Chapter 37

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 Because he was worried that Cheng Keke would not be able to adapt to the unfamiliar environment when he first arrived: Xie Jing Xing insisted on letting Ji Huan go back to Ji's house these nights: He would not let Ji Huan live with him at all.

Ji Huan just started eating meat: It's time to eat the marrow and know the taste: How can I hold back after being a monk for several days.

This day: He left early again: He went to Xie Jing Xing's apartment without prior notice, he knew that his lover was busy with a game at home these days and had been staying at home for several days.

Xie Jing Xing opened the door and let people come in: "Why are you here at this time... um."

Ji Huan couldn't wait to kiss his lips: He closed the door with a foot hook: Then he pressed the young man against the door: His lips whispered: "Baby, I miss you so much." Then he pried open his teeth, and stuck his tongue into his mouth and stirred frantically.

Xie Jing Xing tilted his head to avoid his kiss, but was kissed even deeper by the man, he raised his hand against the man's chest and tried to push him away, but the man grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers. Xie Jing Xing really had no choice but to stick out his tongue in response to the man's kiss.

The man's kiss slowly softened: Xie Jing Xing turned his head to avoid it, seeing that his lips were about to catch up, he quickly said, "Someone!" He also gestured to the room with his eyes, his expression was a little embarrassed, but his face flushed flushed. , the eyes are blurred, this embarrassment looks like shyness, and it looks more attractive.

Ji Huan had never seen him look shy before, which was very rare. He rolled his Adam's apple several times before he suppressed the desire to kiss him again. He looked away with difficulty, turned to look, and saw Cheng Keke who was blushing.

"Big brother, big brother, you..." Cheng Keke hesitated.

Although it was a little embarrassing, Xie Jing Xing still held Ji Huan's hand without hesitation, walked up to Cheng Keke generously, revealing the rings of the same style on both hands, "Just as you see, Ji Huan and I are in the middle of the road. When it comes to falling in love, it's the premise of marriage."

Ji Huan laughed softly when he heard the words, he really loved the calm and fearless appearance of his lover, he put the hands of the two of them on his lips and kissed them, his eyes Full of joy.

Cheng Keke looked at the two of them, his eyes lit up, and said, "You are a good match!"

Both of them were startled when they heard the words, but she didn't expect her to reject her. At this moment, Ji Huan really thought this little sister was very cute.

He looked at Cheng Keke's eyes as never before: "Why are you here? You are wronged at home?"

"I have a big brother to support me, who would dare to give me aggrieved, I came to see my brother, and I will give it back to you. You said a lot of good things~~" She winked at Ji Huan playfully, originally she was a little afraid of Ji Huan's cold-faced brother, but now that she knows the relationship between him and her brother, she has seen him again. With his warm smile in front of his brother, he was no longer afraid, but became more intimate. After all, the people who can make his brother like him must be very good. It had to be said that in terms of superstitious belief in Xie Jing Xing, the two were indeed brothers and sisters.

"Oops!" She patted her forehead and said angrily, "I forgot that I made an appointment with Lulu, eldest brother, brother, I'll go first." After that, she left in a hurry.

When Ji Huan saw the person leaving, he put his arms around his lover's waist and whispered, "No wonder you love her so much." He winked.

Xie Jing Xing glanced at him, Ji Huan's eyes instantly became hot, he lowered his head to grind with his lover's lips, a lustful voice overflowed from their close lips, "Baby, I miss you so much."

Xie Jing Xing raised his arms around his neck and responded enthusiastically, he also missed him very much.

Cheng Keke stood in the elevator, thinking of the scene where the two brothers kissed passionately just now, her face flushed, her eyes lit up, high cold abstinence attack and warm belly black feeling, ah~~, so cute! She had just heard the elder brother call him baby brother, he was very fond of him. She didn't expect the elder brother to be so cold and cold in front of him. The elder brother is also very indulgent to the elder brother, ah~~ It's too sweet, the two elder brothers are so worthy of each other.

As a senior rotten girl, this is simply a great benefit. Cheng Keke's face shows a smile of her aunt who does not match her age. Fortunately, she is the only one in the elevator. Otherwise, when people see her expression, they must suspect that she has a mental problem.

In the following days, as soon as Cheng Keke saw Ji Huan, she leaned in front of him and chatted non-stop. Most of what she said was about Xie Jing Xing's past. Whether she knew it or not, Ji Huan was very happy. Listen, there is a gentle smile on your face every time.

Upon seeing this, the servants of Ji's family were more respectful to Cheng Keke's attitude, and they all sighed that they were indeed brothers and sisters. The young master had never done this to Miss Ji Xin before.

When Ji's father sees Cheng Keke, he can actually make his son smile and love her more. In addition, after Ji Huan is in the company, he is not as busy as in the original plot. Unfamiliar, deep feelings a lot.

Ji's mother sees that Ji's father attaches great importance to Cheng Keke, and she does not dare to wait for Cheng Keke coldly. Besides, Cheng Keke is well-bred and impeccable in etiquette. Ji's mother is still satisfied with her, but she always loves Ji, who was raised by herself, more in her heart. Xin.

Because of the love of so many people, especially the two older brothers, Cheng Keke's maternal love for Ji's mother is no longer as eager as in the original plot. After the initial loss passed, it was quickly relieved. Just like what my brother said, the relationship between people depends on fate, just like my brother is clearly Ji Xin's brother but loves her more, then Ji's mother loves Ji Xin more, it seems that it is not so hard to let go , and if she was asked to use her brother to replace the season's mother, she would not be willing.

