Chapter 44

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Xie Jing Xing subconsciously rubbed against Emperor Jing Xuan's palm: After realizing what he was doing, his body froze: He actually brought the habit of getting along with Ji Huan from the previous world here. He couldn't help but glanced at the man in front of him: The man's eyes were full of tenderness at this time: This look is very similar to Shen Zhan: It also looks very similar to Ji Huan.

Xie Jing Xing shook his head inwardly: At that moment, he actually gave birth to the ridiculous idea that the man in front of him and Shen Zhan Ji Huan were the same person. Not to mention that the worlds he traveled through were actually just a book, and the characters in it could not have appeared in other worlds: not to mention that Shen Zhan and Ji Huan were originally two people: just now, his thinking seemed to regard them as two people. Same as one person.

Xie Jing Xing did not realize that: he was different from Emperor Jing Xuan from the beginning: with his caution, facing an emperor who held the power of life and death, he should not have been so defenseless. Although the feelings of the first two worlds were cleared, but the imprint of each other was engraved deep in his soul, so he was always able to be emotionally moved to the same soul alone in the vast sea of ​​people.

Emperor Jingxuan's heart was softened by the boy's rubbing, seeing his body suddenly froze: He secretly looked at himself again, thinking that he was embarrassed because of the act of acting like a spoiled child just now, which is really cute.

Emperor Jingxuan naturally withdrew his hand and asked, "What do Ziyan like to eat, drink, and play?" He didn't mention what happened just now, for fear that Xie Jing Xing would be thin-skinned: he would be so embarrassed that it would not be easy to coax him at that time. He completely forgot his identity. As an emperor, he was always coaxed by others, and there was no need for him to coax others. Maybe he didn't forget, but in his heart, Xie Jing Xing was always different.

Xie Jing Xing was relieved when he saw that he didn't mention what happened just now, it was not the shyness that the man thought, but the status and relationship of the two, it was really inappropriate for him to do this kind of action, it was too intimate.

Following the man's question, he brought the food and wine in the memory of the original owner and the fun places in the capital one by one. The original owner was indeed someone who knew how to eat and play. He was intrigued as he talked, and he thought that he would try it in the future. He was only eighteen years old before he crossed over. Even if he had crossed two worlds and lived two lifetimes, those experiences were just like watching two movies to him. Only the skills he learned were retained, and his mentality was still eighteen years old. The teenagers are also very interested in these.

In this way, the mentality of the original owner is very similar to when he was Xie Er Shao, because there is an elder brother who inherited the family business, and as the second son in the family, they can do whatever they like, and they don't need to work hard at all. He is in the original world. What I learn in here is what I am interested in, and what the original owner is interested in is only eating, drinking and having fun. It is also possible that the original owner only knew about eating, drinking and having fun because he did not find other things of interest. After all, the information in this world is not as developed as his world, and the skills that the original owner can access are limited, nothing more than piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but the original owner is not interested in these. The world has become a non-aspirant.

Emperor Jingxuan looked at Xie Jingxing's raised eyebrows with a smile, without a trace of impatience, when Xie Jingxing talked about food, he would also list several kinds of food in the imperial kitchen, and when Xie Jingxing talked about fine wine, he would list several kinds of food from Fanbang's tribute. Wine, when Xie Jing Xing mentioned interesting places, he would list several interesting places for the royal family, such as the Summer Resort, the Royal Hunting Ground, and then the two would meet to taste the food and wine and play together.

An hour passed while the two were chatting, eating, drinking, and having fun. Because of their own thoughts, both of them were determined to have a good relationship with each other. After some conversation, the relationship between the two became much closer.

"Fourth brother, I should leave, the eldest princess's banquet is almost over, and if I don't go back, my eldest brother should be worried." Now Xie Jing Xing called fourth brother very smoothly.

"Don't worry about Ziyan, I have asked Fuquan to tell your elder brother before, he knows you are here with me. But I should go too, I will go with you." Emperor Jingxuan knew that, like this kind of flower viewing The banquet was actually a large-scale blind date in disguise. How could he rest assured to let his boy go back alone?

In the past, Emperor Jingxuan never showed up at this kind of banquet. He usually found a place with high terrain and a good view to observe. The purpose was naturally to try his luck. Looking at the young man beside him, he was obviously lucky today.

Emperor Jingxuan put on a silver mask as soon as he came out of the attic, Xie Jing Xing expressed his understanding, whether it was a man's identity or appearance, it was too easy to cause a commotion. He didn't notice the eyes of the maids looking at him on the road, which made Emperor Jingxuan want to take off his mask and put it on his face.

The two returned to the banquet. At this time, the banquet was over, and everyone left one after another. Those who didn't leave stood at the door waiting for their carriage.

The eldest brother of the original owner also waited at the door with a worried look. When he saw his younger brother coming, he looked up and down and confirmed that he was in good condition before he felt relieved. Only then did he notice the masked Emperor Jingxuan behind him. Saluting, Emperor Jingxuan waved his hand, indicating that he did not want to reveal his identity.

Although he was ignored by Lu Zihe at first, Emperor Jingxuan was very satisfied with him, Xie Jing Xing also saw Lu Zihe's series of reactions in his eyes, and could see that Lu Zihe really loved the younger brother of the original owner.

