Chapter 147

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After ten months: Xie Jing Xing finally came out of Biyun Peak, he and Fu Linyuan shared ten swords and planned to go out of the sect to buy the black stone back today.

It was just that Xie Jing Xing did not expect that they would encounter the scene where Xu Baijing was beaten by several outer disciples as soon as they left Biyun Peak. Xie Jingxing stood on the flying sword: When he and Fu Linyuan were coming over with the swords, Xu Baijing's eyes flashed with calculations, and the others beat Xu Baijing wholeheartedly: But they didn't notice Xie Jingxing and Fu Linyuan.

It turned out to be the case, Xie Jing Xing felt strange when he watched the plot, even if these outer disciples wanted to bully others, they should find a remote place: after all, bullying fellow sects and robbing resources is not a glorious thing, and the original master was focused on cultivation and was never in a sect. Wandering around: How did the original owner happen to see Xu Baijing being bullied by others? Now it seems that Xu Baijing deliberately led these people to start a move not far from Biyun Peak, as long as the original owner came out of Biyun Peak, See. After all, the original owner was only eighteen years old, and he only had cultivation in his heart. How could he see Xu Baijing's intentional calculations: Seeing Xu Baijing being beaten so badly: The sense of justice in his heart does not allow him to stand by and wait until he finds out that this person was saved by himself. People: Because of my inattentiveness, I ended up in this situation: I am afraid I will feel very guilty: I will naturally take more care of him, and obviously Xu Baijing's calculation in the original plot was very successful. If it was someone else, Xie Jing Xing would naturally not stand idly by, but no one in this world knows better than him that Xu Baijing is a white-eyed wolf: Xie Jing Xing is not interested in being Mr. Dongguo. Xie Jingxing seemed to have not seen Yujian and flew away, Fu Linyuan saw Xie Jingxing's attitude and guessed that this person was the protagonist Su Baijing. Thinking of the ending of Wei Xiuning in the original plot, his originally indifferent eyes suddenly became sharp. Those were Wei Xiuning and not his lover Xie Jing Xing, but it is extremely difficult to change a person's character, with Xu Baijing's temperament of holding vengeance but not kindness, those malice would never be dissipated just because this body had changed ten souls. Xu Baijing did not expect Xie Jing Xing to fly away without even stopping, he did not believe that Xie Jing Xing did not see him being bullied, and he thought that Xie Jing Xing was a hypocrite. Feeling the fist on his body and the pain from his body, ten traces of resentment flashed across Xu Baijing's eyes.

In order to meet Xie Jing Xing by chance, during this period of time, he estimated the time Xie Jing Xing was out of Biyun Peak, deliberately provoked these people and endured their beatings, but he didn't think it would be nearly ten months, and now Xie Jing Xing turned a blind eye, that Wasn't he beaten in vain this October? Xu Baijing secretly swore in his heart that when he succeeded in his counterattack in the future, he would definitely take revenge on Xie Jing Xing, and of course he would not let go of those who beat him.

"Stop!" Ten reprimands came from a distance, and the pressure from the divine transformation period made several people's faces pale, fear flashed in their eyes, and the movements of their subordinates were subconsciously heard. Xu Baijing was overjoyed, and quickly put away the resentment in his eyes. Ten white figures quickly came to Xu Baijing. The man was dressed in ten white robes, his face was like a crown of jade, and his expression was cold, as if he was exiled. This is still the most beautiful man Xu Baijing has seen since he passed by. He was stunned for ten minutes. "Bullying the same sect, a few of you will go to the precepts hall to receive the punishment." The man's cold voice made Xu Baijing come back to his senses, "Yes, I, we'll go!" The scolding made Xie Jing Xing who was about to leave slow down the speed of Yu Jian, he looked back and found that the person who came was Chu Haotian, the master of Cangyun Peak, and watching him rescue Xu Baijing, Xie Jing Xing smiled sarcastically, the protagonist was attacked by Sure enough, there is fate, but I don't know if these two people will have a master-disciple love this ten times, or if they will come with a few green hats. Xie Jing Xing also did not like Chu Haotian, Chu Haotian and Leng Yueyao had known each other for thousands of years, although they did not form a Taoist couple, they were recognized as ten couples in Qingyun Sect. Although Chu Haotian had a cold attitude towards Leng Yueyao, everyone thought it was because of his cold personality. The reason, after all, Chu Haotian himself has never denied it, and he never refused the magic pill that Leng Yueyao gave him, but after being with Xu Baijing, facing Leng Yueyao's questioning, he said that only Leng Yueyao Being a junior sister from the same sect, I have never had any other idea. It was Leng Yueyao who misunderstood. Xie Jing Xing scoffed at this, since it was a misunderstanding, for thousands of years, could he not find a chance to explain clearly, since it was a misunderstanding, how could he be relentless when accepting gifts from others, such a man is truly despised. Xie Jing Xing stopped looking at the two of them, and he and Fu Linyuan accelerated Yu Jian and left the Qingyun Sect.

