Chapter 2

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Three yuan and seventy-five cents, two washed white cloth clothes, two pairs of trousers with patches, three eggs, about ten kilograms of sorghum noodles, and a few sweet potatoes, plus a broken earth house, This is the entire property of the original owner.

The money was exchanged on the black market by the original owner who occasionally hunted prey in the mountains. The clothes and pants were changed from clothes left by the original owner's parents. The eggs and sweet potatoes were stolen, and the sorghum noodles were given by Uncle Zhang in the village.

The original owner's father had a good relationship with Uncle Zhang when he was alive, and the original owner used to rely on Uncle Zhang for help. Otherwise, how could an eight-year-old child grow so big by stealing a few eggs.

It has to be said that the original owner's life was really hard, and the most important thing now is how to improve his life. Xie Jing Xing was not someone who couldn't endure hardships, but who could live a good life within his ability, who would dislike it.

It was impossible for Xie Jing Xing to steal or accept Uncle Zhang's relief like the original owner did. In my memory, every time Uncle Zhang helped the original owner, he would be scolded by Aunt Zhang. I am afraid that Uncle Zhang saved it from his mouth, and although Aunt Zhang scolded every time, but never stopped it, it can be seen that she also has affection for the original owner. Xie Jing Xing kept Uncle Zhang's Aunt Zhang's kindness towards the original owner in his heart and planned to repay it later.

Except when the farming is busy, the original owner would go to the fields to pretend, but he usually does not go to the fields. It was because he was so idle that he was called a jerk by the villagers, and how could Xie Jing Xing himself be able to farm, so Xie Jing Xing had no plans to go to the fields. .

Xie Jing Xing has received elite education since he was a child. He knows a lot of things, but most of them can't be used now. Thinking that his skills are not bad, Xie Jing Xing finally decided to go to the back mountain to see if he can catch the prey, if he can be like the original owner Just get the black market to exchange money tickets, if it doesn't work, think of other ways.

As soon as he said it was done, Xie Jing Xing put away his things, carried a back basket and walked towards the back mountain.

"Bastard, when will you and Xia Zhiqing get married? Remember to invite us to a drink." On the way, the villagers teased. After all, it is a village. Most of the villagers are still very friendly to him.

"Xia Zhiqing? I don't like that kind of thing. It looks skinny, and it's not easy to give birth. I still like people with big breasts and big buttocks, and they need to be able to work. If you know someone like this, you can introduce them to me. Introduce." Xie Jing Xing imitated the original owner's vulgar appearance and said in a sassy manner, and continued to walk towards the back mountain regardless of the aunt's reaction.

"Bah! It's like someone Xia Zhiqing sees you as a bastard, and he is picky and doesn't care about his own virtue."

Xie Jing Xing didn't care when he heard the aunt's muttering, he said this for the sake of Show your position, so as not to trouble him with the hero and heroine.

Xie Jing Xing was actually a little speechless towards Xia Anan, the heroine of this book. Xia Anan said that she was a college student in her previous life, and she should have had a brain. She finally had the opportunity to be reborn. Based on her experience of rebirth, couldn't she make a fortune and make herself a better life. In the end, Xia Anan only thought about how to rely on men, and she was still a man who had been used by others in her previous life. If others didn't know it, wouldn't she feel uncomfortable with it.

Xie Jing Xing shook his head and put the hero and heroine aside, he did not intend to have too much contact with the hero and heroine. Although he occupied the original owner's body, he did not intend to complete the original owner's life according to the book. Now that he's here, this is his own life.

When he came to the back mountain, he did not find any prey for a while and Xie Jing Xing was not in a hurry. The original owner did not know how to hunt. Every time he went up the mountain, whether or not he had a harvest depended on luck. Traces and numbers of animals.

According to the traces on the ground, Xie Jing Xing finally found a pheasant nest close to the depths of the mountain, he lightly stepped and stooped to approach, at this time there was a pheasant in the chicken nest, he immediately pounced and grabbed the pheasant , When the pheasant croaks, it neatly twists on the pheasant's neck. Xie Jing Xing naturally did not let go of the wild eggs in the chicken coop. There were a dozen or so, he took ten and kept the rest for sustainable development. Xie Jing Xing put the things in the back basket and continued to observe, a hare was harvested after a while.

With these harvests, Xie Jing Xing did not continue. According to his observation, there are indeed many prey in the back mountain, but most of them are deep in the mountains, there are even large prey like wild boars, and there are some small prey in the periphery. A lot, it's okay to satisfy your appetite, but it's probably not easy to make money on this. He didn't venture into the depths of the mountain. Although he was good at it, he was dealing with people, not beasts, not to mention that he had no weapons in his hands.

It seemed that the road of hunting and selling money had to be considered in the long run, Xie Jing Xing was not discouraged, on the contrary he was eager to try it. In the original world, with his family background and ability, it was too easy to do anything. Now, in this special era, many skills cannot be used. In order to make a little money, he had to grope, which is not interesting.

