Chapter 52

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After Xie Jing Xing stayed in the palace for a while, he remembered that he had not returned to the State Marquis Mansion for more than a month to see his family, so he planned to go back with his father after the morning court.

Emperor Jingxuan's eyes flickered slightly when he knew Xie Jing Xing's plan: His lover had been living in the palace and didn't know what was going on outside: But as an emperor, he was very well informed.

Since Xie Jing Xing showed his face at his birthday banquet: Xie Jing Xing has become a popular candidate for many young ladies to marry and choose a son-in-law in Beijing. At a young age, he was named a lord, with an extraordinary appearance and outstanding achievements: he was favored by the emperor: there was no concubines in the family: he kept himself clean: such a husband is really a good husband who can't be found even with a lantern.

Although he didn't want his lover to go back, Emperor Jingxuan still called the Marquis of Zhenguo and took him back to the imperial study with him.

As soon as the Marquis of Zhenguo entered the imperial study, he saw his youngest son, Da Lala, sitting on the dragon chair. He stumbled under his feet and almost fell. He secretly glanced at the emperor's face, and he was relieved to see that he looked at his younger son with a soft face: There was obviously no sign of anger.

He glanced at the servants who were serving in the imperial study without a trace, and saw that they all looked like they were used to it: Knowing that his youngest son was afraid that he would do this often, he couldn't help frowning. Is it too indulgent?

"Father, you're here!" Xie Jing Xing quickly got down from the dragon chair when he saw Marquis Zhen Guo: He didn't mean to salute the emperor at all.

"Yeah." Marquis Zhenguo suppressed the doubts in his heart, looked at his younger son carefully, and found that his face was ruddy, full of energy, and he seemed to have gained a little weight. He nodded with satisfaction. The son is well taken care of.

"Father, I will go back with you today to see mother and eldest brother. I don't know how they are after eating the medicinal meal I prepared for them before? Father, how do you feel after eating?" Xie Jing Xing asked.

"Father is very good. I feel that my body has become much stronger. The injuries I suffered on the battlefield in the early years used to hurt every rainy day, but recently it doesn't hurt at all." Zhen Guohou said, looking at his younger son's eyes. Outwardly kind. His youngest son is filial, and he is a playful person on weekdays. For his sake, he also went to the Tai Hospital to study medicated meals. Although he knew that the youngest son also prepared medicated meals for the emperor, he firmly believed that the youngest son was for him, and the emperor was nothing. By the way, I usually show off my son in front of my colleagues. On the battlefield, the Marquis of Zhen Guo, who made the enemy feel terrified, was only a control when facing Xie Jing Xing.

"That's good." Xie Jing Xing planned to go back to check on his father and waved at Emperor Jingxuan: "Fourth brother, then I and my father will go back."

Emperor Jingxuan nodded and said, "Come back early." The

Marquis of Zhen Guo Wen Yan Frowning, I always feel that the emperor's words are a bit weird, as if the palace is the home of the younger son.

"Okay." After Xie Jing Xing finished speaking, he was about to take the Duke of Zhen and leave.

The Marquis of Zhen Guo hurriedly saluted, "I retire." Only then did he leave with Xie Jing Xing.

Emperor Jingxuan looked at his lover's back, which was getting further and further away, and said, "An one, contact An three, and Jinxihou will report everything in detail."

"Yes, master."

After leaving the palace, the two got into the carriage, Marquis Zhen Guo couldn't help but ask Xie, "You and the emperor usually get along like that?"

"How do you get along?" Xie Jing Xing was a little confused, what was wrong with his relationship with his lover?

Marquis Zhen Guo thought of the scene he just saw: "Just sit on the emperor's dragon chair, don't be polite when you meet the emperor, don't bow your head when talking to the emperor, look straight at the dragon face."

Xie Jing Xing then reacted, in his heart, Emperor Jingxuan is his lover, and he is not a real ancient person. When he gets along with Emperor Jingxuan, there is no distinction between monarchs and ministers, but in his father's heart, Emperor Jingxuan is the emperor, and his way of getting along with him seems disrespectful to the emperor. His father is worried that he will be punished in the future: "Dad, don't worry, these are all allowed by the fourth brother, and he will not punish me for offending."

Hearing that, Marquis Zhenguo didn't say anything anymore, but he didn't let go of the worries in his heart. Now that the emperor values ​​the younger son, everything is naturally good, but the Sacred Heart is unpredictable. If one day the emperor does not like the younger son, then all these things are wrong now, but with him, as long as it is not a big crime like treason, He can always find a way to keep his younger son, and he has no choice but to give up his military exploits. However, there is no need to tell the younger son about this, lest he be afraid in his heart and tremble in the face of the emperor, but the emperor is not happy.

After Xie Jing Xing went home, he went to see his mother directly, seeing that her complexion was ruddy and her whole person was quite young, he knew that the medicinal diet played a role. Because of her happy life, her husband's love, her son's filial piety, and her happy mood, she was well-maintained in the first place.

"Mother, if you go out with me now, others will definitely think that you are my sister." Xie Jing Xing said sweetly, the people in this family treat him very well, he is naturally willing to take care of them.

"What nonsense, you skinny boy, you haven't come back for a month, but when you come back, you actually make fun of your mother." Madam Zhenguohou scolded with a smile.

"It's wrong because my husband thinks Yan." Seeing that his wife was about to get angry, Zhen Guohou quickly said: "Why is it a sister, it's clearly a sister, my wife looks like only 28 years old now, just like when she first married me. , has never changed."