Ji Xin originally thought that Cheng Keke would be out of place when she moved into Ji's house, but she didn't want her to live like a duck to water. She often heard servants talking in private, saying that the young lady was indeed a real daughter, even if she grew up outside, her words and deeds were not petty at all. , is both elegant and extravagant, with good grades, good looks, and good temperament, not inferior to Miss Ji Xin, who grew up in the quarter.

Nowadays, the servants of Ji's family are called Miss Cheng Keke and Miss Ji Xin. Every time she hears this title, Ji Xin feels that these servants are laughing at her, laughing at her for occupying a magpie's nest, but she can't get angry. This will only make her appear inferior to Cheng Keke, which she absolutely cannot accept.

Ji Xin also tried to get closer to Cheng Keke, but Cheng Keke seemed to be very wary of her. She was always lukewarm to her. She pretended to be aggrieved and pitiful. Ji's mother did love her even more because of this. She often wanted to use this to stimulate Cheng Keke. Coco, but Cheng Keke didn't care at all, making her feel like she was punched into cotton. On the contrary, Cheng Keke's relationship with Ji's father Ji Huan deepened, which made her very jealous.

a month later.

One after another, luxury cars parked at the gate of Ji's house one after another. One after another, successful people from high society and celebrities from all walks of life got off the cars with their well-dressed female companions and entered the resplendent Ji's house hall. The clothes are fragrant and the temples are shadowed.

Ji Xin stood in the corner and looked at this magnificent scene, with a slightly malicious arc on the corner of his mouth. Ji Huan was right to Cheng Keke, but he has changed his name to Ji Keke. He really paid attention to it. Ji Keke must be very proud now, but Soon, she'll make her laugh no more.

In the hall, Ji Huan was wearing a set of cut and fit pure black clothes. He was tall, handsome in appearance, indifferent and noble in temperament, and became more and more extraordinary among the bright and handsome men and women. Many ladies looked at him secretly, but they dared not come forward due to his indifferent temperament.

At this moment, everyone saw his eyes lit up and strode towards the door. Everyone was curious about who could make Ji Huan, who has always been indifferent, so important, and turned to look out the door.

I saw a young man in a silver-gray suit, with a body like a bamboo, handsome appearance, and a warm temperament, walking by, with a pair of long and narrow peach blossom eyes smiling.

Ji Huan walked in front of him, stretched his long arms around his shoulders, and rubbed his shoulders with his palms without any traces. To outsiders, the brothers' good actions carried an ambiguous intimacy that only the two of them knew. Said: "You're here."

Xie Jing Xing nodded with a smile, glanced around the hall, paused on Ji Xin in the corner and asked, "Where's Coco?"

Ji Huan said, "It's still preparing in the room, you want to Would you like to go up and take a look?"

Xie Jing Xing said, "Alright, she has never attended such a banquet, so I'm afraid she will be nervous."

"You are so kind to her." Ji Huan said sourly.

Xie Jing Xing glanced at him: "Vinegar jar!" The

two were talking in a low voice with their heads leaning against each other. Although outsiders could not hear their conversation, they could see the familiarity and intimacy between the two and guessed the identity of the youth.

Cheng Keke sat in the room and let the stylist check her makeup, clothes and jewelry. After confirming that there was no problem, she stood in front of the mirror and looked at the bright and dazzling girl in the mirror, her eyes flashing with amazement.

"Coco?" Xie Jingxing saw her staring in the mirror in a daze.

"Brother? You're here." As soon as Cheng Keke saw Xie Jing Xing, he greeted him with a smile, with light dimples on his face.

Xie Jing Xing looked at her up and down and said with admiration, "It's very beautiful."

Cheng Keke followed his example and looked at him seriously, and praised: "Brother is also very handsome!" After speaking, he blinked at Ji Huan and asked, " Brother, do you think I'm right?"

Ji Huan nodded in agreement and whispered, "It's really beautiful."

"Naughty!" Xie Jing Xing wanted to rub Cheng Keke's hair, but seeing her unique hairstyle, he was afraid of messing it up, so he patted her on the shoulder and asked, "Are you nervous?"

Cheng Keke shook his head and said carelessly: " With my brother and eldest here, I'm not nervous at all." There was a

knock on the door, and Ji Huan said, "Come in."

A servant walked in and said to Ji Huan, "Master, the master was looking for you just now.

" Got it." Ji Huan stood up and said to Xie Jingxing, "I'll be back in a while."

Not long after Ji Huan left, the previous servant came back again, holding a tray in his hand with a glass of juice and a glass of red wine on it. "Young master just ordered me to bring you drinks."

Xie Jing Xing picked up the wine glass and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it, then took a sip: "You go out first." The

servant glanced at his red lips because of the red wine, respectfully He responded with a sound, his hand holding the tray was loosened unconsciously, and then he backed out.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-05-30 00:00:00~2020-06-02 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting the deep water □ □'s little angel: 1 Peach Blossom Flowing Water;

thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Beancurd Brain, Little Copper Coin, Liuli, Fenglin Remnant, Radish Head, and Fatty Run 1; Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Heng Xiao 49 bottles of Ya; 12 bottles of Lemony; 10 bottles of Fleeting Years; 9 bottles of Xiaofeng; 6 bottles of Fenglin Remnant and Mi Qianmo; 5 bottles of 42353181; 3 bottles of 42692663; 2 bottles of Xingyu; Bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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