Xie Jing Xing put the prey in the basket, picked some wild vegetables and put it on top to cover up, while the villagers were all working in the fields, he carried the basket back home.

He only ate some white porridge before, after some exercise, Xie Jing Xing was hungry again, he was not very good at cooking, but the barbecue was still well done, so he simply roasted the pheasant.

After filling their stomachs, it was already dark, the villagers should have gone home for dinner, Xie Jing Xing carried the remaining rabbit and walked towards Uncle Zhang's house.

"Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang." When Xie Jing Xing arrived at Zhang's house, Uncle Zhang's family was eating and seeing him, except for Uncle Zhang, everyone else's expressions were not very good.

"You bastard, you haven't eaten yet, let's sit down and eat together." Uncle Zhang thought that the bastard came at this time because he was hungry, so he hurriedly greeted him to have dinner together. He also really regards the bastard as a nephew, although the bastard idles around every day, which makes him a little hated.

"No need, Uncle Zhang, I have already eaten it. Today I caught a pheasant and a hare in the back mountain. I ate the pheasant myself, and the hare will be sent to you. Thanks to Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang for taking care of me, I keep it all in my heart." After Xie Jing Xing finished speaking, he shoved the rabbit into Uncle Zhang's hand, and quickly turned around and left, leaving behind a room of shocked people. He also didn't care about other people's faces. After all, the original owner had indeed been causing trouble to the family and never got anything in return.

"Eh? This bastard has changed his temper, and he will actually give us something!" Aunt Zhang was surprised.

"What are you talking about, the bastard has always been good. He used to have nothing, and he couldn't even feed himself. Look, didn't he send it to us now that he had meat? I knew this child was a Thanks for the gratitude." Uncle Zhang said with relief.

Aunt Zhang opened her mouth and wanted to refute as usual, but she felt that Uncle Zhang had some truth in what he said. Could it be that he misunderstood the bastard before and didn't see that the child was good.

There was no entertainment in this age, Xie Jing Xing simply took a bath and fell asleep, he decided to go to the county town tomorrow to see if there was any way to make money.

The next morning, Xie Jing Xing got up early, and there was no way to travel from the village to the county seat for more than ten miles. There was only one bullock cart in the village. He would go to the county seat on a fixed number of days every month. At this time, there were many people who wanted to take a ride. , If you want to take the car, you have to hurry up.

When Xie Jing Xing arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw that there were four or five people waiting there, and one of them was particularly noticeable.

It was a man in a wheelchair. Although the man was in a wheelchair, he would not feel weak. He had a strong aura around him, and even if he was disabled, people would not dare to underestimate him.

After Xie Jing Xing walked in, he could see the man's face clearly, his eyebrows were straight, his facial features were as deep as a knife and an axe, with clear outlines, he felt that someone was looking at him, those eyes were looking at him, deep and sharp.

Xie Jing Xing was not frightened by the sharpness in the man's eyes, he naturally looked away and already knew the identity of the other party.

Shen Zhan, the eldest brother of the male protagonist Shen Jianguo, used to be a soldier. He retired because of a leg injury in a battle. Now he is training at home. But Xie Jing Xing knew that Shen Zhan's leg was healed later, although he stood up again, Shen Zhan's leg could not be used in the battlefield again. Shen Zhan, who did not want to become a civilian, did not return to the army, but started a business. , he was very popular in the military, and these contacts became his later help in the shopping mall, and the male and female protagonists can do such a big career, it can be said that most of them are attributed to him, it can be said that he is the biggest golden finger of the male and female protagonists, The man behind the scenes in the book.

These information went through Xie Jing Xing's mind once before being thrown aside by him. Although Shen Zhan was powerful, Xie Jing Xing never thought about holding the golden thigh. Xie Jing Xing believed that with the ability of the second young master of the Xie family and the vision brought by later generations, even if he did not have any connections now, he would still be successful.

Soon the ox cart came, Xie Jing Xing saw Shen Zhan sitting on the ox cart with his arms propped up, and even if he was covered by clothes, he could see the strong muscles on his arms. Then a villager folded his wheelchair and placed it in a corner of the ox cart, and Shen Zhan thanked him politely.

Xie Jing Xing sat on the ox cart, just opposite Shen Zhan, he chatted with the villagers without a word, in order not to arouse suspicion, he tried his best to imitate the way the original owner spoke.

Xie Jing Xing did not know that Shen Zhan had been observing him, although Xie Jing Xing tried his best to imitate the original owner, but some things that were engraved in his bones could not be changed.

The original owner's casual sitting position is wretched and lazy, but he looks lazy and elegant. No matter what the villagers say, he always looks each other in the eyes, sincere and patient. His mouth was speaking with airy words, but his eyes were clean and clear.

Shen Zhan observed Xie Jing Xing without a trace along the way, and found that the good education he inadvertently radiated from his every move was no worse than the young master carefully nurtured by the aristocratic family he had seen before.

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