face, I just thought that this person was so discerning, he must be My destined lover is undoubtedly."

Chi Xiao heard the corners of his mouth upturned, he never knew that his lover fell in love with him so early. He glanced at the monitor with admiration, this part was well designed.

The squad leader looked at his admiring eyes and became even more enthusiastic: "Okay, next question, who did you two confess to first?"

Xie Jing Xing and Chi Xiao looked at each other, thinking of the scene at that time, a smile crossed their eyes: "It's me/it's him."

"Oh~~ it's actually Lin Yuran, Brother Chi, where is your domineering?"

Xie Jing Xing said, "At that time he wanted to say, but he was covered by me before he finished speaking. Mouth."

"Even the confession has to be rushed, and it really is the sweetest couple in the third middle school. The next question, who is the first kiss you kiss for the first time, demonstrate it on the spot."

"Oh~~ kiss one! Kiss one !"

Xie Jing Xing leaned over and kissed Chi Xiao's lips, leaving with a touch.

"Oh~ it's Lin Yuran again, Brother Chi, you can't do this, shouldn't you kiss back passionately at this time?"

"Kiss back! Kiss back!"

Chi Xiao looked at Xie Jing Xing with a burning gaze, tacitly agreeing with him Under his eyes, he hugged the person on his lap and kissed his lips, and the two exchanged a deep, fiery kiss.

"Oh~~ Brother Chi has exploded!" The crowd roared.

After the kiss, Chi Xiao clasped Xie Jing Xing's head on his chest, so that no one could see his seductive appearance when he was in love, but he didn't know that his eyes were full of deep hormones at this time, and it also made people blush.

"Cough! Next question, Brother Chi, how did you persuade Lin Yuran's parents to agree to your relationship?" Both of them were at the level of learning gods, and their grades did not drop because of puppy love. The teacher turned a blind eye. They can understand, but it's not just about good grades to get their parents to agree. Parents always think that they are too young to be responsible for their own feelings, so once they find out that their children are always against puppy love, they have always been curious about how Chi Xiao let them go. Lin's parents and Lin's mother agreed.

Chi Xiaodao: "Transfer all my property to Ranran's name."

"Property? Can I ask Brother Chi what your property is?"

Chi Xiaodao: "House, shop, company."

"Damn! Why is there such a big gap between people? My property is a stack of comic books and anime figurines."

"Property? Does the game account count?"

"Does the exam papers you did in the third year of high school count?"

"Brother Chi, you were born. It's to hit people, right?"

"Isn't Lin Yuran the one I should envy the most? Lie down and win!"

"No way, I've turned into a lemon spirit again." The

squad leader said, "Okay, the last question. Brother Chi. , when will you invite all of us to a meal that you made yourself?"

Since Lin Yuran was promoted to their class, they have been drooling every day because of the lunch they brought with them. Knowing and asking, this is because Gao Chengpeng licked his face and tasted a few mouthfuls because of his good relationship with Chi Xiao. Later, they learned that these dishes were made by Chi Xiao, and they couldn't believe it. Since then, Chi Xiao's school bully design has completely collapsed. Originally, they were quite afraid of Chi Xiao, but as soon as they imagined the picture of Chi Xiao wearing an apron and holding a spatula, their fear of him disappeared.

Being greedy for two people's meals for a year is the most concerned issue for everyone in the third year of high school.

Xie Jing Xing and Chi Xiao looked at each other with a smile in their eyes, Xie Jing Xing said, "Seeing that you guys have been greedy for a year, we can't bear to let you go to university with regrets, so Axiao deliberately made a special request early this morning. I have prepared quite a few dishes and have been keeping them warm in the kitchen of this restaurant. I dare to see that everyone is taking care of our wine and is not in a hurry to eat, so I didn't mention it."

"Ah~ I'm full before you can eat. Say it! Lin Yuran, you're a black belly, it's definitely intentional! I'm just wondering how you can talk so well today."

"I can't wait to serve the

food ." .

"It's so delicious, Brother Chi, please marry me."

"Stop playing tricks, if you don't eat vegetables, you'll be gone."

"Ah~~ you can save some for me." " No

, I can eat well."

After all the dishes on the table were emptied, the squad leader raised his glass again: "In order to thank Chi Xiao and Lin Yuran for this meal, let's toast them two more, how about everyone?"


Xie Jingxing and Chi Xiao Helplessly holding up the glass, this is the last time they will not let them go, Xie Jing Xing said, "From now on, we will go our separate ways, Axiao and I wish everyone a bright future and a long journey. "

I received the blessings of the two university gods, I felt blessed, and my body was full of strength." The

monitor said, "Then on behalf of everyone in the first class of the third year, I wish you all your love and sweet life."

"Thank you, " Cheers!"


As the monitor had blessed, in the next ten years, twenty years, thirty years..., the original young men gradually grew up and grew old, no matter whether it was good or bad, they all changed. Now, only the relationship between the two has never changed.

Every time I see these two people, they seem to be back in high school, when they were reckless but pure and fearless, full of angular but distinct personalities, they believed in love, had dreams in their hearts, and the world seemed within their grasp. The ten-year-old relationship between the two seems to remind them not to forget their original intentions, let them constantly examine themselves, and re-polish their hearts that have been infected by the world.

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