Chapter 126

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The first base of city B. A modified Hummer parked at the gates of the city: seven or eight off-road vehicles followed.

Xie Jing Xing got off the headed Humvee and looked at the base that had resisted the zombie tide many times in the original plot.

The nearly ten-meter-high city wall is equipped with a cannon every ten meters: the pitch-black and icy muzzle is facing the outside of the city wall, and it is majestic. There is a team of soldiers with guns at the door to maintain order: let the survivors in the queue not dare to make trouble.

Xie Jing Xing discovered that there was still a psychic on the city wall monitoring the surrounding situation at all times, but because the level was lower than Xie Jing Xing: Xie Jing Xing's investigation was not found. So cautious: No wonder the first base is always ready in advance of the zombie wave.

"Ah~ it's finally here. It was only two hours before the end of the world by plane. I didn't expect that we would travel for nearly a month this time." When Xie Jing Xing looked at it, the others also got out of the car: looking at the destination in front of us : Everyone couldn't contain their excitement.

"Wow~ This garrison, this city wall, is indeed the first base established by the military after the end of the world." On the way: They also passed by some small bases: The difference can be seen only from the city wall.

"After wandering outside for so long, I just want to have a place to take a good bath and sleep, and I don't know if the water supply at the base is enough." Although they have three water-based abilities in their team, they need to satisfy the needs of more than 20 people. The personal water supply is very tight: taking a shower is even more of a luxury. Of course, this did not include Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo: The person who spoke looked at the clean two with envy, but was not jealous. They encountered many dangers along the way, if it wasn't for these two people, they would probably have died many times long ago: It can be said that Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo are kind to the entire team.

While the group was looking at the base, the survivors in the queue were also looking at them. After a month of experience, their group has changed a lot. It may be related to the killing of zombies. There is a murderous aura between their brows. There are more than 20 people standing there, full of momentum, and they are not easy to mess with . Compared with the survivors who are mostly in ragged clothes and thin faces, they are excellent in both clothing and mental outlook, which makes the survivors fear and envy.

Their group also aroused the vigilance of the patrol. In the apocalypse, there are no legal constraints, and many people with supernatural powers like to run wild with supernatural powers. There are always a few thorns who are unruly among the people who come to the base every day. The strength of this group of people is not weak at first glance. became their main focus.

Until the patrol captain saw a familiar figure in Xie Jing Xing's team, he called out uncertainly, "Young Master Jiang?" When

the boy heard the sound and turned his head to see his face clearly, the patrol captain stepped forward excitedly: " Jiang Shao, it's really you, it's really good that you're all right, you don't know that General Qi sent several teams out to find you, but they didn't find you. He was so worried that he couldn't eat or sleep at night. As the head of the base, he is so busy with his affairs that he has already gone to find you in person. Two days ago, he also issued a mission to find you in his personal name."

"Go and inform Admiral Qi that Young Master Jiang is back." Patrol The team leader turned his head and instructed the soldiers behind him.

He turned his head and apologized to Jiang Cheng: "Young Master Jiang, the base stipulates that everyone entering the base must undergo inspection and quarantine for three hours, so I can't take you in directly."

Jiang Cheng waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm with my savior. Go in." He smiled as he approached Xie Jing Xing to take his arm, his closeness was obvious.

Qin Shuo stopped Xie Jing Xing in his arms and let Jiang Cheng's hands empty, then gave Jiang Cheng a cold look.

Jiang Cheng pouted and muttered, "How stingy!"

Jiang Cheng was the boy Xie Jingxing rescued in Fuxi Village. According to him, if it wasn't for Xie Jingxing and the others who happened to pass by that day, they would have been put on the bed of "Uncle Li" that night. It was him, he was ready to self-destruct his appearance to keep his innocence, but he didn't want to escape.

Maybe Xie Jing Xing's appearance was too easy to make people feel good. After Jiang Cheng was rescued, he became very close to Xie Jing Xing and always approached Xie Jing Xing with Qin Shuo's cold air.

Jiang Cheng was arrogant and simple, Xie Jing Xing had lived his whole life and was very tolerant towards him. He smiled as he watched the interaction between the two, his soft and cute appearance matched the eyes of the old father, it was like watching a child pretending to be an adult, so cute makes people laugh, Qin Shuo's heart is about to be cute, he can't bear it Zhan lowered his head and kissed his tender cheek.

Just at this time, four people walked out of the base and watched this scene.

"I seem to have seen the head of the regiment?"

"How is it possible, people are similar."

"It's the head of the regiment."

"Well, we also found a male sister-in-law for us."

"Ah! It's really the regiment leader."

" Head!" The four walked over quickly, looking at Xie Jing Xing curiously, as if they were waiting for Qin Shuo's introduction.

