Chapter 59

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Sheng Changyi looked at the young man playing the piano in the video: Inexplicably, he felt that this scene was very familiar. He had never seen the young man before, but he could easily imagine the young man wearing a long sleeved robe: sitting and playing the piano. That gesture should be comfortable and free: instead of the sadness and grief in the video: Although he knew it was acting: But he couldn't help but feel a little distressed in his heart. This emotion was inexplicable, but he could not raise any defenses: as if he was worried about the youth and happy for the youth, it was a matter of course.

Since the young man went to audition for the cast, he wanted to enter the entertainment industry: He picked up his mobile phone and dialed the general manager of Shengshi Entertainment.

Xie Jing Xing received a call from the staff the next day: Informing him that he would join the group in three days, the role of Shen Ruochu was not much, and the filming could be finished in about half a month.

When he was packing his things, he received a call from Shengshi Entertainment. The other party claimed to be Liang Rui and said that he had watched his audition video for the cast of "The Legend of Concubine Xi": I was very optimistic about him and asked him if he had any intention to sign with Shengshi Entertainment. The attitude is polite, not at all like Lin Yan's manager before.

Since Xie Jing Xing intends to sign a contract with Shengshi Entertainment, he has done some understanding before. Liang Rui is a gold medal broker of Shengshi Entertainment: He once brought out the best actor and actress, but now there is no artist in his hands, Shengshi Entertainment values ​​him very much and allows him You choose the artist you want to bring, and you will not be forced to assign an artist to him.

Xie Jing Xing originally planned to wait for him to have a work, and then go to Shengshi Entertainment to propose himself, so that he would have more right to speak and win a higher-level contract, but he did not expect to receive a call from Liang Rui now.

Xie Jing Xing was a little surprised, it wasn't that he lacked confidence in himself, but he was not arrogant enough to think that he could win the favor of a gold-medal agent by just one audition. However, since the other party has already offered an olive branch, he will not refuse, so the two meet for an interview the next day.

The next day, Xie Jing Xing came to Shengshi Entertainment, an elegant young man in his thirties with gold-rimmed glasses walked up to him as soon as he saw him, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, you are Gu Jiu, I spoke to you yesterday. Liang Rui."

Liang Rui looked at Xie Jing Xing without a trace, the real person was more beautiful than the video, and his appearance was astonishing. His eyes were sharp, and at a glance he could see that Xie Jing Xing was without makeup, but his skin was as delicate as porcelain, flawless, his body was also very good, with wide shoulders, narrow waist, long legs, perfect proportions and excellent appearance, what was even more attractive was his temperament , the elegance and extravagance was overflowing with arbitrariness, although the information clearly stated that Xie Jing Xing was an orphan, but he could not help but wonder which noble son concealed his identity to play tickets in the entertainment industry. However, with this appearance, body temperament, and acting skills shown in the video, as long as there is no major problem with personality, and emotional intelligence is not too low, it will definitely become popular.

Xie Jing Xing stretched out his hand to shake the other person's hand and said politely, "Hello, I'm Gu Jiu." He didn't expect Liang Rui to come down to pick him up in person, he seemed to place too much importance on him, Xie Jing Xing had a trace of doubt in his heart.

"The president and general manager are already waiting up there, let's go up and talk." Liang Rui said while leading him towards the elevator.

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "President? The president of Shengshi Group?" He is not a novice who doesn't know anything, but an artist who doesn't even have a formal work to sign a contract, and the president of the group is actually required to come forward. Nasty! Could it be that he found out that he was the one who hacked Shengshi Technology before? Otherwise, he really couldn't think of where the two would meet.

Liang Rui nodded and said, "Yes, the president attaches great importance to the artist."

Xie Jing Xing nodded noncommittally, what the other party's purpose is, he will find out later, but because of the previous cooperation, his impression of the president of Shengshi Group is still good. of.

Liang Rui brought Xie Jing Xing to the president's office, there were two men in the office at this time, but Xie Jing Xing's eyes were focused on one of the men. The man is about thirty-two or three years old, with sharp eyebrows and star-shaped eyes, a dignified nose, and grim facial features. A well-cut black suit wraps a sturdy body of nearly 1.9 meters. The momentum, needless to say, this is the president of Shengshi Group.

As soon as the man saw him, he stood up and came to him, and the man beside him also stood up and followed behind him. The man stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I'm Sheng Changyi." With that solemn gesture, it seemed that he was receiving very important guests at this time, rather than a small artist who was about to sign with his company. The appearance of a man made Xie Jing Xing's mind unable to help but think

of a guess. He stretched out his hand to shake the man's hand: "Mr. Sheng, hello, I'm Gu Jiu."

When he retracted his hand, he couldn't help rubbing his fingertips, there seemed to be still the delicate and smooth touch of Xie Jing Xing's hand.

"This is Wei Yundong, the general manager of Shengshi Entertainment." Sheng Changyi pointed at the middle-aged man beside him with no difference on his face.

The middle-aged man is about forty years old, slightly fat, and looks very friendly, but the occasional flash of light in his small squinted eyes makes people not dare to underestimate. At this moment he stretched out his hand and smiled amiably: "Gu Jiu, hello."

