Chapter 72(Arc 5: The Farmer Brother Who Was Divorced)

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As soon as Xie Jing Xing regained consciousness, he saw a wild boar with fangs fiercely attacking him: He rolled on the spot subconsciously: He narrowly escaped the attack of the wild boar: But the wild boar could not stop for a while because of its speed: hit a tree. Taking advantage of this gap: Xie Jing Xing quickly glanced around, trying to find something to use as a weapon, and happened to find an axe on the ground not far away from him: He quickly picked up the axe: At this time, the wild boar had turned its head and attacked him again.

Xie Jing Xing held the axe: Holding his breath: He stared at the movements of the wild boar with all his attention, when the wild boar was only thirty centimeters away from him, he kicked his feet, turned over and jumped onto the back of the wild boar, swinging his axe and slashing at the side of the wild boar's neck. At the aorta, fresh blood spurted out along with the shrill howl of the wild boar: It splashed Xie Jing Xing all over, and blood was also splashed on his face. The injured wild boar became even more mad, shaking his body greatly while running: vowing to get the human who hurt him off his back. Xie Jing Xing was shaken by the wild boar, he resisted the discomfort in his stomach, lowered his body and crouched on the back of the wild boar, grasping the wild boar tightly with one hand: with the axe in the other hand, he desperately pressed into the flesh and blood of the wild boar. One person and one pig were in a stalemate like this for a few minutes. In the end, the wild boar couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss, but Xie Jing Xing did not dare to relax, he pulled out the axe and slashed again at the original wound on the side of the wild boar's neck, making the wild boar completely lost breath. Xie Jing Xing breathed a sigh of relief, he pulled out the axe from the neck of the wild boar, and then got off the boar. As soon as his foot touched the ground, a sharp pain came from his ankle, and then he discovered this body Originally, he sprained his foot, but the situation was too critical just now. He was so concerned about saving his life that he even ignored the pain. Xie Jing Xing quickly observed the environment, at this time he was in a mountain, since there were wild boars, there would be other beasts, his body was full of blood and the air was full of blood, Xie Jing Xing knew that he should go down the mountain as soon as possible, he At this time, he didn't even bother to check the injury, he resisted the pain in his feet and walked forward step by step, but he heard the sound of animals' hoofs behind him. He turned his head and found another wild boar attacking him.

Running is definitely useless, Xie Jing Xing simply turned around and put the axe in front of him, his eyes were looking straight at the wild boar, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, his eyes were cold, there was no trace of fear in his eyes, there was blood on his face, this The smile seemed extremely bloodthirsty, and the wild boar who had rushed over instinctively felt dangerous, but was actually frightened and stopped. One person and one pig were quietly confronting like this, the wild boar finally could not hold back, and when his front hooves moved, he was about to rush towards Xie Jing Xing. At this time, an arrow came from behind the wild boar and shot straight into the wild boar. Neck, the whole arrow pierced through the throat of the wild boar, the wild boar immediately fell to the ground and died, which shows the greatness of the people who shoot the arrows. With no danger to his life, Xie Jing Xing raised his head and looked in the direction of the arrow. I saw a man with a bow in one hand and a quiver on his back. The man was dressed as an hunter. He was tall and rugged, with broad chests and a dignified appearance, but there was a long scar on his face from the eyebrows to the temples. Terrible. The man's eyes were like cold stars, his eyebrows were like paint, he glanced at the other wild boar that was obviously not killed by his arrow, and looked at Xie Jing Xing with undisguised admiration. Yan Feng was hunting in the woods, and when he heard the howling of a wild boar, he rushed over, but his location was a long way from here. When he came over, the brother in front of him had already killed the wild boar. He happened to see the young man. The scene of the confrontation with the second wild boar. It was clearly at a critical juncture of life, but a smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth. There was no trace of warmth in his eyes. Coupled with the blood stains on his face, it was dangerous and gorgeous, and it was extremely stunning. Yan Feng's heart was beating rapidly uncontrollably, as if he was about to jump out of his chest. Seeing the wild boar's movements, his heart trembled, and before he could react, he subconsciously shot the arrow out. Fortunately, he returned to the village. Never neglected to practice arrows. He walked into Xie Jing Xing, just as he was about to speak, his nose moved, and a cold light flashed across his eyes: "Take off your clothes, you have animal powder on your clothes." Xie Jing Xing took off his clothes without hesitation after hearing this. As soon as he took off his belt, the man seemed to remember something, and said quickly: "You, you wait first." He was so used to getting along with a bunch of men on the battlefield that he almost forgot that the people in front of him were different from them. Fortunately, the young man believed that He, otherwise he might think he was belittling him.