Qin Shuo was also happy when he saw the team members who were safe and sound: "This is Ye Mian, Xiao Mian, this is a teammate of my mercenary regiment." "Hello , sister-in


, I must have disliked our four light bulbs."

"The head of the Wannian single dog finally got off the list, which is understandable."

"My sister-in-law looks so small, the head of the group is an old cow eating young grass." The

four murmured. Tucao, but did not lower the volume at all, Qin Shuo's face darkened visibly to the naked eye, very good, it seems that it has not been training for too long, these people have become lazy: "Go back to practice with me later, let me see Did you guys relax during this period of time?"

"Ah~ you will be brutally abused by the head of the regiment again~"

"The head of the regiment must have wanted to show his scheming in front of his sister-in-law."

"Hahaha!" Xie Jing Xing looked at Qin Shuo's forehead The blue veins, finally couldn't help laughing: "Your teammates are interesting."

Xie Jing Xing always smiled lightly, and it was rare to see tears coming out like this. After the end of the world, everyone's heart was covered with a haze, such a bright and pure smile was hard to see, with Xie Jing Xing's angelic face, it was extremely lethal, and the people around could not help but stare at it.

Qin Shuo looked at his smile, gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously. When he does, he will keep his hands.

"I read that right, the regimental leader laughed."

"It turns out that the regimental leader isn't facial paralysis."

"Facial paralysis can also be cured, and my sister-in-law is the medicine."

Several people were still playing tricks, but with smiles in their eyes, they could make the regiment Long smile, this sister-in-law is very good.

"Xiao Cheng!" An excited male voice shouted, and everyone followed the sound to see a man striding from the base.

The man was about thirty years old, with a tall and straight body, strong and stern facial features, and a righteousness between his eyebrows. At this time, his pace was three-pointed, and his face also had obvious excitement and joy. He was delighted to have returned safely.

The moment Jiang Cheng saw the man, he involuntarily showed a bright smile, and he also rushed towards the man subconsciously, but as if thinking of something, he turned around, rushed towards Xie Jing Xing, and said quickly, "Ye Brother, after entering the base, can I live with you?" The man rejected him at first, but now he goes back to face the man every day, how embarrassing it is.

"No!" Qin Shuo and the man's voices sounded at the same time.

Jiang Cheng didn't care about the objections of the two men, and said pitifully, "Brother Ye, I love you the most, but you can't abandon me!" The

two men's faces darkened when they heard the words, Qin Shuo held Jiang Cheng's collar, He threw him into the man's arms and said in a cold voice, "Qi Zhan, someone who is optimistic about you!" He actually knew him.

Qi Zhan hugged Jiang Cheng tightly, seeing him struggling to get out of his embrace, he sighed helplessly, lowered his head and placed it on his lips precisely, leaving with a touch, and coaxed in a low voice, "Dear, I was wrong."

Jiang Cheng is the orphan of his comrades-in-arms, he has been adopted by him since he was eight years old, but he didn't want the child he raised as his son to suddenly confess to him more than a month ago. He refused because he didn't want to, Jiang Cheng ran away from home in a fit of anger, but the end of the world suddenly broke out.

For more than a month, he has been worrying all the time. When he thinks that the child he raised will be in danger outside, it hurts as if his heart has been gouged out. He had nightmares several times that something happened to the child, and he couldn't sleep again after waking up. It was something he had never had before, and he gradually became aware of his own feelings. It turned out that before he knew it, his feelings for children had already changed in quality.

After being kissed, the boy who was just showing his teeth and claws immediately calmed down. He stared at Qi Zhan in a daze, not knowing how to react for a while.

Seeing him like this, Qi Zhan's heart softened, and he couldn't help kissing his cheek. Then he raised his head to look at Qin Shuo, and his expression had returned to his usual coldness. His eyes swept across Qin Shuo's arm around Xie Jing Xing, and his eyes flashed: "Qin Shuo, long time no see."

He and Qin Shuo met during a mission, although one belongs to the country, the other It was a private hire, but the two of them had the same goal at the time, and they reached a cooperation. Although Qin Shuo acted recklessly and did not like to be controlled, but his three views were extremely positive, and the two became friends.

Qin Shuo, like him, has a coldness in his bones. The fact that such a person would do such a childish behavior just now shows how possessive he is and how much he values ​​the person in his arms.

"Even Qi Zhan, the single dog that has been single for ten thousand years, has been released, and I am still a widow."

"I recognize the dog food fed by the regiment leader and sister-in-law. Why do I still eat Qi Zhan's dog food."

"I'm just looking for I came out to find some supplies, but was stuffed with dog food, could it be that the head of the regiment and General Qi are trying to save supplies."

This time, Qi Zhan's face darkened.

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