Chapter 47

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When the Prime Minister's Mansion and Prince An's Mansion were busy preparing for the marriage: Xie Jing Xing was busy preparing medicinal meals for Emperor Jing Xuan in the kitchen of his yard. He made it himself once: He tasted: This is a medicinal diet: It is directly medicine. Xie Jing Xing was helpless: He was gifted and intelligent: He can learn everything quickly, but the skill of cooking has not been lit up for three generations.

Xie Jing Xing had no choice but to give up the plan to do it himself: let the cook in the Hou residence do it: he would stand by himself and instruct the order and quantity of the medicinal herbs.

After the medicinal meal was ready: Xie Jing Xing tasted it: As expected, he was the chef of the Marquis of Zhenguo, although he could taste the medicinal taste, it did not affect the taste at all, on the contrary it had a different flavor.

Xie Jing Xing really didn't understand, it was clearly the same material and order, how could the tastes that he and the cook couldn't make were so different.

Xie Jing Xing handed the medicated meal prepared by the cook to Ansan: He ordered him to deliver it to Emperor Jing Xuan.

Ansan took the medicated meal, and very cleverly brought the one that Xie Jing Xing made by himself, and quickly delivered the two medicated meals to Emperor Jing Xuan.

"Master Qi: This is the medicated meal specially prepared by Master Lu when he woke up early this morning. The one on the left was made by Master Lu himself. Master Lu disliked the taste, so he personally supervised: Let the cook in the Hou residence cook it again. I got one, and my subordinates made their own initiative to bring the one made by Mr. Lu himself, and ask the master to punish."

Fuquan, who was standing on the side, and An Yi Yin Er, who was hiding in the dark, had surprisingly the same thoughts at this time: I didn't expect that. This Ansan, who was silent on weekdays, was so flattering.

Sure enough, Emperor Jingxuan praised: "You did a great job!" Then he took a sip of the one on the left with a happy expression. He has taken countless medicines since his childhood, and the bitter and unbearable taste of ordinary people is not at all in his place. What, thinking that this is the precious heart of the lover, the bitter taste was just a little sweet from his taste.

He ate a cup of medicinal food cleanly, and he didn't know what he was eating.

Thinking that his lover likes delicious food, Emperor Jingxuan ordered: "Fuquan, let the imperial kitchen make some delicious snacks. Ansan, you will take it back to Ziyan later."

"Yes, Your Majesty/Master." Fuquan and Ansan Answer at the same time.

Enjoying the medicated meals specially prepared by his sweetheart every day, Emperor Jingxuan was not idle either. He specially ordered to give grace to several younger brothers, allowing them to take their biological mother from the palace back to the palace for honorable care, so that the mother and son could reunite and share the family relationship.

When Jiang Yuwan, who was preparing to marry, heard the news, she was shocked again. It was something that had never happened in her previous life, and she always felt that Emperor Jingxuan's will was trying to embarrass her. As the main concubine, she was originally the mistress of the palace when she married into Prince An's mansion, and could take charge of the central feed. Now that Prince An's biological mother, Concubine Hui, has been brought back to the mansion, and one more person is placed on her head for no reason, how can life be comfortable? .

Several princes were also stunned when they received the imperial decree. Is the emperor's move beating them?

Emperor Jingxuan didn't care what these people were thinking. How these emperor's concubines used to inquire about the news for the sake of their sons, as long as they didn't jump in front of him, he didn't care, but he had already found his Lovers, naturally, they have to clean up the palace and prepare for the reception of their lover.

Time passed quietly as Xie Jing Xing and Emperor Jing Xuan shared the food, and soon it was the wedding day of King An.

The two sedan chairs were carried out from the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion one after the other, and then entered the Prince An's Mansion one after another, followed by the dowries of the Jiang sisters. Even if the time was short, the two sisters' dowries combined were quite impressive, and the first dowry had already entered. In Prince An's Mansion, the last dowry has not yet left the Prime Minister's Mansion.

