Chapter 105

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Lost the test: Qi Ze and Ji Mohan didn't have the face to stay, and Qi Yue, who was waiting anxiously at the door of the clubhouse, saw the two of them come out. After inquiring about the results of the test, she didn't care about the two of them, and ran back to Qi's house crying alone: ​​adding fuel and jealousy, she sued Xie Jing Xing in front of Qi's father and Qi's mother.

Qi Yue was born after Qi You disappeared: I don't know if the original love for Qi You was transferred to Qi Yue. Qi's father and Qi's mother have always been very pampering and indulgent towards Qi Yue. satisfy her. Qi Yue thought that this time, Qi's father and Qi's mother would be the same as every time before: as soon as she knew that she was bullied, she would try to find a place for her, even if the person who bullied her this time was also Qi's father and Qi's mother. Son: I don't think Father Qi's focus this time is elsewhere. After listening to Qi Yue's words, Father Qi's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Huo Yu said that Qi You was his savior?" Qi Yue nodded and said dissatisfiedly, "He is Huo Yu's savior. As long as he pleads: Huo Yu will definitely not put me on the Huo family's blacklist because of his face: But he refuses: He also says he doesn't recognize my sister, doesn't he mean he is a hillbilly, he originally That's right, I'm not wrong: I've never seen such a narrow-minded person. Dad, please call him back and ask him to help me plead with Huo Yu. If he doesn't agree, hit him first. , and then locked him in the room, didn't give him food, and when he was too hungry, I didn't believe he didn't agree." Father Qi listened to Qi Yue's natural words, and for the first time found out that this daughter was so stupid. He couldn't see the situation at all, he looked at Qi Yue and said seriously: "Qi You is your second brother, don't let me hear you speak rudely to him in the future." But he was thinking about how to use Qi You to catch up with the Huo family. This son turned out to be Huo Yu's savior. He wouldn't ignore him these days, but it's not too late to know now. He remembered that when Qi You knew that he was his biological father, his eyes were still full of eyes. Mu Ru's, it shows that Qi You is looking forward to family affection. As long as he cares more about him and gives him more money, Qi You, the best liar who has no knowledge, will definitely obey his biological father.

"Dad!" Qi Yue looked at Father Qi in disbelief, not understanding why her father who had always loved her not only didn't help her out this time, but also scolded her so severely.

Father Qi didn't intend to tell Qi Yue his purpose, for fear that she would have no brains to leak in front of Qi You, and said very toughly: "When your second brother comes back, please apologize to your second brother, even if your second brother said it. You also hold back any unpleasant words, otherwise I will break your card."

How could Qi's mother not understand Qi's father's plan, seeing Qi Yue still making trouble, soothed: "Yue Yue Don't make trouble, listen to your father."

Apparently this superficial comfort is completely useless, at the age of sixteen, she is sensitive and rebellious, Qi Yue only felt that she was abandoned by everyone, and ran back to the room crying, " Bang" slammed on the door, the sound could be heard in the whole villa, so as to express his dissatisfaction.

"I think she's spoiled." Father Qi stopped caring about Qi Yue after he finished speaking, turned his head to Mother Qi and said, "You should also care more about Qi You in the future, don't just think about beauty shopping all day long. It's very useful now." On the other side, Qi Ze and Ji Mohan were sitting in the car, Qi Ze was immersed in the misfortune of the previous life, and Ji Mohan was silent for a while because of his anger towards Qi Ze, obviously not long ago The two are still a sweet couple. After all, he was the one who had been chasing him for more than ten years. Ji Mohan calmed down after being angry for a while. If he really wanted to say that this was caused by Qi Yue, there was nothing wrong with Qi Ze being the elder brother to stand up for Qi Yue. It's better than someone like Qi You who doesn't even care about his family. He shouldn't be angry with Qi Ze. Thinking like this, he stretched out his hand and took Qi Ze into his arms. He thought that Qi Ze's silence was because he was unhappy when he lost the test, so he comforted: "Don't be unhappy." After that, he lowered his head and kissed his lips. Qi Ze closed his eyes to accept Ji Mohan's kiss, but the kiss that made him feel sweet in the past made him think too much now, Ji Mohan is really not angry anymore, or should he keep his dissatisfaction in his heart? Like the previous life. It is a kind of sadness that it is a kind of sadness that he can't trust each other wholeheartedly.

Xie Jing Xing didn't care about the turmoil he caused between the Qi family and the protagonist, at this time he was having dinner with his lover and enjoying his lover's caring and meticulous service.

Huo Yu put a peeled shrimp into Xie Jing Xing's bowl: "Eat more, you are too thin." When Xie Jing Xing undressed just now when he was swimming, he had some unspeakable thoughts in his heart, but when he saw Xie Jing Xing The thin body, even the ribs are clearly visible, those charming thoughts disappeared in an instant, and only distressed. When Xie Jing Xing said "I am good at moving bricks", he only thought that Xie Jing Xing's cunning appearance was extremely cute, but now that he thinks about it, if he hadn't been doing this kind of work for many years, how could he be good? When he thought that his sweetheart had suffered so much when he didn't know it, he felt so distressed that he even felt annoyed at himself, annoyed at why he hadn't met Xie Jing Xing earlier. He is indeed rich, but no matter how rich he is, it cannot erase the suffering that his sweetheart has suffered.

