Chapter 115

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"Aze: I want to go to the bathroom, do you want to go?" Meng Fanze was stimulated a little, but Xie Jing Xing did not forget the business: there was still a space jade pendant waiting for him to shed blood and recognize his master.

"I'm not going: Be careful." It's better to encounter zombies: Meng Fanze thought maliciously.

The expected answer, Xie Jing Xing raised his feet and was about to leave when a low male voice said beside him, "I will accompany you."

Xie Jing Xing was startled: he turned his head to look, a man stood up three meters away from him, Come to him. It was a man in his thirties, about 1.9 meters tall: Ying Ting's face was somewhat wild, with sharp eyebrows and eyes; The man is tall and straight, with a strong body, and the summer T-shirt can't hide his strong muscles wrapped under the clothes at all. The man walked step by step, and every step was extremely neat and powerful, like a cheetah hidden on the grassland, giving people a sense of swiftness that was ready to go at any time.

Such a person: With such an aura, he even ignored it when he used his ability. Xie Jing Xing did not think that he was being too careless: the only explanation was that this person was too good at hiding himself: Seeing a man walking with a bit of a soldier's character, but with a bit of casualness and wantonness between his brows, Xie Jing Xing was a little unable to guess a man for a while Identity: Mercenary? Special forces? After all, most people don't hide themselves subconsciously, most of them are professional habits.

"Thank you then." Looking at the man's slightly softened eyebrows and his unconsciously clenched fists after he walked in, he moved in his heart, and the refusal that had reached his mouth was changed to thanks, and his body that was on guard relaxed, and After the man heard his words, his fists loosened slightly, and the anxiety hidden in his eyes went away.

Meng Fanze's eyes turned around the man's face, he always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but it shouldn't be an important person, otherwise he wouldn't forget it. Thinking of this, he put Qin Shuo in his head. Rear.

"Let's go." The man walked in front, protecting Xie Jing Xing behind him, Xie Jing Xing looked at the tall man's back and raised the corner of his mouth.

The two came to the bathroom one after the other, the man motioned Xie Jing Xing to wait outside and walked in by himself, after a while after confirming that there was no danger inside, he came out: "Come in, I'll be outside, call me if you have anything, I My name is Qin Shuo." After speaking, he looked at Xie Jing Xing with a serious look, but there was expectation in his eyes.

His lover was still so cute, didn't he just want to know his name, how could Xie Jing Xing not be satisfied, he gave the man a big smile, "Okay, my name is Ye Mian." After he finished speaking, he ignored the man who was stunned by his smile. , into the bathroom.

Xie Jing Xing entered a compartment and locked the door, naturally he did this not to protect the man outside the door, but to worry that other people would suddenly come in. He has already determined that the man outside the door is his lover. The man is clumsy and cute. His words and deeds show his love for him, which can make him feel at ease and sweet. Who else can be except his lover.

Xie Jing Xing took off the jade pendant on his neck, this jade pendant was actually the birthday present that the original owner had planned to give to Meng Fanze, because it was not given out, but the original owner liked it very much when he bought it, so he simply wore it himself. In the previous life, Meng Fanze took the jade pendant. On the surface, he said he liked it, but he didn't even look at it. He turned around and threw the jade pendant aside at will. He didn't know where to put it for a long time. After his rebirth, he wanted the original owner's wooden bracelet, and he didn't even look at the jade pendant. So in the original plot, when he got the jade pendant later, he didn't realize that the jade pendant was the original owner's original plan to give him a birthday present. Otherwise, I don't know how to regret the treasures I missed in my previous life.

The jade pendant was about to drop blood to recognize the master, Xie Jing Xing thought for a while, and used the water-type power, a stream of water emerged from his fingertips, he used his mental power to turn the water stream into a needle, this process was not easy, it was a test of control. , but he was extremely intelligent and assisted by spiritual powers. He only failed twice, and succeeded the third time. As soon as he waved his hand, the water needle shot on the door, leaving a shallow hole and flowing down the door. He constantly adjusted the force of the water needle shot out, and after confirming that he had fully grasped it, he controlled the water needle in the He pricked the tip of his index finger lightly and looked at the gushing blood. He took out the jade pendant on his neck and smeared the blood on it. It was absorbed by the jade pendant, and then the jade pendant turned into a beam of light and shot towards his collarbone. When he thought about it, he saw a space the size of a football field.

When the original owner escaped from the school, he carried a backpack with a small amount of food and water in it. He took out a few things and put them in the space, and then took them out. After experimenting back and forth many times, he was basically familiar with the operation of the space. .

Just like the original plot, you don't need to touch directly with your hands to put items into the space. You just need to concentrate and think about "collect", and the items will be automatically put into the space, which is very convenient. However, this kind of collection requires mental energy. It is no wonder that Meng Fanze can't collect items that are too large, otherwise he will have a headache.

In the process of using the power, the power user needs to consume power energy and mental power. When the power is exhausted, the body will feel tired and weak, and the mental power will be exhausted and headache. Under normal circumstances, the psychic power of the psychic is higher than that of ordinary people, and the psychic of the same level has the highest psychic power.

As soon as Xie Jing Xing woke up, he was a third-order psychic power user. Needless to say, his spiritual power was strong, but he had too few items in his hand, so he would find an opportunity to experiment later.