When the people saw such a huge dowry, and heard that the two daughters of the prime minister were both beautiful, each with their own strengths, they all sighed that King An was very lucky.

King An, who was dressed in the bridegroom's wedding dress, rode on a white horse, listening to the sighs of the people, with a smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

He didn't understand what the emperor's brother meant. If he warned him not to invite courtiers in private, why would it be a marriage gift, wouldn't that tie the prime minister to his boat? If it wasn't for beating him, wouldn't the emperor still value him? If it is important, why are the two imperial edicts for marriage so perfunctory? There are two sisters who get married on the same day, or marry the same person. Isn't this really intentional to make the two sisters turn against each other? It seemed more like the Jiang sisters had offended the royal brother, but he specially sent someone to check it. The two had never had an intersection with the royal brother, so why did they offend him.

Unable to understand the emperor's brother's mind, King An can only be more cautious and low-key. He has always been afraid of this emperor's brother. He was also there when that incident happened. He himself did not participate in it because he was young, but the ruthless appearance of the emperor and his ruthless means at that time made him particularly fond of memories. Such a person, even if he is not in good health, No one dared to underestimate.

On the night of the bridal chamber, Wang An went to Jiang Yuwan's room. After all, she was the concubine and the daughter of the prime minister. He couldn't lose her face on the first day.

The next day, Jiang Yuwan got up early to dress up because of her sore body, ready to serve tea to Concubine Hui.

Jiang Yuwan looked at her slightly tired look in the mirror, and somehow remembered the day after she married Lu Ziyan in her previous life. That day, she also wanted to get up early to greet her mother-in-law with tea, but Lu Ziyan pressed her to let her rest for a while. Her mother-in-law knew that she had worked hard the night before, so she deliberately delayed the morning greeting by an hour.

She glanced at the newly-married husband and the maid who were being served by the maid to change their clothes, and the slightly red face, she recalled that Lu Ziyan had no maid to serve, but after she got married, she brought a few dowry maids with her, but it was a matter of changing clothes. , Lu Ziyan never let the maid serve.

When greeting her, Jiang Yuwan also met several of King An's women. King An is only sixteen years old now, and he has just reached the weak crown. In addition to the maid in the house who teaches personnel, there are two concubines, plus the side concubine Jiang Yuyao who married yesterday, and her concubine, a total of five women. It's not much for a prince, like Prince Cheng, who is only two years older than Prince An, and there are more than twenty women in the backyard. It is very normal for a man in Dajingchao to have three wives and four concubines. When An Wang goes out like this, he will be praised for keeping himself clean.

Before marrying into Prince An's mansion, Jiang Yuwan's mother analyzed the women around Prince An for her, and she was already mentally prepared. After all, she knew that Prince An would be an emperor in the future, and the women around her would only get more and more More, her purpose is the position of the Queen Mother. She originally thought that she could ignore it, but she unconsciously thought of Lu Ziyan again. In her previous life, Lu Ziyan and her husband and wife had been together for more than ten years. In the years when the husband and wife respected each other like ice, Lu Ziyan never took a concubine, and there was no connecting room. She only thought these things were normal in her previous life, but now she finds them precious.

Jiang Yuwan didn't dare to think about it anymore. She tried her best to let herself recall the scene when she was ridiculed and made difficult by Jiang Yuyao in her previous life. She told herself that she must be in a high position in this life and hold power so that no one dared to bully her. The trace of regret that was born in my heart was suppressed.

On the second night of their marriage, An Wang rested in Jiang Yuyao's room. He felt that he was fair, but he didn't know that the two women were not satisfied.

Jiang Yuwan hated Jiang Yuyao the most. As long as she thought of her husband lying on the bed of the woman she hated the most, her hatred for Jiang Yuyao deepened, and she even reacted somewhat to King An.