Chu Haotian looked at the direction the two were leaving, his thin lips pursed lightly, and ten anger quickly flashed across his eyes.

Chu Haotian and Fu Linyuan entered the Qingyun Sect in the same tenth class. Among those disciples, he and Fu Linyuan had the best talents, both of which were single-line spiritual roots. Therefore, he and Fu Linyuan were inevitably compared, but as Fu Linyuan advanced at a speed that amazed everyone, he entered the divine transformation stage at the age of 30, and he was only a golden elixir at that time. Since then, no one has compared him with Fu Linyuan. Chu Haotian was very uncomfortable when he was originally used as a control group, and was always crushed by ten heads, but when no one compared the two, Chu Haotian was even more unwilling, as if he did not deserve to be compared with Fu Linyuan at all.

Normally, Chu Haotian's cultivation speed has been very fast. If there is no Fu Linyuan, but there is a monster-like Fu Linyuan, it will make him very mediocre, but Chu Haotian is not reconciled. , is about to overtake Fu Linyuan. From Chu Haotian's point of view, Fu Linyuan was extremely arrogant, and he had been ignoring him since before. Fu Linyuan is still in the spirit transformation stage after being in retreat for thousands of years, and he is also a spirit transformation cultivator now. He thought that at least Fu Linyuan would face him this time, but what he didn't want was to ignore him. How could he not feel angry. Fu Linyuan reunited with Xie Jing Xing, all his attention was on Xie Jing Xing, he didn't know that someone's hostility towards him was deepened for inexplicable reasons. Because it was Xu Baijing's most important opportunity, the original plot described Xu Baijing's finding of the black stone in the ten paragraphs in great detail, which was convenient for Xie Jing Xing, he found the black stone easily, as in the original plot, it cost ten low-grade pieces When Lingshi bought the stone, Xie Jing Xing did not feel any guilt for robbing the protagonist of the chance. When the two returned to the cave, Xie Jing Xing took out the black stone. No matter in terms of shape, color or texture, it was an ordinary stone. If he didn't know the plot, he probably wouldn't have noticed it. Xie Jing Xing originally thought that this was an opportunity for the protagonist to suffer, and the identity of the master would not be successful, but he did not want to open the space very smoothly and found the two bamboo slips in the log cabin.

"Chaos Judgment" was tasteless to Xie Jing Xing, he was interested in the inheritance of medicine refining. He picked up the bamboo slip and probed into it, Xie Jing Xing's mind came up with many pill recipes, many of which were unheard of in the original owner's memory and were very precious.

On the other hand, Xu Baijing was brought back to Cangyun Peak by Chu Haotian after Xie Jingxing and the others left, but at this time Xu Baijing's spiritual roots had not been improved by the Fire Spirit Pill, it was still the four-line mixed spiritual roots, so Chu Haotian would not accept him as a disciple. .

If the outer sect disciples enter the inner sect, if they are not accepted as apprentices by the peak master, then the default is to run errands and serve others, which is equivalent to the existence of a servant girl. But even so, there are still many outer sect disciples competing for such an opportunity. Tenth is because the seven peaks of the inner sect of Qingyun Sect are equipped with formations. The spiritual energy is stronger than that of the outer sect, and the cultivation is faster. The second is because after entering the inner sect, There are more opportunities to make friends with inner disciples. If you can get these people to take care of Twelve, the future will be much smoother. If you can get the appreciation of the peak master, it will be even better to accept him as a registered disciple. This kind of thing is also in Qingyunzong. Not never.

Everyone who knew Xu Baijing felt that Xu Baijing was a blessing in disguise, but Xu Baijing was dissatisfied. He always felt that things should not be like this, but he was unwilling to let him meet again, so he could only stay in Cangyun Peak in this capacity.

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