Just at this moment, a girl of fourteen or five years old walked in. The girl was wearing a light pink Luo skirt, and the corner of the skirt was embroidered with a light blue butterfly that was about to fly. As she walked, the butterfly seemed to really fly. Up in general, beautiful and agile. The slender waist is restrained by a cloud belt, which makes her waist less than full, and her curves are exquisite. The girl's face is crystal clear, her skin is as white as snow, the corner of her mouth is smiling, her body is curled, and her beautiful eyes are full of water, charming and charming.

This girl was Jiang Yuwan who caused the original owner's family to be beheaded, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but take a look.

Jiang Yuwan also saw Lu Ziyan at this time. After all, she was her husband from the previous life. Her eyes were dazed for a moment.

The two stared at each other across the crowd, in the eyes of others, they looked at each other with affection.

Emperor Jingxuan took a step forward and stood in front of Xie Jing Xing, his eyes shot coldly at Jiang Yuwan, which made her recover from her trance, she looked away and was very dissatisfied with herself staring at Lu Ziyan in a daze. Lu Ziyan is indeed good-looking, but no one knows better than her that this person is nothing but Jin Yu who has been defeated by others. What made her even more dissatisfied was that Lu Ziyan didn't appear today as she did in her previous life, which made her plan fail.

Thinking of Lu Ziyan's staring at her just now, Jiang Yuwan couldn't help guessing that maybe Lu Ziyan would save her in her previous life. Apart from being deliberately led to the edge of the pool, it was also because she was the one who fell into the water. Lu Ziyan liked him originally, so at that time He would jump down without hesitation to save her.

Her guess is not without basis. She and Lu Ziyan didn't have a harmonious relationship in the past life, but Lu Ziyan never took a concubine. Apart from liking her, she couldn't find any other reason, but she didn't know that Lu Ziyan had fallen in love so early. she is.

But no matter how much Lu Ziyan likes her, it's useless. Since God has given her a chance to be reborn, she is destined to become the most honorable woman in the Dajing Dynasty in her life, and it is impossible for her to fall in love with such a bastard as Lu Ziyan. Thinking of this, her brows became a little more proud.

Xie Jing Xing never imagined that just because he looked at the heroine one more time, the heroine thought narcissistically that he liked her.

There are also Lu Zihe and Emperor Jingxuan who think so. Lu Zihe laments with some relief that his younger brother is enlightened. When he goes back, he must ask people to find out which girl this girl is, whether she is worthy of the younger brother. In his heart, his younger brother is naturally good everywhere. Without a girl he doesn't deserve, Lu Zihe's essence is a younger brother.

When Emperor Jingxuan thought that his boy fell in love with someone else, his heart was sour, jealous, painful, and hopeless. All kinds of emotions were intertwined, his eyes were red, and his hand on his side clenched into a fist, desperately suppressing himself, otherwise he would He couldn't guarantee that he would take Jiang Yuwan's life on the spot. Human life was nothing in his eyes. What he was afraid of was that his youth would be afraid that he would stay away from him or even hate him.

Suddenly a soft touch came from his hand: "Fourth brother, are you alright?" The boy's concerned voice in his ear changed his mind.

He turned his head and saw Xie Jing Xing's worried face, he lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes fluttered slightly, covering the dim light in his eyes. He deliberately relaxed his body and leaned on Xie Jing Xing, his hand seemed to inadvertently hold Xie Jing Xing's hand in his palm, and he said, "I'm fine." His voice was obviously weak, and anyone could hear that he was trying to be brave. . As if to reassure Xie Jing Xing, he also added: "This body has always been like this, I'm used to it, don't worry, I'll be fine for a while."

After the previous conversation, Xie Jing Xing had already regarded the man as a friend. , after listening to his words, I remembered that he would suffer from pain and pain as soon as he was born, and died young in the original plot, and also remembered that the man did not show a trace of illness when talking to him before, and there was no one who was ill for a long time in his words. His resentment is gloomy, showing that his character is strong and tenacious. The occasional vulnerability of such a person is even more distressing, Xie Jing Xing is now distressed.

He slightly adjusted his posture to make it more comfortable for the man to lean on. He kept his arms around the man's shoulders to prevent his weak body from sliding down, and patted it from time to time. He originally wanted to give the man a pulse, but the man held His hands were too tight, he struggled, but he gave up if he didn't. Knowing that people who were sick had no sense of security and would subconsciously grab people or things around him, he didn't think much about it.

Just at this moment, Emperor Jingxuan's carriage arrived at the door. The carriage looked very ordinary from the outside, and no one would have thought that it was the emperor's carriage.

Fuquan got off the carriage and saw Emperor Jingxuan leaning weakly on Lu Gongzi, thinking that something was wrong with him, he was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Emperor Jingxuan raised his head and glanced at him. Fuquan was indeed an old man who had served him for more than ten years, and he immediately understood what he meant.

He still kept worrying on his face, he bowed to Xie Jing Xing and said respectfully, "Young Master Lu, I am afraid that my master will feel uncomfortable again, please help him to the carriage."

In Xie Jing Xing's opinion, this is just a trivial matter, naturally He wouldn't refuse, but he didn't think about why Fuquan didn't do this kind of thing himself, but let him do it.

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