Chapter 74

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After returning home: Father Zhou put Xie Jing Xing down: Then he carefully observed his face: But he could not see any sadness in him: But how could he not be sad? In the past, Brother Jin liked that boy from the Meng family so much: He just thought that his brother was too considerate and sensible: In order not to worry him, he pretended to be okay in front of him.

"Brother Jin, if you are unhappy in your heart, vent it out: You don't need to force yourself in front of Dad."

Xie Jing Xing was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard this: Dad thought he was forcing a smile: "Father: I'm really fine: Today is this. As soon as I came out, I could see the Meng family clearly. Instead, I felt that it was a good thing to break off the marriage now. It was better than being rejected after the marriage, and I also wanted to understand. The person who can't pick and mention: After getting married, I'm afraid I will serve everything, so I'm not happy: I was raised by my father like a pearl, so why should I serve him?" He didn't plan to tell him. When Meng Yuan harmed him, he was afraid that Uncle Meng could not hold back his anger and go to Meng Yuan to settle the account, but instead hurt himself.

"Well said!" Father Zhou agreed, thinking in his heart that he must show Brother Jin a husband who loves him, loves him and spoils him, and is a hundred times better than the Meng family boy. "Father, I think how big brother Yan saved my life. We can't say nothing. Why don't we invite him to our house for dinner, what do you think?" Knowing that Yan Feng had saved his life, even if he and Yan Feng got closer, the villagers would not think too much about it, and they could let Father Zhou know more about Yan Feng. By then, the two would be familiar with him, and Yan Feng would come to the door again. Proposing a marriage, everything seemed logical, the villagers would not gossip, and Father Zhou would not object. As for Meng Ame's words, I believe that anyone with a little brain will not take it seriously. Father Zhou nodded and said, "You're right, I will kill the chicken at home in a while and invite him over for dinner." When Father Zhou went to Yan Feng's house, Yan Feng was cleaning up wild boars. Lots of prey piled up. Father Zhou observed it, and every prey was shot through the throat with an arrow, without exception, showing how accurate Yan Feng's arrows were.

"Uncle Zhou, why are you here?" As soon as Yan Feng saw that it was Father Zhou, he quickly put down his work and welcomed him in.

Father Zhou said, "Brother Jin and I would like to invite you to my house for a light meal, thank you for saving Brother Jin."

Yan Feng automatically ignored the "me" in Father Zhou's mouth, when he heard that Xie Jingxing wanted to invite him to dinner , He was overjoyed, thinking that he could see his sweetheart again soon, Yan Feng agreed without any hesitation: "Okay, Uncle Zhou, wait for me for a while." After speaking, he took out a sack and took out the pile of wild animals. He picked three pheasants and three hares into it, put in the four trotters of the wild boar, then put a large piece of wild boar in, and finally went into the house and changed a piece of clothes and came out, carrying a sack and said: " I'm all right, let's go, Uncle Zhou." Instead, he looked like he was thanking people instead of being thanked.

"This is you?" Father Zhou asked curiously, isn't this going to be taken to their house? This is too generous. You must know that if so much meat is sold in the county town, it will have to sell for hundreds of pennies, which is not a small amount for a farmer who only has a dozen or twenty taels of silver a year. This is still under the circumstance that the saint has reduced or exempted a lot of taxes. Yan Feng said: "Isn't Brother Jin injured his foot? This is for Brother Jin to repair his body. The meat of pheasant and hare is relatively tender, and they taste better when cooked. Brother Jin should like it. " The countryside is very good, and it would not look shabby if it was given to anyone in the village, but Yan Feng felt a little disgusted to give it to Xie Jing Xing, thinking that he would get something better for Xie Jing Xing in the future, when he was in the capital in those years , look at those brothers eat very finely, those things that other people have, naturally his treasures can't be less. Yes, it was his precious child, when he learned that Xie Jing Xing had a fiancé, he thought about how to destroy this marriage and take Xie Jing Xing over, he even thought about the possibility of using power to overwhelm others, it was a big deal to reveal his identity How can such a trivial matter be important to a sweetheart? But he didn't expect that Meng Yuan didn't cherish the treasure in his hand. He didn't do anything, and Meng Yuan took the initiative to call off the marriage. In this case, he would never allow his precious child to be tied to any man other than him, so he behaved very diligently in the face of Uncle Zhou, and did not hide his thoughts at all.

