Chapter 111

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After the banquet: Xie Jing Xing entered the Huo family as his personal assistant as he said.

Said to be a personal assistant, Xie Jingxing was more like coming to the Huo family for vacation. Xie Jingxing, who was a former president, had no interest in doing business: He said he was not interested: Huo Yu, who said he wanted to teach him, was left to him. He has no shortage of assistants: Let your lover come over just to see him all the time.

In order to make his lover's life comfortable, Huo Yu specially prepared all kinds of snacks he likes for him, and always put them within his reach: Huo Yu's office was also transformed by Huo Yu. He knew that when his lover woke up, there was always a dazed time, and during this time he always forgot to put on his shoes and walked on the ground, so the floor was covered with a thick carpet. Xie Jing Xing liked to hug the computer on the sofa, so the sofa in the office was also replaced by Huo Yu with a comfortable lazy sofa with a cute throw pillow. Assistant Xiao Wang knocked on the door and entered the president's office, and saw a delicate-looking young man lying lazily on the sofa with a computer: I don't know what I was knocking on the computer, and my usual dignified boss was looking gentle at this time. Sitting next to the young man, feeding him snacks thoughtfully, coupled with the warm layout of the office, this picture is full of warmth and makes people unable to help but smile. Assistant Xiao Wang will no longer look astonished like the first time. After all, it's not just him these days: anyone who has been in or out of the president's office has seen it countless times and has long been accustomed to it. Seeing the assistant coming in: Huo Yu didn't mean to get up either: Xiao Wang's expression remained the same, and he reported his work as usual. Huo Yu focused on two things: While listening to Xiao Wang's report, he pointed out the problems sharply from time to time, and then gave precise instructions. , While paying attention to Xie Jing Xing's needs, the action of feeding from time to time did not stop. Seeing this, Xiao Wang couldn't help but sigh again, love is really amazing, who would have thought that the boss who once turned a blind eye to countless handsome men and beauties would turn out to be such a 24-year-old good boyfriend when it comes to love. But the boss is really the boss. Falling in love not only does not affect work, but it is more efficient. Since Xie Jingxing came, Mr. Huo has been off work on time every day, and even his employees can leave work normally, and Mr. Huo's temper has obviously improved, which made Xie Jingxing very popular in the company.

"Your staff is too responsible." After Xiao Wang went out, Xie Jing Xing said regretfully.

Before he came to the Huo family, he was ready to be troubled by others. After all, he grew up in the country and didn't even graduate from high school. Still not worthy of Huo Yu. He originally thought that even if he didn't dare on the surface, there would always be a lot of gossip behind his back, but to his disappointment, Huo's employees turned out to be quite friendly to him.

This is of course also thanks to Huo Yu. The Huo family was thoroughly rectified by him when he was taken over by Huo Yu. Now the employees of the Huo family are very loyal to Huo Yu. Huo Yu publicly admitted that Xie Jingxing was his lover, even if Xie Jing Xing stayed in the president's office every day like he was playing, he didn't show any arrogant talents and they never questioned it. Besides, it was part of his charm to make Huo Yu, the iron tree bloom, to show a different appearance. kind of manifestation. Thinking about it now, no matter what world, the status of a lover is not low, but the lover seems to be able to handle it very well every time. Those who appeared in the books were dumped checks, beat mandarin ducks with sticks, rivals demonstrated, coerced and lured, and moved them with Xie Jing Xing was inexplicably regretful that he had never experienced these episodes of trying to break up the two of them. Huo Yu was dumbfounded by Xie Jing Xing's slightly regretful tone, he rubbed Xie Jing Xing's head dotingly and said helplessly, "You! Could it be that you still want to play a sadistic romance with me?" He is very mature and stable, but sometimes has a childish temper, and is also very nasty. He knows that his lover is okay, he likes to read online novels, and he always studies the plot in a serious manner. Acting such a sadistic love affair. Xie Jing Xing glanced at Huo Yu with a smile: "Of course, the sweeter the relationship is, the better. If you want to see the depth of a sadistic relationship, it's ready." As he said, he recalled a photo from the computer. The photo is an intimate photo of Ji Mohan and a young man. The young man's face is mosaicked, but it can still be judged from his height and body shape that this person is definitely not Qi Ze. Huo Yu was a little surprised: "Ji Mohan cheated? Who doesn't know in the circle that he chased Qi Ze for more than ten years, so he won't cherish it if he catches it?"

But Xie Jing Xing shook his head and said, "Ji Mohan has not cheated, the photo is fake, even you think so when you see the photo, do you think Qi Ze would be so suspicious when he saw the photo?"

"Will Qi Ze doubt me? I don't know, but if someone shows me a photo of you making out with others, I won't believe it, I will immediately doubt the authenticity of the photo."

Xie Jing Xing curiously said, "Then if it is confirmed that the photo is real? ?"

Huo Yu replied without hesitation, "Then you must have been tricked by someone else."

Xie Jing Xing was startled when he heard the words, and then laughed, his eyes seemed to be filled with stars, extremely bright, the corners of his eyes and brows were pierced. with pleasure.

