Chapter 88

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 Xie Jing Xing only ate an apple for dinner: Then he drank the medicine: He went out for a run: This time Lin Yuan wanted to follow: Of course he would not refuse.

This body is too bulky: I haven't exercised for a long time: But after running for five minutes, Xie Jing Xing felt like lead was poured into his feet, every step was very difficult: Even breathing was very uncomfortable: No wonder the original owner had lost weight several times Neither persisted.

While adjusting his breathing, Xie Jing Xing moved his steps with difficulty: After a few minutes, his body got used to the fatigue and his whole body felt a little more relaxed, but after a few minutes, the feeling of being filled with lead and having difficulty breathing came again , he adjusted his breathing again: mechanical steps. This cycle went on and on, Xie Jing Xing insisted for two hours before slowly stopping, at this time his face was covered in sweat: the T-shirt on his body was soaked through and he looked very embarrassed. Lin Yu'an has been accompanying Xie Jing Xing silently all the time, he sees the hard work in his eyes, every time he hears his shortness of breath: Seeing his heavy footsteps, he thinks that his younger brother will give up in the next minute, even the consolation He had already thought through the words, but Xie Jing Xing persevered unexpectedly every time, Lin Yuan was both distressed and proud, it seemed that Xiao Ran really made up his mind to lose weight this time. After returning home and taking a bath, Xie Jing Xing locked the door, took out the silver needle, and started applying the needle. That night, Xie Jing Xing ran back and forth to the toilet several times and excreted a lot of toxins. The next morning, Xie Jing Xing got up at five o'clock and ran out for two hours despite being hungry. When he got home, the rest of the Lin family had just woken up, and they were shocked to see him coming back from outside. Only then did they know that he got up early in the morning to run. Not only Lin Yu'an, but also Lin's parents and Lin's mother felt him this time. The determination to lose weight is stronger than ever, and I am very pleased. Lin Yu'an was a little annoyed. He didn't expect his brother to get up early to run. He underestimated his brother's determination to lose weight. He must get up early to accompany his brother tomorrow.

After taking a shower, Xie Jing Xing weighed 148kg, which was two kilograms less than yesterday, it seemed a lot, but this was all Xie Jing Xing expected. The obesity in this body is caused by hormones. This type of obesity is inherently edematous. As long as you stop taking medication, pay attention to your diet, plus Chinese herbal conditioning and acupuncture for detoxification, your weight will drop very quickly in the early stage.

However, the body's weight base is too large. Even if he loses 30 to 40 pounds, he is still a big fat man. This makes it easy for people to lose confidence in losing weight. This is also one of the reasons why the original owner could not persist.

For breakfast, Xie Jing Xing drank a glass of non-fat milk, ate an egg and an apple, and then went to school with Lin Yu'an carrying his schoolbag.

The original owner is now sixteen years old and has just entered the first year of high school, while Lin Yu'an is one year older than the original owner and has just entered the third year of senior high school. The two are in the same high school. Lin Yu'an's grades have always been ranked in the top three, and he was also in the top class. The original owner was obese and didn't want to study. His originally good grades slipped again and again.

The original owner was able to enter this high school because Lin's father and Lin's mother spent a lot of money to buy it. They were worried that the original owner would be bullied in the school because of his body shape. But with Lin Yu'an watching over at this school, they can also feel at ease. For the sake of The original owner, the Lin family was heartbroken.

As Lin Yu'an as the school grass, there are naturally many people who know him in the school. As soon as he appeared at the school gate, he attracted the attention of many people, especially girls.

Xie Jing Xing and him walking together formed a stark contrast, it simply explained the two extremes of beauty and ugliness, how much everyone's eyes fell on Lin Yu'an, how much they disliked the eyes on him, Xie Jing Xing's excellent hearing even I could hear some people laughing in low voices. If it wasn't for the presence of Lin Yu'an, these people would have laughed more unscrupulously. No wonder the original owner didn't want to walk with Lin Yu'an before.

Lin Yuan gave Xie Jing Xing a worried look, he really wanted to rush up to make these people stop laughing, but he knew that this would only embarrass his brother even more.

Xie Jing Xing smiled at him and shook his head to show that he didn't care, as long as these people didn't blatantly provoke him, just glanced and smiled, he didn't care at all.

Lin Yu'an originally wanted to send Xie Jing Xing to the classroom, but Xie Jing Xing refused, he is not a child, so there is no need to be so careful.

Xie Jing Xing walked into the classroom and went directly to the seat in the corner at the back of the classroom to sit down, because the original main body was so huge that it would block the people behind him, and no one wanted to sit at the same table with him. Since entering high school, he has been sitting alone all the time. here. This corner is like the closed heart of the original owner. Others don't want to come in, and he doesn't want to go out, isolating himself from everyone.