On the day of the wedding, the newlywed husband was lying on the bed of another woman. Jiang Yuyao was mentally prepared, but she couldn't do it and didn't mind at all. This incident became a thorn in her heart and made her resent Jiang Yuwan. Also a point deeper.

Xie Jing Xing's little action made the two sisters deepen their hatred. Emperor Jingxuan knew that he liked to watch dramas, and from time to time people would tell him about Prince An's mansion. Knowing that the two girls were fighting as he expected, Xie Jing Xing felt relieved. .

Occasionally watching a play, Xie Jing Xing went in and out of the Taiyuan Hospital in the name of researching medicinal diets. He is now unforgettable, and he reads books so fast that it seems to others that he is flipping through the pages. The imperial doctors couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw him like this. The emperor seemed to be extremely indulgent to him, and ordered them not to be neglected and try to meet all his requirements. Fortunately, although Lu Ziyan likes to look here and there, he never makes trouble, and the imperial physicians get used to it over time.

Until there was a dispute between the two imperial physicians over the use of a single medicine, Xie Jing Xing watched the two old men fighting with red cheeks, blowing beards and staring, he was really worried that one of them would have a heart attack in the next second and couldn't help but say out loud After saying a word, he took a book from the bookshelf behind him, opened it, and pointed it to the two of them.

The two old men immediately stared at him with round eyes. Wasn't this man just flipping through the books, but he really read and memorized all these books, or why did he explain that he could find them accurately from such reading? required, and locate it precisely to a certain page.

Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he knew what they were thinking, he is not a three-year-old child, he is still reading books and playing?

From then on, the two old men were delighted to see that they wanted to take Xie Jing Xing to study medicine, saying that he was talented in medicine and could not be wasted. Xie Jing Xing had the intention to improve his medical skills, naturally he would not refuse.

The Tai Hospital is indeed a collection of the world's top doctors, Xie Jing Xing has learned a lot from them. Many of these imperial physicians were born in medical families. The family has served the royal family for all generations. The most contacted are the concubines and concubines of the harem. Therefore, they have the most recipes for women's maintenance, such as beauty and beauty, slimming and beautifying skin. There are also various formulas for acne and scar removal.

Xie Jing Xing didn't dislike it either, he had learned all about it, knowing that no matter what era, women's money was the best earning, maybe he would be able to use it in a certain world in the future.

At the same time, Xie Jing Xing's more advanced medical concepts from later generations also brought a lot of inspiration to these imperial physicians, allowing them to solve many intractable diseases. Then the people in the palace discovered that these old and prudent imperial physicians had wrinkled smiles on their faces when they saw Lu Ziyan, happier than seeing their own grandsons.

In the imperial hospital, the imperial physicians found that Eunuch Fuquan was waiting, and glanced at Xie Jing Xing who was discussing the issue with the two old imperial physicians, but did not remind him. Fu Quan stood quietly by the side, and did not mean to be neglected at all.

In this palace, the appearance of Eunuch Fuquan generally means that the emperor has a will, and asking Eunuch Fuquan to wait does not mean that the emperor should wait. Who has the courage? But since Xie Jing Xing came to Tai Hospital, this kind of thing happened almost every day, the imperial doctors thought to remind Xie Jing Xing aloud at first, but they were stopped by Father Fuquan, they had been surprised from the beginning to now become accustomed to it, but in their hearts Still couldn't help but sigh that the emperor really condoned Xie Jing Xing.

After discussing with the two old men, Xie Jing Xing raised his head and found that Fuquan was waiting quietly. He looked at the sky and found that it was noon, so he bowed to the imperial physicians and left with Fuquan.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-08 00:00:00~2020-06-12 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mines Little angels: Mouje and Fatty Run 1; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Ye Qinghan; 5 bottles of melancholy Ruige and Qing Jue; 4 bottles of Xiaolongbao; 1 bottle of Yanyan and Lin Bai; very Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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