Chapter 20

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Shen Zhan nodded in agreement and said, "Well, Xiaoyuan is very good. He studied Chinese medicine by himself before, and Lao He accepted him as an apprentice when he saw that he had learned well, and praised him for his talent."

Feng Weimin knew about Lao He before. Shen Zhan didn't like to bother him, so he always went to see him at Lao He: "But I found that when you talk about Xiao Wang, it seems that you appreciate him very much."

Shen Zhan raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Well , I like him very much."

Feng Weimin didn't hear the hidden meaning in his words, and asked curiously: "By the way, did you send out the things you asked me to bring last time? Do they like it? Did you promise to date me? Shen Zhan thought of the

boy's lazy and contented appearance when he was fed by him, and his eyes were gentle: "He likes it very much, and he agrees to be with me."

When Shen Zhan was in the army, many girls from the art troupe liked him. He has always been honest, but now he has such a gentle look in his eyes. It can be seen that he really likes it and is happy for him. He has always worried that this person will be alone for a lifetime: "When will you bring me here to meet you?"

Shen Zhan said meaningfully. : "There will be a chance, but you can't embarrass him at that time."

Feng Weimin raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and teased: "Yo~, this is protected."

Shen Zhan ignored Feng Weimin's ridicule and asked: "I'm afraid you will have to take me back to the village this afternoon. Today is not the day when the ox cart from the village comes to the county seat."

Feng Weimin said, "No problem."

So in the afternoon Shen Zhan took Xie Jingxing to Feng Weimin's jeep, although he knew that Feng Weimin was Seeing Shen Zhan's face, Xie Jing Xing thanked him politely, Feng Weimin saw him sitting in the car without any restraint, he felt that he was taught by the professor of Beijing University, he could handle the situation, at least it was his first time in the car Shi was not so calm, but Shen Zhan was also like this at the beginning. Could it really be that things gather together and people are divided into groups.

Xie Jingxing said, "Brother Feng, do you have anything else to do after you take us back to the village? If you have nothing to do, just go to our house and have dinner before going back. You always help Brother Shen and me, and let us express our thanks."

Xie Jing Xing didn't notice that his words were very natural to put him and Shen Zhan together, and he didn't notice that he looked very much like a wife entertaining guests for her husband. However, Shen Zhan found out, and he happily agreed: "Xiaoyuan is right."

Since Shen Zhan also said the same, Feng Weimin agreed.

After returning home, Xie Jing Xing brought out the sweets and pastries to entertain Feng Weimin, Feng Weimin looked at this kind of thing and thought that Shen Zhan had kept a part of it in addition to the recipient, after all he brought a lot of things last time.

After Feng Weimin was settled, the two went into the kitchen to make dinner together. Since Shen Zhan lived here, because the food he made tasted better, he was responsible for all the food at home. Xie Jing Xing naturally would not allow a person with inconvenient legs to cook for him while he did nothing. He's not good at cooking, but it's okay to wash and cut vegetables on fire. After a period of time, the two were very tacit understanding when cooking. Feng Weimin felt bored in the main room alone, so he got up and went to the kitchen, at this time the two did not speak, but Shen Zhan glanced over and Xie Jing Xing handed the things he wanted to him, with a perfect understanding. Feng Weimin's quiet kitchen door didn't make a sound. He had never seen such a Shen Zhan before. He completely lost his usual indifference. Every look was gentle, and his whole person was full of anger. While surprised, Feng Weimin silently retracted his foot that had stepped into the kitchen and returned to the main room. He didn't find the ambiguity between the two, but felt that such a warm atmosphere made him unbearable to destroy it. During the meal, Feng Weimin saw that the two were eating each other's food. He sighed in his heart that the relationship between the two was really good. At the same time, he was also happy for Shen Zhan. During this period of time, Shen Zhan broke his leg and was abandoned by his family. Feng Weimin knew that he was an extremely strong person. He was not worried that Shen Zhan would become depressed because of this, but he was afraid that he would become more cold-hearted from now on. When Xie Jing Xing was able to take in Shen Zhan when Shen Zhan was in difficulty, Feng Weimin had a very good impression of him at first, but now seeing Shen Zhan living with him, not only did his whole person not become colder, but he had a warmer impression on him. just better. After the meal, Feng Weimin didn't stay long and left. For some reason, when he watched the two get along, he always had a feeling of being held up.

Three days later, when Shen Jianguo and Xia An'an got married, because of what happened before, the Shen family was too embarrassed. Shen Jianguo took Xia An'an, who was wearing Fendai, to get a marriage certificate early in the morning, and then invited a few people who were usually close friends. The villagers, although Xia Anan also invited educated youths, none of the educated youths came. After a cold meal, the two were considered married.

