Chapter 11

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 Since he couldn't read, he had to sleep because there were no other recreational activities. Although he had been here for less than ten days, Xie Jing Xing was used to going to bed early and getting up early.

The original owner's bed was a one-meter-eight bed. Usually, it was quite spacious for a single person, but at this time, a big man who was sleeping with two people seemed a bit crowded. Shen Zhan usually was sitting in a wheelchair, but Xie Jing Xing realized that his height was probably close to 1.9 meters, and he did not know how he grew so tall in this age of lack of clothing and food. The original owner was about 1.75 meters tall, which was not short in the village, but Xie Jing Xing, who was 1.84 meters tall in his previous life, was not satisfied. Fortunately, this body was only 18 years old, and he should be able to grow taller if he made up for it.

Xie Jing Xing glanced at Shen Zhan's long legs, and thought that he had seen Shen Zhan's abdominal muscles and that proud place before, at this time Xie Jing Xing didn't feel embarrassed, he just felt that this person was too enviable in every way Now, he turned his back to Shen Zhan and closed his eyes to sleep.

Xie Jing Xing soon fell asleep, Shen Zhan waited for a while, listened to his steady breathing, confirmed that he was really asleep, then turned over with his arms on his back, seeing the young man with his back to him, he did not dare to touch the young man, so he just Afraid of waking him up, he had to look at the back of the boy's head greedily. The tip of his nose smelled the scent of soap on the boy's body. Shen Zhan couldn't help reaching out his hand. , and then closed his eyes and fell asleep contentedly.

When Xie Jing Xing woke up in the morning, there was no one by his side, he got up sleepily, walked slowly to the kitchen, and when he saw Shen Zhan who was burning fire, he remembered that this person would be staying at his house temporarily from yesterday.

The young man's eyes were ignorant, his expression was dull, his hair was slightly raised, and he looked very cute. He tilted his head to look at Shen Zhan, and said with a hoarse voice that had just woken up: "Good morning." After that, he yawned.

Seeing such a young man, Shen Zhan's heart was about to melt. He raised his hand to rub the young man's hair, but found that it was inconvenient for him to sit in a wheelchair, so he put down his hand regretfully and said, "Good morning.

" The cup and the toothbrush squeezed with toothpaste were put into Xie Jing Xing's hand, and he said softly, "Go and brush your teeth." Xie Jing Xing finished brushing his teeth in a daze, and the things in his hand were taken away before he could react.

Shen Zhan poured a pot of hot water, soaked the boy's washcloth in the water, then picked it up and wringed it out and handed it to the boy, then raised his hand to gently wipe the boy's face.

When the warm towel was applied to his face, Xie Jing Xing finally woke up, he took the towel from Shen Zhan's hand and wiped it vigorously on his face, only then did he fully wake up. He knew that he was a little lazy when he woke up in the morning, thinking that Shen Zhan had just raised his hand to wipe his face with difficulty, he smiled a little embarrassedly at Shen Zhan.

Seeing that he had finished washing, Shen Zhan took the towel, washed it, wrung it, dried it, and performed a series of movements very naturally, as if they had always been like this, Xie Jing Xing was sluggish in the early morning and did not feel that something was wrong.

Shen Zhan pointed to the pot: "Breakfast is ready, take it out and you can eat it." The original owner lived by himself at the age of eight. In order to facilitate cooking, the stove in his house was not high enough. Later, even if he grew up It hasn't changed, and now Shen Zhan is within reach in a wheelchair.

Xie Jing Xing didn't want to let Shen Zhan do it again, he quickly put the pancakes in the pan into the plate, seeing that there were still two eggs in it, he also took them out.

The two sat at the dining table, each eating a cake, the cake was made by mixing cornmeal and sorghum flour, the taste was a little rough, Xie Jing Xing had a hard time swallowing.

Seeing this, Shen Zhan put two eggs in front of him, and said, "Don't force it if you can't eat it. Eat eggs. When you are still growing, eating this is more nutritious. The sorghum noodles are indeed a bit throaty, next time. I don't add sorghum noodles when I make it."

Shen Zhan found out yesterday that the young man seemed to be very particular about his food. He didn't like the bad taste and rough food. Although he would force himself to swallow it, the appearance was really distressing, and he didn't know what he was eating all these years. How did these things get here. Thinking about it this way, Shen Zhan decided to go to the county town next time for some white noodles and rice, these teenagers should be used to it.

At this time, Shen Zhan only felt distressed, but he never thought that these things would be very good in other homes. The food in the barracks was pretty good, and that was all he ate.

Xie Jing Xing himself was a little embarrassed, he was used to eating modern fine food, he was really not used to eating these things, but he also knew that these things were definitely not bad in this era.

Xie Jing Xing put an egg into Shen Zhan's bowl: "You eat it too, you are a patient and need to replenish your body more than I do."

Shen Zhan looked at the egg in the bowl and he did not refuse, he always felt that this egg was better than what he had eaten before. All eggs are delicious. After grandma passed away, no one treated him so well.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you yesterday, you gave all the money to your parents, does he still have money to treat his legs?" Although Xie Jing Xing felt that Shen Zhan would not be unprepared as the invisible boss in the book, he still had some worry.

