Chapter 100

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When Xie Jing Xing was receiving the plot: The car also arrived at Qi's house, Father Qi opened his eyes and saw Xie Jing Xing staring out the window blankly: Father Qi thought he was frightened when he first arrived in an unfamiliar environment, and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, in the future This is your home."

Xie Jing Xing turned around to look at Father Qi when he heard the words, his face was full of kindness at this time: like a loving father who loves his son very much: but who is Xie Jing Xing and whether a person is acting or not? Can you miss his eyes? If he really cared about the original owner, why didn't he ask the original owner along the way, where did he live before? How did your adoptive parents treat you? How to work on the construction site: Did you suffer a lot? Have you been bullied before? A normal father facing a son who has been lost for more than ten years: Isn't it eager to know this? But along the way, Father Qi never asked a word.

Xie Jing Xing lowered his head pretending to be restrained, hiding the irony in his eyes.

Seeing Xie Jing Xing's sullen appearance, Father Qi frowned, and a trace of impatience crossed his eyes: "Here we are, get out of the car." Seeing this son at the construction site: What does he think about the ability of this son who has been missing for many years I don't have much hope and no feelings: but after all, it's my own blood, and since I found it, I'll take it home: It doesn't matter if I don't have the ability: I have a good face anyway, teach me well, maybe it can be used to marry for the Qi family Do something to contribute.

After Xie Jing Xing got out of the car, he followed Father Qi into the hall of Qi's house step by step: Looking around from time to time, he played the appearance of a countryman who had never seen the world.

When Father Qi saw him like this, although he didn't like it, he was relieved a lot. It's okay to have no knowledge, at least it's easy to control.

Qi's family had already received notice from Qi's father, and they were all waiting in the hall at this time.

"Xiaoyou, I have finally found you, it's been so hard for my mother to find you these years, my mother misses you so much!" When she saw Xie Jingxing, Mother Qi had tears in her eyes, she stretched out her hand as if she wanted to grab Xie Jingxing's hand and tell her for many years But seeing Xie Jing Xing's dirty clothes, disgust flashed in his eyes, he retracted his hand halfway, pretending to wipe away the tears from the corner of his eyes, not letting himself retract his hand too abruptly .

When Xie Jing Xing saw this, he snorted coldly in his heart, could one or two of these people treat him as a fool, and they were so perfunctory even in acting! That's right, the original owner was an uninformed country bumpkin in their eyes, so it was not worth their effort. At first, the original owner had expectations for his family, and did not pay attention to these, but after a long time, the original owner lost face several times under the guidance of Qi Ze. He trusts Qi Ze who expresses kindness to him.

Xie Jing Xing looked at Qi's mother cautiously, he did not call his mother for a long time, he had experienced many worlds, and the name of his mother called him a lot of people, all from the sincerity, but Qi's mother was obviously not worthy.

On the way, Father Qi consciously understood Xie Jing Xing's sullen temperament, and he did not have the patience to wait for him to call someone. He pointed at Qi Ze and introduced, "This is your eldest brother Qi Ze."

Qi Ze did not expect Qi You to come back. One day, since Xie Jingxing entered the house, he has been looking at him. Although the face is still the same face, due to the constant exposure to the wind and the sun, the skin is very rough, and the body is wearing dirty worker clothes, with a restrained demeanor, and the previous life Qi who grew up in the Qi family's gold and jade, elegant as a little prince Yu is very different.

Seeing Qi You like this, a trace of happiness flashed in Qi Ze's eyes. Hearing Father Qi's introduction, he said to Xie Jing Xing with a face of remorse: "Xiao You, it was all your brother's bad back then, so he didn't think highly of you." Ji Mo Han has been pursuing him for more than ten years. He finally let go of his attachment to Ji Mohan and accepted him. The two are now in a strong relationship, and he will never let Qi You ruin his happiness in this life.

"Brother, what does this have to do with you, you were just a child back then." Qi Yue said quickly, looking at Xie Jing Xing with hostile eyes, it was this person who made brother live in self-blame and guilt all these years.

"Okay, Yueyue is right, Ozawa, don't blame yourself, it's really not your fault, you have had enough hard work these years." Mother Qi looked at Qi Ze with a distressed expression, she had already blamed Xie Jing Xing. She disliked Xie Jing Xing a little bit more.

Although Father Qi didn't say anything, his eyes when he looked at Qi Ze were also full of concern. Compared with the outstanding heir son, Qi You, a son who had been missing for more than ten years, had little weight in his heart.

Xie Jing Xing didn't say anything, but Qi Ze's words made the Qi family dislike him. Gee! After reliving the first life, although Qi Ze's brain didn't increase, he was still a brain wreck, but the ability to use eye drops in these three words was quite flexible.

Xie Jing Xing quietly watched their family love each other, there was no hurt or sad expression on his face as Qi Ze hoped, but instead he echoed, "You are right, it's all my fault that I only focused on hide-and-seek, hey, it's me Too much fun!" He seemed to sigh helplessly.

Qi Ze's pupils shrank when he heard the words, his face remained silent, he carefully observed Xie Jing Xing's expression: "Do you remember?"

"I didn't remember at first, but when I saw you, some fragments flashed in my mind, maybe I will in the future. After seeing you a few times, I will completely remember." Seeing the frozen smile on Qi Ze's mouth, Xie Jing Xing felt at ease, seeing if this person would dare to dangle in front of him in the future, he didn't want to deal with mental retardation every day and see them clumsy Your performance will lower your IQ.