Xie Jing Xing looked at him puzzled, when the man saw Xie Jing Xing looking at him with such innocent and trusting eyes, his heart was filled with joy and at the same time a touch of anger arose. Why is this person so gullible, isn't he afraid that he will cheat on him? It's no wonder that people who have attracted beast fans don't even know it. It seems that he still has to watch more in the future. The people in front of him are too simple, and maybe they will be calculated again. The man put down his bow and quiver, took off his coat and handed it to Xie Jing Xing: "He takes off his clothes and puts on this." After he finished speaking, he turned his back to Xie Jing Xing and Xie Jing Xing had just come to this world, completely unaware of the situation, He had to do as the man said, but the reason why he obeyed obediently was because he felt that the man had no ill will towards him. "I'm fine." Xie Jing Xing said after changing his clothes. Hearing this, the man turned around, he was tall and Xie Jing Xing was a head shorter than him, and his stature was slender, he looked extra petite in his clothes. His eyes were dark and he only felt that Xie Jing Xing wearing his clothes made him feel extremely happy. "Let's go, I'll take you down the mountain." The man said. "Thank you... ah!" Xie Jing Xing just moved his footsteps and felt pain from his ankle, Xie Jing Xing remembered that this body was injured and his body fell to one side involuntarily because of the foot injury and was caught by the man with quick eyes and hands into the arms. "Your foot is injured?" The man frowned, and he didn't care whether it was proper or not, he hugged Xie Jing Xing horizontally, then gently placed him on the stone beside him, squatted down and took off Xie Jing Xing's shoes and socks, revealing His white feet and high, swollen ankles. He held Xie Jing Xing's foot with one hand, his hand was big, Xie Jing Xing's foot was small, he could hold Xie Jing Xing's foot completely with one hand, this picture was a bit charming, but at this time, one of the parties involved was in pain and the other was worried, and neither gave birth to anything. Fascinating mind.

The man lightly pressed on Xie Jing Xing's ankle, he was relieved after confirming that the bones were not injured, he said with relief, "The bones are not injured, just twisted, go back and rub some bruises medicine, it will take about half a month. Walk normally." He said softly, but a cold light flashed in his eyes. This person was actually confronting the wild boar with a foot injury just now, if he hadn't heard the voice coming, Xie Jing Xing would face the wild boar, even if he finally won, he would be seriously injured. As long as he thought of this possibility, he could not wait to slap the skin of the person who calculated Xie Jing Xing.

The man carefully put on Xie Jing Xing's shoes and socks, he was obviously a rough man, but his movements were unexpectedly gentle, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but glance at him, this cautious, clumsy and somewhat gentle appearance was really too familiar , This man is not his lover, right?

"I'm afraid you won't be able to walk on your feet. I'll carry you down the mountain." The man turned and squatted in front of him, exposing his broad back.

Xie Jing Xing leaned over the man, wrapped his arms around his neck, put his legs around his waist, leaned into his ear and said, "Thank you."

The hot air that Xie Jing Xing exhaled sprayed on his auricle when he spoke, and a man's ears were sensitive. Xie Jing Xing shivered and then turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. Seeing this, Xie Jing Xing's eyes flashed with a smile, and he became more and more suspicious that this man who looked fierce and rough but unexpectedly innocent was his lover.

Lying on the man's broad back, with his head resting on the man's shoulders, he only felt extra reassured, and such a sense of security could only be given to him by his lover.

After calming down, Xie Jing Xing began to accept the memory of this body and the plot of this world.

