Chapter 30

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 Xie Jingxing did not sit idle during this period of recuperation at home: He designed a 3D game of Xianxia again: Now that his foot injury is healed, he will bring Shengyuan's staff back to work again. Xie Jing Xing was so busy that he completely forgot to contact Ji Huan.

"Mr. Ji: Please take a look at these documents." The secretary respectfully placed the documents in front of Ji Huan.

Ji Huan quickly browsed the document: Confirming that there is no problem, just as he was about to pick up the pen to sign, his cell phone suddenly rang. Ji Huan's eyes lit up: Quickly took out his mobile phone: Seeing the caller ID: Thin lips pursed

: The air-conditioning all over his body became more intense, and finally he answered the phone, and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

The reaction is obvious. In the past few days, Mr. Ji will check his mobile phone from time to time. When a call comes in, he is very anxious: Obviously, he is waiting for someone's call, but looking at Mr. Ji's appearance, I am afraid that this time is also not the main one. The secretary also has a girlfriend: At first glance, he knew that Mr. Ji was in unrequited love. He was very curious about how holy the other party was to make Mr. Ji so indifferent.

You must know that when President Ji first joined the company, because he was handsome, he was the future ruler of Ji's family: Many female employees in Ji's family were moved, including the former female secretary arranged by Ji Dong for Ji, but Ji's boss He has a cold face and doesn't say anything to anyone. Most people give up in spite of difficulties. Like the former female secretary who insisted on sticking with some capital, Mr. Ji showed no pity for Xiangxiang or jade, and was especially ruthless and ruthless. He was fired and replaced with his male secretary. Because Dong Ji and President Ji are both surnamed Ji, it is easy to confuse them, so everyone calls Ji Huan "President Leng" in private.

Ji Huan hung up the phone, signed the document and handed it to the secretary to let him go out. He picked up the phone again, looking a little distressed and a little aggrieved. Fortunately, he was the only one in the office at this time, otherwise he would be seen like this. I am afraid that he will think he is evil.

The young man hadn't contacted him since his foot injury healed. The two had a good conversation before. He thought they were already friends. Could it be that he was the only one who thought so? his defense. It's not that he didn't think about calling the youth, but he couldn't find a good excuse for a while. He has always been smart and decisive, and he didn't expect that one day he would hesitate to worry about such a thing.

Ji Huan put down the phone and picked it up again after a while. After repeating this several times, he finally couldn't hold back the call of the young man: "Hello?" hoarse and tired.

Ji Huan became anxious when he heard it, but he still remembered the previous entanglement and worried: "You are sick? Your voice doesn't sound right!"

Xie Jing Xing on the other end of the phone said, "No, I have been busy with new games recently and haven't had much rest. "

Ji Huan was relieved, it was not because he didn't want to call him, it was because he was too busy, he made an excuse for Xie Jing Xing in an instant, the trace of grievance in his heart disappeared, he changed his mind and asked, "Then you Do you want to work overtime at the company tonight?"

"Well, I've been living in the company these days."

Ji Huan said quickly, "Then I'll send you a late-night snack?

" I almost vomited, you are really my savior."

Ji Huan's mouth curled slightly: "Then I will ask the cook to cook you some dishes you like."

"Thanks! Please wait until I've been busy. You eat."

Ji Huan's smile deepened: "Okay." If there was a mirror in front of him at this time, Ji Huan would find that his eyes were incredibly gentle.

After Ji Huan hung up the phone, he called the secretary and said, "Call Zhenweixuan to order meals for about ten people, and deliver it to this address at 8 pm."

"Okay, Mr. Ji." Although the secretary was curious, he didn't ask anything. He found that the low pressure on Mr. Ji's body had dissipated, and he guessed that Mr. Ji's sweetheart had called, and he was very concerned about this beauty who he had never met before. It's not easy to give a thumbs up to affect Mr. Ji's mood so easily. As for why he knew that she was a beauty, isn't that nonsense? To be able to pick off the alpine flower of Mr. Ji, she must be a peerless beauty with extraordinary charm. Later, after the relationship between the two was exposed, the secretary also lamented that the beauty is indeed a beauty, and she is indeed very charming, but the gender is male.

Ji Huan didn't know that the elite secretary he personally selected was in all kinds of gossip. He ended his work efficiently, and then happily took the insulation box sent by Ji's servant to find the young man.

When Ji Huan arrived, Xie Jing Xing was discussing with a group of people in full swing, Ji Huan quietly waited and watched the youth.

At this time, the young man has messy hair, has a light blue beard on his face, and has deep dark circles under his eyes. Such a young man is very different from the elegant and noble before, and he is obviously as sloppy as the surrounding employees. Ji Huan But I felt a little unable to take my eyes off. While listening to the discussion, the young man flipped his fingers on the computer keyboard, and then turned the screen to show it in front of everyone. Although Ji Huan could not see the content on the screen, he could clearly see the admiration and admiration in the eyes of everyone. . The young man looked calm, obviously accustomed to such eyes.