Xie Jing Xing reached out and shook his hand: "Hello, President Wei." The

four sat down, Wei Yundong took out the contract prepared in advance, "This is The contract that our company has provided you, first check if there are any problems?"

Xie Jing Xing quickly browsed the contract, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he was even more sure of the guess in his heart. He frowned slightly in embarrassment, observing the man's reaction from the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, when the man saw him frowning, he quickly asked, "Is there a problem?" He asked in a gentle and cautious tone.

Xie Jing Xing shook his head: "It's not that there is a problem, is this treatment too generous?"

He deliberately moved to the man's side, felt his instantly stiff body and disordered breathing, restrained the corner of his mouth that was about to rise, pointed to the contract and said, "For example, the artist's income is divided into 10% of the company's income, isn't it too little? Is it too little? You are not afraid of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge after I become popular? And this, Party B has the right to refuse the work arranged by Party A under any circumstances, this degree of freedom Is it too high? And these are all rights that I enjoy, but I didn't write down my obligations, I always feel that the treatment is too good, and I feel a little uneasy."

Sheng Changyi felt half of his body numb when Xie Jing Xing came over Now, looking at his lips opening and closing, he clenched his hands into fists, desperately suppressing his desire and desire to grab his lips. The people I met had such a somewhat offensive mind.

He forced himself to focus on Xie Jing Xing's words, but his face stiffened when he heard the words, Wei Yundong showed him the company's A-level contract before, he only felt that this one was not satisfactory, that one was not suitable, and the contract was He changed and changed again and again until he was finally satisfied, but he didn't expect that the treatment was too good to arouse suspicion. He has always done things carefully, and he has never made such a mistake. He didn't know how to explain for a while, so he glanced at Wei Yundong.

When Wei Yundong received his look, he immediately understood and said solemnly: "This is our company's highest-level S-level contract, and it is aimed at artists with excellent qualifications, who are expected to go international, and who can also occupy a first-line position in the world. In this way. The influence of the artist is huge, and it is very helpful to the development of Shengshi, not only Shengshi Entertainment, but also other industries under Shengshi. Such generous treatment is also an investment. Of course, we will investigate the artist's character ability in advance. Our The professional team has evaluated you and believes that you have such potential, so they gave an S-level contract, it is precisely because we value you that our President Sheng will personally interview you about signing the contract."

Xie Jing Xing was quiet Sitting there listening to Wei Yundong's serious nonsense, out of the corner of his eyes he looked at Sheng Changyi's tight lips due to tension, and finally picked up the pen and signed his name on the contract, seeing the man's apparent relief. The speculation in my heart was confirmed by two points again.

Xie Jing Xing took the initiative to stretch out his hand to the man and said with a smile, "Mr. Sheng, I will not let down your expectations and cultivation of me."

"I believe in you." Sheng Changyi shook his hand very restrained and quickly let go, If not, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear to play with that white jade-like hand.

He motioned to Liang Rui and said, "Liang Rui will be your manager in the future. He has rich experience. You can ask him anything you don't understand."

Then he said to Liang Rui, "Liang Rui, Gu Jiu will join the group the day after tomorrow. He is young and this is the first time he has joined the group for filming, you should pay attention, if you see a newcomer wanting to bully him, you don't need to keep it, the entire PR team of Shengshi is always at your disposal."

Xie Jing Xing was worried when he saw him The parent's attitude of being bullied when their child goes out, the smile on the corner of his mouth can't help but deepen.

"Don't worry, President." Liang Rui, who had been standing by and said nothing, agreed.

He was surprised when he learned from President Wei that President Sheng intended to make him a newcomer's exclusive agent. Since the establishment of Shengshi Entertainment, Mr. Sheng has never paid attention to any of the company's artists, and now he speaks in person, which shows that he attaches great importance to Xie Jingxing, but now that he knows the content of the contract, and seeing Mr. Sheng's attitude towards Xie Jingxing, he realizes that he is still underestimating himself. With this kind of emphasis, this is where signing an artist is simply signing an ancestor. As for the S-level contract that President Wei said, hehe, he has been in Shengshi Entertainment for nearly ten years, but he never knew there was such a thing. But for Gu Jiu, he doesn't have anything against him, not to mention that Gu Jiu's appearance is good, it is Mr. Sheng's vision, and the person he likes will never be too bad.

No matter how surprised he was in his heart, he didn't show any sign on his face, he was earnestly fulfilling his duties as an agent, and said to Xie Jing Xing, "I will arrange an assistant for you in the future to be in charge of the trivial matters in your life, the S-class contract company is the If you have a car, do you need a car now?"

Xie Jing Xing shook his head: "Not for now, I'm not famous yet, it's not good to be too public."

Liang Rui was worried that he was looking at He Tai because of President Sheng's concern . After being treated so generously, he became airy. Now that he is very rational, he is amazed in his heart. Only by being able to be so flattered and humiliated can he go a long way in the entertainment industry.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-23 00:00:00~2020-06-24 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mines Little Angel: Radish Head, Fatty Run 1; Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 21 bottles of Dream; 20 bottles of Fun; 5 bottles of Qingjue; I am very grateful for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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