Xie Jing Xing ate the shrimp in the bowl naturally, raised his head and saw Huo Yu's distressed and self-blaming eyes, he knew what his lover was thinking, he felt that he was very handsome and cool, how could his lover always be Treat him as a poor kid? "I'm fine, don't look at me thin, but my body is very healthy." After a month of acupuncture conditioning, this body is already very healthy, but if he wants to gain weight, he can only take it slowly. Think the world is going to gain weight. Huo Yu just thought that Xie Jing Xing was comforting him and suggested, "Our Huo family's nutritionist is not bad, or I'll let him go over tomorrow to take care of your body." Xie Jing Xing wanted to say no, but looked at Huo Yu worried. In the end, he couldn't bear to refuse: "Okay." Since it can make him feel at ease, why not do it. Huo Yu became happy when he saw his promise. While serving him food, he was thinking about what else to prepare for him. The Qi family obviously didn't pay attention to him, and he always had to be thoughtful for him. At this moment Xie Jing Xing's cell phone rang, Xie Jing Xing took it out and saw that it was Father Qi, this was the first time Father Qi called him, but Xie Jing Xing was not surprised, thinking about what happened in the clubhouse, Father Qi already knew. Xie Jing Xing connected the phone: "Hello?"

"Xiaoyou, where are you? Some time ago, your mother and I were too busy. Today, I finally have time. Your mother specially cooked a few dishes and I will wait for you to come back to eat." Father Qi's voice was very soft. The words carried the father's love for the child, and by the way, he explained why he ignored Xie Jing Xing some time ago, if the original owner was afraid, he would believe it.

Qi's father and Qi's mother are people who put interests first. In the original plot, they could use the death of the original owner to seek benefits. Now that they know that he is Huo Yu's savior, how could they not use him to catch up with the Huo family, so the sudden attitude of Qi's father Xie Jing Xing was not surprised by the change.

"I'm already eating." Compared to Father Qi, Xie Jing Xing's voice sounded very cold.

"Are you alone? Is the money enough?" Father Qi didn't care about Xie Jing Xing's indifference, young people are always a little temperamental, and it's better to be so straightforward than to pretend to be scheming.

"Huo Yu treats guests without spending money."

"Really, you can't always invite others to treat guests when you make friends. Please remember to go back next time and let me know. If you don't have enough money, you can tell me."


" "Yes .


Father Qi was very shrewd, he clearly came for Huo Yu, but he didn't mention Huo Yu at all, as if he really only cared about his son, but unfortunately he met Xie Jing Xing, an old fox who had lived for several generations. I just don't know how such a shrewd father Qi taught a son who was as loving as Qi Ze and a daughter as stupid as Qi Yue.

Huo Yu knew that the call was from Father Qi. When Xie Jingxing answered the phone, Huo Yu kept observing his expression, seeing that he was very cold and perfunctory towards Father Qi, not only did he not feel wrong, but felt a little distressed, and did not know that Xie Jingxing returned to Qi During this month at home, how coldly he was treated by the Qi family made him cold to the Qi family, maybe at this time he was acting as if nothing had happened, but he felt uncomfortable, so he comforted: "Don't be sad, they don't like it. You, I like you." After speaking, I realized that I had accidentally blurted out my thoughts, a little nervous and a little looking forward to it.

Hearing this, Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but wanted to tease his lover: "Well, I know you like me." Looking at Huo Yu's slightly widened eyes due to nervousness, he continued, "Because I am your savior. "

Seeing that Xie Jing Xing didn't think in an ambiguous direction, Huo Yu breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time felt a little disappointed, although it was not in his plan, it was his first confession after all, he knew rationally that the two had just met, and the probability of the other agreeing was almost impossible. Zero, it is better to have a wrong understanding than to be rejected, but emotionally, he greedily expects the other party to fall in love at first sight like himself.

However, Huo Yu had not forgotten that he was comforting Xie Jing Xing, tried to ignore the loss in his heart, and continued, "Well, so don't be sad."

Xie Jing Xing saw that his shoulders were collapsed in frustration, yet he did not forget to comfort him, so he couldn't bear to tease him any more. "I'm really a little sad right now. Since I'm your savior, are you trying to make me happy?" Hearing

him say that he was sad, Huo Yu couldn't bear to feel frustrated, and quickly asked: "Of course, but I I have never coaxed anyone, so I don't know what to do, but you can tell me how to do it, and I can do it for you." Xie Jing Xing looked at him with bright eyes, "Is it really possible to do anything


Looking at such scorching eyes, Huo Yu felt that even if Xie Jing Xing wanted his life at this time, he would probably nod without hesitation: "Anything is fine."

"Then I want—" Xie Jing Xing quickly leaned over to kiss He held his lips and whispered against his lips, "You promise each other with your body."

This time, Huo Yu didn't act stupid. He raised his hand and clasped the back of Xie Jing Xing's head, deepening the kiss.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-08-03 00:00:00~2020-08-05 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mines Little Angel: 21445817 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of sunset and laziness are not my fault; 1 bottle of Ningxia is not very good; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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