Chapter 60

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Two days later: Xie Jingxing entered the crew accompanied by Liang Rui and Xiao Qiu: Xiao Qiu was the assistant Liang Rui asked for Xie Jing Xing: He was a big boy in his twenties with a bright and cheerful disposition: He looked carefree: Let's do things But very careful.

Li Yuan was a little surprised when he saw Liang Rui who was following Xie Jing Xing: Liang Rui approached and greeted: "Director Li, long time no see. Gu Jiu has signed up for Shengshi Entertainment now, and I will be his manager from now on: Our family Gu Jiu will work later. You take more care."

"Where: Gu Jiu is a good seedling: he will definitely have a bright future in the future." Li Dao said: He was optimistic about Gu Jiu, but now that his manager is Liang Rui, he also knows that Shengshi Entertainment is the key point. To train Gu Jiu, so he said that Gu Jiu has a promising future is definitely not a polite word.

"Then follow Director Li's auspicious words." After saying hello to Director Li, Liang Rui brought Xie Jing Xing and the cast and crew to greet him one by one.

Liang Rui is very famous in this circle: Most people know him and understand that the artists he brings are valued by Glory World Entertainment, and he is very polite to Xie Jing Xing: Besides, Xie Jing Xing is good-looking, with a humble attitude and a very good attitude. It is easy to make people feel good.

Xie Jingxing's role in Shen Ruochu's role is not very large, if it is concentrated on filming: I'm afraid it won't take a week, but he is a newcomer, so he certainly can't take care of his time, so he has nothing to do most of the time in the crew, but he is not idle either , Sitting quietly on the side watching other people act, especially Gao Hongyu, who played the emperor, is worthy of being an emperor, his acting skills are top notch, Xie Jing Xing felt that he would benefit a lot just by watching him act. Director Li saw that he was serious and hardworking, and was willing to teach him. He found that he was very smart, and he was able to understand almost a little bit, which made Director Li feel very fulfilled. He couldn't help but love his talents. Talk to him on the side. After that, Gao Hongyu also joined in, every time he was acting, Xie Jing Xing watched quietly, his eyes were serious and focused, which reminded him that it was the same when he first debuted, and he would not miss any opportunity to improve his acting skills . His appearance is not outstanding in the entertainment industry, but he can be regarded as an emperor, which shows his hard work, now he is in his early forties, his favorite is a hard-working junior like Xie Jing Xing, and he is not stingy in teaching Xie Jing Xing.

After that, Sun Kexin also joined in, she was a smart person, Xie Jing Xing was a man, and there was no conflict with her in the development of the drama, and she was an artist who was vigorously cultivated by the prosperous world, so she was naturally happy to sell well.

Xie Jing Xing was like a fish in water in the crew, so naturally there were some people who couldn't stand him, but with Liang Rui around, these people didn't dare to stumble.

Three days later, Xie Jing Xing finally got his role in the scene, strictly speaking, this was his first official scene.

After suffering in the palace, Xia Lan finally decided to compete for favor. She accidentally discovered that the emperor sometimes went to sit in a secluded place, so she flew a kite in the nearby garden, a carefree girl with a simple and sweet smile , The silver bell-like laughter instantly attracted the emperor's attention, and the emperor came to Xia Lan that night. Although she achieved her goal, Xia Lan was not happy. She remembered the scene of flying a kite with Shen Ruochu, pure happiness without any calculation, those days are gone forever for her.

What Xie Jing Xing wanted to play was the scene that Xia Lan recalled about two people flying a kite. He put on makeup, changed into costumes, and walked out of the dressing room.

The young man has picturesque eyebrows, delicate facial features, and skin as white as jade. He wears a white jade crown with hair tied on his head, an ice-blue robe, a jade belt around his waist, and blue satin black-bottomed boots on his feet. His chin was slightly raised, a wanton smile evoked at the corner of his mouth, and the sunlight shone into his black and white eyes, shining like a galaxy.

This kind of Gu Jiu made the people present stunned, and the poem couldn't help but pop up in their minds: Who is young and full of romance on Moshang.

Director Li was the first to regain his senses and nodded in satisfaction, "Very good, all units pay attention and prepare to start filming." Only then did those present regain their senses, Xie Jing Xing and Sun Kexin hurriedly took their seats.


Shen Ruochu held the kite, Xia Lan dragged the kite string and ran forward. Seeing that the timing was almost, Shen Ruochu let go of the kite, and the kite slowly rose with the wind and Xia Lan's traction.

After a while, the kite began to descend. Xia Lan became anxious and shouted, "Brother Ruochu, it's going to fall, it's going to fall."

"Don't worry, Lan Lan!" Shen Ruochu hurriedly ran to Xia Lan, holding her hand and gently pulling the line in the direction of the two of them, the line was tightened, and the kite stabilized again. While running forward with Xia Lan, he held Xia Lan's hand and slowly released the line according to the rhythm of pumping and releasing. The kite gradually rose and flew higher and higher.