Although Huo Yu didn't think he had said anything extraordinary, he was also infected by his smile and laughed.

The two of them looked at each other, their heads got closer and closer, their lips pressed together, and they kissed deeply.

After the kiss, Huo Yu hugged his lover whose face was flushed with spring in his eyes, his throat tightened, he kissed his eyes and asked, "Are you going to send this photo to Qi Ze?" It wasn't that he was puzzled. , Without asking anything to divert his attention, he was afraid that he would not be able to resist asking for a lover in the office. As the first time for the two of them, it was not serious enough.

Xie Jing Xing knew his lover too well, this person always insisted on this matter, so he nodded along with his question and said, "Do you remember when Qi Ze said at the banquet that he planned to cooperate with the Han family and asked me to learn from him? ?"


"Since I returned to Qi's house, Qi Ze has held great malice towards me, but every time this person wants to do something bad, he has to wrap a glossy shell. For example, at the clubhouse, he thought to himself. Humiliated me, but he told me to meet friends. He wanted me to become addicted to drugs at the banquet, so he handed over the wine in the name of Qi Yue's apology, so he said that I would learn from him, which seemed very good. The incident made me have to wonder what other crooked ideas he made. He mentioned the Han family at that time, so I specially investigated the Han family, but I did not expect to find some interesting things."

Xie Jing Xing did not know how to tell Huo Yu what happened to the original owner in the original plot, that he would never let go of the Han family, but he could never deal with the Han family for no reason, Qi Ze mentioned at the banquet that the Han family was given to him. Breakthrough, Qi Ze, a person who holds great malice towards himself, can't be too careful about everything he says and does. "Look." Xie Jing Xing transferred the photos he found from Han Ziwen's computer to Huo Yu to see, Han's father and Han's mother did a good job of finishing the finishing touches, although he didn't find any definite evidence, but he couldn't bear that Han Ziwen was a pig The teammate actually stored the photos of the victims abused by him in the computer, thinking that the encrypted folder could stop hackers like him. "What these victims have in common: male, delicate appearance, simple personality, don't you think I fit in well with them? So I suspect that Qi Ze wants to introduce me to Han Ziwen and become the next target of his sexual abuse." Xie Jing Xing's face was very ugly when he said these words, only he knew that the original owner was really going through all this by Qi Ze, and was finally tortured to death by Han Ziwen. Huo Yu looked at the shocking photos, he thought that the glass of wine mixed with drugs was vicious enough, but found that he still underestimated Qi Ze, how much hatred it takes to do such a thing to his own brother. Huo Yu frowned, and his expression was unprecedentedly solemn: "Darling, don't go back to Qi's house during this time, and you will always bring bodyguards with you when you go out, Qi Ze's malice towards you is too deep, this time it is unsuccessful. There will be a next time, he used to have some rules and scruples in dealing with you, but now he is addicted to drugs, he is likely to lose his mind, and no one can guess what crazy actions he will make." He kept his wrist on Xie Jing Xing hugged him on his waist, tapped the armrest of the sofa rhythmically with one hand, thought quickly, and continued, "The previous photo of Ji Mohan's derailment, since you took it out, you must be sure that you won't get caught. If someone finds out that it's fake, send it to Qi Ze later, remember to hide your information, and don't let him find out that you sent it." "I found out at the club last time, Qi Ze is very fond of Ji Mohan. Care, as long as he sees this photo, believe it or not, it can temporarily take his attention away from you."

"Since Qi Ze wants to introduce you to Han Ziwen, he is sure that Han Ziwen will act according to his plan, that he can discover the secrets that the Han family is trying to hide, and he must have the handle of Han Ziwen in his hand. Let them become enemies, expose Han Ziwen's true face, and make him think that Qi Ze did all of this, and let these two people bite the dog. In the middle, I will find another opportunity to send both of them to prison, so that they will never get out. Come on, I can no longer threaten you, baby." It

was about Xie Jing Xing's safety, Huo Yu spoke quickly and quickly, only after he finished speaking did he realize that Xie Jing Xing was looking at him with a shocked face, he panicked, baby didn't Could it be that the means are too cruel, the scheming is too deep, and he is afraid of him?

He tightened his arms around Xie Jing Xing's waist and hugged him tightly, as if he was worried that Xie Jing Xing would escape, but his voice was trembling and begging: "Baby, don't be afraid of me, I I will never hurt you."

Xie Jing Xing recovered from his shock when he heard the words, knowing that his lover had misunderstood, he didn't care about the arm that was hurting his waist, raised his head and comforted the kisser on the man's lips. Kissing: "The reason I was shocked is because I planned to deal with these people like this. You see, we are so close together, we are a natural couple." After he finished speaking, he let out a low laugh, then turned around and sat on Huo Yu's side. On his thigh, he lowered his forehead with his forehead, and his voice was hoarse and confused: "Dear, let's do it!"

The author has something to say: Thank you at 2020-09-21 17:48 : During the period of 11~2020-09-23 00:00:00, the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 70 bottles of Xia Xia's little pumpkins; 28 bottles of blue sea and blue sky; Standing on the overpass and counting 10 bottles of headlights; 8 bottles of Master Qilue; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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