Chapter 84

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 Meng Yuan wanted to take back Xie Jing Xing after his legs were healed: but Xie Jing Xing, who had no idea what he was thinking about, was discussing with Yan Feng how to make his legs never recover: Fortunately, the two did not know what Meng Yuan was thinking: otherwise, I am afraid they would not be able to resist and ask for it directly. his life.

"According to my observation: Meng Yuan's leg fell hard, but it can still be cured: but if there is a second injury, his leg will not be healed in this life, even if he can stand up: he can walk. Different from normal people."

"I guess the Meng family will take him to the county town for treatment tomorrow: after all, the doctors in the village have limited medical skills. You said that if he fell again on the road: Lifelong disability: The future is hopeless, Meng Yuan is conceited and talented Being arrogant and arrogant, what kind of despair it will be." Xie Jing Xing said as a cold light flashed across his eyes, Meng Yuan killed the original owner, now he will use this leg to atone for the original owner.

When Yan Feng heard the words, there was a bright light in his eyes: He hugged Xie Jing Xing and laughed softly, not only did he not feel that his lover's revenge would be intimidating for Meng Yuan's revenge, but he admired his clear love and hatred, which made him even more happy , the tacit understanding between him and his lover. He originally planned to act without his love, but now there is no need for it: he and his love are indeed the best match.

Xie Jing Xing saw the man's appearance and knew that this time the two of them were thinking about it again, so he couldn't help but laugh happily.

The Meng family also owns an ox cart. At the time, the ox cart that Yan Feng bought specially to marry Xie Jing Xing was envied by the brothers in the village. When Luo Yu learned about it, he began to compare. He originally wanted to buy a horse cart, but Neither he nor the Meng family knew how to drive a horse-drawn carriage, so in the end they had no choice but to buy an ox-drawn carriage.

If Meng Yuan wanted to go into the city to treat his legs, he would definitely ride on this ox cart and Xie Jing Xing planned to play tricks on this ox cart.

That night, when everything was silent, Yan Feng quietly sneaked into the Meng family's house, found the Meng family's ox cart, and pinched each of the four wheels a few times. The wheels don't seem to have changed much, but if you look closely, you will find that there are some cracks on them that seem to be in disrepair. If the load is too heavy, or if there is a slight bump on the road, it will easily break, causing the entire carriage to fall apart.

The next day, Daddy Meng and Ame Meng prepared the ox cart and wanted to take Meng Yuan to the county seat to find a doctor. Luo Yu seemed to realize that his cash was too bad yesterday, and offered to accompany Meng Yuan to the county seat. The ox cart was so big. , There is no need to worry about not being able to sit down, Meng Amo will naturally not refuse.

The road from the village to the county seat is full of potholes, and there are often small stones on the road. The bullock cart was bumpy and bumpy all the way, and no one noticed that the cracks on the wheels were getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, one of the wheels was pressed against a stone on the road, a bump, the wheel broke completely, and the wheel on the same side suddenly increased due to the weight, and it also broke. In an instant, the ox cart tilted to one side and fell heavily to the ground.

When the car rolled over, Luo Yu screamed and hugged Meng Yuan beside him subconsciously. Meng Yuan, who had fallen to the ground because of the overturned ox cart, was pressed down by Luo Yu, exactly on his injured leg. superior.

The severe pain in his leg made Meng Yuan couldn't help screaming: " leg!"

Meng A-mei snorted in his heart, and he didn't care about his body that was hurt by the fall, so he quickly got up. , Seeing that Luo Yu was still pressing on Meng Yuan, his heart was full of anger, and he stepped forward and pushed Luo Yu away.

Dad Meng also stabilized the cow at this time, and came over and carried Meng Yuan out with Meng Amo. The two looked at Meng Yuan's distorted face in pain. Thinking of what the doctor in the village had said yesterday, they didn't dare to delay. Meng Yuan rushed to the county seat, and no one paid any attention to Luo Yu who fell to the side. Fortunately, the place where the ox cart overturned was not far from the county seat, and the two quickly carried Meng Yuan to the hospital: " Doctor

, please show my son quickly!"

His face was pale, and there was a thin man on his forehead. He thought that Meng Yuan was terminally ill and did not dare to delay. He hurriedly stepped forward to check Meng Yuan's pulse, only to find out that it was a problem with his leg, and said in a bad mood, "His leg is injured, you guys. He should be carried over on a stretcher, why are you still carrying him? Isn't this adding a burden to his legs? Do you still miss him? Let's put him down soon!"

"Neither do we, but our cattle The car overturned on the road, he fell from a tree yesterday and was injured, will it be more serious now that he falls like this? Can it be cured?" Meng Amo asked anxiously.

The doctor's expression became more serious when he heard it: "I'll take a look first."

After some examinations, the doctor shook his head: "His bones had already fallen out of cracks, and if he had been treated properly, he would have had a chance of recovery, but now that he falls like this again, his bones have been completely broken, and it is very difficult to recover. It's intact, even if it's healed, you'll be limping when you walk."

Meng Ada and Meng Amo heard the words, both of them were like the sky falling down: "What can we do? We A Yuan will take the imperial examination in the future. ?"

Meng Yuan's face turned pale when he heard this. He knew that he was finished. Although the imperial examination did not stipulate that the disabled could not participate, even if he passed the examination, how would the court allow the disabled to become officials.

Just at this moment, Luo Yu also walked in. He just heard the doctor's words, and blurted out: "You mean he will become a lame person in the future!"