It was the first time that Ji Huan saw a young man who was working. He said that serious men are the most attractive. Ji Huan didn't feel this before, but now he fully agrees.

After the discussion, Xie Jing Xing raised his head and saw Ji Huan: "You're here, I'm sorry, I didn't notice it just now, it made you wait for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, it didn't take long." Ji Huan shook the insulation box in his hand. Said: "Do you want to eat it now?" It

was clear that he had the appearance of abstinence, but he was holding a thermal insulation box that was very incompatible with his temperament. Xie Jing Xing was used to seeing his appearance and didn't think there was any problem, but the people around him were Very disobeyed, he could not help asking, "Boss, is this your friend? Bringing you meals?" These people were all technical nerds and were impressed by Xie Jing Xing's skills, and they liked to call him the boss.

"This is my friend Ji Huan, Ji Huan, these are my employees." Xie Jing Xing introduced.

Ji Huan said to a group of people: "Hello, I ordered a meal at Zhenwei Xuan, and it will be delivered in a while. You are welcome."

"Wow! Zhenwei Xuan! It is said to be delicious.

" Expensive."

"Brother Ji, you are so kind, you deserve to be the boss's friend."

"That's right, Brother Ji not only delivers meals to the boss, but also doesn't forget to order meals for us. You are really a good buddy of the country."

"Ah . ~, I also want a good buddy like this, boss, do you still have such a friend, give me a dozen."

Xie Jing Xing looked at a group of people chattering amusingly, "Okay, if you have enough skin, go to work. , I will go home after having supper in a while, and leave work early today, everyone has worked hard these days."

"Yeah, long live the boss!"

"Thank you for ordering them." Xie Jing Xing brought Ji Huan to his office as he spoke. : "They're all technical, they're a bit cheerful, and they're very familiar with each other. Don't mind."

"Don't mind, they're very interesting. It can be seen that your company has a good atmosphere." Ji Huan took the food while talking. Come out and put it on the coffee table in the office.

Xie Jing Xing knew that Ji Huan definitely didn't eat it when he saw the weight: "You haven't eaten yet, let's eat together." This person was really kind to him, Xie Jing Xing was not hardhearted, he had long regarded him as a friend.

"Okay." Ji Huan would never say that he deliberately skipped dinner here.

After finishing the meal, Ji Huan asked, "They've all gone back in a while, do you still have to work overtime?"

"Yes, the core part of the game is all done by me, and the workload is a lot." Cheng Keke's identity may be exposed at any time, Xie Jing Xing did not dare to slack off. In fact, if he wanted to conceal Cheng Keke's identity, he could completely sign the family out of the city, or even go abroad, but wouldn't it be cheaper for Ji Xin, so he never thought of concealing Cheng Keke's identity forever. It was her choice to be willing to go back to Ji's house, and she was not afraid that Cheng Keke would be bullied when he was there, but Ji Xin could not occupy her identity for the rest of her life. Ji Xin always had to pay for what she did in her previous life.

Ji Huan did not know what Xie Jing Xing was thinking, thinking that the last time he was almost hit by his car was because of overworked overtime and he was in a trance.

He can't persuade young people not to work so hard. Men are ambitious. When he first started a business, he often stayed up all night working on a project. For a while, he didn't know what to do, and the breath all over his body became colder.

Xie Jing Xing gave him a strange look, not understanding why he suddenly became angry and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ji Huan heard the cold air from his body, shook his head and said, "It's nothing." In the end, he couldn't help but said, "Yes If you don't go home from overtime, I will come to pick you up, I'm afraid you will be in a trance like last time and have an accident."

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard this, he once again doubted whether Ji Huan was interested in him, it was what he said. It was so attentive that he had to think more.

Xie Jing Xing slowly approached Ji Huan until the distance between the two of them was only a fist. At such a distance, the hot air they exhaled sprayed on the other's face, their breaths were intertwined, and it was unusually ambiguous.

As the youth approached, Ji Huan's body was stiff and he didn't dare to move at all. This distance has exceeded the safe distance between people, but he didn't hate it at all, and even looked forward to it. He only felt his heart beat faster. My ears are hot, and I have an idea in my heart to break out of the ground.

"Okay." Xie Jing Xing saw his reaction in his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, he raised his hand and twirled his hair as if nothing had happened, then pulled away and said, "There is a piece of confetti on your hair." Said After that, he stretched out his hand to show him, and sure enough, a small scrap of paper was lying in his palm.

"Oh." Ji Huan replied absentmindedly, regretting that he was helping him remove the scraps of paper. In response, Ji Huan froze, what is he regretting?

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