"Hey, Fatty, I just saw you walking with Lin Yu'an, he is really your brother? Lin Yu'an and Lin Yuran, they sound like brothers by their names, but why is he so handsome, yet you are like this? You're fat and ugly, you couldn't have been picked up by your parents, otherwise, why are you two brothers so far apart?" A boy came over and asked, with no scruples in his words. " Xie Jing Xing didn't seem to hear it, he took out a book from his schoolbag and flipped through it casually, it was the third time he went to high school, he was already familiar with the above knowledge. The boy saw Xie Jing Xing. He even ignored him, with an angry expression on his face, he snatched the book from Xie Jing Xing's hand and slapped Xie Jing Xing's desk hard, "Damn Fatty, what are you talking to? reading? Do you understand the tail of a crane? Xie Jing Xing finally raised his eyes and looked at the boy: " Before calling others ugly, look in the mirror to see how mean you are, I am fat and ugly, but you are ugly and ugly. " Lin Yu'an is indeed my brother. His handsome appearance shows that my family's genes are good. I can lose weight like this, but I'm afraid that even a change of heart can't save you." " "Pfft!" "Some of the classmates in the classroom couldn't help but burst into laughter when they heard Xie Jing Xing's words, but they didn't expect that Lin Yuran, who was usually quiet, would be so sharp when he scolded people. This was the first time they saw Lin Yuran like this. He is still as fat, but his whole person has completely lost the gloom and inferiority of the past. Such a confident and proud appearance makes people unconsciously ignore his huge size, and some people even secretly applaud him in their hearts.

That boy has the appearance of a sharp-mouthed monkey, and he really doesn't look good. He usually hates people calling him ugly, but he likes to find a sense of superiority in the original owner. In the past, he used to taunt the original owner like this, often using the words "fat and ugly" and "dead fat man" on his lips. The original owner had a low self-esteem, and he didn't know how to fight back after hearing such words, but his face was full of humiliation. His appearance made the boys even worse, and he would taunt him almost every day when he saw the original owner. He is not the original owner and will allow others to bully him. Everyone in the classroom focused on the two of them, but did not notice that there were two boys standing at the door, one of the boys looked at Xie Jing Xing with bright eyes and asked, "Who is he?" The boy next to him asked, " Brother Xiao, which one are you asking about?" Chi Xiao said, "Nonsense, of course it's the cute one." The boy next to him heard the words and looked at the two people who were in conflict in the classroom, one was too fat, the other had a pointed mouth, this one is cute No matter what, the word is not compatible with these two people, is it not one of the two people that Xiao brother is asking. Seeing his dazed look, Chi Xiao looked at him with a look of your blindness: "It's that white and fat man, like a white-flavoured steamed bun, looking at it and wanting to take a bite, so cute, you can't even see it !" The boy twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, he finally understood why so many handsome men and beauties confessed to Brother Xiao, and Brother Xiao turned a blind eye. He could only answer Chi Xiao's question honestly: "His name is Lin Yuran, he is said to be Lin Yu'an's younger brother." Lin Yu'an, as a school curator, Chi Xiao still knows, but the two usually don't have any intersection: "Early Knowing that Lin Yuan has such a lovely younger brother, I should have made friends earlier." The boy twitched the corners of his mouth again when he heard the words, there were many people in the school who wanted to make friends with Lin Yuan, I'm afraid only Brother Xiao was aimed at People's "cute" brother went. While the two were talking, in the classroom, the boy with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was irritated by Xie Jing Xing's words: "What did you say, you fat man!"

He said that he was about to kick Xie Jing Xing when he raised his foot, Xie Jing Xing turned the stool calmly and slightly, but Chi Xiao at the door was not calm, he swept into the classroom like a wind, and kicked the boy with the sharp-mouthed monkey gill from a distance. , He was in a hurry and did not pull back. The boy was kicked by him, and his body slammed into the desk behind him, which broke the desk.

Chi Xiao didn't care whether the person was injured or not after kicking the person, he turned his head and looked at Xie Jing Xing with concern: "How is it, did he hurt you?" He said while seeing Xie Jing Xing look up and down, no one would care. One could see his nervousness towards Xie Jing Xing.

Xie Jing Xing looked at the boy with a worried expression in front of him, with neat hair, sharp eyebrows, high nose bridge, thin lips, three-dimensional facial features as handsome as a knife, with clear and deep outlines, bronze complexion. He was wearing a black shirt with three buttons unbuttoned, revealing the young man's well-trained chest, looking a bit wild and uninhibited.

Xie Jing Xing shook his head: "Thank you, I'm fine." Even if the boy in front of him did not appear, he would not be hurt, the original owner had an impression of this person in his memory, after all, the other party was a celebrity in the third middle school, so he could be in the third middle school. It is said that no one knows and no one knows, but the two have never had an intersection, and now this person suddenly rushed out to protect him, Xie Jing Xing had to suspect that this was his lover.

"What's the matter!" At this time, the head teacher in Xie Jing Xing's class also came in, just in time to see the desk that had been knocked apart and Li Qiang lying on the ground.

As soon as Li Qiang saw the teacher coming, he resisted the pain and got up, pointed at Chi Xiao and said, "Teacher, he just kicked me, you see, he broke the desk, you can see how much this kick is. Ruthless."

Because Chi Xiao's speed was too fast before, and later he was kicked out, Li Qiang never knew who the person who kicked him was, this means he finally saw who the person who kicked him was: "Chi, Chi Xiao?" He couldn't help wishing to turn back time. What did he just do, he told Chi Xiao's black state in front of the teacher, this was the rhythm to be finished, he pointed at Chi Xiao's hand and began to tremble, and the surrounding classmates threw him at him Compassionate look.

"Chi Xiao, what are you doing in the classroom of the first year of high school, bullying the younger brother?" the teacher asked.

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