Chapter 21

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"Since then, I have found that he loves to laugh, no longer cold, and the whole person is more and more popular. I know that this is all because of his relationship with the object. I am happy for him, it's just me I never thought that his object was actually you."

"Although it's surprising, I know that Lao Shen believes that a person must be a lifetime. I can see that you are also a person with responsibility and ideas, the two of you. I don't think I'm qualified to point fingers at him, I just want to say that the past twenty years before Lao Shen was not easy, you should treat him better."

Xie Jing Xing listened carefully to Feng Weimin's words and said, "I believe that he is also for the rest of his life. "His tone was firm and sincere, and Feng Weimin was relieved at once.

Feng Weimin sent Xie Jing Xing out and saw Shen Zhanan waiting outside quietly, and when Xie Jing Xing came out, his originally stern face softened instantly. Feng Weimin thought to himself, this person is really planted, he patted Shen Zhan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I didn't embarrass him."

Shen Zhan naturally believed in Feng Weimin's character and reminded again that he would bring Xie Jing Xing to the wedding three days later. left.

Although the wedding in three days could not be fanciful, there were only two guests, Mr. He and Feng Weimin, but Shen Zhan did not perfunctory. He first cleaned the whole house, inside and out, and then bought a bunch of red paper and cut it into 囍 characters and pasted it in the room of the two of them. Although the furniture was not changed, the sheets and quilts were all replaced with bright red. Yes, it can't be seen from the outside, but once inside, everyone can see that this is a new house. In this era, red cloth is very popular, and Shen Zhan also found some ways to get such a large piece, and then found someone to make a sheet and quilt.

Even so, such a marriage room was still very simple compared to the later generations, but Xie Jing Xing felt very satisfied because he knew that Shen Zhan was trying his best to give him the best.

When Shen Zhan was busy, Xie Jing Xing was not idle, he deliberately went to the black market and bought a pair of very simple silver rings, and then engraved the names of the two on the rings.

Three days later, Shen Zhan and Xie Jingxing wearing military uniforms, witnessed by Mr. He and Feng Weimin, swore to the chairman's quotations to become revolutionary comrades-in-arms for life. He Lao and Feng Weimin sent congratulatory gifts and left after eating, leaving the space for the newlyweds.

As soon as the two left, Shen Zhan couldn't wait to pull Xie Jingxing into the new room... At the

moment of spring night, the room was full of beauty.

The early morning sun shone into the room from the window, and shone on the two people who were embracing each other on the bed. The man quietly stared at the lover in his arms, with gentle eyes and a contented expression.

Seeing his lover's eyelashes trembling slightly, he slowly opened the pair of eyes he loved so much, his eyes full of ignorance and innocence. Such a cute lover is too cute, the man let out a chuckle, put a kiss on his lover's forehead lovingly, and said in a low voice, "Good morning."

Xie Jing Xing reflexively replied: "Good morning." His voice was hoarse, Xie Jing Xing realized that his voice was hoarse, he finally woke up, remembering yesterday that this man was like a wolf who couldn't get enough to eat, he tossed himself several times. Every time he said it was the last time, he would never let him go no matter how he begged for mercy.

Xie Jing Xing glared at the man fiercely, but he did not know that the fierce look he thought was in the eyes of a man was infinitely charming.

Shen Zhan's eyes darkened, but he knew that he had been a bit overwhelmed last night, he made a pleasant smile and asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Xie Jing Xing felt it, and curiously said, "I don't feel uncomfortable, just why do you feel so cold? ?"

Shen Zhan said, "I think it's a little red, and I got some medicine."

Xie Jing Xing suddenly had a bad premonition and asked

reluctantly, "Where did you get the medicine?" The topic asked: "Are you hungry, I have cooked porridge, I will bring it to you." After speaking, he quickly got up and went to the kitchen.

How could Xie Jing Xing not guess that this medicine was obtained from Master, although the relationship between the two had gone a long way in front of Master, everyone knew this kind of thing, but Shen Zhan went to Master to get this medicine, Xie Jing Xing was not embarrassed yet.

Seeing Shen Zhan returning with the porridge, there was still anxiety in his eyes, seeing him like this, Xie Jing Xing couldn't get angry, and he also knew that Shen Zhan was also afraid of getting hurt. Xie Jing Xing took the porridge from Shen Zhan's hand and said, "I can make this medicine myself, so don't go to the master next time."


After drinking the porridge, Xie Jing Xing remembered the ring he prepared. In a hurry, he got up with difficulty and went to the wardrobe, and took out a small box from the dark compartment.