"Yes, I didn't have a place to spend money when I was in the army, except for the ten dollars I sent to Wang Guihua every month, I saved the rest, plus the bonus for my mission, it's definitely enough to treat my legs. "Shen Zhan explained.

"That's good." The

cornmeal and sorghum flour cakes were very solid, Xie Jingxing was full after eating one egg and one cake, Shen Zhan made six in total, seeing that Xie Jingxing was really full, he took the rest The cakes are all solved. When he was eating, he was not rude, but his movements were quick, and it was resolved in three or two times, making Xie Jing Xing stunned.

Seeing his surprised look, Shen Zhan explained, "I'm used to it in the army."

After the meal, Shen Zhan cut Xie Jing Xing's hair, fearing that the broken hair would fall into his neck and make the boy uncomfortable, Shen Zhan used his own clothes After giving him a circle, he started.

Seeing that he was quite experienced, Xie Jing Xing felt relieved, closed his eyes and let Shen Zhan play.

Shen Zhan saw that the boy closed his eyes obediently, gently lifted his hair with one hand, and cut it neatly with scissors in the other.

"Okay." After a while, Shen Zhan cut it and said.

Hearing this, Xie Jing Xing opened his eyes, he touched his hair which had been shortened a lot and felt a lot more refreshed, because there was no mirror at home and he couldn't see his own appearance, so he had to ask Shen Zhan: "How is it?"

Shen Zhan When Xie Jing Xing looked at him, he immediately lowered his eyelids to hide the friendship that was almost overflowing in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "It looks good."

It was also the first time that Shen Zhan saw the full face of the young man, because he did not go to the ground all the year round, the young man's complexion was very white. , Although the facial features are not exquisite, they can be said to be delicate and childish, but the most outstanding and most lethargic are those eyes, pure and indifferent, with a hint of arrogance, plus the behavior of a teenager. The elegance and extravagance that he involuntarily reveals is like the little prince pampered in a castle in a fairy tale.

After getting a positive answer, Xie Jing Xing was satisfied, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and his eyes were full of smiles. The mild sunlight in the morning shone into the courtyard, and it also shone into his eyes, making those eyes more radiant and radiant.

Seeing this, Shen Zhan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, Xie Jing Xing stared straight at him. Shen Zhan's face is handsome and his facial features are sharp and chiseled with the determination of a soldier. Even in the 22nd century, his appearance is not inferior to those of the top stars. He usually does not smile, but always gives a cold feeling. , Now when I smile, it's amazing to see.

"You should smile more at ordinary times, you look so good when you smile." Xie Jing Xing appreciated it.

Seeing the admiration in the boy's eyes, Shen Zhan's smile deepened when he heard that, as long as he stayed by the boy's side and didn't need to do anything, he would be able to laugh all the time.

The sun was good, Xie Jing Xing moved a chair into the yard, then picked up the book and leaned on the chair, not to mention how comfortable it was, Shen Zhan also took out a book and read it quietly beside him.

As the sun shines, the years are quiet.

The two of them are warm and beautiful here, but the Shen family and Xia An'an are terrible.

Different from their leisure time, both the Shen family and Xia An'an had to go to work. As soon as they arrived in the field, they found that the villagers had a very strange attitude towards them. Those aunties who usually like to chat with Wang Guihua and gossip are leaving today. From a distance, the gentlemen looked at Shen Daniu and Shen Jianguo with contempt. On the side of the educated youth, the male educated youth who had some interest in Xia An'an in the past did not go up to show their hospitality, and the female educated youth did not pay any attention to her.

After a night of fermentation, everyone in the village, including the educated youth, knew that the Shen family forced Shen Zhan to give out 800 yuan for the leg treatment for Shen Jianguo's betrothal gift. In the end, they thought that Shen Zhan was a cripple, cut off relations with him, and drove him out. The Shen family, coupled with what Xie Jing Xing said later, persecuted the hero who defended the family and the country, and the nature was even more serious.

The old couple of the Shen family used to be the envy of the villagers. The eldest son joined the army and sent money back every month. The younger son worked with full work points every day. Both sons were so prosperous, who wouldn't envy them. Shen Jianguo is good-looking, he is a high school student, he is literate, and he can still get full work points when he goes to the ground. Many girls in the village secretly like him. Xia An'an is beautiful, a city dweller, and a literate man. There are many young men and educated youths in the village.

They are used to being sought after by others. When they have received such a cold reception, several people feel very uncomfortable.

When Shen Jianguo came home last night, he found out that his parents had cut off the relationship with his eldest brother. At that time, he was very complicated, a little guilty, and a little secretly happy.

In Shen Jianguo's heart, the elder brother Shen Zhan has always been excellent. When his grandmother was around, the elder brother always scored first in reading, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep up. Later, his grandmother was gone, and his mother stopped letting his eldest brother study. At that time, he was a little overjoyed, because he no longer had to worry about being bad in the exam and being told that he was not as good as his eldest brother. My eldest brother goes home and works in the fields without studying. He can do as much as an adult at the age of fourteen. He gets full work points every day. People in the village say that even if he doesn't study, he can still be successful. , I also get full work points every day. At this time, my eldest brother has already gone to serve in the army. It is such an honor to be a soldier. He even sends money back every month.

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