Seeing this, Xia Lan shouted excitedly: "Look at brother Ruochu, the kite flew up, brother Ruochu is amazing." She turned her head and looked at Shen Ruochu, only then did she realize that the distance between the two was too close at this time. Her hand was still holding hers, her face was red, and her shy eyes didn't know where to look. Shen Ruochu quickly let go of his hand, took a step back, turned his head and dared not look at Xia Lan, his face flushed. After a while, he couldn't help turning his head again, just in time to meet Xia Lan's peeking eyes, their eyes met, their faces turned red with a swipe, Xia Lan shyly pulled the kite and ran away. Shen Ruochu stood there, looking at the girl he loved, with doting eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a green and sweet smile. "Ka! Very good." Director Li said with satisfaction, the most important thing in this scene is the tender and hazy affection between the young people, it is simple and sweet, but the most difficult thing is how to fly the kite smoothly, Xie Jing Xing The first scene of 's performed well. Xie Jing Xing raised his head and looked towards the corner, from the beginning he felt a strong gaze fell on him. Seeing him look over, the man stepped out of the shadows, revealing that handsome and extraordinary face. Knowing that today was Xie Jing Xing's first scene, Sheng Changyi came to the film and television city after finishing his work, just in time to see him walking out in a costume. Looking at Xie Jing Xing in ancient costume, Sheng Changyi felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart again, Xie Jing Xing's chin was slightly raised, the corners of his mouth twitched, his arrogant and arrogant appearance made his heart tremble, from the moment he met Xie Jing Xing, his frown and smile seemed to always It can evoke strange emotions in him.

Worrying that his appearance would put pressure on Xie Jing Xing, Sheng Changyi quietly stood by and watched Xie Jing Xing act. Even though he knew it was fake, he couldn't help but feel sour when he looked at Xie Jing Xing because of the sweet smile and doting eyes of others. Seeing Xie Jing Xing looking at him immediately, the sourness in his heart immediately dissipated without a trace, Xie Jing Xing controlled his emotions so easily, but he was content.

Sun Kexin followed Xie Jing Xing's line of sight and saw Sheng Changyi as well. Sheng Changyi is a low-key person. His photos have never appeared in any media. Many people only know that the president of Shengshi Group is called Sheng Changyi, but they don't know what he looks like. However, Sun Kexin once accompanied the gold master to a grand business reception. I once met Sheng Changyi at a cocktail party.

Her financier is also known as a celebrity in the business world, but in front of Sheng Changyi, she is respectful and flattering. At the reception that day, the man was like an aloof emperor. His face was cold and he was taciturn throughout the whole process, but the people present did not dare to express any dissatisfaction.

There were many stars like her at the reception, both men and women, all of them tried their best to attract the attention of men, but the man did not give anyone an extra look, and was extremely indifferent. Seeing this, the thought that had arisen in her at that time also dissipated. She is a very self-aware person. Instead of thinking about impossible people, it is better to grasp everything now. Sure enough, Jin Zhu saw that she did not want to climb Sheng Changyi like other stars, and was very satisfied with her. Afterwards, she generously gave her a lot of resources, so that she could become the current little flower.

Sheng Changyi had already walked in front of Xie Jing Xing while she was thinking about it, he lowered his head slightly and looked at Xie Jing Xing, his face was soft and his tone was soft: "Just played very well."

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Sun Kexin would never have believed that this was the one who used to be The man I saw at the reception was like a king. She glanced at Xie Jing Xing with a calm expression as if it was a matter of course, and she was glad that she did not have bad relations with Xie Jing Xing before.

"Gu Jiu, Mr. Sheng, talk to you, I have to prepare for the next scene." After she finished speaking, she nodded to Sheng Changyi, and then walked away quickly. To be able to get such a position in the entertainment industry, her emotional intelligence But not low, President Sheng was obviously different to Xie Jing Xing, leaving wisely at this time would leave a better impression than staying here.

"Why is Mr. Sheng here?" Xie Jing Xing asked knowingly after seeing Sun Kexin leave. He was already 80 percent sure that this person was his lover. Although the lovers in the first three worlds looked different and had different names, they were all equally handsome, with a height of about 1.9 meters and a cold personality. More importantly, this No matter what identity a person is, no matter how blunt he is to others, he is very different when facing him, with careful tenderness.

"This drama has Sheng Shi's investment, just happened to have nothing to do with the company today, so I came to see it." Sheng Changyi explained that he had already understood his thoughts towards Xie Jing Xing in the past two days, but he did not dare to show it too clearly for fear of causing Xie Jing Xing's resentment. , after all, the two had just met each other for a while, and there were many things in this circle where the gold owners took care of little stars, he was very serious about Xie Jing Xing's feelings and did not want him to have this misunderstanding.

"Oh, it turns out that Sheng always came to inspect the work. I thought that Mr. Sheng knew that today was my first official play, and came to see me acting specially." Xie Jing Xing pursed his lips slightly, with obvious disappointment on his face. , He looks good, and his appearance is between a teenager and a young man, and he is a little childish. Not only does such an action not violate harmony, but he is also very cute.

Sheng Changyi's heart melted when he saw it, he moved his fingers, suppressing the urge to rub Xie Jing Xing's head. His mind was clearly exposed, and he didn't know what to do for a while, and he was at a loss.

Xie Jing Xing looked at the clumsy and cute appearance of a tall man, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, no matter which world his lover was always so sincere and clumsy when dealing with feelings, but it just happened to hit the softness in his heart, so that he could even Empty the feelings, but also countless times for him again.

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