Father Zhou listened to his brother Jin, and couldn't help but glance at him. It's not because of relatives, not because of his relationship. This kid is so kind to Brother Jin, isn't he interested in Brother Jin? Thinking of this, Father Zhou couldn't help but observe Yan Feng.

It's a bonus for saving Brother Jin; if you look closely, he looks good, but he has a scar on his face and looks a bit fierce, but that's fine, it's not easy to attract bees and butterflies; he's tall and strong, and he should be protected. I can live with my husband; I have good archery skills, and I can hunt and earn money to support my family, but it is too dangerous and too unstable. At present, it seems that I am willing to give up to brother Jin. You must know that the boy from the Meng family has been engaged to brother Jin for more than a year. , don't talk about chickens, he has never seen him give a chicken feather to Brother Jin. Although he doesn't covet that, it can tell if a person has a heart, and even money is reluctant to spend for you Do people really like you? Father Zhou didn't pay attention to this before, but now Yan Feng is making comparisons, which makes Meng Yuan's hypocrisy even more. It's just that Yan Feng is a little older, and he doesn't know if he has ever married a husband outside. "Yan Feng, Uncle would like to ask, where did the scar on your face come from? If it's inconvenient to say so, you can leave it alone." Father Zhou asked, the two were not familiar with each other, so he asked this as soon as they came up. It was very inappropriate, but for the sake of his brother, Father Zhou couldn't care so much. "It's not inconvenient, Uncle Zhou, you can ask whatever you want. As for my injury, I was cut by the enemy on the battlefield." Yan Feng said, this is the future husband, Yan Feng is not afraid of him asking, just afraid that he will not ask. In the past, he didn't care about the scar on his face at all. Instead, he thanked the scar for saving him a lot of trouble, making those brothers who were clamoring to marry him in Beijing scared away when they saw his face, but now He was a little nervous, because he was afraid that Father Zhou would not look down on him because of this scar, which would make it more difficult for him to marry his sweetheart. "Did you leave the village to become a soldier all these years?" The people in the village have always been curious about this, and Father Zhou is no exception. Now that he intends to show Brother Jin, he naturally needs to ask clearly. Yan Feng nodded and said, "Yes." "That's good." This week, Dad was relieved a lot, at least he wasn't going to be a rumbling horse.

"Uncle Zhou, don't worry, I've never done anything that hurts the world over the years." Yan Feng naturally knew the guesses of the villagers. He used to disdain to explain, but now he doesn't want to let Uncle Zhou misunderstand.

"Then you should have married a husband outside these years, why didn't you bring it back to the village?" Father Zhou asked while observing Yan Feng's expression.

Yan Feng hurriedly shook his head and said, "I didn't marry a husband."

Father Zhou continued to ask, "You are not too young, why don't you marry me?"

Yan Feng said, "I didn't plan to marry a husband before."

Zhou A When Dad saw him speaking, his expression was magnanimous and natural, and he did not hesitate to speak, so he did not lie: "I had no idea before, what about now?"

Yan Feng thought of Xie Jing Xing, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Now I really want to marry a husband. "Before he met Xie Jing Xing, he never thought that he would be tempted by anyone, he was ready to die alone, but the first time he saw Xie Jing Xing, he wanted to marry him back home, it was not that he would not be tempted, but those people It was not Xie Jing Xing, he even felt that his pure heart and few desires all these years were just to wait for Xie Jing Xing to appear.

