Chapter 8

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After Xie Jing Xing returned home, he packed up the prey, even if he and Shen Zhan could not finish eating so much prey, he took a pheasant and sent it to Uncle Zhang, and then asked Aunt Zhang for advice on how to marinate the meat. It's not that he doesn't want to give more, he still thinks that Shen Zhan belongs to these things, and he has the nerve to make his own decisions.

Xie Jing Xing planned to cook a pot of chicken soup tonight, stir fry a rabbit, and finally stir fry a plate of wild vegetables, which should be enough for both him and Shen Zhan, so he marinated the rest of the prey as taught by Aunt Zhang.

After marinating the meat, Xie Jing Xing started his last dinner. In the past few days, he has used a lot of earthen stoves and he has become proficient in cooking. Although his cooking skills are not very good, at least he can barely eat it.

After all this was done, Xie Jing Xing simmered the food in the pot so as not to get cold when he came back, so he walked towards the Shen family.

When Xie Jing Xing arrived, he found that there were quite a few people around the door of Shen's house, Xie Jing Xing was about to step forward to see what was going on when a sharp female voice restrained his steps.

"I'm dead! Shen Zhan, you are an unfilial son, you are a white-eyed wolf, I tell you, if you don't take out the money, I will sue you!" Then came a bunch of unbearable insults.

"This Wang Guihua is too partial. Even if the younger son needs money for marriage, he can't take the money for the eldest son's leg treatment. Isn't that making people disabled for a lifetime?"

"But Wang Guihua said that Shen Zhan's leg could not be cured in the first place. , if that's the case, don't waste this money."

"Fart, that's all Wang Guihua's excuse, the whole village knows that she doesn't like Shen Zhan and wants him to die. Was beaten to death by Wang Guihua."

"How can there be such a cruel mother in this world."

"If you want me to say, Wang Guihua is a brainless person. We watched this child Shen Zhan grow up. From a young age, we can see that he is capable. Although he was raised by his grandfather, if you are Treat him better, he will not kiss you, but Wang Guihua can't see clearly, so she insists on sparring with Shen Zhan, so that the child will be separated from him. Even so, Shen Zhan is also filial, and joins the army every month. Knowing that sending money back, no one in the village is envious, but Wang Guihua doesn't think about Shen Zhan's goodness at all. This time Shen Zhan came back to recuperate with a leg injury. Wang Guihua always said outside that Shen Zhan was a disabled person and was eating idle meals at home. What the fuck did you say? Now you still think about the money for the treatment of the legs, so I don't feel too ashamed."

"You said that the Shen family is not poor, why do you have to think about the money for the treatment of the legs of the Shen Zhan?"

"I I heard that Shen Jianguo is very rare that Xia Zhiqing, and I don't know how they discussed it at the time. They said that it was a gift of 300 yuan, and there was a watch and a bicycle that rang every three times. Why do n't you come out? This is Shen Zhan's idea."

"So many, why is this Xia Zhiqing so precious?"

"Hey, who makes Shen Jianguo rare? I heard that when Xia Zhiqing was hospitalized, Shen Jianguo was with him in the hospital. One night, as soon as the two came back, they said they were going to get married, alone man and widow, who knows what happened."

"Oh, I didn't see that they were so shameless.

" Money as a dowry gift for himself."

"I haven't seen Shen Jianguo, he doesn't know about it, right?"

"How could he not know, I think this Shen Jianguo is a shrewd person. If he doesn't show up, he doesn't need to be a bad guy. He does it, but in the end the benefits are all his."

"I don't think Shen Jianguo is such a person.


Xie Jing Xing finally understood what happened from the conversations of the villagers, no wonder he had such a low air pressure when he saw Shen Zhan at the foot of the mountain before, no wonder he said that the prey could not be eaten. I didn't expect that the invisible boss in the book turned out to be a poor little guy whose father doesn't care about his mother and doesn't love his mother. I just don't know why it became like this. There is no such scene in the previous life of the heroine or the original plot.

In the previous life, Shen Jianguo was rejected by Xia An'an, and did not marry Zhao Yan until half a year later. At that time, Shen Zhan's legs were already healed, and the money that should have been spent was spent. Naturally, there was no such scene. Zhao Yan knew Shen Zhan's ability, and always persuaded Shen Jianguo and Shen Zhan to ease the relationship, so they did business with Shen Zhan's help later.

As for the changes in this life, Xie Jing Xing did not know that it had something to do with him.

In the original plot, because Xia An'an agreed to marry Shen Jianguo, the original owner was very unwilling and harassed Xia An'an many times. In the end, Xia An'an couldn't bear it any longer. He cooperated with Shen Jianguo to design the original owner and cured him of a crime of hooliganism. The deputy director of the Public Security Bureau who came to the village to capture the original owner happened to be It is Shen Zhan's comrade-in-arms, knowing that Shen Zhan took this mission in this village, in fact, just to come to see Shen Zhan. Only then did Xia An'an know that Shen Zhan knew such a powerful person. Naturally, he didn't want to offend Shen Zhan, so he offered to ask for less betrothal gifts, which moved Shen Jianguo very much.

Now because of Xie Jing Xing's arrival, Xia An'an lost 200 yuan, and the future uncle Shen Zhan on the ox cart did not stand up for him, and also made Xia An'an bear a grudge against him, so he deliberately cried in front of Shen Jianguo and complained that Shen Zhan did not take him seriously Brother, the younger brother's fiancée was bullied and he didn't say a word, which made Shen Jianguo have a lot of opinions on Shen Zhan.

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