Chapter 35

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Two days later: Ji's father and Ji's mother, accompanied by Ji Huan, took Ji Xin to Cheng's house: Xie Jing Xing got the news from Ji Huan: He went back to Cheng's house early and waited.

Ji's father was very excited when he saw Cheng Keke: Looking at the face that was 70% similar to his wife: He was sure that this was his daughter without DNA test. He is a traditional man: he takes blood very seriously, so as soon as he knows his daughter is out, he can't wait to recognize him.

Ji's mother's expression was a bit complicated, excited and unbelievable: There was a trace of escape in her eyes: It made her step a little hesitant. She is a person who is content with the status quo: She had a very happy life before: loving her husband, an excellent son, a lovely daughter, all this is good, she does not want to change, but the appearance of Cheng Keke is very likely to break All this: The peaceful life is wrinkled and turbulent, making her a little overwhelmed, but Cheng Ke is her own daughter: She still looks so much like her, as a mother, how can she not recognize it, if she bears it, Xin'er will take it again What to do: Go home, she can't bear it.

Ji Xin's expression was a little flustered at this time. Ji's father just told her the reason and purpose of the trip in the car. Although she already knew that she was not the daughter of Ji's family, she did not expect Ji's father to be in such a hurry and did not give her any money at all. time to prepare. She looked at the Cheng family's villa without a trace, and the conditions were better than she imagined. She knew that her biological parents were elementary school teachers, and she thought she lived in an old residential building, but this can only be regarded as a small rich. How can she compare to a wealthy family like Ji's family. She is used to seeing the luxury of Ji's family. She still doesn't like Cheng's family. She will never come back anyway.

Xie Jing Xing saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and asked knowingly, "I don't know what happened to the few of you who came to my house?"

Father Ji briefly explained the ins and outs, and finally said, "So I suspect that my daughter is hugging your daughter. Wrong, as soon as I saw Coco, I knew she was our daughter, and she looked so

much like my wife." As soon as Ji's mother entered the door, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother found out that she and Coco looked alike. Now listening to Ji When the father said this, they had no doubts, but suddenly someone told you that the daughter you raised for more than ten years was not your biological daughter, and anyone would be at a loss. The two looked at Cheng Keke, and then at Ji Xin who was sitting beside Ji's mother, not knowing what to do at all.

Cheng Keke's face was blank. She didn't know why her parents were not real parents, and her brother wasn't a real brother. She looked at Xie Jing Xing subconsciously, showing her dependence on him.

Xie Jing Xing patted her hand soothingly and said gently, "Don't be afraid, no matter if you are my sister or not, I will always be your brother."

Cheng Keke's uneasy heart instantly calmed down, yes, as long as there is a brother Now, she has nothing to fear.

When Ji Xin heard the words, she couldn't help but glance at the real brother. Seeing that he was so gentle to Cheng Keke's fake sister, but ignored her, she felt a little uncomfortable.

No matter what Ji Xin thought, Xie Jing Xing was no longer disturbed when he saw Cheng Keke, so he said to Ji's father, "Just in case, let's do a paternity test first, and then we'll talk about it after the test is done." He didn't look at Ji Xin during the whole process. , No one has noticed this except Ji Huan, who has been paying attention to him.

Ji's father hurriedly said: "This is what it should be." The

group quickly went to the hospital, because Ji's family was there, and the results were obtained in less than two hours. There was no accident. Cheng Ke was the daughter of Ji's family, and Ji Xin She is the daughter of the Cheng family.

This time, Father Ji suggested to go to Ji's house to discuss the follow-up matters, but Xie Jingxing did not object. Over the past year, the ability Xie Jingxing showed has made Dad Cheng and Mommy Cheng trust him very much, and he is accustomed to taking care of all major family affairs. call the shots.

After the group sat down, Xie Jing Xing asked, "What are you going to do?"

"The two of you will return, and each will be yours." Ji Huan, who had been silent for a while, said his voice was cold and there seemed to be no room for negotiation.

"No!" As soon as he finished speaking, Ji's mother and Ji Xin shouted.

"Husband, don't let Xin'er go, she is the daughter I raised, I can't bear it." Ji's mother cried to Ji's father.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." JiXin knows how important JiHuan's words are in this family. Ji's family, as long as she stays in Ji's family, she is still the eldest miss of Ji's family. As for Cheng Keke, a little girl in her teens, she has some ways to deal with it, so she doesn't care about the presence of Cheng's family, hugging Ji's mother and crying sadly .

Seeing that Ji's mother was distressed, she quickly hugged Ji Xin and comforted: "Xin'er will not leave, Xin'er will always be her mother's daughter."

She looked at Ji's father with tears in her eyes: "Husband, we will just pretend that we have nothing. It happened, it's just as good as before." Then she hugged Ji Xin and cried again.

The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried inextricably, but the people present were not touched at all.

Ji's father frowned, although he understood that his wife was reluctant to Ji Xin, but in front of Coco, what would Coco think when she said this. He looked at Cheng Keke, and sure enough, she looked sad and lost.

Cheng Keke was indeed a little sad. Everything that happened today caught her off guard, but she has an instinctive desire for her biological parents, but now it seems that her biological mother doesn't seem to like her biological daughter very much.