Father Zhou laughed when he saw him, and listened to the meaning of his words, which was obviously a sweetheart. Naturally, he would not directly ask Yan Feng's sweetheart if he was Brother Jin. If not, wouldn't it be very embarrassing. Even if it is, he still intends to see more, to test more, to see how much he is sincere to Brother Jin. He doesn't want to meet someone like Meng Yuan again. The most important thing is that Brother Jin likes it, after all, it is someone who wants to live with him for the rest of his life. The two had already walked to Zhou's house after talking, Yan Feng saw Xie Jing Xing basking in the sun in the courtyard as soon as he entered the door. When Xie Jing Xing saw him come in, he curled his lips into a smile: "Brother Yan, you are here." His tone was very intimate. When Father Zhou saw Yan Feng's expression softened instantly, he became more and more sure that this kid was interested in Brother Jin. Yan Feng walked up to Xie Jing Xing, looked at his feet on the low stool, and asked with concern, "How is the foot injury, have you taken medicine?"

Xie Jingxing said, "It hurts a bit, and I have already taken medicine."

Yan Feng took out a small bottle from the front of his shirt: "This medicine has a good effect on the treatment of bruises and injuries, and it can also relieve pain, why don't you try this medicine."

Xie Jing Xing took the bottle, his eyesight was very good, he could see at a glance that this bottle was not of ordinary quality. He opened the bottle, and the smell of medicine inside came out, and he asked several kinds of precious medicinal materials from it. This kind of medicine is not available to an ordinary hunter. It seems that the identity of a lover in this world is not as simple as it seems.

"Okay, I will try it now." Xie Jing Xing naturally would not be polite to his lover.

"I'll help you." Yan Feng squatted in front of Xie Jing Xing, carefully removed his shoes and socks, then turned around and said to Father Zhou, "Uncle Zhou, I'm worried that the efficacy of the medicine will conflict, I want to wash Brother Jin first. Just wash off the original medicine." As it was

about his brother's feet, Father Zhou didn't dare to be sloppy, he hurriedly brought a basin of water and put it at Xie Jing Xing's feet, just about to squat down, but saw that Yan Feng was careful He picked up Xie Jing Xing's feet and put them into the basin, then gently wiped his ankles with a cotton cloth. There was no trace of disgust on his face, but a solemn expression, as if he was doing the most important thing in the world. After the medicine was washed away, Yan Feng wiped the water on Xie Jing Xing's feet dry, put it directly on his squatting leg, then dug out a little ointment from the bottle and applied it to Xie Jing Xing's ankle, gently using the palm of his hand As long as Xie Jing Xing frowned slightly, he would immediately stop to blow on Xie Jing Xing, and when Xie Jing Xing stretched his brows, he would continue to rub, and so on and so forth until the medicine was completely absorbed, He then carefully put on Xie Jing Xing's shoes and socks. Father Zhou looked a little dazed from the side. Brothers in this world are not of high status and are regarded as subordinates of men. It is right for a brother to serve a man, but it is extremely rare for a man to serve his brother. He has never seen a man so meticulously and tenderly serve a brother, and even he has a deep relationship with Zhou Amei, and he has never done such a thing for Zhou Amei.

"Okay." Yan Feng's voice awakened the stunned Father Zhou. For a while, Father Zhou didn't know whether to praise him for being attentive and considerate to his brother, or to blame him for taking advantage of his brother.

In the end, Xie Jing Xing interrupted his entanglement: "Father, you go to cook first, I'll just entertain Big Brother Yan here."

Father Zhou looked at Yan Feng, although his behavior just now took his own account Brother Jin was suspected of being cheap, but seeing that he was so close to Brother Jin, Father Zhou was quite satisfied with him: "Okay, let's talk, I'm going to cook." He could see that Brother Jin was very interested in this. I'm afraid the kid also has a good impression, otherwise he would have kicked someone over, how could he allow this kid to touch his feet.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-07-04 00:00:00~2020-07-05 00:00:00~

Thanks for the irrigated nutrient solution Little Angel: 20 bottles of fun; 5 bottles of Taoyue Linzhi and 3-year-old Cao Tuan; 4 bottles of Aci; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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