"Xiaoyou, you just got home, don't feel restrained, just tell your brother if you want anything." His expression stiffened for a moment, but Qi Ze quickly recovered and became the gentle brother again.

"Okay, then I want a computer." Xie Jing Xing was not polite at all.

The corner of Qi Ze's mouth froze again. He was just polite. He expected that with Qi You's growth environment, he would feel restrained and even inferior when he first arrived at the Qi family, and would never dare to make any requests. The card is played, but Qi You at this time is not the Qi You who grew up with him in the previous life. It seems that it is not surprising that the growth environment is different and the personality is different.

"What do you want a computer for, do you know how to play?" Qi Yue sarcastically asked.

"I know how to play. Solitaire and Minesweeper are very fun." Xie Jing Xing seemed to not understand Qi Yue's sarcasm.

Qi Yue laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Hahahaha, what age is this, you still play poker and minesweeper, my God, where are you from the hillbilly!"

"Yueyue!" Qi Ze scolded, although scolding, But it is very gentle, and there is no deterrence at all.

Qi Yue stuck out her tongue, not at all afraid.

"Xiaoyou, this is Qi Yue, our younger sister, Yueyue is still young and ignorant, she is outspoken, but she has no bad intentions, don't be mad at her."

Xie Jing Xing shook his head: "No." It's just that An irrelevant person is not worth his anger. Qi Yue is now sixteen years old, the original owner was lost at the age of four, and is now twenty-two years old. That is to say, Qi's father and Qi's mother became pregnant with Qi Yue one year after the original owner disappeared. It can be seen that the original owner was abandoned at that time.

"I have an unused laptop there. I'll give it to you later. You can play it first, and then I'll take you to buy a new one. " "Okay


Let Xiaoyou change clothes. Ma Huang, take Xiaoyou to his room to change clothes." Mother Qi said, she couldn't stand Xie Jing Xing's dirty clothes.

"Yes, ma'am."

Huang Ma brought Xie Jing Xing to the innermost room on the second floor and put the new clothes into his hands: "This will be your room in the future, you can go in and change your clothes, as for the dirt on your body Clothes." She looked up and down suspiciously: "Just throw it away." After saying that, she turned and left without waiting for Xie Jing Xing to agree, she didn't take him as the second young master of the Qi family in the least, she was in the Qi family. After working for more than ten years, how could she not see his wife's dislike of Xie Jing Xing.

Xie Jing Xing shook his head, even the servants were not well managed, so was the Qi family. In the original plot, Qi Ze used his rebirth experience to grab a lot of good projects for the Qi family, so that the Qi family, who had been wandering in the second-class circle, barely made it into the first-class, but compared with those top wealthy families with rich heritage, there are still some differences. small gap.

Xie Jing Xing walked into the room with his clothes, the room was set up like a hotel, although it was a temporary preparation, with the Qi family's financial resources, it was not difficult to set up a room in a short period of time, now it's just a no-brainer, Xie Jing Xing also Not caring, he came to the mirror and looked at the appearance of this body.

The appearance of the original owner is three-point similar to Qi's mother. If you look closely, you will find that his facial features are very delicate and beautiful, but because of the long-term work on the construction site, the original owner's skin has been tanned and very rough. He has always been frugal and has a very thin body. This black and thin appearance makes it easy to ignore his appearance, and it is difficult for Qi's father to recognize him. Fortunately, the original owner had a good life when his adoptive parents were still in his early years, his nutrition kept up, and his height was not affected. He was 1.8 meters, which made Xie Jing Xing very satisfied. After all, he could improve on everything else, but the height was his body. At his age, Xie Jing Xing was incompetent no matter how capable he was.

The clothes were also prepared temporarily, the size should be Qi Ze's size, but he was wearing too large, Xie Jing Xing shook his head, the Qi family could only deceive the simple original owner with such a perfunctory attitude.

Xie Jing Xing changed his clothes, opened the door and walked out of the room, Qi Yue was waiting at the door of his room, he was not surprised because the original owner also had such a thing in his memory.

Qi Yue looked Xie Jing Xing up and down and said with disgust, "Cut! Wearing a dragon robe doesn't look like a prince, no matter how you dress up, you're still a hillbilly. Hillbilly, let me tell you, I don't recognize you as my brother, you want me to call you Brother, I don't have a door, and you are not allowed to say that it is my brother in the future, you look like this, you will be embarrassed!"

Qi Yue also said this to the original owner, the original owner did not expect the family he was expecting to be like this. I despised myself, not to mention how sad I was at that time.

But Xie Jing Xing didn't care at all, he nodded his head in a kind-hearted manner: "Okay, I'm not your brother." In the original plot, Qi Yue often took his friends to ridicule the original owner, he didn't want such a sister at all, not every sister Both are lovely, and now the two are on the same page, which is good.

Qi Yue choked when she heard the words, shouldn't this person have a sad face, why is this reaction? This made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she achieved her goal, she snorted coldly at Xie Jing Xing and left, at this time she just thought that Xie Jing Xing was following her words, did not understand the deep meaning of it, let alone that she lost what. Xie Jing Xing could be the best older brother in the world, and he could also be the coldest older brother.

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