Mrs. Zhen Guohou gave him an angry look, her eyes were shy, her face flushed, charming and moving, Zhen Guohou was stunned for a while, and the two looked at each other.

Xie Jing Xing felt that he was a bit redundant and was about to withdraw when his elder brother's voice came from outside: "Mother, I heard that my younger brother is back." The

couple came back to their senses, they even flirted with their eyebrows in front of their son, zhenguo Hou's face was thick-skinned, but Mrs. Zhenguo Hou's face turned red.

Xie Jing Xing pretended not to see the embarrassment on his mother's face, and walked out quickly, calling out, "Big Brother." Seeing the gentle woman following behind his elder brother, he gave a salute and said, "Sister-in-law." This woman It was his sister-in-law Chen Huilan.

"Ziyan, you are back, my mother has been talking about you recently." Chen Huilan saw Xie Jing Xing smiling and her tone was close.

Chen Huilan is his cousin. She and her eldest brother are childhood sweethearts just like their parents. The two have had a good relationship since childhood. After getting married, they are also loving husband and wife. They are also too good for his cousin and brother-in-law. The original owner can rely on the blessing of his father and brother to live a good life, and the elder sister-in-law is also willing, otherwise how could the family be so harmonious.

"Big brother, big sister-in-law, I think that the effect of the medicated diet is good, how about you?" Xie Jing Xing asked.

Lu Zihe's face immediately showed a happy expression when he heard the words, Chen Huilan also gave him a grateful look, Xie Jing Xing then carefully observed the sister-in-law: "Sister-in-law is pregnant, congratulations to sister-in-law."

"Ziyan can see it." Lu Zihe was very surprised. : "It seems that the trip to the hospital every day is not for fun."

Chen Huilan glanced at Lu Zihe angrily: "What are you talking about, Ziyan, don't listen to your eldest brother, the eldest sister has to thank you." She married her husband. It has been three years, and she has not had any children. Although she is a good mother, she has never urged her to take a concubine to her husband, but she herself is anxious. .

Xie Jing Xing quickly waved his hand and said, "It's not my credit, it's just fate." He was not being modest, in the original plot, the eldest sister-in-law was also pregnant at about this time, so it could be seen that it had nothing to do with the herbal diet.

"I'll take the pulse of my sister-in-law." Xie Jingxing said, he remembered that in the original plot, his elder brother and sister-in-law only had one child, saying that the elder sister-in-law hurt her body during childbirth, so he would see if he could be busy.

"Okay." Chen Huilan said quickly, she now trusts this cousin very much.

The three entered the room and sat down, Madam Zhen Guohou had returned to normal, seeing that Xie Jing Xing was going to check the pulse of the eldest daughter-in-law, she thought there was something wrong with her stomach, and quickly asked, "Hui Lan is not feeling well?"

"Don't worry, my little brother is just giving Laner take a look." Lu Zihe explained.

Xie Jing Xing finished his pulse and said, "Sister-in-law's health is very good and the fetus is also very healthy. Don't take medicated meals for the time being. After all, medicine is three-part poisonous. Usually, you can just pay attention to your diet."

Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. , Xie Jing Xing checked the pulse of the others one by one, to make sure they were healthy before they could rest assured.

After that, Mrs. Zhen Guohou asked her maid to carry a bunch of portraits, took out one of them, opened it to him, and asked, "Yan'er, what do you think about this picture?"

Xie Jing Xing didn't react at first, really Thinking his mother wanted him to appreciate the painting, he took a closer look and said, "Not bad." Although he paid too much attention to the characters in the painting and neglected others, and the layout was not good enough, it could be seen that the artist's painting skills were still good. , at least the characters are painted beautifully by him, but they are far from his lover's paintings.

An San who was hiding in the dark heard Xie Jing Xing's words "good" and almost didn't fall out to reveal his figure, Master Lu wouldn't really want to marry a wife, how could the master agree? He hurriedly sent a letter to An Yi.

Mrs. Zhen Guohou was overjoyed when she heard the words: "This is the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Housing. She has just arrived and has a gentle personality. It is said that she is very good at painting, chess, calligraphy and painting..."

"Wait, mother, what are you talking about, it won't be Show me your wife?" Xie Jing Xing finally reacted now.

"Yeah, otherwise what do you think it is, you are seventeen years old, it's time to get married." Mrs. Zhen Guohou said.

Xie Jing Xing looked at his mother and then looked at the other people in the room, all of them had the expression that you should marry a wife, he sat up straight and straightened his face, looking at the Marquis of Zhen Guo and Mrs. , said with a serious expression: "Father, mother, I will never marry a wife in my life." The people in the

room were startled, only Ansan in the shadows breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing his younger son's firm expression, the Marquis of Zhen Guo asked, "Why?"

"I like men." Xie Jing Xing said.

The Marquis of Zhen Guo has also seen the world, and his soldiers have formed a contract with men. He thought about it and said, "Then marry a male wife."

No one else in the room said a word, although Mrs. He hesitated, but in the end he didn't say anything, obviously agreeing with what Marquis Zhenguo said. After all, her son likes men, so she can't force her son to marry a woman.

Xie Jingxing was a little moved, although Da Jingchao did not rule out masculinity, but because of the emphasis on inheriting the lineage, if a rich and powerful family liked a man, they would usually take a concubine. Wife, it means that he never thought of forcing him to marry a woman, and this family values ​​his happiness more than inheriting the lineage.

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