The man turned his head to see Xie Jing Xing leaning on his shoulder with his eyes closed, his expression softened, thinking that he must be tired and his steps became more steady.

This world is very magical, there are no women, only men and brothers. A man is a man in the general sense, and his brother's gender is also male, but he can have children. From the appearance point of view, men are generally stronger and can support a family, while brothers are more petite and weak. The most notable feature of a brother is the presence of a mole between his eyebrows, and the depth of the mole represents his fertility.

The protagonist of this world, Shou Meng Qing, was dressed from modern times. When he found out that he was dressed as a brother who could have children, he was very satisfied with this world, except that he was a little awkward about the fact that men gave birth to children at first. Meng Qing is a pure gay. In modern times, he has to hide his sexuality, but here he can be with men aboveboard. This world is undoubtedly a paradise for him.

Meng Qing is a small restaurant owner in modern times. He can cook a lot of food. After coming to this world, he used food to make a fortune. During this period, his food attracted the protagonist of the foodie, Luo Tianchen, the son of the county magistrate's family. Gradually fall in love with each other. After that, Meng Qing's elder brother Meng Yuan was admitted to the jinshi examination, and the Meng family changed their families accordingly. Meng Qing and Luo Tianchen were also well matched. The two eventually became husband and wife. Meng Qing later gave birth to a man and a brother for the protagonist. Satisfied, and the protagonist Shou's elder brother also married Luo Yu, the elder brother of the county magistrate's family.

The original owner's name was Zhou Jin, and he was also a brother. He died of dystocia when he gave birth to him. His father had a deep affection for Ame, and he did not remarry after that, and was also extremely fond of the original owner. The original owner's daddy had a hand in carpentry, and the Zhou family was considered a wealthy family in the village. Although the original owner's life was not as good as that of his brother from a wealthy family, he was definitely one of the best in the village.

Father Zhou has only one child from the original owner. Everyone knows that everything in the Zhou family will belong to the original owner. In addition, the original owner's appearance has been inherited from him, and he is very handsome. , There are a lot of people who propose marriage to their family, among which is the protagonist's brother Meng Yuan.

Meng Yuan is a scholar, with a gentle appearance and a bookish air about him. Among the rude and sloppy peasant men, he is always clean and stands out from the crowd. Many brothers in the village secretly like him, and the original owner also likes him.

Zhou's father saw that his brother liked him, and also saw that Meng Yuan was humble, not as arrogant as ordinary scholars, and he was also good to his brother, so he chose him. The two made a marriage contract, and the original owner would get married when he was eighteen years old. This is also because Zhou A's father was reluctant to marry the original owner so early, and wanted to keep him for two more years.

But he didn't want the two to have a marriage contract for less than half a year. Father Zhou encountered a robbery on the road when he returned from the county town one evening. Not only did he lose his money, he was also severely injured.

In order to treat A-Daddy Zhou, the original owner spent almost all the savings in the family. Fortunately, A-Daddy Zhou was finally rescued, but his hand was severely injured. Although it did not affect his daily life after treatment, he could not To do the delicate work of carpentry, the two of them can only live by farming. Although they cannot be said to be poor, they are definitely not comparable to the previous days.

Studying is a very expensive thing. Pen, ink, paper, inkstone, husband's repair, and classmates' entertainment. Money is everywhere. A large part of the reason why the Meng family was attracted to the original owner was because the Zhou family had a good family background, thinking that the original owner would naturally subsidize Meng Yuan when he married, so that Meng Yuan's money for studying would be settled, and he never thought that they had not taken advantage of it yet. The Zhou family was in despair.

The Meng family wanted to break off the marriage, but they were worried about being told that they would fall into trouble as soon as they saw the Zhou family's downfall, which would affect Meng Yuan's reputation. You must know that the reputation of a scholar is very important to his future career.

As for Meng Yuan, he never looked down on the original owner from the beginning to the end. He was humble on the outside, but extremely arrogant on the inside. He had ambitions in his heart, and believed that he would soar to the sky sooner or later. He felt that the original owner, a country brother, was simply not worthy of him. However, because of the lack of money in the family, he had to marry the original owner, and on weekdays, he had to show the appearance of sticking to the original owner, which made him feel even more humiliated.