Xie Jing Xing patted her hand comfortingly and said softly, "Don't be sad, you still have a brother."

Ji Huan also sat beside her and said, "I'm also your brother, don't be sad." Because he never said anything His tone was a little stiff.

Cheng Keke looked at the brothers sitting on the left and right of her, and suddenly the sadness just now disappeared. Yes, although her biological mother didn't like her, she had two brothers who loved her.

Ji's father was very surprised when he saw that his son would comfort others. His son had never treated Ji Xin like this. Could it be that blood is thicker than water, and he was more determined to bring his daughter back.

Cheng's father and Cheng's mother are also uncomfortable. They also want to recognize their biological daughters, but Ji Xin obviously only has Ji's mother in his eyes, and obviously does not want to go back to Cheng's house with them. This biological daughter did not have the expectations at the beginning.

At the same time, they feel more guilty about Cheng Keke. The conditions of Ji's family are obviously much better than that of Cheng's family. Although they give Keke the best they can, compared with Ji Xin's life in Ji's family, it is heaven and earth. , their daughter occupies the identity of Coco and enjoys everything that should belong to Coco. It is impossible for Cheng's father and mother to turn a blind eye, so they look at Cheng Keke with more loving eyes.

Ji Xin acted earnestly and cried deeply, but didn't realize that everyone except Ji's mother was in favor of Cheng Keke.

Xie Jing Xing took everyone's reaction into his eyes and exchanged glances with Ji Huan when no one was paying attention.

"Okay, don't cry." Ji Huan said coldly.

The two crying, Ji's mother glanced at Ji Huan complainingly, only to think that the son was too cold-blooded. There was also a trace of anger and unwillingness in Ji Xin's eyes. Ji Huan ignored her on weekdays, and had no love for her brother at all, but now she is eager to recognize the return journey Coco. Is blood relationship really that important?

Ji Huan ignored the two and continued: "Co is my sister, she must go back to Ji's house. As for Ji Xin, let her choose.

" Stopped by Ji Huan: "Mom, let Ji Xin choose by herself, so that she won't blame you in the future."

Ji Xin's face stiffened when she heard the words, of course she wanted to stay at Ji's house, but she couldn't say these words, otherwise it would seem She is too cold to her biological parents, and it will make people think that she dislikes the poor and loves the rich, but she knows that since Ji Huan has spoken, she must choose, and Ji Huan will not be soft-hearted.

Seeing that everyone was waiting for her choice, Ji Xin glanced at Cheng's father and Cheng's mother guiltily, and said aggrievedly: "I can't bear my mother, I want to stay at Ji's house."

"No! Ke is the daughter of Ji's family. It is only right and proper to go back to Ji's family. We have no right to stop it, but Ji Xin is the daughter of my Cheng family, so she naturally wants to go back with us. If you can't bear your adoptive parents and adoptive mothers, you can come back to see them later. My parents and I will never stop me." The last sentence Xie Jing Xing said to Ji Xin sounded very understanding. Only Ji Huan knew that Xie Qingnian did it on purpose, and only said this after Ji Xin made a choice.

A smile flashed across Ji Huan's eyes, and he echoed: "I think Cheng Nuo said it right, then it's just like this, the two of them will go back to their respective places, but you can still go back to see your adoptive parents and adoptive mothers at any time. After all, the relationship of more than ten years cannot be because of If it is not biological, it will be wiped out."

"I don't want it!" Ji Xin hurriedly objected. She was afraid that she would say that it was too late and the two would decide it. Can this happen after the Cheng family? Can you give her everything she wants on the conditions of the Cheng family? Once she leaves Ji's house, everyone will know that she is not the eldest miss of Ji's house, and will they still hold her like before? Staying at Ji's house, even as an adopted daughter, as long as Ji's parents and Ji's mother admit her, people outside will not dare to despise her.

Her voice made everyone's eyes focus on her, Xie Jing Xing seemed puzzled why he was so excited and asked, "Why, you said that you are reluctant to bear Aunt Ji, but we also promised not to stop you from coming back to see her, you What else is there to be dissatisfied with?" He glanced at her suspiciously: "Aren't you reluctant to part with the wealth of the Ji family?"

"I don't!" Ji Xin said loudly, but her excited look was even more suspicious.

Xie Jing Xing took a deep look at her, sighed in disappointment, stood up and said, "Since this is the case, we will not force it, then you can stay at Ji's house, Mom and Dad, let's go.

" After coming down, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother also saw that this biological daughter was afraid that she really disliked the Cheng family, and it was impossible to say that she was not sad, but they had never raised this daughter, and they had no right to scold her. The two sighed, looking much older.

Xie Jing Xing was a little unbearable when he saw this, he had long known that Ji Xin would not return to Cheng's house, and he deliberately said that in order to expose Ji Xin's greedy and vanity nature. He didn't want Cheng's mother and Cheng's mother to have too many feelings and expectations for Ji Xin, and it would only hurt more deeply. In the original plot, the two were stabbed again and again by Ji Xin's indifference and disgust. Later, the second old man felt guilty because of Cheng Keke's death, and his health became worse and worse. Ji Xin never came to see them once and cared about them.

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