Xia An'an has been looking forward to this wedding for a long time. Now she is so sad and disappointed. At the same time, there is a kind of resentment in her heart. She hates Shen Zhan for bullying others, hates the villagers for falling into trouble, and hates Shen Daniu and Wang Guiwen. Keeping these in mind, when Shen Jianguo develops, she must make these people look good. Xie Jing Xing paid no attention to the matter of the male and female lead, he was busy studying medicine, making money, falling in love, and accompany Shen Zhan to heal his legs, how could he have any extra thoughts to give to people who didn't matter. Two months later, after Mr. He examined Shen Zhan, he smiled and said, "This month's rehabilitation has been done well. Although I can't undertake high-intensity exercise in the future, there is no problem with walking, running and jumping normally." Xie Jing Xingwen Yan looked at Shen Zhan with some worry. He knew from the beginning of the plot that even if Shen Zhan's leg recovered, he could no longer be a soldier, but Shen Zhan didn't know it. After getting along these days, he also knew that Shen Zhan liked the life of the army very much. He was afraid that Shen Zhan would feel sad when he knew the result. The deeper the relationship between the two, the less he could see Shen Zhan's sadness. How could Shen Zhan not see his lover's worries, he held his hand with gentle eyes: "It's alright, I have already prepared myself mentally." Xie Jing Xing shook his hand back, seeing that there was no haze in his eyes, he finally felt relieved . Shen Zhan moved his hands and turned the hands that they held together into interlocking fingers, turning to Elder He in Xie Jing Xing's surprised eyes and said, "Elder He, I would like to invite you to my wedding with Xiaoyuan in three days. " Old He looked at the hands of the two clasped together, and then looked at Shen Zhan's unquestionable eyes, sighed, and asked, "Are you two sure you want to be together, this road is not easy. "

He has always been careful, how could he have not noticed the extraordinary intimacy between the two these days. He thought about stopping him at first, but when he saw Shen Zhan smiling warmly and happily in front of Xie Jing Xing, he couldn't be ruthless. This child has suffered too much since childhood, and now he finally has the opportunity to get happiness, how can he bear to deprive him.

Shen Zhan said without hesitation, "Sure." No matter how difficult this road is, he is not afraid. The only thing he is afraid of is that his teenager doesn't love him.

Xie Jing Xing did not expect that Shen Zhan would come out in front of the master, let alone that the master did not object. Seeing that both of them were looking at him, he put away the surprise in his eyes, clasped Shen Zhan's hand tightly, and nodded firmly in his secretly anxious eyes, "Yes."

Shen Zhan grinned when he heard this, revealing his white teeth. The smile on his face has never been brighter. If it wasn't for the presence of Mr. He, he would definitely hug the boy into his arms and kiss him.

Although his wedding with the teenager was not recognized by law, it was more of a formality, but he still wanted to hold such a wedding and get the blessings of his recognized elder friends.

Xie Jing Xing was infected by him and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

The two looked at each other affectionately. Seeing that Old He was relieved and blushed, he coughed and said, "Alright, alright, I'll be there in three days, so hurry up and don't get in the way here." The

two looked at each other. With a smile, they said in unison, "Thank you Mr. He/Master." The

two left Mr. He's pharmacy and went to the Public Security Bureau to invite Feng Weimin. Unlike He Lao who knew the relationship between the two for a long time, Feng Weimin was very shocked when he was mentally prepared: "What, what did you say? You two are going to get married?"

Shen Zhan nodded and took Xie Jing Xing's hand and sat beside him quietly. Wait for Feng Weimin to digest this information. For this brother who was born and died together, he believed that he would eventually accept it. Feng Weimin calmed down when he saw this, he knew that Shen Zhan never joked, what he said must be true, in his mind came the gentleness of Shen Zhan when he heard Xie Jing Xing, and the warmth and happiness when the two of them got along. Like this, he suddenly realized: "So the object you said before has always been Xiao Wang."

Shen Zhan looked directly into Feng Weimin's eyes and said, "No matter in the past, now, and in the future, there will always be only Xiaoyuan."

Hearing this, how could Feng Weimin not know the meaning of Shen Zhan's words? If he doesn't love him anymore or leaves for other reasons, he will never have anyone else. This made Feng Weimin say something against it. Although it was unethical for two men to be together, he was even more reluctant to see his good brother live alone.

Feng Weimin said, "Old Shen, I want to talk to Xiao Wang alone."

Shen Zhan looked at Xie Jing Xing with questioning eyes, saw him nod, then got up and walked out of Feng Weimin's office, he believed that Feng Weimin would not embarrass Xie Jing Xing.

Feng Weimin recalled: "Lao Shen and I were enlisted in the same group eight years ago. At that time, he was cold and hardly talked to anyone. Except for eating and sleeping, he was always training. Later, when he went to the battlefield, he didn't seem to be afraid. Like death, he always rushes in front, and his fierce, ruthless and desperate appearance makes the enemy fear."

"Once I was rescued by him on the battlefield, and then I followed him cheekily, and later parted ways with him. When I went to a dormitory, I became familiar with it. Others always received things from home, but I never saw him. During the holidays, other people would go back to their hometown, but he stayed in the army training all the time. When it comes to family matters, I know that he has a bad relationship with his family."

"He worked hard enough, made a lot of contributions, was promoted quickly, and looked good. Many girls in the military art troupe liked him, but he never saw him. It's the same, I've been with him for eight years, and I've never seen him smile. I always think he's not very popular in his life."

"Afterwards, his leg was injured and he went home to recuperate. I came here on purpose because I was worried that he would be taken by the family. I was bullied, but he never took the initiative to look for me, so I had to watch it secretly. I didn't expect that one day he would come to the door and ask me to bring him a bunch of food. Now, with a very gentle smile, do you know how shocked I was at the time."

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