At this time, the protagonist was dressed and made money from food. Meng Yuan met Luo Yu, the elder brother of the county magistrate's family, through his younger brother. Compared with the original owner who was obedient and considerate to him, Luo Yu was arrogant and arrogant. His temperament made him want to conquer even more. He felt that a brother like Luo Yu was worthy of being his husband.

After Meng Qing learned that Meng Yuan liked Luo Yu, and knowing that Meng Yuan and the original owner had a marriage contract, not only did he not discourage him, but he continued to create opportunities for Meng Yuan and Luo Yu to get along.

In the original plot, Meng Yuan was able to pass the jinshi examination, and finally became a first-rank official. It is undeniable that he does have some talents. Luo Yu fell in love with him after a few times, and later learned that Meng Yuan has a fiancé in the village. At that time, Meng Yuan repeatedly promised that he would break off the marriage, but he couldn't find the opportunity to break the marriage. Seeing that the two were about to get married in three months, Meng Yuan and Luo Yu were anxious and couldn't wait any longer, so they thought of a vicious plan.

Meng Yuan knew that the original owner would chop wood on the mountain at the same time every day. He deliberately calculated the time and pretended to meet the original owner on the only road that the original owner had to go through, and then sprinkled the animal-inducing powder on the original owner while the original owner was not paying attention. After a brief conversation between the two, Meng Yuan left on the grounds of something at home, and the original owner went up the mountain as usual.

After the original owner's family fell into disrepair, Meng A-Daddy and Meng A-Mei lost their former enthusiasm for him. The only thing that comforted the original owner was that his fiancé's attitude remained the same, so the original owner trusted Meng Yuan very much and never thought that Meng Yuan would Harm him, and normal people would never think that a person's mind would be so vicious, and he would kill him just because of a marriage contract.

After the original owner went up the mountain, he was about to chop wood, but he did not expect a wild boar to rush out. He panicked and was eager to escape. Instead, he sprained his foot and fell to the ground. Seeing the rushing wild boar, his mind went blank, Xie Jing Xing was exactly this time passed.

In the original plot, without Xie Jing Xing's arrival, the original owner was hit by the wild boar and was severely injured on the spot, the wild boar would not let him go because of this, the original owner did not hurt the wild boar like Xie Jing Xing did, and the wild boar did not howl Calling, naturally did not attract people's help. When Father Zhou saw that the original owner had not returned, he brought a few villagers up the mountain, and the original owner was lying in a pool of blood, no longer breathing.

After losing his only brother, Father Zhou passed out on the spot. When he woke up, he knew that the original owner was indeed gone. He seemed to have lost his energy and went away not long after.

After the original owner died, Meng Yuan pretended to be sad for a long time, and pretended to be a vegetarian for the original owner for three months, so he also gained a good reputation for being affectionate and righteous.

After receiving the memory and the plot, Xie Jing Xing finally understood why the man turned around when he was undressing, this body was a brother, the man was trying to avoid suspicion.

From the original owner's memory, Xie Jing Xing found the man's information. The man's name is Yan Feng, the child of Orion. When Yan Feng was thirteen years old, Daddy Yan met a wild wolf while hunting in the mountains and died in the mountains. Amo Yan followed Daddy Yan not long after, leaving Yan Feng alone. After that, Yan Feng also relied on hunting for a living. There were rumors in the village that he was the Lone Star of Scorpio, and he was punished by six relatives. Most people avoided him.

When Yan Feng was sixteen years old, he left the village alone, and no one knew where he went. Ten years later, Yan Feng returned to the village, with a scar on his face and a very terrifying aura. At first glance, he knew that he had killed people. Some people in the village said that he was going to be a horse, and some people said that he was going to be a soldier. Anyway, don't dare to approach him.

Three months after Yan Feng came back, the original owner had only heard of him from others, and the two had never met.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-02 00:00:00~2020-07-03 00:00:00~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: 50 bottles of Yueyue; 17 bottles of Fengjingnan; Keep working hard!

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