Chapter 51

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The two returned to the hall: At this time, a veiled dancer was dancing in the center of the hall: I saw her dancing lightly: Her simple hands were gentle: Soft and boneless: Her body was as soft as clouds: Her skirts were flying, and a pair of Yan's watery eyes still want to speak, and after the dance: The veil on the dancer's face slipped: revealing a charming face: Many men in the hall were fascinated by it.

Emperor Jingxuan looked at the fleeting ambition in the dancer's eyes: He looked at Prince An who was also fascinated, and said, "King An, how does this girl dance?"

Prince An did not expect to be named suddenly. She quickly stood up and replied subconsciously, "Very good."

The dancer heard the words of King An, her face flushed with two blushes: her shy and timid appearance made her even more attractive.

Emperor Jingxuan seemed to be very satisfied with his answer, and showed a rare smile to him: "Since you like it, I will reward you with this girl." There was

a hint of surprise in the dancer's eyes upon hearing this. , she never thought to seduce the emperor, after all, the emperor's physical condition is known to everyone: she thought it would be good to be favored by a minister, but did not expect the emperor to give her to King An, King An Young and handsome, and the emperor's younger brother, she is very likely to succeed the throne. At that time, she will be the imperial concubine. How can she not be surprised.

The emperor's reward, how could King An refuse, and he quickly thanked him: "Chen, brother, thank the emperor."

Emperor Jingxuan glanced at Jiang Yuwan and Jiang Yuyao, who were stiff-faced beside King An, and was satisfied. Since he still had the intention to plot against his lover, then It means they haven't fought enough.

Since Emperor Jingxuan's birthday, Xie Jingxing has been staying in the palace from time to time, but the courtiers have no doubts about the emperor's failure, and have no doubts about the relationship between the two. .

Xie Jingxing naturally slept on the dragon bed in Emperor Jingxuan's palace. Emperor Jingxuan would get up early every day at 90. At this time, Xie Jingxing was sleeping soundly, and Emperor Jingxuan was dressing and washing lightly, for fear of disturbing his lover's sleep. The servants who serve are also well-trained, and only faint sounds can be heard in the huge bedroom.

Emperor Jingxuan came back early from the morning, Xie Jingxing still slept soundly, at this time Emperor Jingxuan would move the memorial to the bedside, hold the sleeping lover while reading the memorial, did he look at the sweet sleeping face of his lover, his heart was abnormal satisfy.

At three o'clock in the morning, Emperor Jingxuan put down his hand and stared intently at the lover in his arms. Soon his lover's thick eyelashes trembled, and his eyes slowly opened. When he first woke up, his lover's eyes were still sleepy and dazed. Ignorance, different from the arrogant and calm when sober, smart and cunning, very cute and cute. Emperor Jingxuan couldn't help kissing his lover's lips, until his lover was completely awake and pushed him away, he let go of his lover reluctantly, and then dressed his lover himself.

Fuquan bowed and stood aside, watching Emperor Jingxuan squatting and putting shoes on Young Master Lu. Although this scene could be seen every day since Young Master Lu moved in, he still had a hard time imagining how much the dignified emperor liked one. Only a person can squat at another person's feet and put on shoes for him, regardless of the imperial majesty of the family. If others were served like this by the emperor, they would have been flattered long ago, but Young Master Lu accepted it as a matter of course, as if the two of them had always been like this, should it be said that these two are worthy of being a natural couple?

After breakfast, Xie Jing Xing went to the Imperial Hospital to read books as before, discussed issues with the imperial physicians, observed and observed their medicines, and occasionally practiced his own hands. Although he was made a marquis, he had no errands and was very free. Unlike his father who held military power, he was busy training troops all day, and Emperor Jingxuan would take advantage of this time to efficiently handle political affairs.

After lunch, Emperor Jingxuan taught his lover qin, chess, calligraphy and painting. Since Xie Jingxing discovered that Emperor Jingxuan was very accomplished in qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, he pestered Emperor Jingxuan to teach him. Although he had also practiced calligraphy and painting, Compared with ordinary people, it is really good, but if you compare it with Emperor Jingxuan, who is quite accomplished, he is at most a beginner. Emperor Jingxuan was very happy, but seeing his lover so obsessed, he just tried to get a lot of benefits with a sullen face. Only pretended to reluctantly agreed.

How could Xie Jing Xing not see his lover's careful thoughts, he deliberately indulged him, but he also liked these little pleasures.

Emperor Jingxuan liked to stand behind his lover the most, with one arm around his lover's waist, holding his hand with the other to teach him to write and draw, or to hold his lover in his arms and teach him to play the piano. However, his lover is too smart and learns too fast, and these small benefits will soon be gone.

An hour later, Emperor Jingxuan continued to deal with political affairs. He was still very busy as an emperor. At this time, Xie Jing Xing would quietly accompany him, one person would review memorials, the other would read books and practice calligraphy, which was very harmonious. Occasionally Emperor Jingxuan was troubled by political affairs, Xie Jing Xing would also give him some advice.

After dinner, the two would walk hand in hand under the moon, and then returning to the bedroom would be a harmonious time for the two. In Emperor Jingxuan's bedroom, there was a very large private bath for the emperor, Xie Jing Xing liked to take a bath in it the most, and Emperor Jingxuan naturally liked it the most. Whenever he sees his lover's brows reddened by the heat, he can't help but put his lover against the pool made of white jade, all kinds of stuffing and staggering. He was satisfied only when his lover begged him for mercy in a crying voice.

After a fierce battle, Xie Jing Xing was already weak in his arms and legs and slumped in Emperor Jing Xuan's arms, Emperor Jing Xuan picked him up from the pond, wiped him himself, and then carried him onto the dragon bed to continue, how could it be done just once.