When Meng Amei saw Luo Yu, the worry and despair in his heart instantly turned into Anger rushed towards Luo Yu, and he stepped forward and slapped Luo Yu: "You are the lame man! Eating lazy and doing things all day long for pleasure! My own man was injured and refused to go up the mountain to look for it. If you weren't under pressure today. It was only a slight fall on A Yuan's body, how could his leg break! Since marrying your family, there has been nothing good in your family, I think you are a bum, and I knew that I shouldn't have married you back in the first place!"

Luo Yu was pampered and raised since he was a child, and even his father never beat him, but now he was beaten, how could he bear it, when his anger came up, he pointed at Meng A's mouth and said: "Your family regrets marrying me. , I still regret marrying into your house! You say that I am lazy and greedy for pleasure, but don't forget, all you spend is my dowry money! Even your son's study is my money! You dislike me so much, If you have the ability, you don't have to! You say I'm a broom star, I think your young brother is the broom star. If he didn't have to go up the mountain to find some peppers, how would your son encounter a wild boar? How could he break his leg? "

The quarrel between the two attracted the onlookers of many passers-by, some of whom recognized Luo Yu: "Isn't this the brother of the county magistrate's family? He was caught making out with a man in a restaurant before, this is his husband's house? How long has it been since we got married, why did we start arguing?"

"I heard that his husband went into the mountains to find something and broke his leg. I'm afraid that he will be lame in the future..."

Meng Yuan heard Luo Yu's words " After the word "crimp", his eyes became a little gloomy. Seeing the people around him pointing at him, he just felt that everyone was laughing at him, and when he heard Meng Amei and Luo Yu accusing each other, he felt a little emotional. Collapsing, he shouted angrily : "Shut up!" Then he yelled at the onlookers: "Get out! You all get out of here!"

Meng Yuan usually behaves like a scholar, and talks to people in a friendly way, like Such a hysterical roar had never been seen before. Meng Ame and Luo Yu were shocked and didn't dare to quarrel any more. Even Meng A's father was startled by his appearance, and hurriedly dispersed the crowd at the door, for fear that what they would say again would irritate Meng Yuan.

The hospital finally calmed down, and the doctor asked, "Is the leg still cured?"

"Ture, cure, cure!" Meng A-Dad and Meng A-Mei said in unison, they still held a glimmer of hope in their hearts, what if they were cured?

The doctor saw Meng Yuan's face with a gray face and seemed to accept his fate, and he couldn't bear it: "Young man, don't be discouraged, I just said that it is difficult, but it is not completely impossible, everything has a contingency, maybe your legs You will recover after proper treatment. I have practiced medicine for many years, and this kind of thing has never happened, don't give up hope, think about those who care about you, will you have the heart to let them worry about you?" The

doctor was referring to Meng Ah Father Meng Ameng, the first thing that came to Meng Yuan's mind when he heard the words was Xie Jing Xing's face, I wonder if Brother Jin would worry about him, maybe he would, he heard that he was in danger on the mountain yesterday. Are you going to save him right away?

His originally gray and defeated face suddenly became brighter: "Doctor, you can treat it." He must get better, participate in the imperial examination, become an official in the court, and then snatch Brother Jin back.

Seeing this, the doctor thought that his comforting words had an effect, and nodded in relief, A-Daddy Meng, A-Meng Meng, and Luo Yu all breathed a sigh of relief.

Xie Jing Xing did not know that he was actually used as a spiritual support by his enemies, otherwise he would probably die of laughter. If Yan Feng knew that Meng Yuan was thinking about gaining power once and taking his lover away from him, he would probably crush his bones directly, so that he would never dare to dream again. The doctor put medicine on Meng Yuan's leg: "Change the medicine every three days. I will give him another three days of medicine and take it orally. Treat both inside and outside, it will get better faster, and it will cost

5 taels in total."

The three-day medicine cost five taels of silver, and his face changed. At this time, he also realized that it would cost a lot of money to cure Meng Yuan's leg, and their family would definitely not be able to get the money, so they could only count on Luo Yu. , Luo Yu can not offend.

For the sake of his son, he also put it down: "Brother Yu, Ame was too worried about Ayuan just now, so he said the wrong thing in a hurry, don't take it to heart."

Luo Yu saw Meng Ame's servile appearance, He snorted: "Didn't you say I'm a broom star? Why do you want to use the broom star's money now? I'm not afraid that the money will be bad luck, but it will hurt your son?

" He came over and gave himself a slap in the face, begging: "Brother Yu, Ah Me's mouth is too stinky, you should treat Ah Me as a confused old man, don't talk to Ah Me in the same way, if you are still unhappy, I..." As he said that, he was about to slap himself again.

"He Ah Me/ Ah Me!" Both Meng Yuan and Meng Ah Daddy who reacted this time were surprised, Meng Daddy quickly grabbed Meng Ah Me's raised hand and stopped him.

Meng Yuan stared at the five-fingerprints on Meng A's face, his eyes became a bit gloomier, no one knew what he was thinking.

Luo Yu didn't expect Meng Amo to beat himself, so he glanced at Meng Yuan, whose face was even more gloomy, only to think that his appearance was really frightening, and he didn't dare to say anything, so he took out five taels of silver and handed it to the doctor.

The Meng family's ox cart overturned on the way to the county town, and the news quickly spread in the village, when Xie Jing Xing heard it, the corner of his mouth twitched, very good, he accepted Meng Yuan's leg on behalf of the original owner.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-13 00:00:00~2020-07-15 00:00:00~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: 10 bottles of ひこし; 3 bottles of Taoyue Linzhi; 2 bottles of Sunset Afterglow; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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