Xie Jing Xing opened the door and walked out, then he ripped off his neckline in front of the mirror. Sure enough, there was a teardrop-shaped mark on the collarbone, it was pretty good looking, like a tattoo.

At the same time, Xie Jing Xing also saw the appearance of the original owner in the mirror, and he finally knew what Meng Fanze meant when he said that the original owner had a good appearance and it was easy for people to have a good impression.

The appearance of the original owner is not handsome, handsome or beautiful in the ordinary sense. If there is one word to describe the appearance of the original owner, it is cute. The small face that is clearly the size of a palm has a slight baby fat, and the skin is like a baby, with a healthy ruddy in the white, and a pair of round cat pupils are clean and clear, flickering, making people unable to bear to satisfy his desires. Any request, he blinked, his long curly eyelashes fluttered, like a doll, a small nose, pink lips, and a soft black hair that was slightly fluffy and naturally curly, all this if it wasn't for him now My own, even Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but want to knead, knead, it's so cute!

Xie Jing Xing curled his lips into a smile, the person in the mirror showed a pure smile, the big round cat pupils curved into crescents, two shallow pear eddies appeared on his cheeks, it was indescribably cute, it was clean and pure and innocent She looks like a newborn baby, with a smile that seems to be able to expel the darkness. It can make the most hard-hearted person unable to stop being soft-hearted, and it is no wonder that it will make the obviously well-trained lover stunned.

Xie Jing Xing put away his smile and his expression was solemn, but the person in the mirror turned into a cute one, he tried to make a fierce expression, but the person in the mirror turned into a ferocious and ferocious person, without any deterrence. In the end Xie Jing Xing gave up completely, with this soft and cute face, it seemed that he could not be madly cool in this world.

Seriously speaking, this face is not as beautiful as Meng Fanze, and the facial features are not as delicate as Meng Fanze's, but compared to Meng Fanze's very beautiful and aggressive face, the original owner's soft and cute face is easier to get close to. Favorite, after all, there are very few people in this world who don't like cute things. Faced with such a face, even the coldest person will subconsciously soften his voice. No wonder Meng Fanze is so afraid of the original owner's face.

Qin Shuo waited outside quietly. He knew that the kitten had a secret, but he was in no hurry to know it. He believed that as long as he was kind to the kitten, the kitten would tell him one day.

Yes, Qin Shuo had a tough guy face, but he gave Xie Jing Xing the soft and cute nickname of "kitten" in his heart, if Xie Jing Xing knew about it, he would probably blow his hair out.

When Xie Jing Xing entered the supermarket to use his supernatural powers, Qin Shuo had a keen sense of being watched, as if someone was watching his every move in the dark. It stands to reason that he should hate being vigilant, but not only did he not, but he did. It's a strange feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.

Qin Shuo calmly observed a group of students entering the supermarket, and quickly determined that the feeling came from Xie Jing Xing, because when he saw this person, the feeling of joy and satisfaction was even greater, and his heart was out of control. The rapid beating of his body, if it wasn't for his own breathing, he might have been detected by the opponent's power. He had awakened the supernatural power himself, and had already guessed that Xie Jing Xing's surveillance should also be a supernatural power.

Seeing Xie Jing Xing walking to a corner not far from him with a tired face and sitting down, even with his eyes closed, he still did not forget to use his supernatural powers to be alert, he was very distressed and completely forgot that he had been sleepless for several days when he was performing tasks in the past. endlessly.

Not only does he look like a cat, but his vigilant temperament is also very cat-like, Qin Shuo instantly gave Xie Jing Xing the nickname "kitten" in his heart. He had never kept a pet and always felt that kittens and puppies were too fragile, cute and soft, he didn't feel it at all, but now seeing Xie Jing Xing like a kitten, he suddenly understood. He is obviously a young man who is about 1.7 meters tall, but he can't help but want to hold him in his arms and rub, pinch, kiss, it would be better if he can keep it by his side and brush his hair every day, think of that. On the day of , Qin Shuo's depressed mood because of the sudden outbreak of the apocalypse suddenly relaxed a lot, and he couldn't help but look forward to it, so Qin Shuo thought very seriously about how to keep this vigilant kitten in a circle and raise it by himself.

Before he could think of a way, Meng Fanze interrupted his thoughts with a surprised and jealous voice. He frowned, clearly feeling the man's malice towards the kitten. Shuo was a little worried. The kitten was too simple. Now it's the end of the world, and there will only be more bad people outside. Sure enough, it's better to keep it by your side to raise it by yourself.

When he heard that the kitten wanted to go to the bathroom alone, what would he do? What if he encountered a zombie? He acted faster than rationally, but he was worried that the abrupt behavior would make the kitten more vigilant, and there was no danger. , but he was even more nervous than when he performed the mission for the first time, and clenched his fists unconsciously. Fortunately, the kitten agreed. After that, the kitten not only told him his name, but also smiled at him, and smiled so well, Qin Shuo's blood tank was completely empty, and he was stunned at the beginning.

When he came to his senses, the kitten had already entered the bathroom, but it didn't affect Qin Shuo's good mood at all. The kitten smiled at him, and it seemed that he was willing to let him keep it. Forgive Qin Shuo for not being in a relationship, he only thought that the strange feeling when he first saw Xie Jing Xing was his love for cute things, although he hadn't recognized his feelings yet, he subconsciously surrounded Xie Jing Xing by his side.

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