Xie Jing Xing took the box and walked in front of Shen Zhan, opened the box, and solemnly put the slightly larger ring on his ring finger and said, "When people in Western countries get married, both parties will wear rings for each other, and The ring finger is said to be connected to the heart." Then he stretched out his hand and motioned for Shen Zhan to put it on for him.

After listening to his explanation, Shen Zhan's eyes were full of joy, he imitated his movements and put the remaining ring on Xie Jing Xing's ring finger, and then devoutly placed a kiss on Xie Jing Xing's ring finger.

Xie Jing Xing stretched out his hand and intertwined his fingers, looking at the silver rings of the same style on both of them, the corners of his mouth raised, "We have the wedding, we have the ring, from now on we will be husbands."

"En." The corner of Shen Zhan's eyes The brows were full of happiness and joy. He didn't expect that his lover would give him such a big surprise. This was the best gift he had ever received in his life.

Time flies, white horses pass by.

one year later.

Since the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination, the educated youths in the village finally saw the hope of returning to the city and picked up their textbooks again. Seeing that their minds were all on the college entrance examination, the village chief simply exempted them from working in the fields and let them review with peace of mind, which made the educated youth very grateful.

In addition to the educated youth, many young people in the village who have gone to school also plan to try it, and Shen Jianguo is among them.

Xia Anan knew that Shen Jianguo didn't pass the exam in her last life, and she would start a business later. She wanted to accompany Shen Jianguo. She never planned to go to college in her life, but she still signed up for the college entrance examination. In the notice, she told Shen Jianguo that she was willing to give up going to university for him, and Shen Jianguo would definitely be very moved.

With this idea in mind, when everyone was preparing seriously, her attitude was very casual, but Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua didn't understand this, and Shen Jianguo was so focused on reviewing that she didn't notice her.

Xie Jing Xing also planned to take the college entrance examination this year. Over the past year, Mr. He taught everything he could to Xie Jing Xing, and Xie Jing Xing relied on his super memory to read all the medical books in Mr. He's family. In order to learn acupuncture, he kept putting needles on himself, Shen Zhan felt very distressed and forced Xie Jing Xing to give him acupuncture. Xie Jing Xing had no choice but to find some small animals to give acupuncture. The effect was really good, but people and animals are always The difference was that people in this era did not believe in traditional Chinese medicine, there were not many patients in Old He's pharmacy, and Xie Jing Xing had very few opportunities to practice on people.

After thinking for a while, Xie Jingxing decided to study Western medicine. On the one hand, he was also very interested in Western medicine. On the other hand, after studying Western medicine, he could go to work in a hospital after graduation. There were many patients and he had more opportunities to practice. Combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat patients.

Shen Zhan fully supported Xie Jing Xing's decision and had no doubt that he would be admitted to Capital Medical University.

In the past year, Shen Zhan saved a lot of money by hunting and selling it on the black market. He is very skilled and experienced, and Xie Jing Xing always prepared medicine for him. Although he had encountered dangers, he was able to heal his body every time. retreat. The most dangerous one was when he arrived at the wild boars in the deep mountains. Fortunately, Xie Jing Xing had prepared the drug in advance, otherwise he would be seriously injured if he did not die. Since then, Xie Jing Xing has become more interested in developing medicines.

Shen Zhan recently discovered that the regulation of the black market has loosened a lot. He is keenly aware of the change in the country's attitude towards doing business. He believes that the country will soon introduce a policy to allow private transactions. He plans to wait for Xie Jingxing to be admitted to the Capital Medical University to join him. When he went to the capital, when Xie Jing Xing went to school, he would do business and the two would not need to be separated.

Time seems to be passing slowly in the intense review of everyone, but in a blink of an eye, it is the day of the college entrance examination.

Shen Zhan and Xie Jing Xing went to the county town to live in He's hometown one day in advance. The two came to the examination room at a good time. There were already many people waiting outside the examination room, including people from Hongqi Village. Seeing the two of them, their eyes were very complicated, most of them were sympathetic towards Shen Zhan, while they were disdainful towards Xie Jing Xing.

A year ago, since Shen Zhan's legs got better, some people began to match him, but because he didn't return to the army, he didn't have a job or a house, many people were watching, but after Shen Zhan bought a bicycle, many people in the village They all guessed that Shen Zhan should have a lot of money, and there were more matchmakers, but these people were all rejected by Shen Zhan without exception.

There were many rumors in the village, saying that Shen Zhan had been injured and injured his body before, and that was no good. Seeing that Shen Zhan did not come forward to explain, the people in the village believed it even more. Later, no one came to the door to talk about matchmaking, but it saved him. Lots of trouble. From then on, both the educated youth and the villagers saw him with such pitiful and pitiful eyes.

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