The moonlight outside is just right, and the room inside is charming.

An Wangfu.

Jiang Yuwan looked at the unheated food on the table and asked, "Go and see if the lord is back." The

maid responded and went out, and soon came back, hesitatingly said: "The lord is back, I was going to come to the main room for dinner . , I met Mrs. Yi on the way, and then..." The maid hesitated.

"Then I went to Mrs. Yi's place." Jiang Yuwan calmly said what the maid didn't say, with no surprise on her face.

Mrs. Yi was the dancer who was given to King An by Emperor Jingxuan on her birthday. At first, she was only a concubine. Later, she was favored by the prince and was raised as his wife. Her name was Lu Yi, so the servants called her Mrs. Yi.

Ever since this Lvyi entered Prince An's mansion, he has been resorting to many tricks. One moment is Qingwu under the moon, the other is playing the qin in the pavilion, so that Prince An spends half of the month in her place.

Naturally, Jiang Yuwan and Jiang Yuyao would not let her take away the favor of King An, and they also resorted to competing for favor. For example, in terms of appearance, the three of them are all beauties with their own strengths, but the way to seduce men, the Jiang sisters are all ladies, and the two of them are no match for Lu Yi at all.

Jiang Yuwan's past and present life as a daughter-in-law learned that a wife should be dignified and virtuous. In her previous life, Lu Ziyan was only a woman, so she didn't need to compete with others for favor, and she couldn't learn to compete for favor immediately after being reborn without a teacher. However, her temperament is a mixture of the girl's delicacy and the charm of a mature woman, and occasionally with the vicissitudes of the years. Such a contradictory temperament is very mysterious to men and attracts them, and An Wang is no exception.

Jiang Yuyao followed her aunt to learn how to be gentle and careless in front of men, to be a man's Jie Yuhua, sometimes pretending to be weak and pitiful, which attracted men's pity, and Wang An also liked her.

The dance girl Luyi was born, and she came out to give to the dignitaries. Unlike the reserved girls, she was very open about bedding. In addition, her body was very flexible because of her dance practice. All kinds of difficult poses can be unlocked, and there are many tricks, which makes An Wang very happy in intercourse, and naturally likes her, although this kind of like is contemptuous.

All three women liked by King An, but they spent the most time with Lu Yi, so naturally everyone felt that Mrs. Yi was the most favored.

The maid glanced at Jiang Yuwan secretly, and felt that her face was calm, but she was probably sad in her heart. Just as she was trying to comfort her, Jiang Yuwan said, "Let's leave the food."

After the maid was ready, Jiang Yuwan waved all the servants back. , Sitting quietly in front of the dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror, she didn't know if it was her illusion, she always felt that the person in the mirror was full of exhaustion.

She knew that the maid thought she was sad, but she didn't, because she didn't love King An, but she knew that she couldn't lose King An's favor, even if it wasn't for the future position of the queen, but also for her and her son's life in Prince An's mansion. .

Thinking that King An will be the emperor in the future, there will only be more women around him. Does she want to fight like this endlessly, just for the meager favor of a man she doesn't love at all.

She suddenly remembered the days in her previous life, when Lu Ziyan would come to eat with her every day when he came back from outside, and then tell her interesting things he encountered outside. When she first got married, she was still willing to listen. She was a boudoir girl who rarely went out, and everything Lu Ziyan said was very new to her.

Lu Ziyan seemed to see that she liked it, so he often brought her some interesting things for her, and occasionally took her out and took her to eat all kinds of food, some of which were sold by roadside vendors. Novelty and not too dirty.

"What are you thinking? Are you so happy?" King An's voice suddenly came from behind, making Jiang Yuwan wake up from her memory.

Thinking of An Wang's words, she then noticed that the person in the mirror had a smile on her face at some point. It was that relaxed and happy smile. She was startled, the smile on her face did not change, but the smile in her eyes did not change. She had disappeared, and she replied, "My concubine was thinking of Ping'er just now." Ping'er was her son. Because of his weakness, Jiang Yuwan gave him the nickname Ping'er. , but the word An is the title of King An, so it cannot be used.

Wang An didn't see any change in her, so she laughed and said, "Wanwan only wants peace, not the king."

Jiang Yuwan glanced at King An irritably after hearing this: "Didn't the lord go to Madam Yi's place? , why do you have time to come here as a concubine?" There was a bit of jealousy in her words, after so long, no matter how stupid she was, she knew what kind of attitude would please this man.

The beauty's jealous appearance made An Wang very useful. Hearing this, he laughed: "Princess is jealous, it's because this king is not good. I left the princess in the cold. Tonight, the king will make up for the princess." Hitting horizontally.

Jiang Yuwan, who was in her arms, smelled the smell of fat powder on him that didn't belong to her. Knowing that it was from Mrs. Yi before, she lowered her eyelids and pretended to be shy to hide the fleeting disgust in her eyes.

Seeing her shy appearance, Wang An laughed again, thinking that all the ladies should be as shy and reserved as the princess, Mrs. Yi, who was born as a dancer, is really less dignified, and then pressed Jiang Yuwan on the bed and started to move.

After the two exercising, An Wang quickly fell asleep, but Jiang Yuwan looked at the sleeping man beside her but did not fall asleep.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-06-14 00:00:00~2020-06-16 00:00:00~

Thanks for the irrigated nutrient solution Little Angel: Shengge Drunk Dreams, Gu Bailuan 20 bottles; apple picking under the bayberry tree 2 bottles; Xiaofeng 1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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